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1 N 子句:what S + V
I Rewrite the sentences with the above pattern.
1 Keep doing the things which the doctor suggests.
2 I can’t agree to the things that the man said.
3 Jimmy wanted to buy the things that we were talking about.
4 Do not eat the fruit which you haven’t washed.
5 Mother wore the thing which we sent her for Mother’s Day.
II Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.
1 Tina 要我說出我得到的東西。
Tina wants me to tell her _________________.
2 Daniel 不知道他的女朋友想要什麼來當作聖誕禮物。
Daniel doesn’t know _____________________ for Christmas.
3 我們還不知道今天晚上想吃什麼。
We don’t know __________________ for dinner yet.
4 Jessie 不敢相信她所聽到的事。
Jessie couldn’t believe ___________________.
5 Susan 聽不到那個樂團正在演奏什麼。
Susan couldn’t hear _____________________.
2 S + Vt (leave/keep) + O + OC (adj./prep. phrase) . . .
S + Vt (make) + O + OC (adj./N.) . . .
此句型中的「不完全及物動詞」(incomplete transitive verb)後面,除了接受詞外,

動詞除了課本裡列舉的之外,尚有 have、see 或 feel 等。而受詞補語除了形容

此外,make 作使役動詞時表示「使;要(強迫)」之意;let 表示「允許,讓」;

have 表示「使,讓」時,受詞後面接原形動詞作為受詞補語。例:
◇ The teacher made her students recite a poem every day.
◇ My boss let me make a quick phone call.
◇ My mother had me set the table.

不完全及物動詞的種類有以下 5 種:
1 感官動詞:如 see、hear、feel 等。例:
◇ We heard birds singing in the tree.
◇ I saw a pencil on the desk.
◇ I felt it necessary to call the police.
2 使役動詞:如 have、make、get 等。此類動詞可以接表被動的過去分詞
◇ Steve had his hair cut.
◇ The return of her son made Mrs. White very happy.
◇ Kevin turned the key and got the car running.
◇ I can make myself understood in French. (過去分詞片語)
3 「命名、推舉型」動詞:如 call、name、elect、choose 等。後面的受詞補
◇ We call the boy John. (名詞)
◇ The parents named their baby Molly. (名詞)
◇ We elected Thomas president of our student body. (名詞片語)
4 「思考型」動詞:如 think、consider、believe 等。例:
◇ Hank thought the girl pretty.
◇ James considered himself very lucky.
◇ The man believes himself a genius.
◇ You will find it an interesting book. (名詞片語)
5 find/ keep/ catch/ leave + O + Adj/V-ing/V-pp.
◇ Ann always keeps her house clean. (形容詞)
◇ We found the cat lying on the floor. (現在分詞片語)
◇ Please don’t leave the trash in the house. (介系詞片語)
I. Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern.
1. I called her. I said I was sorry.
→ ________________________________________________________________
2. Tom finished painting the fence and felt proud of himself.
→ _______________________________________________________________
3. Someone broke into the museum and took the painting away. →
4. Holmes walked around in the room. He tried to find some clues.
→ _______________________________________________________________
5. The boy looked at his empty wallet. He didn’t know what to do.

 → _______________________________________________________________
6. Jeremy arrived at the station and bought a ticket.
→ _______________________________________________________________
7. Linda walked down the street and went to a bakery.
 → _______________________________________________________________
8. David ran across the road. He chased after the thief.
 → _______________________________________________________________
連綴動詞的種類有以下 4 種,後接形容詞:
1 Be 動詞:如 be 動詞、become 等。例:
◇ Irene is beautiful.
◇ The band became popular after they released their second album.
2 保持系列:如 keep/ remain/ stay/ maintain 等。例:
◇ A firefighter must remain calm in any situation.
◇ The teacher asked us to keep quiet in the museum.
3 似乎系列:如 seem/ appear 等。例:
◇ The man lying on the ground seemed drunk.
4 (來去轉得掉長)一般動詞:如 go/ come/ turn/ get/ fall/ grow 等。例:
◇ Vincent’s dream finally came true. He is now a famous artist.
◇ Don’t drink the milk. It has already gone bad.
◇ The woman’s face turned red when people talked about her fiancé.
◇ Mom got angry when I told her about my poor grades.
◇ Some students fell asleep during the class.
◇ Everyone grows old. It’s inevitable.
4 倒裝句
部倒裝,故動詞必須置於主詞之前。其他類似的用法還有將介副詞(如 up,
away, out 等)置於句首:
◇ The rain came down.
 → Down came the rain.
◇ The bird flew away.

→ Away flew the bird.
1 Only + adverbial phrase/clause + Aux + S + V . . .
◇ I didn’t know how difficult teaching was only when I became a teacher.
  → Only when I became a teacher did I know how difficult teaching was.
◇ The celebrity can feel relaxed only at home.
  → Only at home can the celebrity feel relaxed.
2 Negative adverb + Aux/be + S + V . . .
◇ Janice hardly remembered what she said last night.
 → Hardly did Janice remember what she said last night.
◇ I have never seen such a beautiful rainbow.
 → Never have I seen such a beautiful rainbow.
3. . . , and + so + Aux/be + S.
. . . , and + nor/neither + Aux/be + S.
◇ Tommy’s father is a fire fighter, and Jimmy’s is, too.
 → Tommy’s father is a fire fighter, and so is Jimmy’s.
◇ Bob can’t fix the computer, and Zack can’t, either.
 → Bob can’t fix the computer, and neither can Zack.
4 表「讓步」的副詞子句的倒裝,例:
 Although the storm was terrible, we continued our way.
 Terrible as the storm was, we continued our way.
I Rewrite the sentences by using the above pattern.
1 He came through the fog.
2 The speaker was among the guests.
3 Two movie tickets were in the envelope.
4 A beggar lay on the corner of the street.
5 A house stood on the top of the hill.
6 A woman sat behind the table.
7 A police officer came along the road.
8 She leaned against the wall.

5 S + sense verb (feel/see/hear/notice/watch) + O + V/V-ing . . .
此句型為「感官動詞(sense verb) + 受詞 + 受詞補語」。常見的感官動詞有:看
(see、watch、look at)、聽(hear、listen to)、察覺(feel、notice)等。而受詞補語可以是原
1 原形動詞:表示主動的動作,強調整個活動或整個事件從頭到尾的過程。
◇ The mom was proud to see her son win first prize in the game.
◇ The teacher listened to the students sing.
2 現在分詞:表示主動的動作,意指正在進行的活動或反覆性的動作。
◇ I can hear bird singing when I have breakfast every morning.
◇ The girl felt her mother’s hands moving on her face.
3 過去分詞:表示被動語態。
◇ The storekeeper saw the toy stolen by a young boy.
◇ Dave noticed his water drunk by someone else.
◇ The young boy was seen to steal the toy.
◇ Barbara and Alisa were heard to have a fight in the classroom.
I Rewrite the sentences by using the above pattern.
1. I saw a mouse this morning.
It crossed the street.
2. They heard a plane.
It was flying over the roof.
3. I saw a thief.
The thief was taken away by the police.
4. Someone might hear us.
We were talking.
5. The old man ____________________________________________________
(notice/someone/run) through his yard late at night.
6. The young mother cried when she ____________________________________
______________________________________ (hear/baby/speak) for the first time.
7 我從來沒聽 Wesley 在別人面前講過英文。
8 Ken 看著那小孩哭,卻什麼也沒做。

6 S + Vt + that-clause
本句型主要是複習及物動詞(transitive verb)後面接 that 引導的名詞子句作為受
mean、hope、know、indicate、explain、learn、say、find、notice、understand 等。在較
不正式的用法中,that 會被省略。
◇ We don’t think (that) Sam will go to the movies with us.
◇ They indicated (that) Dana’s attendance was not welcome.
◇ Did you mean (that) I should stay at home tonight?
需使用助動詞 should,或將其省略而留下原形動詞,如:
decide、demand 、insist 、intend、order、propose、request、require、suggest。
◇ The crowd demanded that the nuclear power plant (should) be shut down.
◇ Henry proposed that the government (should) build an overpass.
◇ People requested that the plan (should) be changed.
◇ Mom suggested that we (should) go out for a walk.
由對等連接詞 and 或 but 連接兩個以上的 that 子句作為動詞的受詞時,引導第
一個子句的 that 可以省略,但第二個或以上的子句中 that 不可省略。
◇ Tom told me (that) he loved me and that he wanted to marry me.
◇ I know (that) there is not much time and that I should study hard.
◇ I believe (that) Raymond didn’t lie to me and that he didn’t hide anything from
Use the pattern and make sentences by putting the words in correct order.
1 know/children/their/good care of/should/take/that/ most parents/they
2 Luke/Linda/that/loved/she/realized
3 didn’t/have to/the students/that/take/wished/they/ more exams
4 coming/the animals/that/was/an earthquake/knew
5 good/the movie/Kelly/that/heard/was
Rewrite the underlined sentences below by using the above patterns. Follow the

