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REVIEW Annals of Internal Medicine

Antipsychotics for Preventing Delirium in Hospitalized Adults

A Systematic Review
Esther S. Oh, MD, PhD; Dale M. Needham, MD, PhD; Roozbeh Nikooie, MD; Lisa M. Wilson, ScM; Allen Zhang, BS;
Karen A. Robinson, PhD*; and Karin J. Neufeld, MD, MPH*

Background: Delirium is an acute disorder marked by impair- cognitive function, delirium severity (insufficient SOE), inappro-
ments in attention and cognition, caused by an underlying med- priate continuation, and sedation (insufficient SOE). There is lim-
ical problem. Antipsychotics are used to prevent delirium, but ited evidence that second-generation antipsychotics may lower
their benefits and harms are unclear. delirium incidence in the postoperative setting. There is little ev-
idence that short-term use of antipsychotics was associated with
Purpose: To conduct a systematic review evaluating the bene- neurologic harms. In some of the trials, potentially harmful car-
fits and harms of antipsychotics for prevention of delirium in diac effects occurred more frequently with antipsychotic use.
Limitations: There was significant heterogeneity in antipsy-
Data Sources: PubMed, Embase, CENTRAL, CINAHL, and Psyc- chotic dosing, route of antipsychotic administration, assessment
INFO from inception through July 2019, without restrictions of outcomes, and adverse events. There were insufficient or no
based on study setting, language of publication, or length of data available to draw conclusions for many of the outcomes.
Conclusion: Current evidence does not support routine use of
Study Selection: Randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) that haloperidol or second-generation antipsychotics for prevention
compared an antipsychotic with placebo or another antipsy- of delirium. There is limited evidence that second-generation an-
chotic, and prospective observational studies with a comparison tipsychotics may lower the incidence of delirium in postoperative
group. patients, but more research is needed. Future trials should use
Data Extraction: One reviewer extracted data and graded the standardized outcome measures.
strength of the evidence, and a second reviewer confirmed the Primary Funding Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and
data. Two reviewers independently assessed the risk of bias. Quality. (PROSPERO: CRD42018109552)
Data Synthesis: A total of 14 RCTs were included. There were
no differences in delirium incidence or duration, hospital length Ann Intern Med. 2019;171:474-484. doi:10.7326/M19-1859
of stay (high strength of evidence [SOE]), and mortality between For author affiliations, see end of text.
haloperidol and placebo used for delirium prevention. Little to This article was published at on 3 September 2019.
no evidence was found to determine the effect of haloperidol on * Drs. Robinson and Neufeld contributed equally to this work.

D elirium is a clinical syndrome marked by an acute

and fluctuating disturbance in attention and cogni-
tion developing over a short period as a consequence
tive decline in studies conducted in intensive care unit
(ICU) (4) and postoperative settings (5).
The prevalence of delirium varies by patient popu-
of an underlying medical perturbation (1). Delirium lation and setting, ranging from 1% to 2% in the com-
commonly occurs after an acute illness or surgery. It munity to 82% in the ICU (6). Delirium has multiple
may affect up to 50% of hospitalized older adults, and causes; once it develops, it can be difficult to treat. De-
annual health care costs associated with delirium and lirium may be preventable in up to 30% to 40% of cases
its complications are estimated to be over $38 billion in (7, 8). Hence, interventions to prevent delirium may
the United States (2). Beyond its economic impact, de- provide an important opportunity to reduce the mor-
lirium is also associated with poor clinical outcomes, bidity and mortality associated with this condition.
including physical and cognitive decline, as well as in- At this time, multicomponent nonpharmacologic
creased institutionalization and mortality. In older interventions, including such therapeutic activities as
adults undergoing major elective surgery, postopera- reminiscing, interacting with family and friends, sleep
tive delirium was associated with impairment in func- enhancement, and early mobilization (9, 10), are effec-
tional recovery lasting up to 18 months after surgery tive (11) and are recommended for delirium prevention
(3). Delirium was also associated with long-term cogni- (12). Despite the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of multi-
component nonpharmacologic interventions in delirium
prevention (13), pharmacologic interventions, including
See also: antipsychotic medications, continue to be evaluated for
potential benefit in preventing delirium.
Related article . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
A prior systematic review examined the evidence
Editorial comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516 for use of antipsychotics to prevent delirium in adult
Web-Only medical and surgical inpatients up to 2013 and deter-
Supplement mined that the evidence does not support the use of
antipsychotics for prevention or treatment of delirium
CME/MOC activity
(14). Since then, additional important studies have
474 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019
Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults REVIEW
been published. Moreover, questions about antipsy- setting (inpatient or outpatient), language of publica-
chotics still remain, including about mortality, cardiac, tion, or length of follow-up. We excluded studies that
and extrapyramidal harms. Therefore, we conducted a did not use a validated instrument to diagnose delirium
systematic review of the benefits and harms of antipsy- (18). We also included prospective observational stud-
chotics for the prevention of delirium. ies with comparison groups that reported adverse

