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Lesson Plan in T.L.E.

Week 1
June 07, 2019

I. Objective:
I.1 Identifies family resources and needs (human, material, and nonmaterial)

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

III. Learning Resources:

A. References

Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)

Growing up with Home Economics and Livelihood Education.
FNB Educational, Inc. QC.

IV. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Generate ideas from learners about their definition of resources.

Resources are a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that
can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.

Elicit from the class – what, then, is the meaning of family resources? The
learners are asked to give examples of family resources and needs.

The learners are asked to categorize the resources into the following :
a. Human
b. Material
c. Nonmaterial

Mention that the resources generated in the discussion need to be managed.

Ask the learners their idea of management.

1. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Emphasize the importance of management of resources in the context of family
which will be discussed in the lesson.

2. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Refer to the response of the learners on the examples of resources. Depending on the
response, zero in on an example provided by the learners e.g. time. Time is in the category
of nonmaterial.

Time is gold. It is a God-given gift that must be valued and used wisely. Time is short and
once lost, cannot be regained. Proper time management can bring good results.

3. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

The learners are asked to give the advantages of proper time management.
Examples are also provided.
1.Happiness and security for having accomplished something very important for the
2.More time to spend for family members after accomplishing the planned activity;
3. More time to attend to other constructive activities and worthwhile projects.

4. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Time can be managed properly by scheduling activities wisely. Make plan for every
activity. Routinize some activities based on available time and how often these
tasks have to be done.

The preparation of a realistic daily time schedule is a helpful management tool to

help the students identify and prioritize activities.

5. Developing Mastery
Ask the learners to prepare a one-day time and work schedule.

The identified learners will be asked to present their schedule.

6. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Explain why they have included the activities in their schedule. Clarify why they
have allotted the number of minutes in the activities.

7. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Mention that the class was able to:
 Define family resources
 Define management in the context of the family
 Determine the importance of management of resources.
 Provide examples of resources e.g. time
The discussion will be synthesized by the teachers and relate one discussion point to

V. Evaluation:
Referring to the resources identified by the learners, ask them to choose one and
explain why this is important.

VI. Additional activities for application or remediation

Bring photos or drawings on:
a. how to simplify work with the use of energy; and how to conserve energy.
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
Week 1- Day 2
June 07, 2017

I. Objective:
I.1.1 list of family resources
1.1.2 list of basic and social needs

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

III. Learning Resources:

A. References

Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)

Growing up with Home Economics and Livelihood Education.
FNB Educational, Inc. QC.

IV. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Recap of what was discussed the day before and segue to the next lesson.

Yesterday, we familiarized ourselves with management of family resources. We

identified examples of resources and categorized them into human, material and
nonmaterial. We focused on time as a nonmaterial resource and its importance.

The class was asked to prepare a daily time and work schedule and it was
explained why they had included specific activities in the schedule, as well as the choice
of time allotment.

From the list of resources, choose another example. Energy might be one and
falls under human resources.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Emphasize the importance of management of resources in the context of family,
which will be discussed in the lesson.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Ask the learners why energy is important. Why should this be managed? How
should this be managed?

Every activity utilizes energy, thus reducing strength and causing tiredness and
fatigue. Our energy has its limits, so we have to avoid unnecessary use. The proper
management of strength can speed up work and reduce stress.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

The teacher will divide the class into four (4). Using photos and drawings
brought by the learners, identify helpful measures that need to be done to
simplify work at home and conserve human energy.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Each group will report in class. Examples on application should also be given in
the report.
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
After the completion of the group work, the teacher will reinforce the discussion
by synthesizing the results of the discussion.

Analyze the activity.

 Use gadgets to facilitate completion of work.
 Arrange the materials and things needed at work in one place.
 Know the appropriate time in carrying out the activity in order to accomplish
the taskproperly.
 Maintain a good posture while working.
 Use both hands to facilitate working.
 Finish the work you have started.
 Alternate the heavy

G. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

Mention that the class focused on energy which is a human resource.
Ask the class what needs to be done to simplify work at home and conserve human
We learned the importance of energy management.
Emphasize the importance of rest after a hard day’s work.

V. Evaluation:
Ask the learners to share on their insights on the lessons for the day.

VI. Additional activities for application or remediation

Bring photos or drawings of possible sources of money
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
Week 1- Day 3
June 08, 2017

I. Objective:

1.1.2 list of family resources

1.1.2 list of basic and social needs

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

Learning Resources:
A. References

Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)

Growing up with Home Economics and Livelihood Education.
FNB Educational, Inc. QC.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Recap of the lesson the previous day.