1 On Nelly’s way to work, he saw a couple who were fighting on the street.
2 The tiger that bit a man’s leg yesterday came from India.
3 The boy who was hit by a car last night was still in the hospital.
4 Jimmy loves reading this book which has come out for ten years.
5 Laura won’t answer you that question which was explained by the teacher just now.
被動語態的句型為 be + V-pp (past participle),現在式被動為 am/is/are + V-pp,
過去式被動為 was/were + V-pp。例如:
◇ The vase was broken. (被打破了)
◇ We are taught to respect the elders. (被教導要…)
除了被動語態的簡單式,還有進行式 S + be + being + V-pp (+ by O) . . . 與完成
式 S + have/has/had + been + V-pp (+ by O) . . .,例如:
◇ The superstar was being surrounded by reporters and her fans.
◇ The treasure had been discovered by the end of last year.
1 感官動詞與使役動詞 make 的被動語態
S + be + seen/heard/felt/made + to V . . . (+ by O)
◇ I saw John take away the CD player.
→John was seen to take away the CD player.
◇ I heard the children singing in the garden.
→The children were heard to sing in the garden.
2 授與動詞的被動語態
S + V + IO (間接受詞) + DO (直接受詞)
→原 IO/DO + be + V-en + by 原 S
◇ Jessica’s friend gave her a doll on her birthday. 
→Jessica was given a doll by her friend on her birthday.
→A doll was given to Jessica by her friend on her birthday.
3 祈使句的被動語態
原形 V→Let + O + be + V-en
◇ Do it at once.

→Let it be done at once.
Don’t + 原形 V→Don’t let + O + be + V-en
◇ Don’t close the door.
→Don’t let the door be closed.
Fill in each blank with a proper answer.
1 English is an international language. It __________ (speak) not only in America
but also in many other parts of the world.
2 Most of Eric’s time __________ (spend) on computer games.
3 Ken __________ (fall) off his bike and __________ (hurt).
4 Jim __________ (question) by the police.
5 They have elected a new class leader.
→A new class leader ______________________________.
6 They are rebuilding the damaged church.
→The damaged church ______________________________.
7 A movie ticket was sold to me by a friend.
→I ______________________________ by a friend.
8 John lent me his book.
→This book ______________________________ by John.
和 so that 意思相近的用法
1 in order that
此意思與用法都與 so that 極為相似,唯一的區別是 in order that 在語意上比
◇ A guide dog has to be trained for years in order that it may help the blind.
2 in order to/so as to
這兩個片語意思也與 so that 類似,但其後需接不定詞(to V),其中 in order to
較 so as to 正式。例:
◇ I turned on the TV on time so that I would not miss my favorite talk show.
→I turned on the TV on time in order not to/so as not to miss my favorite talk
3 with a view to、with an eye to、for the purpose of 也是表達目的,作「為了…」
◇ Melly works day and night with a view to supporting her family.
◇ Owen went to Paris for the purpose of learning painting.
I Rewrite the sentences by using the given words.
1 We should walk faster so that we may arrive at school on time. (so as to)

2 We repaired the computer for the purpose of working with it. (so that)
3 Our teacher made a new rule so as to prevent cheating. (for the purpose of)
II Combine each pair of the following sentences by using the given words.
1 My brother came into my room.
He wanted to use my computer. (in order to)
2 The company changed its marketing strategy.
It would make more money. (in order that)
3 Jonathan saves money every month.
He can buy the car. (so that)
4 We must do our best.
We may win. (so that)
5 The campers built a fire.
They wanted to make dinner. (with a view to)
Word File
I Positive
optimistic 樂觀的 courageous 勇敢的
honest 誠實的 witty 機智的
clever 聰明的 adaptable 適應力強的
humorous 幽默的 caring 關心人的
loyal 忠心的 helpful 熱心助人的
diligent 勤勉的 down-to-earth 實際的
diplomatic 圓滑的 lively 活潑的
outgoing 外向的 ambitious 雄心勃勃的
aspiring 向上的 sincere 誠懇的
compassionate 富同情心的
straightforward 直率的

II Negative

jealous 善妒的 impulsive 衝動的
indecisive 優柔寡斷的 aloof 冷漠的
fussy 挑剔的 stubborn 固執的
inflexible 死板的 unreliable 不可靠的
forgetful 健忘的 careless 粗心的
superficial 膚淺的 stingy 小氣的
pessimistic 悲觀的 quick-tempered 易怒的
arrogant 傲慢的 possessive 佔有慾強的
greedy 貪心的 reckless 魯莽的
bossy 愛指揮他人的 suspicious 多疑的
is/are. . .
It + is + said/believed + (that) S + V . . .
was/were/V-ed. . .
→ S + is/are + said/believed + to be/V/have V-en. . .
本句型是用來轉述眾人的說法或想法。句中的 it 為虛主詞,that 所引導的子句
才是句中真正的主詞。除了使用虛主詞外,也可以將 that 子句改寫成不定詞的
◇ People believe that Paris is a beautiful city.
→ It is believed that Paris is a beautiful city.
→ Paris is believed to be a beautiful city.
如果是針對過去的事,則不定詞 to + V 要改為 to + have + V-pp。例:
◇ People say that the old lady was wealthy before.
→ It is said that the old lady was wealthy before.
→ The old lady is said to have been wealthy before.
Rewrite the following sentences by using the above patterns.
1 People say that this team wins the championship.
2 People believe that breaking mirror brings bad luck.
3 People know that knowledge is power.
4 People think that there exists no signs of life on the island.

5 Someone reports that it poured last night.
10 完成式
1 表示「到現在為止已有過或未有過的經驗」,常與
ever、before、never 、once、twice 或 several times 等副詞或片語連用。
◇ I have never eaten Mexican food.
2 表示「剛完成或尚未完成的動作」,常與時間副詞 just、yet、today、already、this
morning/week/month、recently、lately、so far、up to now 或 till now 等副詞或片
◇ I have just had lunch. I don’t feel like eating anything now.
◇ Tom has already handed in his paper.
3 表示「從過去開始一直持續到現在的動作或狀態」,常與 “for + 一段時間”
(事情持續多久)、“since + 過去式/過去時間” (事情自從那時開始) 或 how
long 等連用。
◇ Edmund has studied English for five years, but he still can’t speak it well.
◇ Susan has lived in Paris since 1985.
4 in/for/during the past/last month/year 常與現在完成式連用,表示「…個月/年
◇ Hanna has worked as a counselor in the past ten years.
◇ The couple have traveled a lot for the last ten years.
5 現在完成式常與形容詞最高級連用。
◇ This is the worst movie that I have ever seen.
◇ He is the friendliest person that I have ever known.
6 表示瞬間動作之動詞(例如 die、arrive、come、get、graduate)不能用完成式表示。
◇ Mr. Smith has died for ten years. (×)
  →Mr. Smith died ten years ago. (○)
  →Mr. Smith has been dead for ten years. (○)
◇ How long have the guests arrived? (×)
  →How long has it been since the guests arrived? (○)
  →How long have the guests been here? (○)
If + S1 +V1. . . , S2 + will/shall/may/can + V2. . .

