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Neil Harwani – March 2021 – Nirma University, IMNU MBA FT ML&AI

◦ Expert systems
◦ General features, characteristics, architecture and goals of
expert systems
◦ Advantages in development of expert system technology
◦ Stages in errors in counter in expert system development
◦ Tasks in building a rule-based system

TOPICS ◦ Testing validation and maintenance

◦ Machine learning expert systems
◦ Probability concepts and models based on probability
◦ Uncertainty measures and propagation
◦ Expert system building two
◦ Expert system cells and commercial expert system packages
◦ Difficulties, applications and future scope expert systems
More About Expert Systems
Expert systems are a very important branch of AI as they come in commercial use

The key reason expert systems come in use because they are fast reliable, low-cost, have access to wider knowledge. Also they proved very useful when

Human experts are tough to find and expensive

Knowledge improvement is required

Knowledge is difficult to acquire

The available information is poor

Problems are not properly defined

There is lack of knowledge or the subject rapidly changes

Just like human beings have multiple areas of expertise the expert system using its elements can solve problems in multiple areas.

Due to heuristics expert systems are:

Open to inspection

Easily modifiable

Produce varying results

Rules can pattern match on objects as Objects can work independently of
well as facts rules

An expert system is a collection of It is a system because it consists of both

programs of computer software that problem solving component and

Features of solves problems in domain of interest support,

expert systems
A classic expert system has unwritten
knowledge that must be extracted from The process of building and expert
an expert to extensive interviews with a system is called knowledge
knowledge engineer over a long engineering
period of time

Knowledge engineering is done by

knowledge engineer who is a human
with a background in computer science
All the knowledge elicited from the
and AI. He knows how to build expert
human is coded into the knowledge
systems he also decides how to
based system
represent the knowledge and expert
system and helps the programmers to
write the code
Expert System Characteristics
◦ The explanation facility is an integral part of the sophisticated expert system
◦ Changing the knowledge of experts into rules is not simple as there maybe ambiguities and duplications
◦ Practical limitation of many expert systems is lack of general knowledge your stakes are not guaranteed to succeed like an algorithm

Characteristics of an expert system

◦ High-performance
◦ Expertise
◦ Adequate response
◦ Good Reliability
◦ Self knowledge
◦ Understandable
◦ Justification
◦ Flexibility
What they do
Most expert systems will do the following :
◦ List all the reasons for and against a particular hypothesis
◦ List the entire hypothesis that may explain the observed evidence
◦ Explain all consequences of the hypothesis
◦ Predict what will occur in the hypothesis it’s true
◦ Justify the questions asked by the program to the user for further information

Development of expert system technology

◦ AI is distributed over branches related to speech, vision, robotics and natural language understanding and learning
◦ One of the major roots of expert systems is cognitive science
◦ The study of cognition is very important if computers are to emulate humans

Prediction rules in human problem-solving

◦ Various new languages and tools a developed over a period of time to build powerful expert systems
Rule Based Systems
◦ The expert system that represents knowledge in a dual format is known as the rule-based system
◦ Some expert system dedicate a module just to update the knowledge base
◦ This modular set of models is known as knowledge acquisition facility this is used by domain expert to ease the transfer of knowledge from
human expert to computer-based expert system. It provides a dialogue with human expert for the purpose of acquiring human knowledge
◦ Self training is another tool for expert systems
◦ This helps in upgrading knowledge

Below are some types of expert systems

◦ Expert systems that perform prediction for the likely consequences of a given situation
◦ Expert systems that perform diagnosis
◦ Expert systems that perform planning design actions and decide entire cost of action
◦ Expert system to perform monitoring compare actual system behavior with expected behavior
◦ Expert systems that perform debugging and find remedies for malfunctions
◦ Expert system that the firm repair plan to administer some prescribed limit
Advantages – Expert Systems
◦ Advantages – increased availability, reduced cost, reduced ranges, permanence, multiple expertise, increase reliability,
explanation, fast response, study and emotional and complete response at all times, intelligent tutor, intelligent
Difference between expert systems and conventional methods
◦ The basic objective of both systems is different the conventional system is built to perform some useful tasks and this is
expected to perform tasks correctly or get correct answers every single time. Expert systems solve problems that have
no algorithmic solution and the lion inferences to achieve a reasonable solution.