METHODS Data Extraction, Quality, and Applicability

We report part of a larger systematic review on the
effectiveness and safety of antipsychotics for the pre- We used standardized forms created in DistillerSR
vention and treatment of delirium (15). Our findings on database (Evidence Partners Inc.) to extract data on
delirium treatment are reported separately (16). In this general study characteristics, study participants, inter-
review, we report our assessment of the effectiveness ventions, comparisons, and outcomes. One reviewer
and safety of antipsychotics for preventing delirium, extracted data, with confirmation by a second reviewer.
and the available evidence for 10 outcomes: cognitive We contacted authors for missing data.
functioning, hospital length of stay (LOS), delirium sever- Two reviewers independently assessed the risk of
ity, sedation, inappropriate continuation of antipsychotics, bias (ROB) for each trial by using the Cochrane Hand-
delirium incidence, delirium duration, mortality, and car- book for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (20). Dis-
diac and neurologic harms. The full evidence report in- agreements were resolved through discussion.
cludes additional details on methods and other results, Data Synthesis and Analysis
including search strategies, comparison of antipsychotics We used the total sample size to describe the in-
with other medications, and subgroup analyses of patient cluded studies; the sample size of each group is reported
populations (such as critically ill patients; those older than separately in the tables of the Supplement (available at
65 years; the postoperative, palliative care, and hospice We conducted meta-analyses of RCTs when
care settings; and patients with dementia) (15). data were sufficient (≥3 studies) and studies were homog-
With input from a technical expert panel and rep- enous enough with respect to key variables (such as pop-
resentatives from the Agency for Healthcare Research ulation characteristics, study duration, measurement of
and Quality (AHRQ) and the American Geriatrics Soci- outcomes, and treatment). We separately evaluated stud-
ety, we developed a protocol that was posted 6 Sep- ies of haloperidol and second-generation antipsychotics,
tember 2018 at and but combined studies evaluating different types of
registered on PROSPERO (CRD42018109552) on 28 second-generation antipsychotics. Because we antici-
September 2018. With the exception of finalizing the pated that most drugs within a class would have similar
critical outcomes and adding the sensitivity analyses, effects on the outcomes of interest, we combined studies
we did not deviate from the protocol. We followed the of unique medications within classes when reporting out-
methods outlined in the AHRQ's Methods Guide for comes. When an RCT had multiple study groups, we se-
Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews lected for the meta-analysis the study groups that were most
(17). similar to the other studies in terms of study drugs and dos-
Data Sources and Searches ing, or we combined study groups where possible.
For continuous outcomes, we calculated a mean
We searched PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Cen-
between-group difference via a random-effects model,
tral Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), the Cumula-
with the DerSimonian and Laird formula in settings of
tive Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
low heterogeneity (I2 < 50%) (21) or with profile likeli-
(CINAHL), and PsycINFO through 11 July 2019, with no
hood analyses when heterogeneity was not low (22). As
restrictions on language. Our search was peer-reviewed
a sensitivity analysis, we also calculated a pooled mean
by a medical librarian with experience in developing liter-
between-group difference by using the Hartung–
ature searches in the field of delirium. We hand-searched
Knapp–Sidik–Jonkman approach, because this provides
the reference lists of included articles and relevant re-
a more conservative estimate for meta-analysis with few
views. We also hand-searched the references included in
studies (23). For dichotomous outcomes, we calculated
delirium-specific bibliographic repositories (18, 19).
a pooled effect estimate of the relative risk between
Study Selection RCT groups, with each study weighted by the inverse
Two reviewers independently screened abstracts variance, using a random-effects model with the DerSi-
and full-text articles for inclusion. We tracked and re- monian and Laird formula in settings of low statistical
solved differences between reviewers through consen- heterogeneity (21) and profile likelihood analysis when
sus. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) heterogeneity was not low (22). When there were 0
that compared an antipsychotic with placebo or an- events, we also calculated pooled odds ratios by using
other antipsychotic for the prevention of delirium and the Peto method and pooled relative risks by using the
evaluated relevant outcomes among adults at risk for treatment-group continuity correction (inverse of the
delirium. The inclusion and exclusion criteria to define sample size of the other treatment group in cells with 0
adults at risk for delirium varied across studies. We also events) (24, 25). For each meta-analysis, we planned to
included prospective observational studies with a com- examine publication bias by using the Begg test and
parison group. We had no restrictions based on study the Egger test, including evaluation of the asymmetry of Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019 475
REVIEW Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults

funnel plots, when there were more than 9 (26, 27). Pub- delirium severity. Four trials used Delirium Rating
lication bias was qualitatively considered as part of the Scale-Revised-98 (DRS-R-98) to determine delirium se-
strength of evidence determination. We used the ad- verity and 1 trial (31) used the Intensive Care Delirium
metan package in Stata (Intercooled, version 14.2 [Stata- Screening Checklist.
Corp]) for all meta-analyses. Haloperidol was compared with placebo in 3 RCTs
Grading of the Evidence with low ROB (29, 32, 33) (807 participants), but we
were unable to draw conclusions owing to inconsis-
We graded the strength of evidence (SOE) by us-
tency and methodological limitations (insufficient SOE)
ing the grading scheme recommended by the AHRQ's
(Supplement Tables 3 and 4, available at
Guide for Conducting Comparative Effectiveness (28).
Two second-generation antipsychotics (olanzapine,
We applied evidence grades to the bodies of evidence
risperidone) were compared with placebo in 2 RCTs
for each critical outcome.
with low ROB (30, 31) (501 participants), but we were
Critical outcomes were determined before data ex-
unable to draw conclusions owing to inconsistent re-
traction but after protocol registration. We asked each
sults and nonrepresentativeness (insufficient SOE)
member of our technical expert panel to select the 5
(Supplement Tables 3 and 4).
most important outcomes, with at least 1 outcome be-
We found no RCTs on delirium prevention that
ing a potential adverse effect. We defined “importance”
evaluated delirium severity between haloperidol and
as those outcomes that have the greatest relevance to
second-generation antipsychotics or between 2 differ-
decision making about the use of antipsychotics for
ent second-generation antipsychotics.
prevention of delirium. Results were compiled and out-
comes with the most votes were designated “critical
outcomes”; these were cognitive functioning, delirium Hospital Length of Stay
severity, hospital LOS, inappropriate continuation of A total of 10 RCTs reported on hospital LOS ROB
antipsychotic medication, and sedation. ratings: 7 low (29, 31–36) (2939 participants), 2 un-
We assessed domains of study limitations (by using clear (37, 38) (547 participants), and 1 high (39) (126
individual-study ROB assessments), consistency, direct- participants).
ness, precision, and reporting bias. We classified evi- Eight RCTs (3385 participants), in different patient
dence into 4 categories: high, moderate, low, and in- populations and inpatient settings, reported the effect
sufficient (Supplement Table 1, available at of haloperidol compared with placebo on hospital LOS
(28). (29, 32–38). One RCT, with unclear ROB (38) (90 partic-
Role of the Funding Source ipants), reported shorter hospital LOS for haloperidol,
The AHRQ reviewed the protocol and report but with a mean between-group difference of 2 days (mean
did not participate in the literature search, determina- difference [MD], ⫺2.0 days [95% CI, ⫺3.2 to ⫺0.9 day]).
tion of study eligibility, analysis, interpretation of find- However, the other 7 RCTs, with varying ROB (29, 32–
ings, or preparation of the manuscript for publication. 37) (3295 participants), reported no statistically signifi-
cant difference in hospital LOS for the overall trial pop-
ulation: 3 of these 7 trials favored haloperidol (33–35),
RESULTS with mean between-group differences ranging from 0.8
We identified 9427 unique citations, of which 14 day (MD, ⫺0.8 day [CI, ⫺2.1 to 0.5 day]) (33) to 6.5 days
RCTs met eligibility criteria (4281 participants) (Table); (MD, ⫺6.5 days [CI, ⫺13.8 to 0.8 day]) (35). One of the
the ROB was low for 9, high for 2, and unclear for 3 largest trials (36) (1789 participants) in this review fa-
RCTs (Supplement Table 2, available at vored placebo, with a mean between-group difference
The most commonly used delirium diagnosis or screen- of 0.7 day (MD, 0.7 day [CI, ⫺0.8 to 2.1 days]) in the
ing tools or algorithms were the Confusion Assessment 2-mg haloperidol group vs. placebo. Considering the
Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU) and the Diagnostic and overall body of evidence, we concluded that there was
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Table). All 14 no effect of haloperidol compared with placebo on
RCTs were conducted in the inpatient setting (7 mainly hospital LOS (high SOE) (Supplement Tables 5 and 6,
in the ICU), with 4 having an unclear funding source, 4 available at
with no funding or nonprofit sources, 5 with govern- Three RCTs with varying ROB (31, 34, 39) (328
ment funding, and 1 with industry funding. participants) reported no effect on hospital LOS for
second-generation antipsychotics (ziprasidone, risperi-
Effects of Antipsychotics on Critical Outcomes
done) compared with placebo (low SOE) (Supplement
Figure 1 shows a summary of the SOE and conclusions Tables 5 and 6). One RCT with low ROB (34) (101 par-
for the effect of antipsychotics on critical outcomes. ticipants) reported no effect on hospital LOS for halo-
peridol compared with ziprasidone (insufficient SOE)
Cognitive Functioning (Supplement Tables 5 and 6). We found no delirium
No trial evaluated this outcome. prevention RCTs evaluating hospital LOS between 2
different second-generation antipsychotics.
Delirium Severity
Five RCTs with low ROB (29 –33) (1308 partici- Inappropriate Continuation of Antipsychotic Drugs
pants), evaluating various patient populations, reported No trial evaluated this outcome.
476 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019
Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults REVIEW

Table. Characteristics of Included Randomized Controlled Trials

Author, Year Study Sample Participants, Comparison Mean Men, Delirium Outcome Assessed Risk of
(Reference) n Groups Age, y % Diagnosis Tool Bias

