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5 Material world

Reading : multiple-<:h oi ce questions

(Part l)
1 Vol) are going to read an extract 1m m a
(lewspa per artide abo ut hOW' a co mpany
n'l.n.rk c t cd a fle\lY prod1,, 1ct.. F'.i r n., read the tit le
m d lntr odud ian.
1 'Wh.:ii do you lhmk a/pl,a fAJPS are?
2 Why m,ght the CDmJlanv bl!! mtere t!!'d In alpllJ fJUIJj?
2 Now r&ad qu1d l y t.hr01J9h th e whole art icle
10 see If )'OU were ri ghL

DiiC.LISS W l you th ln l: Is ,ne ben wa'i to

appr c.h the task t)'pe in Exe rcise 4. If necess a ry,
look back al the wgg t otl pr0<-=:d1-1re o n page 44.

HERE COME THE ;» ,on,el m i= linT''y ru w aed , ' -k'. Thq tbt:n Nid :I.II hl'lt 2D

A <umpany d11!1,'ll!Mlpt a 'WdN.11 g:,111111! abo u l a.n al i e n
1U ph;1 pup- tru' ooolai kid ID me tchooL
In ,h.oTl tlmc.1be- ,ac:,,artmQ h,;ad q,-:nlom;d
uudc.m. tn 100 1;1 of" [hit! :lmaOk in W ciry '!Ind ldmrukd
virus. Ho., do tl\cy make kid, 'll'llrH i Th answc.. lhe IUpha pup-5 among them. Thcr tbm rude ,bcm n
i, •h gi- h 1u die i'.fM.ll "l ldd.t l11ey om !ind. 11 o.fl'e-r tli:u -,nundcd NN ttl br tttlt' - thi: firm would
flr Lhmi s:l-0 lO kun ro pby.I JK'W mm g.rnc,
o ori he:11lr hu pt.tptl thcr d>ost •--}.iigd n 6CO.

e;idl111!1 toy i'.!ompany J-wh 10 1.pen.t us.I )'c:fil an cmh w:i;2.SOC p l;iya af rid«, pma.. I "'U invlral
m dc,,•cl.:ipins an vidOJ. &2JRC :about an iilicn tbc H ub ro office buildiog ncu the cxnn,;. whet4!!
Vlrm, The obTiow; -r m rke1 .1 ty.1nc or he :iud tcft'l'".J m.h Wl!tt! illlO a 1pt'021
thi:-i type W"Ctuld be 1,0 ,orpnue 11 hugt w:lvnrlsing confucnl'.'E: room. Unknown m my of die m
l ca:m . llllt Hnb ro choush t of moUH:r po1111[bil.iry; CJJ: fium H iOOro 1i1Ilnt bi:hlnd :1. Me-- y
ro give free c;Qpii::1 oi the g;lmc lo d!:i: O)()lt:u k.illlj t!)ty rni rtt.1r i11 t h t" not l'Ol).m. •'ID:bi:og thcir
oould finJ . itnd k.. 1.h c m do die m.1rkning iimu d, fCKUOn4,
So H aih ro'a [1) reK' cn: w m into The lc r of the 5'CMIOIJ;. ll drt'Ul:II f(K•ll&
pl11ygrounch -ii,:; Oi l.>t) ng fut wh;ir tltq, Cll!I ma.n c.dlOO Nino, inr!"Dd.ucal l:M pmc. cq,bii:nias, 'Wc
IJII 'ulp]u:i pupt', lhc y<:iL.L.Ag beyl who s« W umdJ; in ch ygu boc:im. • 1n1: fu nmc. t guy, In
fuh.ion among olhcn o( chci.r ;,igi:.. They 1 up t0 yw r ,eh(l(li. R..:ilSl?: )'()ul fuodj if ,caa rcmol ' .Eva y
JWKl bon berwa: n U1e a or dgln dli.nttn :and d wt up. TI1a1 mo r wlw ,.-,. special .ibw t
dJC. U1ffl\ :all meqoociom ' Who'1 the o:.:oolt:K kid you .a gamc-- 11 r.d.i:0 1r.tirumiui:.r ..-mdl
• r,b> r f(J

know?' T hey didn't bother w the,gi L,. who
wdd1n ..:O(lln,tjj in .a d ifm i:m W:lf f:rmn r boy,i.
Whm thc en:wm:,gi ·cn a n;i,m c-. chqr ym,1r friend
co ::t:11i:
i;ine,' Nfr,o, ,_
,; :r fn=. nd-rr.
""fou et11.11d bt: tn OM
klm.111rir Ill Wilto go up tht" ' ladder of rooln.csi, ,.. be bar:tlias •• ilJJd na one cbc wa.dd m,11' ytllL
wookl look !"or 1ha.1 boy .and !»11 lM ., qut:Won ro room .ind he oouJd be LIii mom lllld )'Dll could

a.slang 1M s:;i,me qucsuon 11TIA;I n umtl pl :rh1g,on i= :im, ith er.'

\ IJl>lT -5 MW1'1.i...Md

ChOOile t he anS"War (A , B, C or D) which you

think f its bert accordf ng to the te,ct,
1 Aher go;'I new "11 deo game, Hasbro needed to
A when The 9J:u'r'1t> 9":ooukl be put on the ma rlce L B whi!II I of people the CJilll1E" would i;it1ro;'lct, C who shOuld design 1111.• advertMlg campM!Jn
D1hf:,y c oold rite l"PQ <yoonq Pf"()plt Ir, th m,
2 Th HD bro reisec1rd n, Wl:!tl:! look,ny far boy.. who
A we,e born or hv1n9 lf'I ,1 c:erl a1n an:!a B wen! succ ful In school lessons.
Cadmired I;ty lhelr fellow stu-Prefl
D were known by a lot of l)OOl)ler,
] 'Tl,t,y' 111 hne 10 refli!rs to
the alpha pu .
the !iChol:Jb:_
c the rdiers.
D the studeNs,
When they went to the Hasbro build ing.. the OO'p'S A were 1n111ted le meet the i;tn;hets.