Three requisites for an expert system real requirements of the user

◦ User interface
◦ Comprehensive consultation of work
◦ Embedding in existing organizational sequences
◦ Training of knowledge engineers to maintain the KB
Stages of Development
Stages in the development of an expert system
◦ Statement of problem to be solved
◦ Knowledge acquisition
◦ Knowledge representation
◦ Prototype development
◦ Testing
◦ Main knowledge acquisition
◦ Specifications little information
◦ System development
◦ Implementation
◦ Maintenance
◦ Errors in development stages
◦ Expert knowledge errors
◦ Semantic errors
◦ Syntax errors
◦ Inference engine errors
◦ Influence change errors
◦ Limits of ignorance errors
More About Preparing Expert Systems
◦ If Then rules. They are less expensive in many expert system development packages
◦ The knowledge engineer prepares a prototype we should be able to solve problems in an area that is a small part of the
◦ The core of the expert system is the knowledge base
◦ Most of the data of the problem is initially given and it is often difficult to formulate: hypothesis. The C expression is initially
placed in the working memory and the system works to reach the goal. It’s a full service or by asking the user for

Verification validation and design of expert systems

◦ Verification means ensuring that the expert system has been developed correctly validation shows correctness/redundant
conflicts unnecessarily unreachable and referred illegal attributes et cetera
◦ Confidence factors serve to complicate the validation procedures the value of one indicates the ruler or use a response is
definitely true and -1 indicates that it’s definitely falls zero denotes the truth of the response is unknown
Machine Learning & Probability in Expert
Machine learning expert systems
◦ One of the most important and interesting characteristics of expert systems is their ability to learn from data or experience
◦ The Precedent rule method-it is one of the simplest form of machine learning. It uses a set of inputs, a set of conclusions and a set of examples
◦ All the rules will be screened to make sure they do not duplicate a previous results
◦ The perceptron is one of the earliest learning system it is also regarded as the triangle classify. It uses an error correction learning algorithm
◦ The pandemonium is one of the most important part in taking Hazers
◦ This method of analysis can be proved based on learning properties of the second state
◦ The nearest neighbor is also a well-known classifier and is based on the nearest neighbor idea
◦ Learning in searching when a series of input data and the corresponding output it is given several classification criteria can be tested measure
the qualities by counting the number from decisions - Perimeter learning, Structural learning
Probability-based expert systems
◦ Uncertainty may exist in expert systems into possible ways - Type one Uncertainty and Type II uncertainty
◦ Subject to probability and probability loss
◦ Probabilities associated with inputs to an expert system should be considered subjective
◦ Monte Carlo simulation is one of the most general procedure for solving any combined probability problem
◦ It is not require the use of equations only definitions of mind events
◦ Probability-based models-dependence models, general dependence model, relevant systems dependence model, independence models
◦ Uncertainty measures
◦ Uncertainty propagation
Building Tools & Strategies
Control searchers with uncertainty - expert system exhibits uncertainty, it is necessary to exhaustively search all the rules and then select the final conclusion having the
best probability of being true. It has been developed it is useful to do an expertise evaluation by giving any retention and put a probability of zero or one while
maintaining consistency

System building - system building it’s consist of programs that facilitate the acquisition and representation of domain experts knowledge and design of expert systems
into construction excellent support facilities they consist of tools for helping the programming such as debugging aids and KB editors

◦ Debugging methods-tracing, break package

◦ Input output facilities – different expert system to deal with input output in different ways there are powerful commands of procedures that make these routines easy

◦ Explanation facilities almost all X expert systems can explain to users how did each particular conclusions. The most common type of explanation mechanism deals with
respective reasoning

Expert system building tools

◦ Inductive tools

◦ Simple rule based tools

◦ Structured will be skills

◦ Hybrid tools

◦ Domain specific tools

Building Tools & Strategies - 2
◦ The key factor in building an expert system is to use expert system shells with components that support all the requirements of the system.
The company and sir-inference engine, knowledge based on user interface, explanation facility, knowledge acquisition

Various variations which exist Due to

◦ vendors intended market
◦ Windows view of what is needed background and capabilities
◦ Product age
◦ Target level of knowledge engineers experience
◦ Even the expert systems shall complete very much fall into one of the following categories
◦ Development aids
◦ Knowledge acquisition aids
◦ Knowledge data management tools
◦ Inference engine
◦ User interface into
◦ Explanation facilities
◦ Language interfaces
Types & Applications
◦ Inference schemes - the inference engine in expert systems are responsible for deciding out the knowledge debt and KB should be used reasoning
strategies used to expert systems include backward training, forward channel, various search strategies, problem reduction, pattern matching,
unification, event driven methods and hybrids
◦ Commercial packages of expert system shell
◦ Automated reasoning tool
◦ Knowledge engineering environment
◦ Rule Master
◦ Selecting the right tools for the job

The major types of human knowledge represented by current generation of expert systems building tools are
◦ Procedural
◦ Diagnostic
◦ Monitoring excellent design
◦ Scheduling
◦ Difficulties in developing expert systems
◦ Lack of resources
◦ Time
Expectations planning in developing an expert system project- There are several real problems that exist in the context of expert systems the managements
awareness and willingness to tackle these problems in greatly improve the chances of experiencing

Applications of expert systems - Some of the expert systems that me a pair in the market in future
◦ Intelligent technical manuals, repair manuals, process controllers, monthly systems, training systems
◦ Future scope of expert systems – survival of the fittest

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