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Energy Medicine and the Chakras

Principles for Uniting Body, Mind and Spirit

“The chakras are the primary medium of human evolution and emancipation.” ~Paramahansa Prajananda
“The first requirement of a spiritual approach to life is that we turn our attention to the improvement
of our own physical, mental, and spiritual health.” ~ Rudolph Steiner

Energy medicine is a vast topic. I’ve listed here some of the general principles that are key to helping
you create a personal connection to your energetic body.

Basic Principles
 Chakras are receivers and transmitters of universal energy and light.
 Our chakras are intelligent and can communicate with us.
 Chakras exist throughout the Universe, expressed in different forms. The planets, for
example, are known as the physical chakras of our solar system.
 Our chakras are our personal energetic interface to the Unified Field (Oneness). They
connect our physical body to our spirit and to everything else. As such, they are the primary
embodiment vehicle for our souls.
 The seven chakras are commonly taught to hold colors of the light spectrum from Red
(Root) to Violet (3rd Eye) and White (Crown). In reality each chakra holds all colors through
various dimensions. Different intuitive see different forms. There’s no one right or wrong
experience of the chakras. As you connect to your energy system it’s important to hold an
attitude of curiosity so that you can be open and receptive to your own experience and what
your body has to share with you.
 The chakras are often experienced as spinning wheels or vortexes, however many people
experience them pulsing rather than spinning. Again, trust your own experience.

Exploring Your Chakras

 Each chakra holds specific correspondences. By connecting with your chakra you will
support those processes in your body and your life.
 Where your attention goes, energy follows. If you intend to connect with a chakra, and move
your attention to that part of your body, the connection WILL happen. Over time your
intuitive experience of the chakra will develop.
 As you connect with your chakras, it’s important to develop your own symbolic language.
Trust your impressions, feelings, sensations.
 The following universal processes are integrated throughout your energy system and not
isolated to any specific chakra.
o Intuition
o Sexuality
o Emotional Guidance System. Integrating feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
o Verticality. Strengthening vertical column. Grounding above and below

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Additional Chakras – Hands and Feet
 We hold important secondary root chakras in our feet.
 The palm chakras are powerful tools for intentionally transmitting our light to the world.
When you intend them to channel directly from your heart, they allow you to transmit high
frequencies of universal life force energy.
 There are many additional chakras, such as the High Heart, as well as chakras above the
crown and below the root.

The Human Energy Field

 Your personal energy field is your living interface with the world.
 You energy field can be experienced as concentric layers around your body. These layers
hold frequencies that relate to your chakras.
 Developing the habit of mindful presence in your field will increase your ability to sense self
vs. other, and help you interface more intentionally with all relationships and circumstances
in your life.

Grounding Above and Below - Activating Your Vertical Column

 Importance of maintaining primary vertical connection
 Accesses where you’re from and why you’re here
 Experiencing connection by increasing personal field (removing horizontal cords)

Suggestions for Working with Your Chakras

 Use all physical senses as well as intuitive channels to sense subtle energies.
 Pay attention to physical signals in your body as well as emotional and mental cues.
 Recognize your internal responses to situational triggers such as circumstances and
synchronicities. Where does the energy land in your body?
 Remember that the chakras are connected throughout your body and not located only in
their primary area. (It’s not a linear system – each of the chakras transmits to every cell and
you can send energy from each chakra to every part of your body.
 Daily attention and some form of personal practice will strengthen your connection to your
chakras and all forms of health and well being.

Practices and Applications

 Visualizations – Using imagination and symbolic language to increase intuition and connect
with your subtle body and non-physical organs.
 Visualizations such as the octahedron strengthen vertical alignment and the coherence of
your field, and increase physical, mental, and emotional stability.
 Oracle Cards and Tarot – You can use the cards to dialogue with your body and energy
 Mantra and Toning – Sound technology is a powerful tool for healing.
 Reiki – This is a universal tool, the natural process of receiving and transmitting Light for
the purpose of healing self and others.
Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018
Qualities and Affirmations for the Seven Primary Chakras

Experiences and Results

Chakra Element & Primary Affirmation from Meditation on this
Geometry Planet Chakra
Physical comfort, security,
Root Earth I am grounded. I belong. I am safe external beauty, money and
(1st) Saturn and secure. I am always abundantly happiness in the material
Cube cared for. The Earth is my home. realm. Orientation to the
physical world.