◇ If Mary comes to my house, I’ll have dinner with her. (→不確定瑪莉是否會來,
◇ If Mary came to my house, I would have dinner with her. (→事實是瑪莉不會來,
◇ If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game may be put off.
◇ If the rumor turns out to be true, the employee will be laid off.
◇ If my father has time this weekend, he will drive us to the beach.
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the above pattern. The first one has been
done for you.
1 The movie is so funny that it attracts a lot of people.
→If the movie were not funny, it would not attract a lot of people.
2 I have no time. I can’t tell you more stories.
→If I __________, I __________.
3 Helen doesn’t know the secret, so she can’t tell you.
→If Helen __________, she __________.
4 There are TV shows. Life is fun.
→If __________, life __________.
5 This book is a bestseller. I want to buy it.
→If this book __________, I __________.
II Translate the following sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 如果我是一個百萬富翁,我就可以買下我想要的所有東西。
2 如果院子裡沒有花,就不會這麼漂亮了。
3 如果 Eric 知道那你的學校在哪,他也許會去接你。
4 如果颱風沒來,我們現在就可以去野餐了。
5 如果 Ian 每天運動,他就會保持健康。
12 It + be (not) + adj. + that-clause . . .

此種以 it 作虛主詞的用法在英文中很常見。習慣上,英文句子的其他部分通常
比主詞長,然而,如果主詞太長,往往會以 it 當虛主詞,而把真正的主詞往
後移,以避免「頭重腳輕」的狀況。it 作虛主詞時,後方的真主詞可以是不定詞、
動名詞或名詞子句,而本課所介紹的是 that 所引導的名詞子句。請注意 that 子
句當主詞時,不可以省略 that。
◇That you give the waiter a tip is necessary.
 →It is necessary that you buy something for them.
◇That we learn right gestures is important.
 →It is important that we learn right gestures.
於此句型的形容詞,像是 clear、likely、sad、
important、possible、strange、interesting、probable、true、certain、surprising 等。
◇ It is clear that the young man is lying.
◇ It is likely that Andy will come to our place.
◇ It is interesting that some people look like their pets.
◇ It is certain that Fiona was there at that time.
◇ It is surprising that Oliver has failed the exam.
1 很明顯 Ingrid 不想做那件事。(clear)
2 學會溝通很重要。(important)
3 Clarie 可能不會接受我們的邀請。(possible)
4 Monica 昨天考試不及格,真是奇怪。(strange)
5 明天可能會下雨。(probable)
除了 that 所引導的名詞子句,whether 和 how 引導的子句也可以用於以 it 為虛
◇ It is uncertain whether the vacancy will be filled soon.
◇ It is amazing how Anne can collect so many stamps.
另外,虛主詞 it 代替真正主詞的常用句型還有:
1) It + be (not) + adj. + (for sb/sth) + to V
◇ It is wrong (for students) to cheat in exams.
◇ It is essential for drivers to stay alert while they are driving.
2) It is + adj. + of + sb + to V
◇ It is very kind of you to lend me a hand.

◇ It is nice of Sandy to come and help us.
3) It is + N + to V
◇ It is a pleasure to talk to you.
◇ It is a mistake to ignore this serious problem.
4) It + V (takes/needs/requires) + O + to V
◇ It took Giselle half an hour to solve the puzzle.
◇ It needs no proof to show parents’ love for their children.
5) It + be + N/adj. + V-ing
◇ It is no use crying over spilt milk.
◇ It is a waste of time arguing about the political issue.
6) It + is/was + N(P) + that-clause
◇ It is my uncle that cooks meals for his family, not my aunt.
◇ It was last Sunday that the crowd staged a protest.
13 S+ be + not . . . (,) but . . .
更正或強調」的時候,需注意 but 之後的部分:
1 but 的前後連接詞性對等的字或片語。
◇ The girl you met yesterday was not Susan but her twin sister. (名詞)
◇ Mr. Carlos wrote a book about the importance of families not as a researcher
but as a father. (介系詞片語)
I Combine each pair of the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 Joe is not in the living room.
Joe is in the kitchen.
2 The foreigner is not from the United States.
The foreigner is from France.
3 What you saw in the sky was not a UFO.
What you saw in the sky was a weather balloon.
4 My brother is not to blame for the mistake.
I am to blame for the mistake.
1) those who (= the people who) + 複數動詞
2) the person who (= he who)

anyone who + 單數動詞

II Combine each pair of the sentences by using the above pattern.

1 Some people are kind toward others.
They are always happy.
2 A person faces challenges bravely.
He or she will succeed in the end.
3 Some people work far away from home.
They usually drive or take a bus to work.
4 Some people like birds.
They often join bird-watching clubs.
5 A person likes to lie.
He or she can’t be trusted.
1 It + seems + that S + V . . .
S + seem(s) + to V . . .
appear,但 appear 只適用於客觀的事實上。例:
 It seems/appears that Ken has no courage to tell the truth.
  Ken seems/appears to have no courage to tell the truth.
 若要推論「已持續一段時間」、「已發生或過去的事」,則用 seem to + have
 It seems that Wendy has learned about her boyfriend's secret.
   Wendy seems to have learned about her boyfriend's secret.
 It seems that Mary forgot about the meeting.
 Mary seems to have forgotten about the meeting.
 It seems that the old lady was rich before.
 The old lady seems to have been rich before.
It seemed + that S + had + Ven . . .

S + seemed + to have Ven . . .
 It seemed that someone had been to this house before.
   Someone seemed to have been to this house before.
 It seemed that the singer had retired for long.
   The singer seemed to have retired for long.

I Rewrite the following sentences by using the “ It + seems + that S + V . . . ”

1 Ben's favorite sport is baseball.
2 There is a typhoon coming.
3 The weather won't be warm and dry this week.
II Rewrite the following sentences by using the “ S + seem(s) + to V . . . ” pattern.
1 It seems that Rita is the leader of the volleyball team.
2 It seems that the party is canceled.
3 It seems that no one likes the food at this restaurant.

III Rewrite the following sentences by using the “ It + seems/seemed + that S + Ved /
had + Ven . . . ” pattern.
1 Janet lived here before.
2 You haven't finished your assignment.
3 Delia had won the tennis championship.
4 Peggy had learned cooking before.

IV Rewrite the following sentences by using the “ S + seem(s)/seemed + to have Ven

. . . ” pattern.
1 It seems that the park was deserted.
2 It seems that the maid has cleaned the house already.

3 It seems that people forgot about the terrible earthquake.
4 It seemed that the factory had been torn down.
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 Mont Blanc is less tall than Mount Everest.
2 The sperm whale is less big than the blue whale.
3 The weather in Taipei is less hot than that in Kaohsiung.
4 Sending snail mails is less convenient than sending emails.
5 A used car is less expensive than a new one.
II Translate the Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 我國和已開發國家一樣現代化。
2 對我而言,時間和金錢一樣重要。
3 搭高鐵和搭飛機一樣快。
4 這個帥男孩像明星一樣受歡迎。
5 解數學題對 Edward 而言像 ABC 一樣簡單。
3 S + be/V + such + N(P) + that-clause . . .
S + be/V + so + adj./adv. + that-clause . . .
I Answer the following questions by using the given words and one of the above
1 Q: Who should we choose as our class leader? (Frank/a good leader/choose him as
our class leader)
2 Q: Do you want to be a secretary? (a boring job/not want to do it)

3 Q: How do you like our new classmate, Kate? (friendly/want to make friends with
4 Q: How do I look? (beautiful/not take my eyes off you)
5 Q: Why couldn’t you understand your math teacher? (talk/fast/not understand
6 Q: Why didn’t Freddy go to the movies? (rain/hard/not go to the movies)
II Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.
1 一切發生得如此快,以致於我沒有時間思考。
2 我已增重許多,以致於很多人認不出我來。
3 這房間小到我無法放很多東西在裡面。
4 天氣如此之好,以致於我不想待在家。
5 王先生是一個如此好的教師,以致於他所有的學生都喜歡他。
6 公車擁擠到我幾乎無法轉身。
7 這男孩聰明到可以回答這題困難的數學題目。
I Complete the following sentences by using the given words and the above pattern.
1 The more you practice, ___________________________________________
2 The higher you climb, ___________________________________________
3 The harder you study, ___________________________________________
4 The more you explain, ___________________________________________
5 The more junk food you eat, ___________________________________________

6 The more patience you have, __________________________________________
II Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 我們越快離開,就越早到達那裡。

2 天氣越暖和,我感覺越舒適。

3 花越少時間看電視越好。

4 我們越老就變得越健忘。

5 我們相處得越久,就越快樂。

6 竹子長得越高,彎得越低。

I Combine each pair of the following sentences by using the given words and the
above pattern.
1 Kevin made strange noise in class.
He wanted to catch the teacher's attention.
(in order to)

2 The candidate did a little dancing.

She wanted to impress the judges.
(for the purpose of)

3 The police should strictly enforce the law.

The police want to maintain social order.
(so as to)

4 The teacher gave her students a lot of tests.

The teacher wanted to push her students to study hard.