e werl;'. n t told they wert being: observed

C w·d to choose so t ,1th ader, D were not all allo'lled to play the Q,etme

5 Thi!' IJctys enthusiastic: about the new IT'lf

The 00)'.1 w.=tt. in1rnedi.a1!!!1,-entlu.1.,cllllic:. because tht,y foutd
"Thl F,Ctl A pltl'll illl the Ymf! !111'1@ i:! lhi:!lr frie nds_
"'th.ii; 11 r C'Yd.'
e play a,gainst an OplX)nent who wa :s.omewhe-re e l5e.
The .adulu bcJu nd the minor wett.aci1 100,
C play ill1d ht t lhe radl0 at th same time
' C-.c t n1u -,1e Qf du : kid who .Rjd ilf ch.c. bc!t game
o anad: an, opponll! t une-xpi!'(u d ry.
cva,' onr publidsr J; ro aaorhtt,
6 ThevlW! provided wi cq:ri cfme gaml!'
Afta tqh haid lcarntd puf1rn ph1.y methe pme, Nino
so dlli-ilph.a
(t2W: tha,t th!!y coukl ;iWIit.lining
in'o'(rlve other boys.nidlo

Khoo! d\C" t1 0'.I: d , :1.nd whi=11i be- 1ook dw:rn

:l Ar; t r:u :C:\fr /i.!:
lo th ant them for c:am lng to the se!iSlon .
so ' they our could
ln rhc-gl11e to theirh.andnl
c:aft:tcrfa schoolsdu:m 001 co h friend5,
-nd U1ir: -otht:r ku fott un;irc Jtl.ldm u - -en:: 0 10 c:hedi: !Mt lh lns.tfuCtlOns INel"e dear
7 The phra$e ' e-veryone knew blmer' (lines 65-66)
.., ITTlmcdlilccly imp. T hey &anro pla.yii,g
SU erir)'(I W.lS .W.-att 1mt
){r.ljghr.iiwar whhom Looking , UlC' irui[IUcriOM -
A children wou1d y the game In 5Chaol.
thi= d:u&ie bop' 11pprmd t to \l'lW!O g:in,e:t uul
the game had e,duQtioni' purpo .
c:o rop iHm ,
the ;ame woufd be iKa!pte-d by sctioots.
T h 111..1nu F':ii=rntt r,; l ::tid t h i= me w.u DO{ menu
childtM \l\'Ould ml s school to play
M ro be u!ied 111 .school, bu1 L.L.Aaffimll)', !')'OM krlt!w
B Overall, the m iter su1191;1ns thal Illepro{ect !rrvoMn,g
bcocr, Widiill ll kw ""1:Clu n bdn; pl.&y-edthe Litt tdwul
on.!tlpha bl.I.I,
PUl'.K i i\ the lu ll,:, ;a ri d ln c: ln 900 of" utC' 1,400 &ebooli, ln Q. iago.
In th ln1e., th e R'iird-1 fur ,he- lltQ"[ iJCU dl:Nl!laped 1n .an W;¥-j.
(le,pende-d on The lnterffl of ju5"\ one su.1d efl1.
to game bq;inJ C fesulted
.11 H-;1$bm In, Ule
wid15i,read -of tll al copll!S
:i br.1iMll)rn1int ll.!$5iOAof 1M gan"lt!'.
in whKh dc5.igncn;
I)-:I W!f'J 51..1tce.1sf
.and ml!Jkcttr& ,i, ne unJe;,cerme_,
u.l m.a:ket1119 :i. a:b
:i.nd .--:iy r'eJ)C,l t«lly, 'Wouldn'1 it be cool i( •. /

S What do you \hln l:. a re 1n<e Hd vaflt age-1, arid disad Yanta ges of t hi5 meth o d cf ma r1::eting a} for M gt-1 .lnd hk frii:!r'ldi: b) fo.- the com pany?
Use of English 1: mult ipl e-cho ice cl oze Listening 1: radio adverts
(Part 1) You will hE!a r thrE!E! r adi o
adwe rt s, Un t r1 a n d tl cli:. w hi ch of
1 the text be lo w qu k ld1 . Do tl' t try to flll ln th !ill"J:ij
\he products e-a ch one is ad Ye rt ing,
ye t ._Is the, t e .xt d6c:rib i n,g:
a) !h.1mpoo and c:) mak"'"up
the danger o1 brand, conditionerd}diglt.'.11 i:.urtera
the good points about bral'\Cl n amei 7
both ihe dan ntlu:! good points?
R d th-e te :ict car efully ancl dK ide which answer (A. -a, C o r
D) best fbi each ga p, TM ff! Is an, ,e:(eimple al t he beginning (0). b) penknife e) (llgital radio