Sacral Water Jupiter I experience authentic happiness. I Connection to emotional

(2nd) am connected to the flow of my intelligence, creativity,
Icosohedron emotions and the creative spirit of fulfillment of material desires.

Solar Fire I am strong and confident. I love my Knowledge of the internal

Plexus Mars body and I experience radiant functions of the physical body,
(3rd) Tetrahedron vitality. I am aligned with my inner vitality, better health, physical
truth and I use my willpower to beauty.
follow my path.

Air (Breath) The Universe is abundant with Love, Integration of emotions,

Heart Venus and I am connected to all of feelings and thoughts.
(4th) Octahedron creation. I am at home within my Connection between the
heart. I experience the Beauty and physical and spiritual worlds.
perfection of all that is.

Throat Ether (Spirit) I make clear decisions. I speak my Purification of the mind.
(5th) Mercury truth with love and wisdom. I trust Anchoring thoughts and
Dodecahedron in the undeviating justice within all beliefs with clear language.
the circumstances of my life. Intense joy.

Connection to intuitive
Third Ether (Spirit) I embrace the light within my nature.
perceptions. Access to
Eye Sun I am One with the subtle realms and
Dodecahedron larger insight leading to
(6th) & my higher self.
self control and trust,
even in adverse situations.

Crown Unity I AM. Wisdom, liberation, and

(7th) Beyond I AM the Universe made manifest. the experience of immortality.
Form I AM beyond thought, form, and
I AM one with Source (God, Allah,
Sa Ta Na Ma)

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Techniques for Revitalizing Your Chakras

A healthy chakra is clear in color and full of light. Over time and as a result of physical,
emotional, or mental imbalances, chakras tend to absorb density. As they become stagnant they
spin or pulsate more slowly and their colors dim. With more extreme trauma, they may also
appear to have abrasions, tears or other structural distortions. Chakras that hold density aren’t
able to fully support your system, which results in various forms of imbalance or dis-ease.

In order to maintain optimum health it is a good practice to regularly clear and clean your
chakras. There are many effective techniques and tools to apply. Here are two very simple and
effective methods.

A General Method for Chakra Visualizations

You can use this method to bring your awareness within and focus on a specific chakra.

1. Close your eyes.

2. Move your awareness within. Breath and relax.

3. Raise your eyebrows.

4. Place your awareness at the top of your head (fontenelle) and feel the sensations there.

5. Raise the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

6. Slowly inhale, feeling your breath at the top of your head.

7. As you slowly exhale down the front part of your spine, watch your breath as it
descends to the chakra of your focus.

8. Feel your breathe move into that chakra.

9. As you take another breath feel it move out from the chakra and expand into that area of
your body.

10. With the next breath, see, feel, or imagine that light is entering your body along with
your breath. See or imagine that the light is the color of the pure chakra frequency.

11. As you breathe, see or imagine the frequency of light increasing in your chakra.

12. Now forget about your breath and sit inside your chakra. Experience whatever is there.
Observe your experience with all of your inner senses.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

A Chakra Clearing Exercise

To begin, go into a quiet meditative state. Ground above and below. Visualize your shushuma,
the column of light that runs along your spine, connecting to heaven and earth. Center your
awareness in your heart.

1. Rub your hands to activate them and place them in the area of your root chakra.

2. Move your awareness to your root chakra.

3. Imagine a 1-2 ft bubble suspended in front of your root.

4. Breathe deeply.

5. As you inhale, imagine or feel that with your breath you are breathing in the color of
rich, warm red. Visualize or feel this rich red moving throughout your body, especially
moving deep into your root chakra.

