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"While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve
A person’s morning starts with an alarm ,and the day end’s by setting an alarm for next
day.Basically the person’s day starts with technology.The alarm clock is an mobile
app.So in short we all cannot live without information and technology.The new
advancements in science and technology,like using a finger print to now using a face
id,sending a message to now sending an whatsapp text,all these observations prompted
me to probe into my interests in doing engineering in the field of Information
My journey of studies started with my schooling at Gitanjali Devashray School.I
completed my schooling with a CGPA of 9.8.I then embarked my intermediate education
at FIITJEE Junior College and finished it with a good percentage of 93.9.Then Im
pursuing my bachelor’s of Engineering in Information Technology at Chaitanya
Bharathi Institute of Technology and acquired 8.02 CGPA till my 3rd
Year second semester.
As a kid,I always had fascination not just towards computers,but also towards new things
they taught us in school like ms-word,ms-excel,html, etc.,.but also on how to make an
efficient use of the available resources to make our living simple is what drove me to do
Engineering in Information Technology.Throughout my engineering I not just learned the
concepts of Information Technology but I also learnt few subjects that helped me in the
utilization of the concepts I have studied.Subjects like Data
BaseManagement,DataWarehousingandDataMining,BigDataAnalytics,have really
paved the way for my interest into Data Analytics.My elective subject Data Analysis
using R was so much fun in learning both the concept as well effective techniques of
applying the concept.I can say that Engineering in Information Technology was a great
platform to develop an interest in Data Analytics.
What really fascinated me was how such huge amounts of data could be stored and
retrieved,and also querying of such huge data irrespective of its structure.Like it could be
structured,semi-structured or unstructured.
Also I am a very good Chess Player.I also participated in Asian Universities Chess
Championship this year.I secured an Bronze medal in All India Inter Universities Chess
Championship and a Silver Medal in South Zone Inter Universities Chess
Championship.Our college has been the winner in OU Inter College Chess Championship
since three years. I have captained my college team consecutively for two years
Osmania University Team Championship,An Inter Collegiate Tournament.
Being very enthusiastic and independent right from my childhood, I have always learnt to
grow with the change and reach to a level where there is no looking back, where I can
think and act as effectively and efficiently as I can. Education in the United States of
America has always played an important role globally in developing the ability of
students to work effectively and efficiently. It will also give me an exposure to interact
with people from different nationalities and learn different cultures, ideologies and
traditions. To achieve such a level of desired success, I am sure that, this diverse
exposure will aid in an overall development of my personality.
My choice to apply to the __________________________for Masters in Data Analytics
is based on a careful examination of the course curriculum and academic benchmarks
achieved. In all being a comprehensive university that furnishes an education that will
serve me well in my career and prepare me for a lifetime of learning, I feel that graduate
study at ____________________will be the most logical extension of my academic
pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be grateful to you if I
am accorded the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with financial assistance at
your institution and am able to justify your faith in me.
I am proud to have selected the most appropriate place for my field of study.

I hope my credentials merit consideration for admission.

Telukunta Vigna Shree

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