5 Ted writes his girlfriend a letter every day.

His girlfriend will not forget about him.
(so that)

6 May doesn't eat junk food.

May hopes she can keep in shape.
(in order that)

II Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the given words
and the above pattern.
1 小朋友應常洗手才不會容易生病。(in order to)

2 為了不錯過任何一個重要證據,偵探仔細檢查這輛車。(so as to)

3 老先生為了保護眼睛而戴上太陽眼鏡。(for the purpose of)

4 為了睡個好覺,我把手機關機。(to)

5 Frank 天天複習學到的東西,以免之後沒時間再讀一遍。(for fear that)

雖然 that 可以代替 who、whom 或 which,但在以下的狀況中,關係代名詞通常
用 that,而少用 who 或 which。如:
1 當 any、all、no、every、the very、the only、the first、the second、the last 或 the same
 You may take any book that you want.
 You are the only one that I trust.
 That was the first woman that ever climbed Mt. Jade.
The second question that the teacher asked was very difficult.

The last one that entered the auditorium was the dean of the English Department.
2 先行詞是 few、little、much、none、thing、anything、something、everything 或
nothing 等代 名詞時。
 There was not much that I wanted to ask her.
 Don’t ask others to do things that you can do yourself.
 Mr. Smith gives his daughter anything that she asked for.
 There is nothingthat I want to tell you.
3 最高級形容詞修飾先行詞時。
 My mother is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.
 This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.
Combine each pair of the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 Did you see the mail?
I put the mail on the desk.

2 Nick knew the old lady.

The old lady was robbed yesterday.

3 The young man is my colleague.

His leg was badly hurt in the accident.

4 Lucy is my best friend.

I always go shopping with her.

5 I am waiting for the school bus.

The school bus has been late for half an hour.

It + be + (not) + adj. (+ for sb) + to V . . .
It + be + (not +) adj. + of sb + to V
本句型用來修飾一個人的人格特質、品行、態度等。介系詞需用 of。常使用的形容

、stupid、rude、stupid、foolish、careless、thoughtless 等。
It is kind of Jessie to help the old lady carry that big box.
It is clever of Rex to come up with this idea.
It is cruel of that man to kick his pet.
It is rude of the student to swear at his teacher.
I Translate the following sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 對每個人而言,早起是健康的。

2 對我來說,要過著沒有電視的生活是很困難的。

3 對 Sheila 來說,上學不遲到是很容易的。

4 老師說我不需要補考。

5 對大部份的男人而言,要了解女人想什麼很重要。

with + O + OC (V-ing/V-pp)
I Combine the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 These students started to clean the classroom.
Their sleeves were rolled up.

2 The young girl is riding a bike.

Her hair is blowing in the wind.

3 You can't leave.

Your work is half-finished.

4 The kid is crying loudly.

His hands are shaking.


5 Daisy is looking at her boyfriend's picture.

Her tears are rolling down her cheeks.

6 The old man's daughter stood by him.

Her hands were on his shoulders.

7 Molly was looking at the shop window.

Her hands were in her pockets.

8 The student looked surprised.

His mouth was open.

9 The little girl felt confused.

Her mind was full of questions.

10 Sue stood there.

Her back was against the wall.

II Translate the following sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 Collins 太太正在和鄰居說話,她的狗一邊到處跑。

2 我爺爺正坐在沙發上閉著眼睛休息。

3 這飢腸轆轆的男人看著美味的蛋糕,嘴裡流著口水。

4 Paul 向女友道別,心都碎了。

5 那個女人看起來很生氣,她的手臂交叉著。


Because + S1 + be/V1 , S2 + be/V2. . .
 Because of + N(P), S2 + be/V2. . .
Rewrite the following sentences by using the “ because of ” pattern.
1 Remy doesn't take the airplane because he is frightened of height

2 I love eating oranges because they are rich in vitamin C.

3 Pamela stayed at home last weekend because it was cold outside.

4 Because the population grows rapidly, the food prices rise.

5 Mia fell asleep during the speech because she was tired.

S + V + N(P), who/which/whom/whose . . .
1. Read the letter, is on the dining table.
2. Tainan, name means “the south of Taiwan,” is Taiwan’s oldest city.
3. My sister lives in Taipei is two years older than I am.
4. My computer, worked yesterday, doesn’t work today.
5. Last night I played basketball with my uncle, has just returned from the U.S.A.
6. Teresa’s son, she loves very much, has been very sick.
Rewrite the following sentences by using nonrestrictive clauses.
1 Helen is one of my friends in class. I have known her for a long time.

 Helen
2 Joe is very active and friendly. He is my classmate.

 Joe

3 Lauren recommended us a French restaurant La Madeleine. We went to La

Madeleine yesterday.

 Yesterday we
4 Susan has only one sister named Ann. Ann lives in Taichung. Ann is a nurse.

 Susan’s sister Ann

5 The Sun is the center of the Solar system. It gives the Earth light and heat.

 The sun _________________________________________________________

6 Jennifer Aniston is a famous TV star. Her eyes are green.

 Jennifer Aniston __________________________________________________

7 Mumbai is the largest city in India. It attracts many tourists every year.

 Mumbai _________________________________________________________
8 Mary just picked up Albert at the airport. He is Mary’s little brother.

 Mary just ________________________________________________________

1 Kathy, (brush) her teeth, will go to the dentist later.
2 Andrew, (sit) next to me, is a lawyer.
3 Mr. Robinson, (speak) Chinese and English, works as a guide in the museum.
4 This railway station, (build) in 1900, is ready to be rebuilt in two months.
5 Meredith, (have) a big bite of the hamburger, let out a scream because she
saw a cockroach in it.
6 Those magazines, just (send) to the bookstore, will be labeled and shelved
according to category.
7 Buenos Aires, (locate) in Argentina, is the second largest city in South
8 Wanhua District, (have) many cultural sites and historic buildings, is the
oldest district in Taipei City.
Negative adv. (never/nowhere/no longer/seldom . . .) + Aux/be + S . . .
1 地方副詞 + V + S
(主詞若為代名詞則改為地方副詞 + S + V)
 A beautiful lady came out of the car.
   Out of the car came a beautiful lady.
 He went there.
   There he went.
2 介系詞片語 + V + S
(主詞若為代名詞則改為介系詞片語 + S + V)
 The little girl sat on the sofa.

   On the sofa sat the little girl.
 We sailed under the bridge.
   Under the bridge we sailed.
3 only + 表達時間性的子句 + Aux + S + V
 I feel lonely only when I am alone.
 Only when I am alone do I feel lonely.
4 so + adj. + be + N + that + S + V . . .
such + be + N + that + S + V . . .
 It is so cold that I can’t help trembling.
   So cold is it that I can’t help trembling.
   Such is the coldness that I can’t help trembling.
5 省略 if 的假設語氣
 If I were Superman, I would save the planet.
 Were I Superman, I would save the planet.
 If my parents hadn’t had 10 children, their lives would have been much easier.
 Had my parents not had 10 children, their lives would have been much easier.
Rewrite the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 I will never be able to run that fast.

2 I hardly recognized Vincent.

3 Swimming in the river is no longer possible.

4 The child has hardly ever received such a great gift.

5 Tracy seldom wears makeup.

6 The little boy was nowhere to be seen.

7 Ethan didn’t know that he had a sister until he was 17.

8 I was informed to pay the bill at no time.

9 A creative writer should copy other people’s ideas under no circumstances.

10Keith knew little that his wife would cheat on him.