Lock at the pictures ab ove. Wtrat differ e nt 2 {l) 2 List e n a9itlfl .and t'clr: thQ t h in gs t h et re menti one(t tc;i, each produ
m ethods of a dverti sin g do , y show? W lch do
you think l:s. t he most etfe cti1te ?
1 Say the words ln eai;h et ;;1loud .aind mart the ARE BRAND NAMB WORTH IT?
$Ue-!iS, Th-en am;wer the qu:e.!ition below. How dr;i Wl)OQJ oampanl,o:I pi people &o ipCDd • (0) .A , , cm bRDd 2
O i s,t,U\S thM II! (IUIIMt ki,r\S. b tlmp l• : con a::m Ck,r, roniW.IIJe
I HO'N d"o )'01,.1 usually t'rt about new produth 1 announcer announ;ce arim::11..mcement pna1meas-,,.T.-fl. find 1bt .1111,r,cr, JllV abKn'r t:htldftm ta ldl)I ,,d1oot Who coulcl use, lt
c1nd 2 ad·m"tiset .!dvE!rtcsmg advertise ar:fvertisement wnat 1tcando
Hunab ii; 1.( 1} _, ., _ Jrina-.)'Ul"-oldll all Enj:h!Jb pri
$eNlre 1 3 i:.ommettt!' c:omm.eroa l oomme roal15,a tion Eff ect ol tl'ie'
!ldiool $11::'i 111311 qulte lute wtw a bnnd actual.I)' i&, bur -•1 IRJR' of
2 Whrn i$ your iNOI.Jr , te ,r1 en al ,he mromenr1 4 prurnotl:!r pra mot t!' pr-amDtKJO "Whal sbew anu... At;put of a KYolam ( J:) . all t.bc• tfl her product
Why 5 publicity publrci e i::hm ha tJCl:1I Jive-ii a free Mt bb lbe NJkc (l)_ 0011. Hannah Si
do you bh 1t1 '-n't twl; (4) - - die ComlfflHlll Jd. cir 11,11;C'd (Qt Nike- Ul:lf1N11. Corw nlence
6 Nort0m1cs e-rorte;,m)' e«rnom1tal
3 Can you thinli: of an advt:!rt that you don' t l1k 1 bill it.'1 ml)' aqucal!Onrlwn:: bmirtlhcdon. BuJ I• it riJN tN!:
4 Oo :,ou tJiink cbt'l!Ct m ark1:1tJng tr( pmduru to """"'"'"°' """ ld( 5, ) _ _ _ )'0d•4,mldm, la,lh<u.,-..i
In lhtl1U\ 5e1s 0f WOif0S 0005 the stressed S)'Jlable .CIO\lld?
children is aicceptatile? change7 ft,ud IMlffit:II lk!lelll to b.l,\C ('l ---- - · m'ff Wibc.iaiHC the} aill)W UI tc)
5 Hirve you ,e,\'f'1' bought art)t'U'ilng just bec..luse
you (7) , .r,llh:a partic:ular imup of poaple. A btud name lw a ttmill
2 Llst el"t ,11 n d check your anM et"!;.
' iirM'.rl fa- 111 Wen:you, pleased With il 01" J $amc1ba
Whkh ad..-el1 ou name1i
d id bmxl t ti lnkpnmdo
was 1he mos, tofeffe ctive? '!Nhich onebti
(8) It IUIF'b I.bit M.f!: llbki IO dfml dd1 pn,dua - ini l'IXffl ()f' w (11) orrwb.11. u can affurd. hclkw< that ■ (ltl q11,ah 1 . So ■ bn..nd to inf luence
not, Ccmp l te t.he 1ollowlng rentenefi uslng
lhh qoaltiy, ( Il l _ poopk will ,,.,. Uy """buylog 1,
words from E;r,;e rcises 1 and 2 In t he correct
So aaly hmc wlll (ll)......_,...- ,,,.bflhtr 1· 1 1 ally blk: Q tr■ IMrll!)' fCII'" 1 mmid n■m.e...Mcan.-.1Liie.. Hannah b. i:.1iieUJbtieJ wid'L btr fmc Niubo&,

Vocabul ary 1: consumer 1ociety 4 U5te n aga in and t ic k t he ph a s d to pitnuade people to b uy the p ro
1 Choose the co rrect a lt e rna tlYe in 1;1,;1c;:h of I The c of --plc'j]ared meal5 Mj Klcrea You'II n tor .}gain be without. somethln.g tQ ,.
f o llo wing se-nt ll!'n-ces . If"!; the boe=!il one ,e,.,e,r
drama!iG!llfy In th@ UK.
I Morf and rnor poop\!:' ltve 1n a r::uSklmer t
2 Companies are alway!, lool;lng lor new m...
for their products,
O A fonun trtasure ,_ You' I wonder how )'OU h'ef
D manaigeci
load "!Mt/lOUt It.
act--al'll.!lgil:!- of wt special
A sst11l.1r A1yp,cal
oauJ campa,ign
l The 5lrEel:!i ,ol our crties are full of C u niformmarl< taken
C attac;:k regular
C plc:rureDCJake
dooe C focus
3 large dep,a l ttlf'e'i ften l\lf' aw rree diS,Co •.mt.
1 ,;iim D prtf'.tgclnda
adllettise.rr>eJlH t sampr.@S !M'it!'n lM')' .tff' P------a new range
of A d1ag(affl m ll;lanrf'lg lndica.te LfflJ lr essrDn D You've,
logo D nl}'Vtr Sffl'I anrt,t,1ng hke ltJ TM off.,""°'I ll<t loog
put D porn1
3 l e...lslon p r09r amrTl!!!S i:lr@c 11!gularty 1nt erfUl]ted make-up <If toilemlf"'i A maide A target A rule- Wb'{ wait for that perlett
by 4 Q01,1emment I a massive PttbllC1cy pearana-J
7 A identify
c .._.. .. _ agan'l!i.t smokltlg You won1 l'!grt"l It
iiJls I announcements.. s A 1nYef"ltion I'"'"" D lore@
A pril:e that !ults your pad:e1

-· D -
4 In s.ome- f fflag3Z1nes thert I more publ)CJryt S II6 not perm1n.ed to a........., agaretles on Tv. A m C sign D point
Pop in ta 5ee our wide seSect101t Ulcm U',E,fe are artJcles.. 6 Many 'tffll-knO'WTl cek!br1t11!5- tliaite c_______agaIrti1 A guaramee C portrai; o Image-
S A lacrg company eilher ha rts 01M1 r.rng I e:,cpe(imen;s- on -iflim ls, A since 0 ,,,..,
C <:arry
s,elling cleparunent or an adv@f' I A C SKur1fy o receipt
6 The .r;.undr I toke off DI .il'fl advi:!rN"tg r ,9nI
Disc.u s the ad..-a nt ages a nd dis.advant age
5 oi ttre conwmcr roclcty,
""'"' C but
C I.ell 0 Slate
acrac:k fo, a h.1,u:ry produi:t .ts ofll!!!n b amplit: advam trial r/lM> plerrry of
acc001Janied l7y miNiive / I wblfory. choi-ce-for Yo(}(.ol'"lot.ly10differenr
7 81g :s.tares. chen ha-.oe :spe,clijl pmmof,Orn / of coffee m 1ht!> :!hops.
p1.1b1Jctry or off b.g a'i!tooor:s: I rebal oo
CE!'rta1n products..
B Proch.Jt ts with weB--known fogos J b< nds are
LIXIT'.!i Mwin1l.. .,