Abdelgalel, Patients in ICU 90 Placebo 49 70 CAM-ICU Delirium incidence, Unclear

2016 (38) Haloperidol 51 73 mortality, hospital LOS,
ICU LOS, cardiac effects
Al-Qadheeb et al, Patients in medical and surgical 68 Placebo 59 59 ICDSC, DSM Delirium incidence, duration Low
2016 (40) ICU Haloperidol 62 53 of delirium, mortality, ICU
LOS, sedation, cardiac
effects, neurologic effects
Fukata et al, Elective abdominal or 121 No intervention 80 52 NEECHAM Delirium incidence, duration High
2014 (42) orthopedic surgery Haloperidol 81 54 of delirium, falls
Girard et al, Mechanically ventilated patients 101 Placebo 56 61 CAM-ICU Delirium- and coma-free Low
2010 (34) in medical and surgical ICU Haloperidol 51 57 days, duration of delirium,
Ziprasidone 54 70 use of rescue therapy,
mortality, hospital LOS,
ICU LOS, cardiac effects,
neurologic effects
Hakim et al, Patients undergoing on-pump 101 Placebo NR* 72 ICDSC, DSM Delirium incidence, delirium Low
2012 (31) cardiac surgery Risperidone NR 65 severity, duration of
delirium, mortality,
hospital LOS, ICU LOS,
cardiac effects,
neurologic effects
Kalisvaart et al, Acute or elective hip surgery 430 Placebo 80 22 CAM, DRS-R-98, Delirium incidence, delirium Low
2005 (29) Haloperidol 79 19 DSM severity, duration of
delirium, hospital LOS,
sedation, neurologic
Kaneko et al, Elective GI surgery 80 Placebo 73 65 DSM Delirium incidence, Unclear
1999 (41) Haloperidol 72 60 short-term delirium
symptoms, neurologic
Khan et al, Noncardiac thoracic surgery 135 Placebo 63† 81 CAM-ICU, Delirium incidence, delirium Low
2018 (32) patients in ICU Haloperidol 60 68 DRS-R-98 severity, duration of
delirium, mortality,
hospital LOS, ICU LOS,
cardiac effects,
neurologic effects
Larsen et al, Elective orthopedic surgery 400 Placebo 74 40 CAM, DRS-R-98, Delirium incidence, delirium Low
2010 (30) Olanzapine 73 52 DSM severity, duration of
delirium, use of physical
institutionalization, safety
attendant use, cardiac
Page et al, Mechanically ventilated patients 141 Placebo 69 64 CAM-ICU Delirium- and coma-free Low
2013 (35) in ICU Haloperidol 68 52 days, duration of delirium,
short-term delirium
symptoms, use of rescue
therapy, mortality,
hospital LOS, ICU LOS,
sedation, cardiac effects,
neurologic effects
Prakanrattana and Patients undergoing on-pump 126 Placebo 61 60 CAM-ICU Delirium incidence, hospital High
Prapaitrakool, cardiac surgery Risperidone 61 57 LOS, ICU LOS, cardiac
2007 (39) effects
Schrijver et al, Inpatients in medical or surgical 242 Placebo 83 41 DOSS, Delirium incidence, delirium Low
2018 (33) wards Haloperidol 84 48 DRS-R-98, severity, duration of
DSM delirium, use of rescue
therapy, mortality,
readmission to hospital,
hospital LOS, sedation,
cardiac effects,
neurologic effects
Van den ICU 1789 Placebo 67 61 CAM-ICU, Delirium incidence, Low
Boogaard et al, Haloperidol, 66 59 ICDSC delirium- and coma-free
2018 (36) 1 mg days, use of physical
Haloperidol, 67 63 restraint, mortality,
2 mg hospital LOS, ICU LOS,
cardiac effects,
neurologic effects
Wang et al, Surgical ICU 457 Placebo 74 63 CAM-ICU Delirium incidence, Unclear
2012 (37) Haloperidol 74 63 delirium- and coma-free
days, use of rescue
therapy, mortality,
hospital LOS, ICU LOS,
cardiac effects,
neurologic effects

CAM = Confusion Assessment Method; CAM-ICU = Confusion Assessment Method-ICU; DOSS = Delirium Observation Screening Scale; DRS-R-98 =
Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; GI = gastrointestinal; ICDSC = Intensive Care Delirium
Screening Checklist; ICU = intensive care unit; LOS = length of stay; NEECHAM = Neelon and Champagne Confusion Scale; NR = not reported.
* All participants were aged ≥65 y.
† Median age. Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019 477
REVIEW Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults

Figure 1. Summary of the strength of evidence and conclusions for the effect of antipsychotics on critical outcomes.

Delirium Severity Hospital Length of Stay


Strength of Evidence
Strength of Evidence



Insufficient Insufficient
Evidence Evidence




















































Comparison Comparison


Strength of Evidence


































Each circle represents a study; the size of the circle corresponds to the study sample size. Shaded areas indicate specific comparisons for which we
concluded there was little to no difference. Crossed-out columns indicate no evidence identified for the specific comparison. “Insufficient evidence”
means we concluded that evidence was insufficient to make a conclusion, because of unknown consistency due to single trials, small sample size
(imprecision), high risk of bias, or inconsistency in study results. We found no randomized controlled trials evaluating the role of antipsychotics for
the critical outcome of cognitive function and inappropriate continuation of antipsychotics. Second-gen = second-generation antipsychotic.