S + V (find/leave/keep) + O + OC (V-ing/V-pp)
常用於此句型的動詞除了課本所提的 leave、keep 和 find 之外,尚有
have、make、consider 、see 及 feel 等,而補語的除了 V-ing 和 V-pp 之外,也可以
1 感官動詞:see/smell/taste/notice + O + OC
 We heard some birds singing in the trees. (現在分詞)
 My sister noticeda holein her skirt. (介系詞片語)
2 使役動詞:have/make + O + OC
 Steve had his hair cut. (過去分詞)
 Ivan’s girlfriend’s letter made him happy. (形容詞)
3 命名型動詞:call/name/elect/choose + O + OC
 They call John a coward. (名詞片語)
 They named the baby Molly. (名詞片語)
 We elected Tom president of our class. (名詞片語)
4 思考型動詞:think/consider/believe + O + OC
 Larry thought Wendy very charming. (形容詞)
 Peter believes himself a musical genius. (名詞片語)
 Mary considered herself very lucky. (形容詞)
I Complete the following sentences by using the given words and the above pattern.
1 the nurse/find/my shoulder/injure
2 they/leave/the girl/wait/outside the door
3 you/should/keep/the door/lock
4 the police/find/the man/lie
5 the man/keep/his horse/tie/to a tree

If + S1 + had (+ not) + V1-en/been. . . , S2 + would/could/might/should (+ not) +
have + V2-en/been. . .
Rewrite the following sentences by using the given words and the above pattern.
1 Kent was stuck in traffic, so he didn’t attend the meeting on time. (would)

2 Susan saved enough money, so she took a trip to London. (could)

3 I didn’t have enough time to prepare for the exam, so I failed it. (might)

4 The man didn’t make it because he was not rushed to the hospital in time. (should)

5 Because George was supported by his parents, he could go to college. (could)

No matter what/how/who/when/where/which-clause, S + V . . .
I Choose the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
( ) 1 _________ he may be, he should take full responsibility.
(A) Wherever (B) Whatever
(C) Whoever (D) Whenever
( ) 2 _________, Lucy loves her mother’s cooking the most.
(A) However she eats
(B) Whichever she eat
(C) No matter what she eats
(D) No matter how she eats
( ) 3 I’m determined to go to New York no matter _________ much it costs.
(A) how (B) what (C) who (D) which
( ) 4 No matter _________ calls, tell him that I am not home.
(A) when (B) whom (C) which (D) who
( ) 5 _________ the boss shows up, everyone in the office becomes silent.
(A) However (B) Wherever
(C) Whatever (D) Whenever
( ) 6 No matter _________ the enemy come, they will be destroyed.
(A) when (B) what (C) who (D) which

( ) 7 The free ticket will be given to _________ comes first.
(A) whoever (B) whomever
(C) whenever (D) whatever
( ) 8 Call me, no matter _________ the time is.
(A) when (B) how (C) what (D) where

II Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.

1 無論這工作會有多困難,我們都要按時完成。___________________________
2 無論他們多努力,仍然無法說服 Nathan 戒菸。___________________________
3 無論他們怎樣批評我們,我們絕不會放棄。_____________________________
4 無論 Ken 說什麼,都不要相信他。_____________________________________
5 無論你何時打電話給我,我都不會接。_________________________________
6 無論我做什麼,都無法改變 Patrick 的心意。_____________________________
7 無論你去哪裡,別忘了我們愛你。_____________________________________
8 無論 Debby 何時抵達機場,我都會去接她。_____________________________
9 不管發生什麼事,我的父母都會支持我。_______________________________
10不管 Michael 多疲倦,他都會說床邊故事給他女兒聽。____________________
It is/was + N(P) + that-clause
此句型為「It is/was + 強調部分 + that 子句」的分裂句型,表示「就是…」的意
思。要將一般句子改為此分裂句型時,需先將所要強調的部分放在 be 動詞之
後、that 之前,然後 將句子其餘的部分置於 that 所引導的子句即可。若要強調的
部分是「人」,that 可以用 who 代替。
Rewrite the following sentences to emphasize the underlined parts by using the above
1 The drunken driver was to blame for the accident.

2 The police arrested a group of gangsters last night.

3 Because of the homemaker’s carelessness, the house was burned down to the

4 My mother called me while I was taking a shower.

5 The police discovered the victim’s body in the deserted farmhouse.

6 I had my hair cut in the newly-open salon yesterday.

7 The president shook hands with me in the opening ceremony.

8 Cathy bought this musician’s latest album as soon as it was released.

9 Richard has a tiger tattoo on his left arm.

10Helen fell off the stairs when she rushed out of home.

There + be + N(P) + V-ing/ V-pp. . .
Combine the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 There are some girls on the stage.
These girls are dancing on the stage.

2 There was a crowd at the theater.

The crowd was waiting for the superstar at the theater.

 3 There were a lot of people in

the church.
Those people were praying for world peace in the church.


4 There are many extraordinary inventions.

The inventions are displayed on the exhibition.

5 There was a stranger in the living room.

The stranger was talking to my father in the living room.

 6 There are many kinds of salad

The salad dressings are sold in the grocery store.

 7 There were several items.

These items were invented by Bell.

8 There was a great song.

The song was composed by an English teacher in the school.

S + V + N(P) + that-clause . . .
S + that-clause + V . . .
這個句型是介紹 that 引導名詞子句當同位語的用法,作為後位修飾,而
that 前面的先行詞分 為受詞和主詞兩種型態。例:
 Diana made a promise that she would go to the museum with us. ( that 子
句作受詞 a promise 的同位語)
 The secret that Stacey had a two-year-old daughter was finally revealed. (
that 子句作主詞 the secret 的同位語)
此外,一般學生容易將關係代名詞 that 所引導的形容詞子句與此 that 子
 It is a well-known fact that the United States has won the most medals in
the Olympic Games this year. ( that 在此為單純的連接詞,不具有語意,通常不
予省略, 其後的子句 “the United States . . . the Olympic Games this year” 為一完
整的子句,因此這裡的 that 子句作為 a well-known fact 的同位語。)
 The suggestion that was made by the green employee got rejected. ( that

在此為關係代名詞,引導形容詞子句 was made by the green employee,修飾前方
的名詞 the suggestion。該形容詞子句非完整的子句,且此處的 that 可替換為
另外,that 子句作同位語時,其所修飾的名詞常見的有
fact、idea、news 、belief、doubt、feeling、suggestion、possibility 等。例:
 We have a firm belief that Lily will win first prize in the speech contest.
 There is no doubt that Wayne will come.
 Winnie made a suggestion that we (should) launch the program.
 Is there any possibility that we will succeed?
I Combine each pair of the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 Patty supports the idea.
The idea is that both sexes should have equal rights.

2 Rita had her doubts.
Rita's doubts were that if Tom would arrive in time.

3 The fact was that Alice cheated in the exam.
The fact surprised everyone in the classroom.

4 The news was that the building caught fire in the middle of the night.
The news caused concern.

5 There is always a possibility.
The possibility is that Jill may go back to the States.

S2 + had + V2-pp . . . since + N(P)/S1 + V1-ed . . .
連接詞 since 所引導的子句通常表示「某事情發生的起點」,故子句的動詞

I Combine each pair of the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 Anita entered the room.
She had waited for an hour since then.

2 The question was posed by a scientist in 1819.
No one had figured out the answer since then.

3 Quincy left for New Zealand thirty years ago.
He had never come back to Taiwan since then.

4 Lawrence and Sandy first met in 2002.
He had been dating her.

5 Lucy left school twenty years ago.
She had worked as a nurse.

S1 + be/ V1 + half/twice/three times + as adj./adv. (+ N +) as + S2 (+V2) .
S1 + be/ V1 + two times/three times + adj.-er/adv.-er than + S2 (+V2) .
表達「倍數」除了以上兩種列法以外,還可以用 S1 + be/ V1 + half/twice/three
times + one’s + N/the + N1 + of + N2 . . .,例:
 My money is three times as much as Carrie’s.
 My money is three times more than Carrie’s.
 My money is three times the amount of Carrie’s.
 That jet fighter travels four times as fast as sound.
 That jet fighter travels four times faster than sound.
 That jet fighter travels four times the speed of sound.
old → age large → size
long → length heavy → weight
wide → width broad → breadth
deep → depth thick → thickness
many → number tall/high → height
much → amount expensive → price/cost

far → distance fast/quick → speed
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above
1 Katy 所擁有的鞋子是我的三倍多。

2 Jake 吃的蛋糕是我的兩倍多。

3 這條河比那條河寬十倍。

S + consider/find/think + it + adj. + to V . . .
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the given word
and the above pattern.
1 大多數人認為考試作弊是錯。(consider)