Yesterday, we familiarized ourselves with management of family resources. We

identified examples of resources and categorized them into human, material and
nonmaterial. We focused on time as a nonmaterial resource and its importance.
The class was asked to prepare a daily time and work schedule and it was
explained why they had included specific activities in the schedule, as well as the choice
of time allotment.
From the list of resources, choose another example. Energy might be one and
falls under human resources.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Again, use the list of resources identified by the learners as point of reference –
choose another resource Money falls under material resource.
The prudent management of money is very important.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Elicit comments and opinions from the learners on this sentence – “The prudent
management of money is very important.”
Articulation of opinions, views and comments through provision of examples.
The teacher will bring out meta cards containing quotes on money.
The class will explain the meaning of the “quotes” then provide examples.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Money is very important. It is a part of life just like time and energy.
How do we differentiate money from income?
Money is a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes.
Income is money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Ask what the possible sources of money are?
Using the acronym MONEY, provide a corresponding word or phrase opposite
each letter, indicating its possible sources. The group assignment the previous day
will be followed.

F. Developing Mastery
Ask the class to bring out the photos or drawings on the possible sources of
As a group prepare a collage of the photos and present it in class.
The teacher will facilitate discussion on other sources of family income that may
not be covered by the group.

G. Finding Practical Application for concepts

The teacher will explain to class that the money being used by the family comes
from the salary or other forms of income of family members. It can also come
from bonuses, commissions or honorarium received by an employee belonging to
the family.
Other source of family income will be profits from business from those who are

H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

Mention the importance of money in the family, but ensure that money should
come from sources that are in accordance with the law of the people and of God.

IV. Evaluation:
Ask the learners to share on their insights on the lessons for the day.

IV. Additional activities for application or remediation

Divide the class into four (4).
Ask each group to come up with a presentation in whatever form on the three
examples of resources. This may be in the form of a skit, news format etc.; Be
resourceful, creative and artistic. For presentation on Friday.
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
Week 1- Day 4
June 09, 2017

I. Objective:
1.2 enumerates source of family income

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

Learning Resources:
A. References
Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)
The Basics of Better Family Living p.90

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Yesterday, we talked about money and the need for its prudent management, We
also identified sources of money.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask the class,
“Do you think the family income is sufficient for the family?
“Do you think the family income is more than sufficient for the family?
“Do you think the family income is not sufficient for the family?

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Why do you think the family income is...?

More than sufficient for the family
Sufficient for the family
Not sufficient for the family
Give examples.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Based on our discussion, we have realized that family income most of the time was not
What do we do to ensure that we spend the family income wisely?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Group yourselves into four (4). Identify helpful tips in the wise spending of the family
Provide examples.

F. Developing Mastery
Synthesis of reports:
The following are some helpful tips in the wise spending of your money.
Make a list of all the needed things to avoid buying things which are not much
needed. Include the kind, size, color and prices to be bought.
Know and compare the prices of commodities to be bought, Do not buy products with
unreasonably high price.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Buy fruits and vegetables in season to be sure of their freshness, cheap price, and
their good quality.
Buy in bulk foods which are needed every day.
Know the less costly ingredients that can be used as substitute for expensive
Shop at the market nearest your place. You should be familiar with the stores offering
the lowest prices for each commodity. Have a permanent store or grocery where you
purchase the needed items to ensure the good quality and standard price.
Limit your expenses within the amount of money that you have but be sure to buy what
you have listed.

IV. Evaluation:
As a Grade VI learner, how can you ensure that you are spending your money wisely?

V. Enrichment
Remind the class about the presentation the next day on the three examples of
resources. It will be an application of what was learned this week.
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 13, 2017
I. Objective:
1.2 enumerates source of family income

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

Learning Resources:
A. References
Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)
The Basics of Better Family Living p.90

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)

1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Recap of the lesson the previous day.

Mention that this week we have talked about time, energy and money as examples of
non-material, human and material Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask the class,
“Do you think the family income is sufficient for the family?
“Do you think the family income is more than sufficient for the family?
“Do you think the family income is not sufficient for the family?

B. Establishing a Purpose for the lesson

This activity is intended for the learners to be able to deepen appreciation of the
resources that were discussed this week.

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson

Presentation of group work.

Each group will be given 8 minutes to present their work.

D. Making Generalization

Based on the presentation, provide generalizations and abstractions.

IV. Evaluation:

Get the insights of the learners on the activities

Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 14, 2017

I. Objective:
1.3 Allocates budget for basic and social needs such as:
1.3.1 food and clothing
1.3.2shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social, and moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.), family
activities, school affairs
1.3.4 savings/emergency budget (health, house, repair)

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

Learning Resources:
A. References
Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) Growing up with Home Economics and
Livelihood Education. FNB Educational, Inc. QC.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Last week, there was a discussion on management of the family income. Management
of family income means allocating it to provide for the basic needs of members and for
comfortable living.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask the class about the relationship between management and budgeting of
family income.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

By means of budgeting, the family can properly allot the income. A
family should have a knowledge of family budgeting to know how much is spent
for family needs and where the income goes. Through family budgeting, the
members will learn to spend wisely, save regularly, participate in family matters
more actively with the maximum benefit from the wise use of resources, like
time, energy, and abilities.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Ask: What are the factors that need to be considered when budgeting?
 Size of the family
 Family income
 Kind of work each family member does
 Talents and abilities of each member
 Locality where the family lives

E. Developing Mastery
Let the learners cite examples of the factors that need to be considered when
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Aside from what was mentioned, can you think of other factors that need to be
considered when budgeting? Explain.