6. As you exhale, blow from your 1st chakra any limitations and stagnant energy. See the
stagnation or density leaving your body effortlessly and moving into the bubble in front
of you.

7. Continue this process with your breath until you feel, see, experience the chakra fully
charged and infused with light.

8. Now move your awareness to your second chakra. Place your hands on your lower
abdomen to help you move the energy there.

9. Imagine the bubble of light rising until it is suspended in front of your second chakra.
Repeat the breath work and color visualization, this time breathing deep orange into
your lower abdomen. Repeat the breath work, steps 5-6, until the chakra feels clear and
charged, step 7.

10. When you are ready to move on, shift your awareness to your solar plexus and repeat
the process.

11. Continue moving up through your chakras until you have finished with the session.

When you are complete with the clearing and activation of your chakras, place your
attention on the bubble of light. Bless the bubble of light, thank it for supporting your
clearing. See it growing brighter. You can imagine it floating away, turning more and more
to light. Either it will float up and burst into light, or it will ground into the earth, where it
will be welcomed by the elements.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Six Card Chakra Spread

Use this spread to receive insight into your energy system and your general integration within
and without. You can focus on a specific question or circumstance, or simply ask for insight into
your state of balance and well being.


Connection to Source
Higher Mind, Intuition,
& Speaking Truth
(Upper 3 Chakras)


5. 6.


Outer World Inner World

Circumstances, Ability to
Relationships &
1. The Heart of the Matter receive, connect
External 2. What is Crossing Your Heart to inner
Actions The pair together represent your Heart guidance &
(Right Hand) Chakra, emotional integration, assume
opportunities for release, bringing forward responsibility for
who you are. circumstances.
(Left Hand)


Personal Power & Creativity
Grounding to Earth
(Lower 3 Chakras)

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

The Chakra Spread


Left Hand
(Capacity to Receive)

7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Crown Third Eye Throat Heart Center Solar Plexus Second Root


Right Hand
(Capacity to Respond)
After drawing the nine cards, you may also draw an additional 10th card, crossing in the heart center, to illuminate what is being integrated or released.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018


for a

Reiki Self Treatment

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Introduction to Reiki
Reiki is a form of hands-on healing, developed by Dr. Mikao Usui (1864-1927). Dr Usui received
the symbols and energetic transmission during a 21-day spiritual retreat and fast on the sacred
Mt. Kurama in Japan. Following this personal healing, Dr. Usui soon realized the benefit to
others. In 1922 he moved to Tokyo and opened his institute for teaching and healing. This was
the beginning of the formal transmission of this unique and powerful healing form.

Although Reiki most recently came to us through Dr. Usui less than a hundred years ago, many
practitioners and intuitives believe that Reiki energy has existed on the planet for many
thousands of years, and that healers such as Jesus and Buddha were carriers of this ancient
lineage. The knowledge was lost for many years and returned to us when the time was ripe.

As a healing method Reiki transmits focused frequencies of Universal Life Force energy. This life
force, also known as chi or prana, flows directly from Source and supports life and health for all
beings. Reiki helps us to more fully harness this energy for ourselves and others. Reiki
practitioners work with a specific frequency of the universal life force that is associated with the
heart chakra. This frequency, sometimes known as the Emerald Ray, works in our physical and
etheric bodies. In other words, it brings us to balance through the physical level as well as the
emotional, mental and spiritual levels of our being.

How is Reiki energy transmitted?

The means of transmission is through an attunement or initiation that opens our natural
channels. The attunement is a simple energetic transfer, and doesn’t require acquisition of
knowledge or ability. Once attuned to the frequency each person is free to explore the ways in
which Reiki energy will enrich her or his life. Each person is also free to combine Reiki with
other modalities and approaches to health and well being. You, as the recipient, work with the
energy to refine and develop your own expression and understanding.

How does Reiki healing work?

The Reiki practitioner is the channel, or transmitter, of healing Universal Life Force energy to
another Being. Reiki energy flows through the practitioner’s heart center and out the hands to
wherever it is most needed. There is no need to control or “manage” the flow, because the energy
will go where it will to do the most good. Reiki can do no harm because the receiver’s own
energy system and spiritual guides are tuning the energy into the perfect frequencies and form in
which it will best be received.

