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Part 1

In our daily lives, it is evident that there are things that occurred naturally on the earth's

surface, and some of them, on the other side, came up due to human knowledge. Thirdly is the

philosopher Russell's application, which came up with a philosophical theory of appearance and

reality. He orchestrated some things that might appear but can be natural upon touch because our

sense of touch can explain everything about the physicality of the matter. Historically there have

been many things that seemed genuine, and others are human-made. The human-made objects

follow specific criteria to bring an outcome that is convincing to the people intending to make

them. Good examples are the pyramids of Egypt that were made according to the people tasked

to do them and the pharaoh's desires.

According to any person that might have seen, Egypt's pyramids were placed there by

God, but in reality, they are human-made. When you look at the pyramid of Khufu, they can

easily convince you t6hat it was placed there by God. It was men who made with the instructions

of the king. Firstly, by the way, they are designed. There is a specific height that was determined

by the people contracted to do them. The pyramids' essence can be the best case example that can

be used to determine it was human-made. The pyramid of Khufu is compared to the pyramid of

khafre. The two pyramids exist very close to each other in a measurable way that is very

beautiful to the observer's eyes. When you consider the coloring, it is evident due to the

indication of a very bright and transparent color in the pyramid of Khufu. The materials used are

seemed to be the best and one of the finest at the time, which was so precious at that time.

Through the evidence that exists, the two pyramids, Khufu and khafre, seem to be

coexisting. This factor is beneficial because it attracts people to visit them as a site of attractions.

The pyramidal shape that they possess is so attractive with the controversies of the materials they

are made of. The other factor that is vivid to the mid is the idea and knowledge that those

ancie4nt people had when building the pyramids. The size of the pyramids is so distinctive that it

can be stuck to our minds. The pyramids are crammed full of knacks. Inside the pyramid s there

are a lot of secrets and cultures that are bared in there. All the shapes and bright colors and the

shape posed are of meaning. Several other pectoral presentations can help visualize the

pyramids and be sure of them being human-made. People are being attracted to it to be able to be

of all the secrets around it. The pyramids are built on a place of land where they are isolated for

good visibility. On the plane, the gigantic pyramids are two, and the others are two small

pyramids. The two pyramids seem to be coexisting, which is not accurate. The shapes for the

entry points of the two pyramids are different. It is an indication that the two pyramids are other,

and night has been built differently in the process.

There are distinctive characteristics of the two pyramids, with the main one being the

quantity of matter used in formulating them. The best and biggest one is the pyramid of Khufu,

which has an extension of 79,490,089 cubic feet. While on the other side the main distinctive

idea of Khufu has a mass of 91227779 cubic feet. The two distinctions indicate that the two

pyramids are different, and it is evident that they exist separately. First of all, through the factor

of quantity, the pyramid of Khufu can exist separately even without the other pyramid's presence.

It is an indication that clearly shows the prowess of human beings in creating them, and it is

evident that they did not exist on their own.

Secondly is the distance that they are placed apart. The two pyramids look interconnected

and separated at the same time. It is the ability that only God possesses. It is one of the

distinctions that make people think that t is a natural feature placed by God. Khufu is at the lower

side, where it seems small but, in reality, is the largest when we compare the two pyramids. It is

built with the largest size of the material s used. The other, khafre, is placed on a raised ground

that seems to be strategically bigger. They are placed alongside other small pyramids that look

like they are empowered, hence convincing that it was natural there. The distance and the

structural positions play a significant role in convincing the people whether they were genuine or


The composition of the pyramids is another determining factor at hand. The materials

used to build them seem to be impossible to be brought by human beings. This is one of the

indications that are more convincing about the controversies surrounding the two pyramids. The

conclusions of the secrets that exist inside the pyramids. Some secrets were only known to the

pharaoh that exists in both the pyramids. It was place to place weapons and other gadgets for

t6he then governing bodies. So the two pyramids are different in the compositions of

components in them; the two pyramids are indeed very different from each other since the

designs used to structure them are very different. The main reason for the differences in their

functioning's. It indicates that the two pyramids are different from each other and are made for

various functions.

Lastly, it is about the part of the Khufu pyramid that is distinct from the pyramid of khafre—

considering the side through cubic meters. The side has distinctive features that we can

physically differentiate by our natural vision. When viewing the pyramids, we all can spot the

difference from that specific side. The main reason is the particular materials used to furnish the

pyramid's walls; hence they are very different from each other. It also indicates that the pyramids

are not naturally placed here but are made by a human. Human involvement comes out clear due

to the differences that are in existence. Many questions arise in the process where the knowledge

and practicality of building the pyramids came to be.

Part 2

He was taking into consideration the involvement of God in the existence of the two

pyramids. In my opinion, I object to the fact that God was not in the process of making the

pyramids false. I suppose that God had a hand in the making of the pyramids. It is through

human beings that God made it possible. Human beings were just used as a vessel to build them.

This argument is based on the fact that by then, the eg7yuvptians believed in God. So, in this

case, God was the one who made the pyramids, and we can make it more of a natural feature.

The other argument is that all the Egyptians' knowledge was directly from God there was a belief

about some supernatural powers in the making. It shows that we have to think of this issue from

a broad perspective to conclude the whole phenomenon.

The main reason for my objection is that by then, the pharaoh and all the people of Egypt

believed in God; if not one God, and then there were several beings that they thought could

answer their prayers. It indicates that they believed that there was a supernatural power that

helped them perform their duties. We all know the limits of human knowledge at the time; there

was always a way to believe that the whole issue was not fully human, although human beings

entirely performed it.

My objection can be successful if the thought of critically. Because at some point in

human life, we get to place our beliefs in n some this that we may not be seeing or sure of, It is

referred to as having faith. Looking at the two pyramids' designs and the differences that are

seen, it is clear there is a superpower intervention on it. Above all, we should be able to

differentiate the two physical features and critically examine the controversies surrounding them,

referring to scholarly sources like appearance and reality by Russell.

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