Sedation dol on sedation (insufficient SOE) (Supplement Tables

Four RCTs with low ROB (29, 33, 35, 40) (881 partici- 7 to 9, available at
pants) compared haloperidol with placebo for prevention We found no RCTs evaluating sedation that com-
of delirium and reported sedation (for example, excessive pared second-generation antipsychotics and placebo,
or oversedation, or daytime somnolence). haloperidol and second-generation antipsychotics, or 2
One RCT (29) (430 participants) had no report of different second-generation antipsychotics.
sedation and was excluded from the pooled analysis.
We found no difference in sedation between haloperi-
dol and placebo (pooled relative risk [RR], 2.05 [CI, Effects of Antipsychotics on Other Outcomes
0.86 to 4.85] (Figure 2; Supplement Figure 2, available Delirium Incidence
at However, there were too few events to A total of 12 RCTs reported on delirium incidence
draw conclusions about the clinical effects of haloperi- ROB ratings: 6 low (29, 30, 32, 33, 36, 40) (3064 partic-
478 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019
Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults REVIEW
ipants), 4 unclear (31, 37, 38, 41) (728 participants), and favoring haloperidol, with a mean between-group dif-
2 high (39, 42) (247 participants). ference of 6.4 days (MD, ⫺6.4 days [CI, ⫺8.0 to ⫺4.0
Nine RCTs with varying ROB (29, 32, 33, 36 –38, days]) (29), the other trials reported no difference in
40 – 42) (3412 participants) compared delirium inci- delirium duration. We concluded that haloperidol has
dence between haloperidol and placebo groups. no effect on duration of delirium (Supplement Table
These RCTs included patients in both surgical and 10, available at
medical ICU and non-ICU settings, and used a variety of Three RCTs with low ROB (30, 31, 34) (602 partici-
validated instruments for diagnosis of delirium. We pants) compared second-generation antipsychotics (ris-
found no difference in the RR for delirium with haloper- peridone, olanzapine, ziprasidone) with placebo in medi-
idol compared with placebo (0.94 [CI, 0.77 to 1.16]) cal and surgical patients in ICU and postsurgical acute
(Figure 3; Supplement Figure 3 and Supplement Table inpatient wards. Two trials (31, 34) did not show differ-
9, available at ences in delirium duration between second-generation
Three RCTs with varying ROB (30, 31, 39) (627 partic- antipsychotics (ziprasidone, risperidone) and placebo,
ipants) compared delirium incidence with second- and 1 trial (30) reported longer duration of delirium in
generation antipsychotics (olanzapine, risperidone) ver- the second-generation antipsychotic group (olanzapine)
sus placebo in on-pump cardiac or joint-replacement compared with placebo. We concluded that evidence is
surgery. We found a statistically significant and clinically insufficient regarding the effect of second-generation an-
meaningful difference favoring second-generation antip- tipsychotics compared with placebo. One RCT (34) com-
sychotics in the pooled analysis (RR, 0.36 [CI, 0.26 to paring haloperidol with ziprasidone did not show a differ-
0.50]) (Figure 3; Supplement Figure 3 and Supplement ence in duration of delirium (Supplement Table 10).
Table 9). We found no RCTs evaluating delirium duration
We found no delirium prevention RCTs that evalu- between 2 different second-generation antipsychotics.
ated the incidence of delirium between haloperidol
and second-generation antipsychotics, or between 2 Mortality
different second-generation antipsychotics.
A total of 9 RCTs reported on mortality ROB rat-
ings: 7 low (31–36, 40) (2577 participants) and 2 un-
Duration of Delirium clear (37, 38) (547 participants).
A total of 9 RCTs reported on duration of delirium Eight RCTs (32–38, 40) (3023 participants) compar-
ROB ratings: 8 low (29 –35, 40) (1618 participants) and ing haloperidol with placebo reported mortality. There
1 high (42) (121 participants). was no between-group differences in short-term mor-
Seven RCTs (29, 32–35, 40, 42) (1238 participants) tality (up to 30 days after randomization) (pooled RR,
compared haloperidol with placebo in medical or sur- 0.98 [CI, 0.82 to 1.17]) (Figure 3; Supplement Figure 4
gical patients in both ICU and non-ICU settings. We did and Supplement Tables 9 and 11, available at Annals
not perform meta-analysis because the data were .org). Two of these RCTs (33, 36) (2031 participants)
skewed. Although 1 perioperative trial found an effect examined 90-day mortality, with no between-group dif-

Figure 2. Meta-analysis of difference in the incidence of adverse events in studies evaluating effect of antipsychotics.

Comparison Studies, n (N) Study Population Outcome Pooled Meta-analysis Pooled RR (95% CI)*

Cardiac effects

Haloperidol vs. placebo 6 (2653) At risk for delirium Arrhythmias 1.27 (0.72–2.21)

Haloperidol vs. placebo 7 (2721) At risk for delirium QTc prolonged >500 ms or withheld drug 1.11 (0.80–1.55)
owing to QTc prolongation

Neurologic effects

Haloperidol vs. placebo 8 (3276) At risk for delirium Extrapyramidal symptoms 1.02 (0.58–1.79)

Haloperidol vs. placebo 4 (2069) Critically ill patients Extrapyramidal symptoms, akathisia 1.01 (0.56–1.83)


Haloperidol vs. placebo 4 (881) At risk for delirium Somnolence, oversedation 2.05 (0.86–4.85)

0.1 1 2 3
m Favors Intervention Favors Control o

RR = relative risk; QTc = corrected QT interval.

* I2 for all the meta-analysis was 0.0%. Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019 479
REVIEW Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults

Figure 3. Pooled outcome meta-analysis for delirium incidence and mortality.