2 Judy 覺得在情人節收到花是很浪漫的。(feel)

3 Eric 發現開快車是危險的。(find)

4 科學家發現六月下雪是不尋常的。(find)

5 我認為不要把事實告訴 Maggie 比較好。(think)

S + could/should/might (+ not) + have + V-pp . . .
1 could have V-pp 表示「有能力做而未做」。同時,這也顯示了說話者主觀認定,
 The Red Sox could have won the game if they changed their pitcher earlier.
2 should have V-pp 表示「該做而未做」。它在意義上並不牽涉到主詞是否有能力
3 might have V-pp 表示「過去有可能發生的」,所以是推測的性質居多,而且說

S1 + V . . . + as if + S1/S2 + were/V-ed. . .
as if 具有連接詞的性質,表示「彷彿是、就像是…」,後接一個完整的子句,用
as if 後的子句若與現在事實相反,則用過去式;若與過去事實相反,則用過去
I Complete the following sentences by using the given words and the above pattern.
1 (She is not 18.)
Maria is 40 years old, but she looks .
2 (He doesn’t own the shop.)
Alex is only a clerk, but he acts .
3 (She isn’t my boss.)
Ms. Jones is only my coworker, but she always talks .
4 (He didn’t pass the test.)
Ben failed his driving test, but he behaved .
5 (They did something wrong.)
The boys were caught stealing a car, but they looked .
It + be + adj. + of sb + to V . . .
此句型是 it 作虛主詞的用法之一,真正的主詞為後方的不定詞片語。此句型
ul、cruel、generous、polite、impolite、kind、rude、stupid、wise、selfish、cruel 等。
另一個類似的句型是 It + be + adj. + for sb + to V . . .,該句型已於 B2U5 介
convenient、dangerous、difficult 、easy 、
essential、hard 、useless 、important、impossible、possible、necessary、imperative。
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the given word and the above pattern.
1 You helped me paint the house. (kind)

2 I left my keys at home again. (stupid)

3 Barry shouted at his mother. (impolite)

4 Jimmy went swimming at the beach alone. (dangerous)

5 We have a supermarket in the neighborhood. (convenient)


6 You try to persuade such a stubborn man. (useless)

S + be/V + so + adj./adv. + that . . .
→ So + adj. + be + S + that . . .
adv. + Aux + S + V
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 歌手表演得太差,以致於有一半的觀眾走掉了。

2 Hebe 是如此年輕,以致她不化妝就很美。

3 這昆蟲如此之小,以致我無法看見它。

4 這司機受重傷,以致於他趕緊被送往醫院。

5 太陽是如此明亮,以致於不開燈我也能看報紙。

Although + S1 + be + adj., S2 + V2
V1 + adv.
→ Adj./Adv. + as + S1 + be/V1, S2 + V2 . . .
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 Betty 雖然很窮,但她很知足。

2 這老人雖然身體虛弱,但他還是在工作。

3 Gina 雖然生病了,她仍然像平常一樣去上班。

4 我雖然很喜歡這趟旅程,但還是很高興回到家。

5 我雖然很努力讀書,卻還是沒通過考試。

S + has/have/had + difficulty/problems/trouble/a hard time + V-ing . . .

本句型介紹 difficulty、problems、trouble 以及 a hard time 後面省略介系詞
此外,a good time、fun 也有類似用法 S + has/have/had + a good time/fun +
(in) V-ing . . .,表示「做某事很開心、有趣」。
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the given words
and the above pattern.
1 儘管 Harriet 已經學英文兩年了,她還是很難發音正確。

2 Andrew 放學後都不複習筆記,所以考試時很難回答出考卷上的問題。(a hard

3 Gary 很輕易就說服他媽媽,答應讓他跟朋友一起去露營。(trouble/persuade)

S1 + command/beg/ask/order/require/suggest/advise + that S2 (+ should) +
be/V. . .
除了課本所列,此類其他動詞尚有 demand「要求」 、intend「打算」 、pray「祈求」
此句型中,that 所引導的子句若為否定語氣且省略了 should,否定詞 not 則應
置於 be 動詞後、一般動詞前,例:
¸ I proposed that the boy be not punished.
¸ Dick’s mother required that he not spend too much time playing computer games.
這類型的動詞接 that 子句的結構尤其適用於被動語態,甚至有時是唯一可用
¸ The police insisted that the witness (should) be questioned in a secret place.
¸ The professor suggested that the cocktail treatment (should) be tried.
 The professor suggested trying the cocktail treatment.
1 It is + adj. + that-clause 句型中的名詞子句用以表達說話者的主觀意見時,其
名詞子句多用假設法。在美式英語中,多省略 should,此類形容詞常見的有
advisable「適當的」 、appropriate「適當的」 、desirable「令人滿意的」 、essential「必
要的」 、good「好的」 、important「重要的」 、necessary「必要的」 、natural「理所當然
¸ It is urgent that the government (should) send relief supplies to the disaster areas.
¸ It is essential that you (should) have a balanced, healthy diet.

¸ It is important that everyone (should) have equal rights.
¸ It is wrong that the man (should) have not cheated on his wife.
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the given words and the above pattern.
1 Cinderella left the ball before midnight.
(The fairy insisted.)

2 The contestant took a deep breath to calm himself down. (The coach suggested.)

3 Grace applied for the top university.
(Her uncle suggested.)

4 The card slave pays off the debt before the end of the month. (The bank demands.)

5 All the members of the cast will meet at the studio at 8 o’clock sharp. (The director

6 All of the employees stayed and cleaned up the mess caused by the typhoon. (The
boss ordered.)

7 Customers make reservations two weeks ahead. (The hotel recommends.)

8 All visitors did not feed the animals.
(The zoo keeper advised.)

9 The soldiers retreated from the base as soon as possible. (The general commanded.)

10 Her friends kept the secret for her.
(Lily requested.)

There is no V-ing . . .
不可能的,會加上 “no” 並將動詞改成 V-ing,例:
 There is no arguing that coffee helps to boost one’s mood.
 According to the school rules, there is no talking during the exam.

1 Paula 在乎她兒子的身體狀況是不爭的事實。
______ ______ ______ ______ what Paula cares about is her son’s physical
2 另一場毀滅性的大地震何時會發生將無從得知。
______ ______ ______ ______ when another destructive earthquake will take
3 電腦不可否認地成為我們生活中重要的一部分。
______ ______ ______ ______ that computers play an important part in our lives.
4 大家都不會搞錯是誰發明了燈泡。
______ ______ ______ ______ who invented light bulbs.
5 誰會贏得冠軍是無從得知的。
______ ______ ______ ______ who will win the championship.
Not until . . . + Aux + S + V . . .
It + is/was + not until . . . + that-clause . . .
Not until . . . + Aux + S + V . . .
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the pattern “Not
until . . . + Aux + S + V . . .”
1 直到老師進教室,學生才變得安靜。

2 直到小寶寶睡著,這位媽媽才離開。

3 直到 Michael 英文考試不及格,他才開始用功。

4 直到 Cindy 牙疼,她才去看牙醫。

5 直到媽媽替我蓋好被子,我才閉上眼睛。

6 直到所有的乘客都坐下,司機才開車駛離。

7 直到 Charlie 回到家鄉,我們才再次見面。

8 直到做完功課,我才上床睡覺。

9 直到收集足夠資料後,我才開始寫報告。

10 直到爸爸拿出蛋糕,我才想起今天是我的生日。

S + V1 + as soon as + S + V2 . . .
→ S + V1 . . . upon + V2-ing . . .
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above
1 David 一吃完飯就打嗝。

2 學生們一看到校長走進教室就馬上安靜下來。

3 Fiona 一聽到這個好消息就喜極而泣。

4 Oscar 一收到這封電子郵件就立刻回覆。

5 所有女孩一看到這位歌手就馬上開心地尖叫。

S1 + V1 . . ., and + S2 + Aux/be, too.
→ S1 + V1 . . ., and + so + Aux/be + S2 .
1 S1 + be . . ., and so + be + S2 .
 Mr. Li is at home, and so is his wife.
2 S1 + Aux + V . . ., and so + Aux + S2 .
 Lucy can dance, and so can I.
 I have been to Spain, and so has my sister.
(助動詞的變化需與 S2 一致)
3 S1 + V . . ., and so + do/does/did + S2 .
 Carl likes baseball, and so do his friends.
 Mandy went shopping yesterday, and so did her mother.
時數補充對應的「否定附和句」,即 S1 + V1 . . . , and + S2 + Aux/be + not, either.
→ S1 + V1 . . . , and + neither/nor + Aux/be + S2 .,例:
 Jenny didn’t hand in the assignment, and Angela didn’t, either.