G. Making Generalizations about the lesson

Today we determine the relationships between management and

budgeting of family income. We also looked into the factors that need to be
considered when budgeting.
Income Management is a tool that helps people budget their welfare
payments and ensures they are getting the basic essentials of life, such as food,
housing, electricity and education.
Developing percentage guidelines for your family income is vital to a
family budget. This allows you to spend what is needed without going over the
allotted amount that you have set for each category of expenses. After you have
listed your income and variable and fixed expenses, make sure that the expenses
do not exceed the percentage you have set for that category. Some professionals
suggest limiting the necessities to 60 percent of your income.

IV. Evaluation
Ask the learners to share their insights on the lesson for the day

V. Enrichment
Bring photos or drawing where family budget is spent
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 15, 2017
I. Objective:
1.3 Allocates budget for basic and social needs such as:
1.3.1 food and clothing
1.3.2shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social, and moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.), family
activities, school affairs
1.3.4 savings/emergency budget (health, house, repair)

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

Learning Resources:
A. References
Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) Growing up with Home Economics and
Livelihood Education. FNB Educational, Inc. QC.
III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Recap of the lesson the previous day

As a segue, mention that the day before, the class learned the factors that should
be considered in budgeting.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

For the day’s lesson, the class will identify where the income goes or what the family
includes in the budget.

Aside from the knowledge of what comprises a family budget, the class needs to be
aware of certain principles to be applied effectively in order to make family budgeting a
successful and fulfilling task.

According to Bantigue and Pangilinan (2014), the summary of the principles that
should be applied to make family budgeting a successful and fulfilling task are as follows:
 Know the family’s income.
 List your expenses. Know which components are fixed and which are flexible.
 Set priorities.
 Keep records of expenses.
 Allocate an amount for savings.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Ask the class to bring out the photos they were asked to bring. Group the class
into 4 (four). Let the class identify where or what the family includes in the budget.
Prioritize the items. The class will be given ten minutes to complete the activity.
Reporting follows
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Using the previous group assignment, discuss among the group the principles in making
family budgeting a successful and fullfilling task. The twist is this will be presented in a
short skit.

The group will be given five (5) minutes to present the short skit.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

 Presentations
 Group 1
 Group 2
 Group 3
 Group 4

F. Developing Mastery
Comments on group presentations:
 Group 4 will comment on Group 1
 Group 3 will comment on Group 2
 Group 2 will comment on Group 3
 Group 1 will comment on Group 4

Limit the comments on the contents of the presentation. Does the presentation manifests
the principles in making family budgeting a successful and fulfilling task?

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Aside from what was mentioned, can you think of other factors that need to be
considered when budgeting? Explain.

H. Making Generalizations about the lesson

Synthesize the discussion on what and where the family budget is allotted, as well as
the principles to take into consideration to make family budgeting successful and fulfilling.

Ask the learners to share their insights on the lesson for the day
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 15, 2017
I. Objective:
1.3 Allocates budget for basic and social needs such as:
1.3.1 food and clothing
1.3.2shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social, and moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.), family
activities, school affairs
1.3.4 savings/emergency budget (health, house, repair)

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources

Learning Resources:
A. References
Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) Growing up with Home Economics and
Livelihood Education. FNB Educational, Inc. QC.
III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Yesterday, we discussed the principles that need to be applied to make family

budgeting a successful and fulfilling task.
Ask the class to identify some of the priniciples.
We also identified items that were included in the family budget.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask what items are included in the budget.

Then, present the following list culled from the book:

 Food and clothing
 Shelter and education
 Social needs
 social and moral obligations
 family activities
 school affairs
 Savings/emergency budget
 Health
 house repair

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Tell the learners that items 1 and 2 are basic needs and are familiar to them. Mention
something about food and clothing, shelter and education.
Ask them to give examples of the items under social needs, and savings/emergency budget.

These are the following:

a. Social and moral obligations – birthdays, baptisms, etc.;
b. family activities;
c. school affairs.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Mention that a family budget also provides for the following needs:
Refer to the examples given by the learners. If it was already mentioned, do not include
in the list.
Food, shelter, clothing, education, household operations, maintenance/repair,
utilities (water, electricity, telephone, transportation, medical and dental care, rest and
recreation, stipend, savings.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Divide the class into four groups
Provide situations wherein the group will prepare a budget for the entire family for one
Note that there are four types of situation. The group have the option on how they will
present it in a most creative and innovative way.

