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Tyjira Reid

May 7, 2021

Civic Engagement

Through my high school years, I was opened to many community service opportunities to

help people who needed more volunteers for certain events or occasions. Community service is a

great way to network with others and to gain more knowledge from people. Doing community

service benefits your career prospects and helps give back to people in the community. Due to

the pandemic, I was not able to go out and assist people with community service. Since it was

my freshman year in college, my classes were all virtual and I was not chosen to live on campus.

In the Fall 2021 semester of school, I will be joining clubs and volunteering on campus.

Since I am majoring in social work, I was thinking about joining the social work to enhance my

knowledge on the social work career. This would be a great way to learn more from others about

social work that I did not know before. Also, I was interested in joining a sorority, but I will need

to do more research and to gain knowledge on them before making my final decision. One of my

professors from the Spring 2021 semester emailed me to see if I was interested in joining the

Management Information Systems (MIS) which is basically a club where students will be

dealing with Microsoft, Excel, and PowerPoint. Anything involving the computer, the MIS club

demonstrates, and I will be able to gain more knowledge on it.

Some barriers that I had from not getting involved was the pandemic, not being able to

live on campus, and being scared to network with others. I have always been a shy and quiet

person, so it would be hard for me to make friends and adventure out. Once I learned that I was

going to a university out of state, I knew I was going to need to break out of my shell in order
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make friends and network with teachers. In the Fall 2021 semester, I will be gaining confidence

to join clubs and organizations to have a great college experience.

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