Comparison Studies, n (N) Study Population Outcome Pooled Meta-analysis Pooled RR (95% CI)

Delirium incidence

Haloperidol vs. placebo* 9 (3412) At risk for delirium Delirium incidence 0.94 (0.77–1.16)

Second-generation vs. placebo†‡ 3 (627) At risk for delirium Delirium incidence 0.36 (0.26–0.50)


Haloperidol vs. placebo† 8 (3023) At risk for delirium Short-term mortality 0.98 (0.82–1.17)

0.5 1 1.5
m Favors Intervention Favors Control o

RR = relative risk.
* I2 for the meta-analysis was 44%.
† I2 for the meta-analysis was 0%.
‡ Olanzapine or risperidone.

ferences (pooled RR, 0.97 [CI, 0.81 to 1.16]) (Supple- reported on corrected QT interval (QTc) prolongation.
ment Figure 4 and Supplement Tables 9 and 11). One There were no between-group differences in QTc pro-
RCT (33) (242 participants) examining 180-day mortal- longation (pooled RR, 1.11 [CI, 0.80 to 1.55]) (Figure 2;
ity also reported no between-group differences (RR, 1 Supplement Figure 5 and Supplement Tables 9, 12,
[CI, 0.5 to 1.7]) (Supplement Table 11). and 13, available at
Two RCTs with low ROB (31, 34) (202 participants) Two RCTs with low ROB (31, 34) (202 participants)
compared second-generation antipsychotics (risperi- compared second-generation antipsychotics (ziprasi-
done, ziprasidone) with placebo in medical and surgi- done and risperidone) with placebo. One trial using
cal ICU patients. Both trials reported no between-group ziprasidone (34) found no between-group differences
differences in short-term mortality. One RCT (34) (101 in QTc prolongation (RR, 2.0 [CI, 0.5 to 7.7]), and the
participants), comparing ziprasidone with haloperidol, other trial (31) reported no occurrence of QTc prolon-
reported no between-group differences in short-term gation. One RCT (34) comparing ziprasidone with hal-
mortality (Supplement Table 11). operidol reported no between-group differences in
We found no RCTs evaluating mortality between 2 QTc prolongation (Supplement Tables 12 and 13).
different second-generation antipsychotics.