F. Developing Mastery
Reporting of results of group work.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Ask the class on their comments on the output of the groups. Consider the factors
that need to be considered in budgeting and principles to make budgeting a successful
and full filling task.

If you were to make a personal budget, what would you include? Why?

Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI

June __, 2017
I. Objective:
1.4 Prepares feasible nd practical budget
1.4.1 manages family resources efficiently
1.4.2 prioritizes needs over wants
II. Subject Matter:
Management of family resources

Learning Resources:
A. References

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Recap of the lesson of the previous day

Yesterday, we learned budgeting and how it can be applied to the family.
Budgeting is critical because it is oftentimes difficult to ensure that we will be able to
make both ends meet when times are hard.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
How can we prudently manage the financial resources of the family?
Group the class into four (4). Each group will answer the question. “How can we make
both ends meet?
Reporting per group follows.
The results of the discussion will be processed by the teachers.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Show photos of different items/situations.
Ask the learners if they are needs or wants.
Ask why they think it is a need or want.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

The teacher writes two columns on the board. One column has the heading NEEDS. The
other column has the heading WANTS.
Randomly distribute metacards containing a list of needs and wants.
Ask the learners to post the metacards on the board.
Ask the learner to explain/defend his/her choice.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Based on the activity that was conducted ask the learners to differentiate needs from wants.
A need is a requirement for survival, e.g. breathable air. A want is a desire. It may be the desire
for a need (e.g. a choking person generally wants to be able to breathe) or for something not
needed for survival, such as chocolate or a new car.

F. Developing Mastery
Show a short clip on managing money: Needs versus Wants

Analyze the movie and relate it to needs versus wants. Note that some of the contents of the
video may be debatable e.g. chocolates is needed by soldiers for endurance in the middle of a
war while in a normal situation it is a want for another individual.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Ask the class on their comments on the output of the groups. Consider the factors
that need to be considered in budgeting and principles to make budgeting a successful
and full filling task.

H. Making Generalization
There is a need to distinguish between need and want . This will enable us to prioritize
needs over wants, hence ensuring that the budget is enough to make both ends meet
moreso when times are hard.

If you were given a personal budget by your parents more than what you really need, how
will you spend it?
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June __, 2017
I. Objective:
1.4 Prepares feasible nd practical budget
1.4.1 manages family resources efficiently
1.4.2 prioritizes needs over wants
II. Subject Matter:
Management of family resources
Learning Resources:
B. References

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
Recap of the lesson of the previous day
Yesterday, we learned budgeting and how it can be applied to the family.

B. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

A need is something you have to have, something you can't do without. A good example
is food. If you don't eat, you won't survive for long. Many people have gone days without
eating, but they eventually ate a lot of food. You might not need a whole lot of food, but
you do need to eat.
A want is something you would like to have. It is not absolutely necessary, but it would
be a good thing to have. A good example is music. Now, some people might argue that
music is a need because they think they can't do without it. But you don't need music to
survive. You do need to eat.
Divide the class into four (4) groups.
Using the concepts learned yesterday, come up with an activity that will demonstrate the
difference between needs and wants. Think of activities outside the box.

C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Presentation per group.

D. Developing Mastery
Giving feedback on presentations.
Examples of guide questiona:
Was the group effective in emphasizing the difference between needs and wants? If yes,
What concepts in the presentation had an impact on you? Why?
Do you think the presentations can further be improved? In what way?

E. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Ask the class on their comments on the output of the groups. Consider the factors
that need to be considered in budgeting and principles to make budgeting a successful
and full filling task.

F. Making Generalization
There is a need to distinguish between need and want . This will enable us to prioritize
needs over wants, hence ensuring that the budget is enough to make both ends meet
moreso when times are hard.

IV.Additional activities for application or remediation

If you were given a personal budget by your parents more than what you really need, how
will you spend it?
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June __, 2017

I. OBJECTIVE Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum
S standards. To meet the objectives,necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons,exercises and remedial
activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment
strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and
competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in
learning the lessons.Weekly objectives shall be derived from the
curriculum guides.