Vocabulary 2: descri bing objects 2 Work wit h a JJ.artn er . Which of the f ollowin.g Grammar 1: indirect speech
items could the- se-nt ences abOYe be d e-$(;ribin ,g1
6 Ha$ ,m:,-one found out hON mucn dOM it cosa
7 Ttm s.alrJ he would meel me the pre--i\ous da)i.
.a briekasa) c1 microwa'le
S John said! he has seen W film IMt week.
1 Match the ad ject ives and adlierbs on 1he leh a knl!a) .t clhhlt'i'ilsher
C} a p,:iir of earring5 f) a laptop compi.rter 1 A,cad 9 I told 10 him tNt I would be la .
wit h the nouns on the tight to make Con ...a,s.a1lon 1. Th@ compli!-te
ccllocatlons . There m,;1y be more than one ble ,combination. n
Con ver5i!ti on 2 below u5ing spe e,ch .
Match the direct speech In 1-B to wm ten c
I Jn tred1b l y a} control Speaking 2: product presentation ,;1}-h} be-low . Then comp lete each, nt-ell(e u5fng
, w1.. CCN'Tipact A: I l1k y,aw train .,e,. Are they new1 Indirect speech.
;J 'Sf"'(lal
Oiso.m what .sli.lll s and Qu.11llt1es you nll!!-!!d to
samplt!i B: Yes, they are. I only bought them tas:I INeek
4 l0\211 be an eHect i Ye sa les p ersan . 1 •Could you Ofil:!n your ! ULtu !oi!. pk!,,ase1'
'5.el CtfOn
5 te'.'(Jlutlon!rry A: 'Afiere did :,"OU get them '? 2 'Don't 'ttt'CWI')' - it' ll b!! flil1e.'
el d unt
6 """'""'I 1!1pp P,Vi111lre
B; I Sl!W thl!!m Mfvert-i!.ed on T\f, then I touMI 3 'Will you pJease d c,;im ?'
triem in that new shop, Drum.1n to wn.
perf&t g) price 4 •Tbe:fe'rf! soml!! hop in the lO'N11 c2n lrfl.'
free- t-i} prod1.1tl
,B;hwIt'soanotpn,rfar,ofrom thea
A: I 9e1 p-alr far m f
bus, staoon
I' m g omg
th 5 '1--low much does IM CO::.!?'
'H urrr u p ·!
2 Now compl ete the fol la'i\fing .sen.terw:es u1;i11g Into tovm tomorr<iw aftl!rooon. I'll tak you · John, woutd you g:N-e a hand. plt.!l:ite7'
the colloc-ationi. there if you hk, . 'l don 'l t lme .'
A: I can·t tomDrfOlll, l'-.e got somethi119 QO .
rn hg h1. . 11nd fits easily in )'Our a) Karen was gDU1g to the bus, so I lok\
B: OIC, what about the kend mstead7
pad::ei. ,_.'J!JI:•. . . .r:t.,f......'
A:. That'd be great Thanb ,
PDJ) 1n and-see oor _ of han(fy b} The oox was too heavy r01 m@' to c:ar,y, so I &ed
ptf'l rll'leS Codil)'
lllil t .!lchiil!llilgt of our
.. ····-• - 1t\ 10% off c} When I WE'fll thoug h customs .a the ,;1irport. the:
B I'm gOll'lg. ppmg wiffl Ja.,'.;k on Saturday
!Oday o fflo.alsto ld
C. Oh 1 Hcrw come?
You'll,e· . 0\ler unruly hi;iir from d) Stephen wamed 10 b!J)' SOtl'lf n@!'IN !ho!s, so I 101d
now on a Well. hesafd(l) ...•• .! . mvne-Ntrai.rie-rsand
We're giving la'J aof 1M wanted ID \new whE!l't! I (2)......................, them. I
e) Laura was very ·tvon ie,d aboul her te t. b,l,Jc I 5-
revtilutionary produi:itor you lO r.ry, told htm that 1 (3)..........................'lflem adlf@i'tf5.ed on
6 We can offE'f you digital ra,cho Gt Th e TV and lhen (4) --·-·..·· lhem ,n 11.iit
.•.Ancl f'.Jitil shop, Orum, lt'I town. H@ wd (S)······-·-·-" to ald I warited t-o buy I.hf uVntt.a. so I a k:ed
........... ....... or ont, rso. mcdal - 1t'l bl:l<lp C11 11"9 2' '" Qlmi:irltl ' ,;1 pair too and {6}..................... me
2 ID._. \Ql,t •
(71 ,....... ............ lhe ,ooe IS).................., I told
1 Complet ·e th highlighted phr,a,ses w it h the {9} ................... lrlto town the (10) •.
c:or r E!ct prepo sitio n or particle. afternoon and said I (1 t) ....... ........... .. hm there h) PeU:r uitlclng 100 fast. so I Mk
But t,e., (12)..................... go"""· so I
su gl}e1! d the v.-eekl'I'ld Inst anti s.:,ltl :,ttl

1 Choosr: an cib ject to I I a.nd prepare a two­ 2 Compare you, answM!: wtth a p,&rtn et . Wha!
a bus iness man o, e presentation, Thin.le: about: mrt of changes did )ICU he1,1e to maike to the 1 Look ,n t he p ictufe.
lhe- adYantages of the
Work; with product tM'
a partnoer. Youappearance
ar going to prepare a !.hon adYeni:sement for the radio. orig in:at words7 1 Wh'; dicl the man buy Jalty<iel7
,.,.-hat I! ct1n do 2 Haw true were lhe clalrru m 1/ie adven
Grammar re1eren«- p.199 (12. HU
how vciu
people can on
going i;ie:rsuade
people co buy IL
pa f1ie:nd Look back at Listening 1 arid V0<abu1ary 2 for
Find and correa tJ'ie ml-stake1 rn the- followlng
5 ,1 nudtrnts vA' do a lcit of indir ect statements and Questions.
nt pl.ace5,Z Give your presentation to the class. WhfCh pre sentat io ns we-tie- mon ,effttt:IYe in s@l ll n g the product] >;
6fflijl:e life easle-r foe peo Example : Tom \V.Jmted to 11:n:ow when going
w ousy t!:Si. toar'f'Ne
llh1 wh.!it you N!'edhelp you to am Eng lish 1 J.Jne a!k her moth r o:iukl !.hi:! borrow the car.
Nobody told u why had 1M manager left.
I ed N bur-, the she wanted or not. "
4 I .isk.t!d to my fm!!nd to come to the cinema '\
58 5 C.a.n you tl!II ml:! where the lthrary7 2 Ha1,1e you evl!'r bought anything thal )'OU
r eg rette cl? 'W'hc o r w h .al made you bu:,, it?