Cardiac Effects Neurologic Effects

A total of 11 RCTs (30 – 40) (3650 participants) re- Ten RCTs (29, 32–37, 40, 41) (3544 participants)
ported on a variety of cardiac outcomes (Supplement reported on neurologic outcomes (Supplement Table
Tables 12 and 13, available at 14, available at Seven RCTs with low ROB
Four RCTs with low ROB (32, 34 –36) (2166 partici- (29, 32–36, 40) (2906 participants) and 2 RCTs with un-
pants) and 2 RCTs with unclear ROB (37, 38) (547 par- clear ROB (37, 41) (537 participants) compared halo-
ticipants) compared haloperidol with placebo and re- peridol with placebo and reported on extrapyramidal
ported on arrhythmias. One RCT (34) reported no side effects. Three RCTs (29, 37, 41) reporting no oc-
occurrence of arrhythmia and was not included in the currence of extrapyramidal symptoms and 1 RCT (32)
meta-analysis. There was no between-group difference reporting individual symptoms of extrapyramidal side
in arrhythmias (RR, 1.27 [CI, 0.72 to 2.21] (Figure 2 and effects were not included in the meta-analysis. There
Supplement Figure 5 and Supplement Tables 9 and was no between-group difference in extrapyramidal
12, available at symptoms (pooled RR, 1.02 [CI, 0.58 to 1.79] (Figure 2,
Two RCTs with low ROB (30, 34) (501 participants) Supplement Figure 6, and Supplement Table 9).
and 1 RCT with high ROB (39) (126 participants) com- Two RCTs with low ROB (31, 34) (202 participants)
pared second-generation antipsychotics (ziprasidone, compared second-generation antipsychotics (risperi-
olanzapine, and risperidone) with placebo. One RCT done, ziprasidone) with placebo and reported no
(34) (101 participants) reported no occurrence of ar- between-group differences in extrapyramidal symp-
rhythmia. In the other 2 RCTs, there were no between- toms (Supplement Table 14, available at
group differences in arrhythmias (Supplement Table Because of the low number of events in both studies,
12). the results are imprecise. One RCT (34) compared
Five RCTs with low ROB (32, 34 –36, 40) (2234 par- ziprasidone with haloperidol and found no statistically
ticipants) and 2 RCTs with unclear ROB (37, 38) (547 significant between-group differences in extrapyrami-
participants) compared haloperidol with placebo and dal symptoms (Supplement Table 14).
480 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019
Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults REVIEW
Three RCTs with low ROB (32, 34, 36) (2025 partic- a nonpharmacologic intervention was able to reduce
ipants) comparing haloperidol with placebo reported the odds of postoperative delirium by 56% in a surgical
neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Two RCTs (32, 34) population (45). At this time, important guidelines ei-
reported no occurrence, and 1 (36) reported no ther suggest not using antipsychotics for prevention of
between-group differences (Supplement Table 14). delirium in ICU (12) or note insufficient evidence to rec-
There was no instance of neuroleptic malignant syn- ommend antipsychotics in all settings (46), including
drome in 1 RCT (34) that compared ziprasidone with the postoperative setting (47).
haloperidol (Supplement Table 14). Duration of delirium is another important outcome,
given its associations with poor clinical outcomes. In 1
study of elective cardiac surgery patients, longer dura-
DISCUSSION tion of delirium was associated with slower cognitive
Our systematic review of 14 RCTs (4281 partici- recovery after surgery (48), and another study showed
pants) found insufficient or no evidence supporting the that longer duration of delirium is associated with
routine use of antipsychotics for the prevention of de- higher 6-month mortality in a population of patients
lirium in adult inpatients. with hip fractures (49). In our systematic review, com-
Delirium severity provides a sensitive continuous pared with placebo, haloperidol did not have an effect
measure of delirium (43). Delirium severity is often asso- on the delirium duration in the overall population, and
ciated with worse clinical outcome and may be a more evidence was insufficient regarding the effect of
important outcome than incident delirium (44). Although second-generation antipsychotics.
all of the included RCTs measuring delirium severity had Because delirium is associated with higher mortality
low ROB and most used the same delirium severity scale (50), it is important to evaluate whether delirium preven-
(DRS-R-98), because of inconsistent results and method- tion strategies reduce mortality. Both first-generation
ological limitations, evidence was insufficient to deter- (such as haloperidol) and second-generation antipsychot-
mine the effect of haloperidol and second-generation an- ics have a U.S. Food and Drug Administration black-box
tipsychotics on delirium severity. warning for their association with higher mortality when
Hospital LOS is often examined to determine the used on a long-term basis in individuals with dementia
cost-effectiveness of an intervention, including delirium (51). In our systematic review, haloperidol did not have an
prevention methods (13). In our review, which included effect on mortality up to 30, 90, or 180 days, but few stud-
8 RCTs from different populations and care settings, there ies reported on 90- and 180-day outcomes. We found
was no effect of haloperidol compared with placebo on similar outcomes with second-generation antipsychotics,
hospital LOS. Three RCTs of second-generation antipsy- but only 2 RCTs examined short-term mortality. Notably,
chotics compared with placebo also reported no effect on individuals with advanced dementia were excluded from
hospital LOS. the trials included in this review.
We also examined the effect of antipsychotics on Finally, we examined harms of antipsychotics, in-
sedation and found no statistically significant differ- cluding cardiac and neurologic side effects. Overall,
ences comparing haloperidol with placebo, but be- there were no significant differences between haloper-
cause of imprecision of the estimates and methodolog- idol and placebo in episodes of arrhythmia and QTc
ical heterogeneity of the studies, we concluded that prolongation. Similar findings were seen in compari-
evidence was insufficient to determine the effect of an- sons of second-generation antipsychotics with placebo.
tipsychotics on sedation. We found no RCTs that exam- Despite the lack of statistically significant between-
ined cognitive functioning or inappropriate continua- group differences when comparing haloperidol and
tion of antipsychotic drugs as study outcomes. second-generation antipsychotics with placebo, in
In comparing haloperidol with placebo, we found some of the studies, potentially harmful cardiac effects
no differences in incident delirium in the meta-analysis occurred more frequently in the antipsychotic group.
that included a large RCT with low ROB (1789 partici- Among the 10 trials that examined neurologic out-
pants) (36). Exclusion of any one trial did not change comes, overall few neurologic events were reported.
the inference of the meta-analysis. However, in 3 RCTs Most studies in our review excluded individuals who
that compared second-generation antipsychotics with had underlying neurologic disorders or cardiovascular
placebo in postoperative settings, we found a statistically problems, and therefore the reported cardiac and neu-
significant lower RR for incident delirium. Two trials were rologic harms in our review may underrepresent the
in cardiac surgery (risperidone) and 1 in elective orthope- event rate in routine clinical practice that includes
dic surgery (olanzapine). However, our finding should be higher-risk patients.
interpreted with caution; further research is required for In recent years, several systematic reviews have ex-
several reasons. One of the RCTs had high ROB due to amined the role of antipsychotics in delirium preven-
lack of blinding (39). Even though the delirium incidence tion. Most systematic reviews have been on a specific
was lower in another trial, delirium duration was longer population, such as ICU patients (52–54). Our results
and delirium severity was higher in the antipsychotic differ from those of a prior systematic review, which
group compared with placebo (30). found that haloperidol prophylaxis reduced the inci-
Finally, it would be important to directly compare dence of delirium in critically ill patients (52). Of note,
the effectiveness of antipsychotics with that of nonphar- since the end of literature search in that study (Novem-
macologic interventions, because 1 study showed that ber 2015), several larger studies have been published Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019 481
REVIEW Antipsychotics for Delirium Prevention in Adults