A.Content Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in sewing household linens

B. Performance Sews household linens using appropriate tools and materials and
Standards applying basic principles of sewing

I. Objective:
2.1 classifies tools and materials according to their use (measuring, cutting, sewing)

II. Subject Matter:

Sewing of household linens
Learning Resources:
C. References
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.
III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Sewing a linen can be enjoyable and easy to make if it is done with the heart. A happy
experience in sewing may lead to the enhancement of one’s sewing skills.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

In this lesson, learners should be able to sew household linens using appropriate
tools and materials and applying the basic principles of sewing. Sewing is a
worthwhile hobby but it can also be a means of livelihood or a way to augment the
family income.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

The basic tools in a sewing project include those used for measuring, marking, cutting,
and sewing.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Classify the basic sewing tools into:
a. measuring tools
b. cutting tools
c. marking tools
d. sewing tools
Discuss the uses and functions of the basic sewing tools

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Discuss the tips to keep sewing tools and equipment last longer and maintain their
proper functions.
F. Developing Mastery
This can be done through a game or graded recitation. This is a group activity. Each
group has time to participate. The members of the group will fall in line in front of the class.
Game: Sewing tools are placed in a box and laid in assortment. Students will place the tools
accordingly in the provided boxes labelled measuring, cutting, marking, and sewing tools. The
fastest group with the most number of correct tools placed in the appropriate boxes wins.

Graded recitation: Sewing tools are placed all together in a box and laid in assortment. Each
student in a participating group will be blindfolded. A student will get a tool and describe the
uses and functions of the tool taken fron the box. Then, the student will place the tool in the
appropriate box.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Sewing is enjoyable and fun, especiallywhen it is done using the appropriate
tools for the job. It can be a productive hobby and also a profitable livelihood.

H. Making Generalization
The discussion of the lesson on the proper use and function of sewing tools will help the
students get acquainted with all the tools that he/she will need to work on a sewing

10-item quiz: Identification:
Identify the name of the sewing tool that is described (10 items):
State two ( 2) measuring tools,
two ( 2) cutting tools,
wo (2) 2 marking tools,
and four (4) sewing tools.

Students are asked to return the sewing tools in their proper place in the cabinet .
The sewing tools must be placed correctly in the shelves with corresponding labels.
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June __, 2017
I. Objective:
2.2 prepares project plan for household linens

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Recap of what was discussed the day before and segue to the next lesson.
Yesterday, we discussed the basic tools necessary in making a sewing project.
Ask: What are the different measuring, cutting, marking, and sewing tools necessary in
making a sewing What are the uses and functions project?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Careful and systematic planning is the first step in making a good sewing project.
1.How can you make a nicely done project?
2.What are the things that you have to consider in preparing for a sewing project?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Describe the project plan and discuss the importance of planning before making a project.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Explain the guidelines to consider in preparing for a sewing project.
1. Study the project, make a detailed illustration, and list down the materials to be used.
2. Choose the fabric most suitable for the project.
3. Decide on the design of the project.
4. Plan the steps to be followed in making the project.
5. Prepare the sewing tools and the sewing machine.
6. Prepare the materials needed. Consider the quality of the materials to be used in the

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

State/enumerate/show the parts of a project plan.

carefully each part of
the project plan.
F. Developing Mastery
Show the video on making a household linen.
One sample is the video of Sewing Two-Toned Standard Pillow Case
Discuss the needed tools, equipment, and materials in making the Two-toned Pillowcase.
From the discussion, let the students design/prepare their own project plan of two-toned

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Careful and systematic planning is the first step in making a good project.

H. Making Generalization
A project plan is a formal, approved document used to guide both project
execution and project control.

You are going to come up with your Project Plan.
Evaluate the individual project plan.

Watch again the video of sewing two-toned pillowcase.
Take note of the following:
Needed tools, materials, and equipment
Size of the fabric
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 27, 2017
I. Objective:
2.2 prepares project plan for household linens

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
1.What are the necessary materials, tools and equipment in making/sewing standard pillowcase?
2.How do you prepare the linen/cloth in making/sewing standard pillowcase?
3.How do you sew the fabric to make a standard pillowcase?
4.How do you evaluate the finished project?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Make a project plan for a marketable household linen: Two-Toned Standard Pillowcase

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Show the teacher-made procedure in making Two-toned Pillowcase

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

We discussed yesterday how to make an effective project plan. Today, you will apply your
learning by making the project plan for two-toned standard pillowcase using the given
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
State/enumerate/show the parts of a project plan.
Explain carefully each part of the project plan.

F. Developing Mastery
Present the finished project plan of a two-toned standard pillowcase to the class for

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Designing a project plan for sewing two-toned standard pillowcase will not only develop
the skills of the students in careful planning for a project, but also help them become quality
conscious in any project they intend to engage themselves in.
H. .Making Generalization
The primary use of the project plan is to document planning assumptions and decisions,
project design, marketability and profitability.

Evaluate the finished project plan using a scoring rubric.