Grammar 2: reporting verbs fl. w,lt ttie- following sentences: -\JSl n,g the Exam focus
corre<;t form of the verbs in brackets. Make any
other nel;'.eSsal)' chMges. Paper 3 Use of English: k@y word
transformation5 (Part 4)
1 01\e of the- op tlo n:s A, a. or C ir. die followlng Ex1m plt: 'You should oo to tht ffst, mstaurai,t on
sentences is not poss ib!e . Cross oLJt the th@ A.bou t th e Mam : In Paper l . Pan .t. you an!! g}Ye-n
ir.cor r«\ word and uplaln wh:,- It h, wrong High Strffi - :rt's re.a gcxxl.' 5he :said. a sentence illnd a ked ti, CJciinplot'lill a wcorid onQ
She l'F!f:ommended (going ro) fish mt au.r.ilrlt OIi uslng a ' key word'. The meaning of ,he c.ond
Eu mpl■: '5.enteoce mun be simlla, lo the- fhL n,rs, W t.esll.
My un ........... to buy tM- i! co fo, my bil'thdw,-. rho High Su..,
a r.1n of grammatkal sm.ioures as well i:'5
A. agreed e.
prom c 'I won't go,• I said (refvte}
vo::abu la ry. Each ilem will p,robab1!f' be testing
·5uggesr • canoo1 be foilowfd by me lf'lfifWo've form ·Don't forget to buy so,ne bread on th!;' 'W(.ly two thln!J3o.
I He...............he! to blJy the red JitCket. J.!lkl!!.· he said. Pnx: 11d uJ'l!I
1 Ri!!ad the- fim, u1ntence amt lool: al the k.
Listening 2: mu lt i ple matching A to.Id B ai::!Yised C aHered 3 'Well d Kel'ry. you pas )'001 e.xaml' said
word. lchmt1fy what the ll!!nbmc.e Is t -,9 and
(Part 3) 2 Th£' she !) o:l!iSIStanl··········that I should try a Mum (CQ09fflnt4W)
4 T sorry I forg,ol vour bi . Sallv,· CIOl'ln;! -5-ai(l, worlc out po ssible ,a,n1, rs.
Sl!Ulllet' si'H. 2 When you are 1.ure of the answer. write the
1 c:hOOii(! one- of the fo llowing rtateme.'1ts and A lokl B recommerided C: sog ed ,,,_I mls tnig wcn :k.
it. tworeasons. l Marl.a u to stay to dlM r S •0oo·1sit on that chair, Mary. tn broken!" I Sclid.
'° mp lete giving Ched that yo1.1 ha1,oe not
A lm1lted B demand@{! C petSuaded (wam) • changed the ke word
e) I really et'lfOY shopping beau .. and
4 I c ompiolMd bout thj!: servla! and they ... 6 'Ma we could meet at tr!{' beac:hl' sa!d 8rad. • changed the meaning of the senlcl'ICC
b-) 1 oon·c lik shopping becc1us.e . .and
to gt\'e me ;;i retund • written more than fiye words . Contraction
7 '1'11 gi'ale :,DI.I c1 p,11'Ulg ticke t rt you don't rT1CWe
2 You wlll h-ear five people talk fng abou t the A offerECI a ad C ,itgreed
(1!. g OOll 'r) rnunl as twu wcrd!..
s h i::lfld othccr fac.i l lti s In .i 5mi::III town . Choose 5, Did the mar,............... t.aking 1hl!- money • m,a,c,te fin)' other unnec siuy changt'I, e .g. to
car:!ihe id (lhreair-M) 1en5e1,
from the 11n A-f wh t each speaker sayi. Use th tt A re111;1n d 8 admit C deny 8 'Wc:ud you hkl:! ro CClml:' round for dtnl'tl!!f' on
lett:e only once. There i!i. one extra letter wtiich • made ,iH"I)' spelling mln Bli;es
6 I thin.\ Robert ... ...... \hat he m In !he wrofl turday1' as . (l'mite) 4 Tran5f,e,r ) answer$ Ollto th.e answer 5heet.
you do not nct!d to l!Se. A realised 8 accepted C acxuse-d Check the numbE!l of Ule question care-fully tc
7 I_ him for b,:wk1ng the g\a$s make kl,e thllt ou wrltll:! )'Our answer In the
TJPJ When you tis.u,n th.t= f 10 \ t 1mi:, m111or1t
A apologi$ed 8 forgave C bJamed 1 Rec.e:nt ly you wanted ta buy a new game . rfght ptac -=-.
■ny pos!i.ible answe in penar. Ltu en the- ond
Lime to confirm )'ou r Idea 8 Pe that he wouldn't be Eatel Summarl!e and rt!pon wl\at the s.alM asslrtarit
Ap Bt C: e:,ip1a1ned :said to you In e-PCh shop . Use indirect spee,i;h Fo,:; q u estions 1-8, tomptete the d sen t iel'IC
and some of t h-e ve rbs 1n h.ef'cili land 1.. fl so tha t It has ,111 s ldi i la r me.anlng to Ulie- ff rst
2 Pu t the Ye-rbs i!lbo... ln10 the- table-. Some sentence , usi ng t he ward giYen . Do not change
A. The .5hop b uildings. are very b amp fe:
verbs th@ wo rd gio,..e n. You must use IMifw n two and
picturesque B The -;tiops are ther Rigiit On: 'Wf':ci;:o hat.eamga mw:-.:ii:atlhe f ive wo rds,. inc lud i ng the word gi\i'en. Here is. an
eXJ)ensillf may go in more th.ain on.e plcK e-.
rnorrwit WfYoJ don·t yot1 try W1ll!:imon's doYln e:icample (0).
C There- a som good' 5pec hst sh00 . verb .. ififlnitrve ffl1:I .., ob;Kt +1nfinlu tht srreel1'
O Thell! 15, ,;1 good c:h ok (]f cate,<i and snack; bars In Right On tliey takJ me rhey didn ' r have any
0 Who banw.od my boo., Maryr a;k,d Mdtt,w
E The town has en spoiled tJ,i tOUJi5m. games in stock and suggested that I try Wu\tinsorr's. hod
F There rs. a limrt ran oftffin95 to bU',' I Wiil:in '5: "We '...e JU5t 50ld our last COP'/. I'm
very sorry. ll''svl!ty popular, )'0\..1 SI!@. But )'CIU n-
Andrew . rr"""". . his book.
Sp,e-alu!r 1 1 It wa5 Susie's f&l.t y i5it to london. never
igtlt find one In GamesRl..fs, as •l'S a b59!J
Speaker 2 shop ' (te/1/apok,g;se/-<ay/ Susie- .........". ............. to l.c,r11:fon before.
VE'rb + -ing
2 Chtoe spent h.ef ch ildhood In the w1.mt1y wrth
Sp,&1 cr l Games.RVs: "We·re out of stock . but they're an
3 ordC!!r and we·II bf getting :some ffliOre In niext her grand p.iri!!rHS. brought
Speaker4 W.nt cho ut l su9g ert-------------------------- week . I' ll gwe you .a ri ng when they came in, rf you Chfol!! . ··- ······-•·· ..... h r gi-andparonti tr1
give ml!! your name, and a COl'ltact number · the co,unt,y.
Speaker 5 Which panem 1s NOT possi)le? Cross 11 ou t.
3 VHM : Tm not su,e- If we ha..-e an)' leh If you J I'd m.· to go tD India appeals
Me SUl)gl'Sl.ed JJ) l'.llfy'N"lg hff £20
J How true i each -s:tatemen.t i n E,ce 1 cise 2 b) tf,at th<y pold her (20
lake a S:eat, I'll go ,;1nd 'loot in si for llleideaor. ·-·
inbootyour town or city? Th l n.k of @:<iiml) c) !NIthey should pay her (10 , you . You' re 1n l t.JCk. rye C)CI Ol"ltr! Cop)' l@hl Do • 'Po you want to ha-i.-e c1 drink., Peterr a s ked Jane
support or oppose each n ternent. you 'INtlt"lt 1t?' lite
cO them to P3'p' her £20
Exam ple: 5 of the snQP OOitrJia!p 9Te r Jaril!' ask P!!!t ...........• ....... have a drln .
2 Ha ye '.,'DU fl.Id an'.,' similar eJtpe r lences when
.!ltt/iJO'M' m our rown. for example,. I reaJ/y Nke Grammar refere nce p.199 (1.2.4- ' l 'YOO W,Bnt tobuyJOmet.hlng?
r/le (J}d YMJPS round the main SQ!Jale
5 They satd they had lound the diled:lons he g e
Wf'/ confW'l g tMit n 1 Matth thefol1cwl 11g dt!'!,Criptlons to tht, leisure