*As universal life force enters the atmosphere it breaks into a variety of frequencies. One of the
frequencies of visible light is Emerald Green. This is the mid-range of the color spectrum and the
frequency associated with the heart chakra, also known as The Emerald Ray. This is the
particular frequency of life force associated with Reiki healing and the frequency with which
Reiki practitioners most often work.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

The Three Levels of Initiation or Attunement
There are three levels of initiation or attunement that you will receive in order to have your
energy system attuned to the frequencies of the Reiki energy.. Each initiation includes learning
hand positions and symbols for transmitting the energy. Each initiation also attunes your body
to a specific aspect of the Reiki energy and to a particular healing level.

1. First Degree
First Degree Reiki attunes you to healing energy on the physical body level. You will
learn the Reiki hand positions and how to do a treatment on yourself and others.

2. Second Degree
Second Degree Reiki attunes you to healing energy on the mental and emotional levels of
being. You will be attuned to clear energies on the mental and emotional planes, as well
as over distance and through time. You will learn three Reiki symbols and how to use
them during an in-person treatment as well as an absentee or distance session.

3. Third (Master) Degree

Master, or Third Degree, Reiki attunes you to healing energies on the spiritual plane and
integration of the full frequencies of Reiki Energy. You are given the Master Symbol
which you can use to re-initiate yourself and invoke sacred space for yourself and others.

There is a second degree at the master level (called 3b or 4th degree) in which you learn
to pass on initiations and teach Reiki to others. When you have had opportunity to
integrate Reiki practice you may be interested in learning to transmit the attunement.

Approaches to Training and Attunement

There are a variety of forms and approaches to Reiki training. Some are three days in length,
some require months or even years of study. Although there is a tradition in this country of Reiki
training being very expensive and lengthy, in the last 15-20 years there has emerged a more
efficient and streamlined approach. In addition, research into the origins of Reiki has discovered
that Dr. Usui’s methods of initiation did not require major investment or long periods of time
between levels. It is even thought that perhaps he attuned people to all three levels at one time.

In my experience a more refined and direct approach to training is most valuable. In addition, it
is my feeling that the third level attunement is necessary for the full activation and unfolding of
the energies. For that reason, I recommend receiving all three levels of attunement in order to
fully receive the benefits and develop an effective personal practice.

It is important to note that the attunements are only the beginning of a practice. Once attuned,
you will always possess the Reiki energies, however it is only through regular personal practice
(allowing the Reiki energy to flow through you) that the energies remain fully available.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Reiki Self Treatment
Reiki is a healing method that works with focused frequencies of Universal Life Force energy.
Universal life force, also known as chi or prana, flows directly from Source and supports life for all
beings. Reiki helps us to more fully harness this energy for ourselves and others. The specific
frequency of life force that Reiki harnesses is associated with the heart chakra, also known as the
“Emerald Ray.” This frequency works in both our physical and etheric bodies.

Reiki attunements open the energy channels that connect your crown chakra to your hands.
Specifically, from your crown, to your heart and then down your arms to your palms. This enables
you to transmit universal energies of healing light, directly from Source, to yourself and others.

Giving yourself a Reiki treatment is one of the most loving and nurturing things you can do for
yourself. The treatment can be combined with the above practices or used separately. It is very
effective when used with chakra clearing visualizations and other clearing techniques.

If done in the morning it will set your energies for the day. If done at night it will help you sleep.


1. Rub your hands together. This activates the palm chakras and brings the Reiki energy into
the surface of your hands.
2. Place one hand on your 3rd chakra, solar plexus, and one hand on your 2nd chakra (just below
the navel for women and at the navel for men).
3. Call upon your Guides or your Higher Self to assist you in receiving the light.
4. Ask that the Reiki energy (Universal Life Force) flow through you to the highest level that is
beneficial for you right now.
5. Proceed with the hand positions described below. It’s recommended to keep at least one
hand on yourself at all times so as not to break the connection you have established.