1. What type of fabric is necessary in making linen?
2. Why do you need to choose the right fabric for a sewing project?
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 27, 2017
I. Objective:
2.2 prepares project plan for household linens

II. Subject Matter:

Management of family resources
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
1.What are the necessary materials, tools and equipment in making/sewing standard pillowcase?
2.How do you prepare the linen/cloth in making/sewing standard pillowcase?
3.How do you sew the fabric to make a standard pillowcase?
4.How do you evaluate the finished project?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Make a project plan for a marketable household linen: Two-Toned Standard Pillowcase

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Show the teacher-made procedure in making Two-toned Pillowcase
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

We discussed yesterday how to make an effective project plan. Today, you will apply your
learning by making the project plan for two-toned standard pillowcase using the given

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

State/enumerate/show the parts of a project plan.
Explain carefully each part of the project plan.

F. Developing Mastery
Present the finished project plan of a two-toned standard pillowcase to the class for

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Designing a project plan for sewing two-toned standard pillowcase will not only develop
the skills of the students in careful planning for a project, but also help them become quality
conscious in any project they intend to engage themselves in.
H. .Making Generalization
The primary use of the project plan is to document planning assumptions and decisions,
project design, marketability and profitability.

Evaluate the finished project plan using a scoring rubric.

3. What type of fabric is necessary in making linen?
4. Why do you need to choose the right fabric for a sewing project?

Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI

June 28, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0c-7 2.3 identifies supplies/materials and tools needed for the project
II. Subject Matter:
Management of family resources
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Yesterday, you made an effective project plan for a type of household linen.
Making your own household linens can save you money. You can also exercise your own
creativity by producing the design that you really like. These items can also be sold to augment
the family income.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Now that you already know how to carefully plan for a project, you will now be
taught how to choose the proper material for a sewing project, particularly the household
linen.When we say material in sewing, we refer to the fabric or cloth necessary in sewing.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Enumerate, define, and describe the different kinds of fabric
Cotton Sinamay
Linen Silk
Ramie Wool
Piña Synthetic
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Be sure you are aware of the different types of fabric. The design of the fabric should also
be appropriate to the project. Texture of the material should also be considered.
Fabric Source Quality Trade name Uses
Cotton Cotton plant Strong absorbent Muslin(katsa) Sleepwear
Poplin towel
Terry cloth

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Post a visual chart with pieces of different kinds of fabric. Let the students see
and touch those pieces of fabric. Then, ask them to place each piece accordingly in a
separate chart with columns that indicate the names of the fabric.

F. Developing Mastery
Basket of knowledge:
In a basket containing pieces of rolled paper where the name of different fabrics are listed
individually, pick a piece and then explain the fabric stated in the unrolled paper.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Choosing the right fabric and knowing its use will contribute to the success of the
sewing project
Example: sleepwear:cotton
sinamay: placemat

Accomplish/complete the template.

Fabric Source Quality Trade name Uses


Upon choosing the right fabric for a sewing project, how do you prepare the fabric before
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 29, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0c-7 2.3 identifies supplies/materials and tools needed for the project
II. Subject Matter:
Management of family resources
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Yesterday, you made an effective project plan for a type of household linen.
Making your own household linens can save you money. You can also exercise your own
creativity by producing the design that you really like. These items can also be sold to augment
the family income.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Now that you already know how to carefully plan for a project, you will now be
taught how to choose the proper material for a sewing project, particularly the household
linen.When we say material in sewing, we refer to the fabric or cloth necessary in sewing.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Enumerate, define, and describe the different kinds of fabric
Cotton Sinamay
Linen Silk
Ramie Wool
Piña Synthetic
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Be sure you are aware of the different types of fabric. The design of the fabric should also
be appropriate to the project. Texture of the material should also be considered.
Fabric Source Quality Trade name Uses
Cotton Cotton plant Strong absorbent Muslin(katsa) Sleepwear
Poplin towel
Terry cloth

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Post a visual chart with pieces of different kinds of fabric. Let the students see
and touch those pieces of fabric. Then, ask them to place each piece accordingly in a
separate chart with columns that indicate the names of the fabric.

F. Developing Mastery
Basket of knowledge:
In a basket containing pieces of rolled paper where the name of different fabrics are listed
individually, pick a piece and then explain the fabric stated in the unrolled paper.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Choosing the right fabric and knowing its use will contribute to the success of the
sewing project
Example: sleepwear:cotton
sinamay: placemat

Accomplish/complete the template.

Fabric Source Quality Trade name Uses


Upon choosing the right fabric for a sewing project, how do you prepare the fabric before
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
June 30, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0c-7 2.3 identifies supplies/materials and tools needed for the project
II. Subject Matter:
Management of family resources
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
From the previous lesson that we discussed, recite the importance of proper selection of
fabric for a sewing project.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The lesson for today will enable the students to learn the proper way of preparing
the fabric before sewing
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
Today’s lesson is “Preparing the Fabric”
Guide questions:
1.How do you prepare the fabric before sewing?
2.Why is it necessary to soak the fabric in water overnight?
3. Why is it important to condition the fabric for sewing?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Preparing the Fabric:
1.Soak cotton fabric overnight in water.
2.Hang to dry. Do not wring.
3.Iron wrinkles in the fabric when dry.
4.Check the fibers-lengthwise fibers (warp) should be straight.
5.Raw edge or selvage should be trimmed.
6.Iron the fabric, if needed.