(32, 36, 38, 40) comparing haloperidol with placebo for Koneru, MBBS; Jeanette Edelstein, MA; Sriharsha Singu,
prevention of delirium in critically ill patients. Our find- MBBS; Amulya Balagani, MBBS; Louay H. Aldabain, MD,
ings are consistent with more recent systematic reviews Narjes Akhlaghi, MD; Mary Zulty, DO; Sanjay Singh, MD; and
(53, 54) that have included some of the more recent Matthew Picchiello, BA.
studies. We performed sensitivity analysis by using al-
ternative statistical methods, which did not change the Financial Support: By the AHRQ (contract 290-2015-00006I-2).
interpretation of our primary findings (Supplement Ta-
ble 9). We also searched the PubMed, Embase, CI- Disclosures: Dr. Needham reports a contract from the AHRQ
NAHL, and PsycINFO databases through 11 July 2019 during the conduct of the study. Dr. Nikooie reports a contract
and did not identify any new relevant systematic re- from the AHRQ during the conduct of the study. Dr. Neufeld
views. Taking this information together, we can con- reports a contract from AHRQ during the conduct of the study
clude that haloperidol is most likely not effective in de- and personal fees from Merck and grants from Hitachi out-
lirium prevention compared with placebo, especially in side the submitted work. Ms. Wilson reports contract
the ICU. HHSA290201500006I/HHSA29032008T from AHRQ during
Our systematic review has limitations. First, the ex- the conduct of the study. Mr. Zhang reports a contract from
isting data were limited for some of the critical out- the AHRQ during the conduct of the study. Dr. Robinson re-
ports a contract from AHRQ during the conduct of the study.
comes. Second, there was heterogeneity in dosing;
Dr. Neufeld reports a contract from AHRQ during the conduct
route of administration; and assessment of outcomes,
of the study and personal fees from Merck and grants from
including adverse events. There was also heterogeneity
Hitachi outside the submitted work. Drs. Neufeld and Need-
in patient populations and settings; however, addi- ham were panel members for the Society of Critical Care
tional details of subgroup analyses of patient popula- Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and
tions (such as critically ill patients; those aged ≥65 Management of Pain, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, Immobil-
years; the postoperative, palliative care, or hospice ity, and Sleep Disruption in Adult Patients in the ICU and the
care setting; and patients with dementia) are available American Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for
in the full AHRQ report (15). Finally, we had few or no Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults. The first author and
data on other high-risk populations (for example, pa- none of the other authors have any affiliations or financial in-
tients in acute inpatient medicine units, palliative care, volvement that conflict with the material presented in this re-
or nursing homes, or patients with acute stroke, other port. Authors not named here have disclosed no conflicts of
neurologic event, or advanced dementias) (6). Hence, interest. Disclosures can also be viewed at
the generalizability of our findings may be limited, and /authors/icmje/
future research should evaluate these populations by
using standardized outcomes assessment tools. An in- Reproducible Research Statement: Study protocol: Available
ternational effort to establish core outcomes and har- at
monize delirium assessment tools in intervention trials CRD42018109552. Statistical code and data set: Available
to prevent and/or treat delirium are ongoing (55–57). from Ms. Wilson (e-mail,; abstracted
In conclusion, evidence was insufficient to support data for full review are published on the Systematic Review
the routine use of antipsychotics for preventing delir- Data Repository (
ium in adult patients. Second-generation antipsychotics
may lower delirium incidence in postoperative patients, Corresponding Author: Karin J. Neufeld, MD, MPH, Depart-
but more research is needed to confirm this finding. ment of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center,
Although statistically significant differences were not A4 Center Suite 457, 4940 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore, MD
detected in cardiac side effects when antipsychotics 21224. e-mail,
were compared with placebo, in some of the trials,
events were more common in patients receiving an Current author addresses and author contributions are avail-
antipsychotic. able at

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484 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019
Current Author Addresses: Dr. Oh: Division of Geriatric Med- Author Contributions: Conception and design: E.S. Oh, D.M.
icine and Gerontology, Johns Hopkins University School of Needham, R. Nikooie, L.M. Wilson, A. Zhang, K.A. Robinson,
Medicine, Mason F. Lord Building Center Tower, 5200 Eastern K.J. Neufeld.
Avenue, Seventh Floor, Baltimore, MD 21224. Analysis and interpretation of the data: E.S. Oh, D.M.
Dr. Robinson: Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Uni- Needham, R. Nikooie, L.M. Wilson, A. Zhang, K.A. Robinson,
versity School of Medicine, 1830 East Monument Street, K.J. Neufeld.
Room 8068, Baltimore, MD 21287. Drafting of the article: E.S. Oh, R. Nikooie, A. Zhang, K.A.
Drs. Needham and Nikooie: Division of Pulmonary and Criti- Robinson, K.J. Neufeld.
cal Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medi- Critical revision of the article for important intellectual con-
tent: E.S. Oh, D.M. Needham, R. Nikooie, L.M. Wilson, A.
cine, 1830 East Monument Street, Fifth Floor, Baltimore, MD
Zhang, K.A. Robinson, K.J. Neufeld.
Final approval of the article: E.S. Oh, D.M. Needham, R.
Ms. Wilson and Mr. Zhang: Department of Health Policy and
Nikooie, L.M. Wilson, A. Zhang, K.A. Robinson, K.J. Neufeld.
Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Provision of study materials or patients: L.M. Wilson, A. Zhang.
Health, 624 North Broadway, Sixth Floor, Baltimore, MD Statistical expertise: A. Zhang.
21205. Obtaining of funding: D.M. Needham, A. Zhang, K.A. Robinson,
Dr. Neufeld: Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Bay- K.J. Neufeld.
view Medical Center, A4 Center Suite 457, 4940 Eastern Ave- Administrative, technical, or logistic support: D.M. Needham,
nue, Baltimore, MD 21224. L.M. Wilson, A. Zhang, K.A. Robinson, K.J. Neufeld.
Collection and assembly of data: E.S. Oh, R. Nikooie, L.M.
Wilson, A. Zhang, K.A. Robinson, K.J. Neufeld. Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 171 No. 7 • 1 October 2019

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