Hand Positions for Self-Treating the Head:

Position #1 Your hands are placed over your face with your
fingertips stopping at the hairline. Your little
fingers are touching one another, and you can
cover as much of your face as you can.

Treats everything on the face, including sinus,

eyes, nose mouth, teeth and jaws.

Balances pineal and pituitary glands.

Opens the 6th Chakra and third eye.

Position #2

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Place your hands on top of your head, letting
your middle fingers meet at the center over your
crown chakra.

Balances the left and right hemispheres of your

brain. Improves memory, good for headaches
and earaches, assists the dying in their transition.

Opens the crown chakra.

Position #3

Option 1: Cup your hands at the base of the

back of your head with your thumbs side by side
and your fingers extended upwards.

Option 2: Place your hands, one above the other

in a horizontal position, making sure that the
lower hand is over the occipital ridge.

This position makes a mind-body connection.

Position #4 Your hands meet at the front of your neck, and

form a “V.” The heals of your hands touch at
the center of your neck and your hands wrap
around the sides with fingertips touching either
side of your neck.

Treats the thyroid, neck and throat.

Opens the 5th chakra.

Hand Positions for Self-Treating the Front of the Body:

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Position #1

Place both hands on your chest above the breast

line and below the neck, with your fingertips
meeting in the middle.

Treats the bronchials, thymus and immune


Opens the light body center.

Position #2 Place both hands over your breasts with your

fingertips meeting in the middle.

Treats the heart, lungs, and breasts.

Opens the 4th chakra.

Position #3 Place both hands on the body just above your

navel with your fingertips meeting in the middle.

Treats the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and


Opens and balances the 3rd chakra.

Position #4

Place both hands on the body just below your

navel for women, at the navel for men, with your

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

fingertips meting in the middle.

Treats the intestines.

Opens the 2nd chakra.

Position #5 Place hands on the abdomen, pointing down

toward the groin area in a “V: shape. Your
fingers meet at the point of the “V.”

Treats the bladder, reproductive organs, and


Opens the 1st chakra.

Hand Positions for Self-Treating the Back of the Body

Position #1

Place your hands behind your shoulders along

the top of your shoulders. Your middle fingers
meet in the middle.

Treats the shoulders.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Position #2

There are two options with this position. You can choose either one.

Option 1: with your right hand reach across your

body and place your hand over your left
shoulder and on top of your left back. After this
you do the opposite – with your left hand reach
across your body and place your hand over your
right shoulder and on top of your right back.

Option 2: Reach around behind with your left

hand and touch your left back. Take your right
hand and bring it around from above and meet
both hands in the middle. You may reverse the
hands. It is OK to have one hand palm facing

Treats the upper back.

Position #3

Place hands side by side on the upper back just

above your waistline.

Treats the kidneys and mid back.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Position #4

Position your hands downward over your

tailbone, placing your little fingers side by side.

Treats the lower back.

Self-Treating the Arms and Legs

Position #1

Treating the Arms: Take one hand and place it

around your arm and then move it down,
running the Reiki energy throught the arm and
out your fingers. Then visualize the energy
debris moving out, either ground it in the planet
or see it being transformed to light. Treat the
other arm.

Position #2

Treating the Legs: Take both hands and place

them around your leg and then mave them
down, running the Reiki energy through your
arms, into your legs, and out thorugh your feet.
Then visualize the energy debris moving out,
either ground it in the planet or see it being
transformed to light. Then treat the other leg.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

Completing a Self-Treatment

Say out loud words to this effect:

I ask that this Reiki energy continue to heal, harmonize and balance my entire being, including my
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, within and without, through all time and space,
through all dimensions and inter-dimensions.

I ask for support for … (state your intentions here).

I offer thanks and appreciation to all the Beings of Light who are assisting me today.

Adding Reiki Symbols

If you have been attuned to the Reiki symbols you can integrate them into your self treatment in the
same way you would when you’re offering a treatment to someone else.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

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