E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Fabric should be in proper condition before using for a sewing project.
Show different fabrics with different conditions to the class: fabric
2.soaked overnight fabric
3.wrap side of the fabric
4.fabric with selvage
5.wrinkled fabric

Call students who will prepare the fabric before sewing in front of the class.
All students must participate.

F.Developing Mastery
Let us go back to the guide questions given earlier and let us answer them.
1.How do you prepare the fabric before sewing?
2.Why is it necessary to soak the fabric in water overnight?
3. Why is it important to condition the fabric for sewing?

G.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

The right choice of material for the proper way of conditioning the fabric before using,
will help produce well-sewn and well-fitted sewing project.

H.Making Generalization
A well-prepared fabric produces well-made project

Ask students to discuss how to prepare the fabric before using for sewing

Make a video presentation of preparing the fabric before sewing.
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
July 03, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0d-8, TLE6HE-0d-9
2.4 drafts pattern for household linens
2.4.1 steps in drafting pattern
2.4.2 safety precautions
II. Subject Matter:
Sewing of Household linens
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Identifying supplies/materials and tools needed for the project Establishing a purpose for
the lesson
The lesson for today will enable the students to learn the proper way of preparing
the fabric before sewing

B. Establishing a Purpose of the lesson

Using a power point presentation, show the learners the different shapes, colors and
designs of pillowcases.
Ask the learners what kind of pillowcases they have at home.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Today, we will learn on how to make pillowcases.
Present a video that shows how to make pillowcases.
Show the class the pattern on how to make pillowcases.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Ask the pupils if they know someone or have seen somebody who is selling
pillowcases. Make the learners realize that making pillowcases can be a source of

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Enumerate the different concerns in making pillowcases and in selling them such as:

1. Materials needed
2. Cost of Capital
3. Designs
4. Marketing Strategy
5. Target Consumer
F. Developing Mastery
Let the learners make pillowcases’ pattern.

G.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Remind the pupils of the safety precautions in handling materials and in sewing.Actual
sewing of pillow cases

H.Making Generalization
What skills do you need in making pillowcases and in gaining extra income out of it?

Rate pupils’ output using rubrics.

Bring your sewing tools tomorrow for will start to sew your pillowcase.
 Fabric
 Scissors
 Needle
 Thread
 Pins
 Pincushion
 Thimble
 Tape measure
 Rular
 Chalk & etc.
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
July 04, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0d-8, TLE6HE-0d-9
2.4 drafts pattern for household linens
2.4.1 steps in drafting pattern
2.4.2 safety precautions
II. Subject Matter:
Sewing of Household linens
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Review: How to sew and sell pillowcases

B. Establishing a Purpose of the lesson

Play a video presentation of different household linens such as:

1. Table Napkin
2. Table Cloth
3. Table Runner
4. Bed Sheet
5. Towel
Let the learners negotiate what particular household linen from the list they want to sew.

Guide and encourage the negotiations to a Table Runner..

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Show a video that shows how to sew a table runner.
You can also provide pictures or slide show of different creative designs of table runners.
Present the pattern in sewing table runners.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Let the learners apply or make the pattern of a table runner.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Inform the learners that in making and selling table runners there are things to be considered
such as:

1. Materials needed
2. Cost of Capital
3. Designs
4. Marketing Strategy
5. Target Consumer
Elaborate each.

F. Developing Mastery
Allow the learners to apply the pattern of sewing table runners by letting them do the
actual sewing.Remind them of the safety precautions in handling materials and while sewing.

G.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Actual sewing activity with the teacher’s supervision

H.Making Generalization
What skills do you need in making table runners and in gaining extra income out of it?


Rate pupils’ output using rubrics.

On your assignment notebook, answer the question, Why is sewing important?
How does it help you earn extra income?
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
July 05, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0d-8, TLE6HE-0d-9
2.4 drafts pattern for household linens
2.4.1 steps in drafting pattern
2.4.2 safety precautions
II. Subject Matter:
Sewing of Household linens
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
G. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Review: How to sew and sell pillowcases

H. Establishing a Purpose of the lesson

Play a video presentation of different household linens such as:

6. Table Napkin
7. Table Cloth
8. Table Runner
9. Bed Sheet
10. Towel
Let the learners negotiate what particular household linen from the list they want to sew.

Guide and encourage the negotiations to a Table Runner..

I. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Show a video that shows how to sew a table runner.
You can also provide pictures or slide show of different creative designs of table runners.
Present the pattern in sewing table runners.

J. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Let the learners apply or make the pattern of a table runner.

K. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Inform the learners that in making and selling table runners there are things to be considered
such as:

6. Materials needed
7. Cost of Capital
8. Designs
9. Marketing Strategy
10. Target Consumer
Elaborate each.

L. Developing Mastery
Allow the learners to apply the pattern of sewing table runners by letting them do the
actual sewing.Remind them of the safety precautions in handling materials and while sewing.

G.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Actual sewing activity with the teacher’s supervision

H.Making Generalization
What skills do you need in making table runners and in gaining extra income out of it?


Rate pupils’ output using rubrics.

On your assignment notebook, answer the question, Why is sewing important?
How does it help you earn extra income?
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
July 06, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0d-8, TLE6HE-0d-9
2.5 sews creative and marketable household linens as means to augment family income
2.5.1 assesses the finished products as to the quality (using rubrics)
II. Subject Matter:
Sewing of Household linens
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Review: How to sew and sell pillowcases

B. Establishing a Purpose of the lesson

Play a video presentation of different household linens such as:

1. Table Napkin
2. Table Cloth
3. Table Runner
4. Bed Sheet
5. Towel
Let the learners negotiate what particular household linen from the list they want to sew.

Guide and encourage the negotiations to a Table Runner..

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Show a video that shows how to sew a table runner.
You can also provide pictures or slide show of different creative designs of table runners.
Present the pattern in sewing table runners.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Let the learners apply or make the pattern of a table runner.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Inform the learners that in making and selling table runners there are things to be considered
such as:

11. Materials needed

12. Cost of Capital
13. Designs
14. Marketing Strategy
15. Target Consumer
Elaborate each.

F. Developing Mastery
Allow the learners to apply the pattern of sewing table runners by letting them do the
actual sewing.Remind them of the safety precautions in handling materials and while sewing.

G.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Actual sewing activity with the teacher’s supervision

H.Making Generalization
What skills do you need in making table runners and in gaining extra income out of it?


Rate pupils’ output using rubrics.

On a clean bond paper, paste pictures of other designs of table runner you want to make.
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
July 07, 2017

I. Objective:
TLE6HE-0d-8, TLE6HE-0d-9
2.6 markets finished household linens in varied/creative ways
2.6.1 packages product for sale creativity/artistically: prepares creative package and
uses materials using local resources, packages products artistically, and labels
packaged product
II. Subject Matter:
Sewing of Household linens
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Review: Labeling and designing of a product

B. Establishing a Purpose of the lesson

Play Play a video of different TV commercials.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Let each group present the product label formulated yesterday.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Explain to the learners that to maximize marketing, advertisement is needed.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Discuss the different forms of advertisement and the medium to advertise their products.
1. Magazine
2. Newspaper
3. TV Commercial
4. Facebook

F. Developing Mastery
Let the learners plan on how to promote their product through social media/using the internet

G.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Let each of the groups present the advertisement.
Encourage each group to advertise the products in social sites.

H.Making Generalization
How do advertisements help reach the target consumer of your product?

Rate pupils’ presentation using rubrics.

List down 10 social media accounts that helps promotes products using the internet
1 - 10
Lesson Plan in T.L.E. VI
July 11, 2017

I. Objective:
3.1 Explains different ways of food preservation
(drying, salting, freezing and processing)
II. Subject Matter:
Food Preservation
Learning Resources:
The Basics of Better Family Living p.154-166
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.

III. Procedures:
A. Preparation(Opening Up/setting the stage)
1.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
If there is abundance for a certain period or even the whole year round what needs to be
done in order to ensure that there is no wastage ?
One of the answers may be food preservation

Ask the learners why food preservation is important – the benefits derived from food
3.Statement of the Goal
So we learned that food preservation is important as one of the ways to ensure that there
is no food wastage. We increase the life of certain fooditems because of preservation.

B. Presentation
I have here pictures on the board. What can you see?

C. Teaching/Modelling
Define food preservation.
Food preservation is the process of preparing food for future consumption by
preventing its spoilage.
Food preservation could be for family’s consumption especially in times of need or when
they’re off season. It could also be a source of additional income. If the family can make
it a regular livelihood activity, then it can even become the family’s main source of
What are the methods of preserving foods?

D. Discussion of Concepts
Ask the learners further why we preserve food:
 To prevent spoilage
 To prevent wastage
 To retain the nutritive value, natural color and texture of the food
 To maintain the sanitary quality of food
 To contribute to better nutrition for the family
 To help increase family income with the excess products that can be preserved
and sold
 To help in the economic development of the country because the farmers are
encouraged to produce more for others
 To make food available throughout the year which may be used for events, like
town fiestas and other occasions.

E. Generalization
Why is it important to learn the ways of food preservation?

On a clean bond paper, draw at least 5 food products that undergo food preservation.

Bring photos of the preserved foods. Provide a caption for each of the photo.

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