Th@,ysaidthi!y ...... . .,............ ........ hisd irection:s.
fa clllt fe s t,etow.
Thort- W('re students- ftQm len diff rf'.nt CQunt riE!$ ln the dass. up
The eta -···········-!iwd nts f,om ten l.ll1w= motlern bl1iWii:i11 wlcb ouldtMn' 00ttli1 lltcEi.
dlfferent cOUfltflti. fitfli: 5 R10JT1 ind room. lch:Jr
91,;1;cg to i;dl 1111:U .
M hssa NS not a®med on t,e&eo., n much
receritfy . m ad e-
Melissa h as. ........ .. ... .............. on tele n
B Youboth luck and lent to succeed, well

Suc.cess d pend:s . .. .....................

Vocabul a ry 3: sho p ping and leisu re fac il it i es

cl$ tal nt.

3 kll'l!1.
dl111-'\)d:111111J.11e \JK:llldc5 di pal y$ of !(le.It h . !
.0,,.,11 24-hmirs e. day for 11 'Wide nmgc cf acriviti.o: ( lnd l)lii11g skat.Ing k!i!Klrul, let. bockry, ptJblk-"and
a n; lll:l!Jl (II)' . 1111=h)l ln'I! and rhe­

A col Ooo Q( boob , vW.r:o., DVTu. am1 CD R.CKm whii.:h be bom,,,l."cd by the: gcocnl pYbl ll;,.
1 Oioos@ two of tht wo,ds In brec;keu to compRc:fc lete cc
theand mfomatioo acrv:i
1 I fil e shopping In the summer ......·-········wh @n are e.l&0 111vail&blc.
there aie good ,..,..,..,oo e-m)'UJ.ingl