 Jenny didn’t hand in the assignment, and neither did Angela.
 Eason isn’t an only child, and Peter isn’t, either.
 Eason isn’t an only child, and neither is Peter.
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the above patterns.
1 I go jogging every evening, and my brother does, too.

2 Alice has learned the piano for ten years, and Dick has, too.

3 I can speak English, and Elle also can speak English.

4 I am fond of cooking, and my wife is also fond of cooking.

5 Joe promised to sing at the party, and I also promised to sing at the party.

It is time for + S + to + V . . .
It is time that S + V-ed . . . 屬於本句型的進階用法,為「與現在事實相反」的假設
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above
1 是你該休息一下的時候了。

2 是 Frank 該結婚的時候了。

3 是你該打掃自己臥室的時候了。

4 是 Ginny 該起床的時候了。

5 是 Kent 該蹓狗的時候了。

S1 + wish + that + S1 / S2 + had (+ not) + V-en . . .
動詞 wish 後接名詞子句,其子句時態用過去式時,表示「希望事情能與現
實情況不同」,子句本身時態不受 wish 的時態影響。當子句的內容在描述與過去
的事實不符時,子句的時態必須使用過去完成式 had + V-en,且通常省略 that,

 Caleb wishes (that) he had never insulted his classmate.
 Amber wishes (that) she had bought that beautiful dress.
 I wished (that) I had followed my parents’ advice.
 Ms. White wished (that) she had gone to the movie with her family.
若表示「未來難以實現或沒把握實現的意願」,子句動詞用 could + V,例:
 I wish (that) I could be a flight attendant in the future. However, I’m too short to
reach the overhead compartments.

It is + important/critical/vital/essential/necessary/advisable + that + S + V . . .
 It is vital that students (should) be attentive in class.
 It is essential that garbage (should) be taken out every evening.
 It is necessary that everybody (should) be informed of the news.
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the given word and
the above pattern.
1 建議感冒的人儘速去看醫生。 (advisable)

2 希望明天就可以做出最後的決定。 (desirable)

3 不使用農藥栽種作物是正確的。 (right)
 4 乘客在飛行時關掉電子產品是適當的。
 5 建議父母每天至少陪伴孩子 30 分鐘。

S1 + V1 . . . + lest + S2 + (should +) V2 . . .
本句型是以連接詞 lest 引導從屬子句,表達「唯恐…,以免…」之意。由 lest
引導表「目的」的副詞子句時,動詞需使用「should + 原形動詞」,但在美式英語
中 should 可予以省略。另外,lest 是較正式的用法,一般通常用 in case (that)或
for fear (that)替代。此兩用法的子句動詞時態可以不用假設語氣,例:
 Robin left early lest he (should) miss the last train home.
Robin left early in case (that) he should miss the last train home.

Robin left early for fear (that) he (should/might) miss the last train home.
 I put the money away lest it (should) be stolen.
I put the money away for fear (that) it (should/might) be stolen.
I put the money away in case (that) it should be stolen.
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 Thurman 先生僱用三名保鑣以免被人攻擊。

2 Ron 習慣做決定前三思,以免將來感到後悔。

3 Sarah 重複確認這項訊息以免上當。

4 Autumn 把握這次難得的機會,以免錯失良機。

5 這位運動員大量喝水以免中暑。

S1 + (not +) being/V1-ing . . . , S2 + (aux. +) V2 . . .
 After my chores were completed, I went for a walk.
My chores completed, I went for a walk.
 Because the parents left home to earn a living, the children had to stay home by
The parents leaving home to earn a living, the children had to stay home by
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the above pattern.
1 If the weather is fine next Saturday, we will go camping.

2 After my assignment had been done, I went to the movies with my friends.

3 When the dog saw the food, its mouth began to water.

4 Since my car is broken, I can’t give you a ride.

5 Though it is cold, Calvin still wears shorts and flip-flops.


6 As it is such a hot day, many people flock to the beach to beat the heat.

7 If the Mexico Gulf oil well can be capped, a great deal of marine life will be saved.
8 Though the government had tried to cover up the scandal, some officials were still
accused of corruption.

If + S1 + had + (not +) V-en / been . . . , S2+ would/could/might + (not +) have
+ V-en / been . . .
→ Had + S1 + (not +) V-en / been . . . , S2+ would/could/might + (not +) have
+ V-en / been . . .
1 除了「與過去事實相反」假設句型中的 had,在其它假設語氣的副詞子句裡,只
有包含 were、should、could 等可置於主詞前、形成疑問句的字詞時,才能省略
 If there were no water, it would be impossible for any creature to live on earth.
 Were there no water, it would be impossible for any creature to live on earth.
 If you were in Mark’s place, you might quit.
 Were you in Mark’s place, you might quit.
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the above patterns.
1 If the residents had taken precautions, the typhoon might not have caused so much

2 If I had known of your arrival, I might have picked you up at the airport.

3 If it had not rained so hard last night, we would have taken a walk in the park.

4 If my classmate hadn’t called, I wouldn’t have known the news.

5 If Samantha had listened to her mother, she wouldn’t have been in such trouble now.

6 If Anderson had taken my advice, he might not have failed.


S1 + V1 . . . + only when + S2 + V2 . . .
→ Only when + S2 + V2 . . . + aux. + S1 + V1 . . .
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above patterns.
1 只有當我們沒有偏見的時候,才能有效地和他人溝通。


3 Dick要戴眼鏡才能把黑板上的字看清楚。

By the time + S1 + V1-pp . . . , S2 + had + V2-pp . . .
By the time + S1 + V1 . . . , S2 + will + have + V2-pp . . .
本句型中,by the time 為表示時間的從屬連接詞,意思是 not earlier than a
specific time,表示在某個特定時間或該時間之前,某事早就已經發生或完成。
1 過去時態:表示在過去的某個特定時間或該時間之前,某事早就已經發生或
 By the time I went back home, I had received three text messages from my mom.
 By the time the teacher showed up in the classroom, the students had solved the
problems by themselves.

2 未來時態:表示預測未來的狀況,教師應特別提醒學生注意 by the time 所引導

 By the time you arrive at the restaurant, I will have left.
 By the time Ian comes home, his sons will have gone to bed.
I Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
( ) 1 By the time I _____ from college, I will have learned English for fifteen years.
(A) graduate (B) graduated
(C) graduating (D) have graduated
( ) 2 By the time the singer stepped onto the stage, the concert hall _____ with
thousands of people.
(A) has crowded (B) will be crowded
(C) was crowding (D) had been crowded
( ) 3 By the time the police hurried to the bank, the robber _____.
(A) had run away (B) has run away
(C) ran away (D) runs away
( ) 4 By the time George _____, he will have worked for 40 years.

(A) retired (B) retires
(C) had retired (D) retiring
( ) 5 By the time the school bell _____ , I _____ my exam paper.
(A) had rung; finished (B) rings; will finish
(C) rang; had finished (D) has rung; finished
S + V + (that) . . . and that . . .
本句型主要在說明當對等連接詞and連接兩個(以上) that子句作受詞時,第
一個that可予以省略,第二個(以及之後的) that則絕對不可省略,且that子句之主
 Michael told me (that) he didn’t feel well and that his father would pick him up later.
(  Michael 告訴我兩件事,一是他身體不舒服,二是他爸晚點會來接他。)
上句中,(that) he didn’t feel well 和 that his father would pick him up later 同
是動詞 told 的受詞;第一個名詞子句中的連接詞 that 可以省略,但第二個名詞
子句中的 that 不可省略。若將上句的第二個 that 省略,意思就會不同:
 Michael told me that he didn’t feel well and his father would pick him up later.
(  Michael 只告訴我他的身體不舒服,但沒有告訴我他爸晚點會來接他。)
其中差別在於,當第二個 that 省略時,原本作為 told 受格的名詞子句就變成了
一個獨立子句,and 用以連接兩個獨立子句,與原本的意思不同。
 Jeremy believes (that) he will succeed one day and that his parents will be proud of
 Susie told me (that) she was going to move and that her family might settle down in
New Zealand.
rstand 等。
that 作連接詞時省略的情況
在非正式的英文中,對等連接詞 that 在以下的情況中通常可予以省略:
1 間接引句(indirect speech)中,若 that 置於常見的敘述動詞後方,則可予省
 Raymond said (that) he had booked the plane tickets.
 Our teacher suggested (that) we take up outside interests.
但是,在某些動詞(如 reply、shout)後方的 that 則絕不可省略。
2 在某些形容詞後方可以接 that 子句,而此時的 that 通常可予以省略,例:
 I’m glad (that) Cooper could conquer his fear of public speaking.

