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Nama : Ni’matul Khairah

Nim : B1A219008

Kelas : DIII Farmasi

Why did I major in pharmacy? I majored in pharmacy because of my own will

parents Also Have Approved It Previously I wanted to take Midwife but I alredy
registered at another campus but I did not graduate..

My goal is to become a Pharmacist. Hopefully it will be granted and given a long life

I tried to register at the UNIMERZ campus and majored in pharmacy. I prayed and
kept praying and didn’t forget, I asked mybparents to pray for me, AAlhamdulillah,
our prayers on thealmighty plague, and finally I graduted on this campus. First
entered the campus I only had four friends we were always the same Because we
were different Majors we had started busy with our respective majors I was alittle
shy Not easy to get along But day after day I could get to know with one of my
classes we always help ech other And not Mementinkan each other ego, once
there was a senior said to me because my shy senior said there had been a person
who was here who also majored in pharmacy but not long he stopped exactly like
you because of that so I said if I continue like this how I was able to rise up like
them I thought again how my parents in the village had been struggling to get
around here and there for my sake in order to want to send me to school so from
there I changed my habits.

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