r,,<e,-1 ,,. ' '""",;,n,J

l Whenever you buy anything you shoukl alw¥ keep lhe1n cas you want to
.......... ........ 4 l;;irer Exhibilions by kx:ill p:iill'I and contemporary 1;Rlt., .u well N III IIQ'll'HU\i:)11 disp).llly or 8 rilllh Arid iatC1111\!tooal pi1i it1p,.
(exciw,;Je I na<e,pr I p,,,mipr,<JnJ
3 I er s.eem to be able lo fm d a ....... .·-·-··- ·-
.!ll'ltiouoh my friend seems to Qet a ...... ..
on l;'Vl:!rything and he\'er pays lull pnce1
(t16colinr I batgain I refumh
Al'I Oil Jirogrammo or dly lllld Cllin,g
t:JIIJUIU lndudiJ11B COll1'ff,llU ili.lls. dre:wmldJ,g.
4 Some people alW3)"5- pa-, ,.••..••.••.••.• .•when tt-iey Pin t A1d Md fhrcig,i bnguag_cs.
go 5h[ll ping, but I prefer lo pa')! . .
ber,c:a u !je I doti't lik.too much money,
a}n.rtpi li!,1)1d) 11i LlSif!UM
(oo credir I by ch,eq1J e I in casft)
b)kerink,e) por,s O,:erllre
lj, I go shOQpi.og orxe a week: - •t's e to
c:) Librwyf) f'ur1 r Eifar;; a(i (IIJ (:(.ll ]ll!'_gt!l
.....,.tha1 w;r; so it\ mo te
(e<onomi<.,J'"""""'"' I b<JdgeQ 2 Which of the facilities above dog you r town
6 I hat j!I wa111ng In a Icing at t:n,f
ha:ve7' What other facJllt i es !lire -il-Vall -i!b l e?
... .. ....... ..... ln lhe 51.tWmarlc:e t.
(till J Ul ectour I qlJE!tJ'ey v.there wou ld you go in your t own or city:
2. Aft a partMir these quenlon5. to bu'y the trendiest ctoihes7
1 Do you 100! .shopping I" the 7 to bu), W cheapffi h01Jsehold ,goods?
3 to buy a realty u n usual pl'esenl1
Hi!Ve you t rakM "50mtttl ll0i;J back. to IDe shop
aJKI eird:\ilngecl it QI' ask:e,d for .a. credl1 oote7' to listen to great mlJSI( or dance till i a.m, .
'3 Are you good at findir,g ba 1n51' to go fo, .a rel.=i:oo!iJ }
Now make mo re quertiom forb en::lse- 1.1, to meet r frieod5 1Ql <:o tfee?
to enrol foe an eYe111119 ,;:l,;1 m pottery7
sit"te n<.M 4, S alld 6, and ss k; our pitrtn er.
8 to gtt some :;eriou5 e:i,:er,i;i ei7

Speaking 3: expr essi ng u n cert ainty (Part 2)

Match t word s to the cor ct photos .

checkOYt!) room D'l!ihier

$l1elYe$ trolley shopp1r,g bag,
,ape<:ial otters bargams a!iml.ant de?9rtrnerrt stOlf: adv«ttSements

.2 Work with a p;an ner.

Find tw o slm flarlt lt .s and three
differences between the pl-tocos.
E)L.ampl ; Both phoraspeople

.Jhopping{jf$( photo ,is Ill d

oor the5ffMd
pltott> Is In .J dep.J,tmenr store .
:I Liste n to anoth-er m .id e:nt
ta ll<.l n9 abom I.fie sa me photo s. He is not a l wa'Y$ wre about wha t k hi pp,enlng 1n the pi ct ur es. Tkk the phra5es he usa1.

. .. .
I' m n ot sure. bvl (iVtheyJ m19tn
It\ ncn 'Jf!fY cle ar, but probably!
l thmk ..
!IU could be Maybe . Perhaps
It lcx:M;sasff
It !4!1!ms as though
They seem CD bl!: --Ing

1 Tal:.c ft in turns with our partner to <:o mp.,,e photos A i:ind 8. Try to keep, tal for
about 40 second!>.
Sa)' which type- of shopping rel;!1m to be the most enjoyable fOl the shopper1 ( bout 20stt onds).

5 Work: with arwthe-r pa rtne r.

St udentA loo atphotoCs andDonwge 18 2, v.t.1cn st.ow different kin ds of iK!'lef'ltsmg COrnpiln!! I.M IXtW1!5. and li3Y ITI "Whid, pli!C.e l he ad\11!f'Wtlrrg & prot>abfy mo5f eHecti'l'e
Studt!,U B kll:j,: al pl1Dt05 E and F Of'l cag e 1S 2. 'IM'J !ihow peop,I c;i010g letSUr actl'IIIUC!S CQmpare the pictl!Je5 and sa-y whic-h iK.lh'lty
ms to be the rnos1e nJO)or.tble


1 - 5 Prag ress test

1 The fil m Star wars has a combine of two rhe-mes.
.i I 1hough11Nt M lrn .Roug@ had .!r very sad flMhlng .
The film ends. with q QOse sflal of the- t1et0.
The act:rc5s Gv.ynelh P,;1ltIQW made- a very @fnOlJ.01'1
Writing: a review (Part 2) 'Whef-1!;:he,won h@rosc-ar. J Loolo:. 31 lht- follow ing pairs of sent erices.
Vau recent!)' w this notlc:e on Y®r co l leg l;! not icebo ard . I wa1, Yery lmtatJ by what tM!' Scr11:t. Decide if the sentences in ea<:h pair haw a) the
The Of)'mpic GamM h.!lvee'lf!Fy four years mt! m-l!!aning orb) different mean1ng5,
1 What kind of thlngs do people tie jUSt made a .glimDS@ of lfger in the 1ari,g Under line the parts of tht Sefltence5 that have
review? Think of as m an '.,' a s you c an, dlttariimt mean ings.
and add th'l!'m to tha 11st low. ,8 "It"is'"i'm- possible to me to hlJy U\ilt c.a,1 1 In t,hf! r'11D'!tl :!llct I 1lrns )'OU g,et .a com tirJn
book, '9 Th i:! rl:!ahly ot lhe situation was St.illtlng to ill! 111'1 c,t two types of p lo,t.
hotel Eggs are known to be high with c:ho/',:5terol. The most succ I filnr.; combine two typc5 of
Wowd '.(OU rcllher feed out in ,;1 restaurant7 plot.
We e1: hopma tO fflllkc a ctilk&e wwsitd. des ipc(I by 1 2 The taste al the ln!iE'Cl was absolu elf rtYOltOO 2 I bQu9ht 111.ese traiMtl whl!!n r )Dln,ed thl:! 9:,-m,
mw,Q'ltL Ta give 1l1 ll()mr klcD f,o, lhis . i:Jin oo wrilc u 13 I held to eat tile inseQ Irving l'\•i!' had lralnl;!rs "5IOCt' I Join&l tt'i! g .
1 {il!Yk:W of)ll)uf' ra,' ....-l!b&ctl:;1 be !'he Lype of t4 Vou mu t have used a trmune bu:,,ng trat earl 3 l ti::ci; ta free diving imrne-diate'ly
2 Whitt is tt-.e purpose of a revi ew? lntorrttMiangi 1'C111thc....111ndthr::.,,,.yitis: I 5 Thi!! shop ha!. a broad Sl!'lectJOO 0:f goods. I gave up frt-eo di111J'r!:I stralg huiway,
Choose on '!!', 4 'She dl d'n 't feel 5K ur1! M a
PflX'ILl!d. Md ny b)' yoo think' i1 b p.'111.
Arevte'tli'K,vnue-n to th1ld, As a child, she lelt rather
gn,e, iK.1.ual 1nfotmatioo. 2 O c:id e 'o\l'Otd ls mls ing in each of the fol la wing senten,ce$ ;,nd write lt In th cotred. piec e-.
b) help the re..der to mak. .a chcu . 5 - no 1de c1 chat r el hij'i.,e, to cros1, the valley tr)'
He knc,wn her since he- was a c hfld
c) per..uade the reader lO bU)' How n'W'ly' ll you phone yoursim•r ry da'y? I that I woollin't ha-..e to aoss ttre valley b)'

