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Newton’s Cradle

(Note: make a copy of this document)

Testing Criteria Results (5pts each)
Pull one marble back to a 45 deg. angle and The three marbles in the middle stay still
release as the end marble hits them and sets the
other end marble off

Pull two marbles back to a 45 deg. angle and All the marbles go back and forth but not
release for that long

Pull one marble back on both sides to a 45 The middle marbles stay the same as the
deg. angle and release two end go back and forth at the same

Pull two marbles back on both sides to a 45 It works for a second and then they get
deg. angle and release tangled

Pull one marble back to roughly 80 deg. Same thing happens as the first question
angle and release but it doesn’t work for as long

Pull one marble back on both sides to roughly The marbles go crazy and it doesn’t really
80 deg. angle and release work

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