 Julian was surprised (that) his girlfriend would buy him such a gift.
3 一般來說,that 所引導的名詞子句置於名詞後方作同位語時,不可省略,
 No one believed Frank’s claim that he didn’t cheat in the exam.
 Lauren disagreed with Benjamin’s view that husbands don’t have to do the
household chores.
S + (aux. +) not only + V1/be + not only . . . , but + S + also + V2/be + also/aux. +
also + V2 . . .
→ Not only + aux. + S + V1/be + S . . . , but + S + also + V2/be + also/aux. + also +
V2 . . .
 Josiah is not only clever, but he is (also) diligent.
  Not only is Josiah clever, but he is (also) diligent.
 Landon not only made a promise, but he (also) kept it.
  Not only did Landon make a promise, but he (also) kept it.
I Combine each of the following pairs of sentences by using the above patterns.
1 Eric enjoys listening to opera.
Eric likes to sing pop songs.

2 Taiwan is a beautiful island.
Taiwan is considered a suitable place to live.

3 Kolin has been working in China for a long time.
Kolin bought an apartment there.

4 Bruce finished his homework.
Bruce washed the dishes.

5 Elisa has graduated from a top high school.
Elisa has been accepted by NTU.

N(P) + be + such + that + S + be / V . . .
 Such + be + N(P) + that + S + be/V. . .
此句型中,such 是限定詞,後方可直接與 that 子句連用(有 so great 之意)或

 Bill’s stress was such (= so great) that he couldn’t bear it anymore.
  Such (= So great) was Bill’s stress that he couldn’t bear it anymore.
 Technological advances are such (= so great) that people benefit a lot from them.
  Such (= So great) are technological advances that people benefit a lot from them.
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above patterns.
1 Aiko中文的進步很多,在臺灣別人都能聽懂她說什麼。
 Such that she could make herself understood in Taiwan.
2 那個包包非常好看,無論要多少錢我都想要買。
 Such that no matter how much it cost, I would like to buy it.
3 我們班上男女失衡很嚴重,除了我以外只有三個女生。
 Such that there are only three girls, excluded me.
4 這位病患的病情嚴重,他的家人什麼事都不能做只能祈求奇蹟出現。
 Such that his family could do nothing but hope for a miracle.
No other + N(P)1 + be/V + as + adj./adv. + as + N(P)2 .
本句型涉及兩個重要的文法:第一個為 no other 加上單數名詞的用法,
other 在此為形容詞,表示「其他任一的,另外一個的」,故動詞應與其一致,使
用單數動詞;另外一個是 A + be/V + as adj./adv. as + B 的用法,表示「…和…一
樣…」,其中第一個 as 又可與 so 代換:
I Rewrite the following sentences by using the above patterns.
1 7-11 is more popular than any other convenience store in Taiwan.

2 Time is more precious than any other thing in the world.

3 Helping those in need is more rewarding than any other thing.

4 Taipei is more crowded than any other city in Taiwan.

5 Robert works harder than any other employee in our company.

S + (aux.) never/aux. not + V1...+ without + V2-ing...
此句型以雙重否定來表達肯定的「無...不...,每...必...」之意。介系詞 without 後
方要加動名詞或名詞;若使用連接詞 but,後方則接一子句,例:
 Whenever the mother holds her baby, she washes her hands first.

  The mother never holds her baby without washing her hands first.
  The mother never holds her baby but she washes her hands first.
S + be/V + adj.-er/adv.-er + than + all the other + Ns….
本句型是以比較級的方式來表示最高級,其重點之一在於 than 的後方要加上
all the other 來扣除掉主詞本身,表示「比所有其他的…更…」的意思。另外,all
the other 的後方必須搭配複數名詞,例:
 Giselle is taller than all the other girls in her class.
  Giselle is the tallest girl in her class
除了這種複數的用法之外,也可以在than之後加上any other + 單數名詞。此兩
 Giselle is taller than any other girl in her class.
  Giselle is the tallest girl in her class.
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
 Generally speaking, Andrew eats more than in his family.
2 在那名商人眼中,金錢比什麼都重要。

S + aux. not + V1…, nor + aux. + S + V2…
在意思上,此用法與 S1+ aux. not +V1…, and + S2 + aux./be not, either.和 S1+
aux. not +V1…, and + neither + aux./be + S2 .相同,表「某人既不…也不…」,或
「A 不…,B 也不…」。其中,需注意 neither 是副詞,不能單獨連接句子;而 nor
 Ted isn’t diligent, nor is Paul (diligent).
  Ted isn’t diligent, and Paul isn’t (diligent), either.
  Ted isn’t diligent, and neither is Paul.
 My father doesn’t smoke, nor does your father (smoke).
  My father doesn’t smoke, and your father doesn’t (smoke), either.
  My father doesn’t smoke, and neither does your father (smoke).
 Olivia couldn’t come to the party, nor could Doris (come to the party).
  Olivia couldn’t come to the party, and Doris couldn’t (come to the party), either.
  Olivia couldn’t come to the party, and neither could Doris (come to the party).
S + be + made + to + V…

I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 Cinderella被邪惡的繼母要求做所有的家事。
 Cinderella by the evil stepmother.
2 Jessica被她的家教要求每天練習彈鋼琴。
 Jessica every day by her tutor.
3 那位被俘虜的特務被迫洩漏官方機密給敵軍。
 The captured agent to the enemy.
1 「與現在事實相反」的假設語氣
If it were not for + N(P), S + would/should/could/might + (not +) V...
 Were it not for + N(P), S + would/should/could/might + (not +) V...
 If it were not for the bad weather, we would go on an outing to the beach now.
  Were it not for the bad weather, we would go on an outing to the beach now.
2 「與過去事實相反」的假設語氣
Had it not been for + N(P), S + would/could/might (+ not) + have V-en…,例:
 If it had not been for the heavy rain, the forest fire might not have been put out so
 Had it not been for the heavy rain, the forest fire might not have been put out so
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 如果沒有家人和朋友,人們會覺得非常孤單。

2 如果沒有現代的交通運輸工具,出國旅遊是很耗時的。

3 如果沒有網路,人們不會如此有效率地尋得資訊。

4 如果不是因為這麼多的家庭作業,學生們可能會更快樂一些。

5 如果沒有健康的生態系統,許多動植物應該無法生存。

S + V1 + N(P), one/part/some/many/most/both/all/none + of + which/whom +
本句型中的 which 及 whom 是非限定用法的關係代名詞,用來指位於逗點

所以跟前面的主要子句之間不需加 and 來連接,句構就已經是完整的了。而人稱
 The movie theater was crowded with people, and some of them were waiting to see
the superstar.
(  刪掉 and;因為先行詞是「人」,所以用 whom 取代 them)
 The movie theater was crowded with people, some of whom were waiting to see the
 The farmer picked up the apples, and part of the apples were badly bruised.
(  刪掉 and;因為先行詞是「物」,所以用 which 取代第二個 the apples)
 The farmer picked up the apples, part of which were badly bruised.
It + be + useless + to V . . . → It + be + no use + V-ing . . .
除了注意不定詞與動名詞的變化,還可以換成 There + be + no use + V-ing . . .
或 There + be + no good + V-ing . . .,例:
 It is useless to blame your child for what happened.
  It is (of) no use blaming your child for what happened.
  There is no use blaming your child for what happened.
  There is no good blaming your child for what happened.
I Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the above pattern.
1 老是後悔沒善用時間是沒用的。

2 光說不練是沒用的。

3 光休息而不去看醫生是沒用的。

4 說謊是沒用的。我們早晚會知道真相。

5 阻止 Serena 是沒用的。她會堅持她的計畫。



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