] How should a fevill!!w be w r itten? Work wltJ, a J)ilrtne-r. Thin k about:

] I hat! ch,s car Slnl:'.e I wa!i eighteen, 4 Ha\'f!t )'OU ruM ing? Yau lrx:rk; hot.
5tet ls lot better at Maths than I ,am " " "' ·
6 T he J ourney w,;15 a bll k;inger than r d e-xp@CU!d .
-6 This rkil!' Qi 't eM:rllng a the one we "Wefll on 1n I t"\od thj! jt)umer to be a b1I: longer
ChoOif! three. \'d"lic:h wtbs 1te you want tD describe
lancl. than 1tw
Al'l!'a'iew hOtlld what lnformijl]on ii
7 Tom 1 not tillller U\on I am - only about an 7 M)' mam concer11 Is ro awart!fl of th@
a) use U'IU!!r tlng 'ti'ocabular;. how It IS J'.)1'6ented (e-. g. home page, links. envlronm L
b} u5e bull@t potnt.s aod heildirlgs.
picturt5, graphicsJ I i,im IT'l,illinl y conce-rned with develt,ling
lhfee reasons why you it. ilwa
try to catch the reade imere5t
d) be cle arl o rgan!Sed, 8 6 Ee-$5 risky 1hirn people think..
Hang gliding
e) U!iE'il serni fo rm,11l1t Hang ghdlng i:s,,·1 as safe as people 1h:rnk;,
1 Choose the- best introdu ctlorr fo r yo ur re.,,.lew. What did Cl:!n llmetre. 9 It looks as I( Ing aparty.
4 'W'h you write a rev iew you usualry you not llke iOOIJt. the oth r't wo introductions? 8 I' m ,going to Canary ls,land5 my summer The-;'.-e rooking fo,wzrrct to h.!lVll"l9 the party.
need t o do the follow ing t hrN holiday, 10 e'O {3C ._.1e-,,., through thf open willdaw
3) I h.!rte- most websl 1es 01 lots of JfNl!ilJl11,, but I thl nk li'li!i
thlngs. N1-1mber them in order. 9 M:,, fa t her tJr s sbwfy tha11 my brother She glimpsed the Y1ew thrtlU!iJh the open wmdow.
10 He alre ad :i,' f inis.h d 1h! work whe11 the teacher returned. 11 Jikme'5 car lly look o alter he'd fT\ilde thll!
D Give de1ails of what )"OI..I art 15 mile5i betler than lhe- other! .
reviewing:. b) One of thl;! best. webs.lte!a I 'know .s the one- for the- Spo TV Vl .v.
D Give your own opintllfl of what yoo Cent 1 b@long to , 1I I usually ,ust havecrf 10-aSl for bttaldasL Mabng the TV sl'L<:::m de511oytd lam illl!-'5 career,
are te'l'ie"lo'li ng. c) I I thj! Mk:ll'light Clutr websrt,e,. h's 50 y to l..15e, 's I'm watcturrg Y'l!f)' l ling SE'l'its -ilbout 12 Their study of r tqken tt'iem al over tl'II!
D Say IM'lat yoo are re i1t9. colourfLJI ifs got good music: - .!Ind I'd r lN t
dln 05-aurs on TV. globe
you look at 1l The pottc, told mo go awa1. They tfiJl/elled' air over tht wo,ld studying
Brad ed Vi!Ck), -ihe willn,tt!'d • dnnk. or not. ln<K1'.

, Rea d the- t i&sk. and an er these Z Which ls t he beSl. ending for the review7 IS They ,;1(Nl5td mt n o t 'tNOlft/ a Ing WQUld 13 Darwl.1 hM .!I sev!re .a11ergy ta many ioommon
be all r,ght.
:tl.l i:ln<:ei.
u est lon s. a) So o-,.,era ll I thi n k lha,t tills. ls an ceBent slte , wh h lo\!. of Danti!L:i shghlly abefgic: to m any commorr
What d :,-QU to revll!!W7
gcxx:I ide.n thac 'M!! could us on our .school web5ite- bst:rnces
What b, the purpme of the revh? maJ:e a 'W'eb51t-e- for
D) I strongly ret ornt'l'l.ef'ld lha.t you
14 The boys sa1cl they thought the 9ame wa!. g at
w1 Who v.il1 your revi,ew7 !d>ool. According ta the . lt was a greiH g:aml!,
4 What style wil you use for :;o ur tei. ? cl what I think ls - rt'$ grwtl 15 The)' !..11.'d the sale woiuld s-tart a t nine o'dock.
'Th@ QI@, mlt ;Unm!:! o 'd ock." lhe-; said,
Now write '.,'Our own ans r to tlwr UHk, lrig the
beg!nnit19 ,rncl iend l ng you tr"" (hosen. 'When you haYe
f l nl5hed, ch your reYiew clearly organ 111nd h;15
c1 good range of- YOC8bu la,y .

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