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Physical/Motor Development

November 16, 2018, at 2:06 PM

KD can be seen in the photograph walking from seeing the firefighter to the playground. This
shows her physical development because it’s showing her walking in a heel-to-toe motion
instead of on her tippy toes. Walking is a physical movement. It shows that she’s passed certain
milestones like rolling over, then crawling, and taking her first wobbly steps. KD walks like most
kids her age.

November 2, 2018, at 2:07 PM

During choice time KD decided to play in the manipulatives area. This shows her motor
development as she is working on her fine motor skills by manipulating the magnetic shapes
seen in the picture.
She is moving the shapes around to see which sides will attract to reach other so she can build
her tower with Sofia. This is also displaying her cognitive development because she is problem-
solving. Some of the sides repel so she positions the shapes to where they work.

November 16 at 1:24 PM

Every day KD and the rest of her class participate in a movement activity. This can be just doing
actions with their hands to a song or fallout dancing. In the picture, KD can be seen raising one
hand up and one hand down. This is KD showing off her awesome dance moves to her
classmates. Mrs.Molly interprets the music for KD so she can follow along with her friends. KD
moved from side to side and jumped for this song. ”Mozzarella pizza” is the name of the song
KD is seen dancing to. This displays her large motor development as she’s dancing. She is
using her bigger muscles.

November 16 at 2:11 PM

This was the last day of my practicum after KD’S class went to the playground. KD made sure to
show me some of the things she knew how to do. She showed me how she jumped on the
piece of equipment seen in the photo. She also attempted to balance on the other side. This
shows her physical development as KD is able to jump but she’s still figuring out how to
Self Help
October 26, 2018, at 12:57 PM

All on her own KD grabbed her toothpaste and her toothbrush. She sat down in her seat and
quietly brushed her teeth. Then she got up and put the materials back where they belong. In the
picture can you come to see you smiling as she is brushing her teeth. This is one of the many
tasks KD does all on her own. KD’s self-help skills are displayed here as she grabs the items on
her own and brushes her own teeth because she knows they need to be done.

November 16, 2018, at 12:41 PM

KD looked for Mrs.Molly and quickly signed asking for ketchup. After being handed the ketchup
KD used both hands to squeeze some onto her plate. KD looks to Mrs.Molly for help to sign for
corn puppies. The sign for corn puppies is like both fists turned sideways and then twist and pull
them away from each other. KD does well raising her hand and waiting patiently. Tasks that she
can do on her own she does. Like squeezing out her own ketchup or passing food at lunch. With
some of the food items she even serves herself. Her self-help skills are displayed here because
she knew in order to help herself with the signing she needed to ask for help. It’s also displayed
because she asked for the ketchup all on her own because she knew she wanted it. She even
gave herself some once she’s handed the bottle.

November 15 at 1:36 PM

Throughout the day KD’s class is taught good health procedures. One of which is good
handwashing. KD washes her hands all on her own. She first wets her hands and grabs soap
then she scrubs as she walks around the table. She then goes back to rinse and grabs a paper
towel on her own to dry her hands. After throwing her paper towels away she continues on to
her next task. This shows her self-help skills because she’s doing it all on her own. She’s being
very independent.

November 2, 2018, at 11:22 PM

As you can see in the picture KD has grabbed a tray for her art activity in the art area at choice
time. This is considered self-help because she is being independent and she knows what she
needs. So she works on her own to find the materials she needs and grabs them. Then when
she’s done she works to locate where they go back to.
October 26th 2018 at 2:38 PM

The entire class is watching a signing video. KD signs each letter as the video plays it but when
it comes to her favorite, the letter “k” she started signing it before the video was even there.
This shows her language development because KD speaks by signing. Signing is her language.

November 9th 2018 at 2:24 PM

Mrs.Molly helped KD draw a spider and KD showed me and another practicum student how to
sign spider. This shows her language development because she’s learning even more sign
language and is able to identify the picture.

October 26th 2018 at 1:54 PM

KD used the dot markers to create artwork. She then pointed at what she made and signed her
name. Again this shows her language development through her signing but it also shows she
understands ownership.

November 15th 2018 at 1:34 PM

KD and her classmates were given shaving cream to spread out and draw letters into. The
picture shows KD working on an “o”. This shows her language/ cognitive development because
she has to put the sign and the picture together and has to then draw the letter for herself on the
Emotional development:
November 9th, 2018 at 2:11 PM

KD can be seen smiling in the picture as she is drawing on the whiteboard. This shows her
emotional development because she's showing her emotion by smiling. Not far from the area
she was at in the picture there are cans that have different emotions on them. Each day the
students are asked to put their stick in whichever can matches how they feel. This is a part of
their daily routine. Sadly I was not able to get the picture of KD doing that task. This also shows
her social development because she is able to sit down and play with friends. She has Mrs.
Molly around to help her engage in conversations with peers and other adults.

November 9th, 2018 at 4:31 PM

KD is seen playing in the water table with her classmates. This shows her social development
because she's had to share some of the toys and she also had to tell a classmate "stop that's
mine" by signing because the classmate was taking the toy she was playing with away from her.
KD is good at sharing but her teachers want her to continue to get better at defending herself.
Since KD signs, they want to teach her the signs she needs to know in order to do so.

November 15th at 1:39 PM

KD is seen in the picture playing doctor with me. This shows her social development because
she is engaging in dramatic play with me. She cant be seen in this image but she was signing to
me a bit while we were playing.

November 9th, 2018 at 1:45 PM

The picture is of a water drop award KD received for helping a friend. This shows that KD can
interact and help out friends that shows her social development in order to help someone you
must socialize with them in order to find the problem and how to help.

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