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Unit 3

School days Test A

1. Read the text.

It gets better
“[...] what I want to say is
this. You are not alone. You
didn’t do anything wrong.
You didn’t do anything to
deserve being bullied. And
there is a whole world
waiting for you, filled with
possibilities. There are
people out there who love
you and care about you just
the way you are. And so, if
you ever feel that, because of
bullying, because of what
people are saying, you’re
getting down on yourself,
you’ve got to make sure to reach out to people you trust. Whether it’s your parents, teachers,
folks that you know and that care about you just the way you are. You’ve got to reach out to
them. Don’t feel like you’re in this by yourself.”
Barack Obama (President of the United States of America)

2. According to the text, say if the statements about bullied people are true (T) or false
(F). Justify by quoting from the text.

a. They are alone.

b. They are responsible for being bullied.
c. Nobody likes them.
d. They have to talk with people that they trust.
e. They have to do everything alone.

3. According to the text, answer the following questions about bullied people.

a. Do they deserve to be treated like that?

b. Is the world filled with possibilities for them?
c. Do they have people who like and care about them?
d. Do they have to solve their problems on their own?

4. LISTENING. Choose the correct answer for the questions below.

4.1. What problem are the students facing in many schools?

a. bull fighting b. bullying c. bulimia and anorexia
4.2. Who wanted to do something more about that problem?
a. the teachers b. some bullies c. the students
4.3. Who helped the students with valid ideas?
a. teachers b. parents c. the police
4.4. What did they do?
a. wrote articles b. spoke to the teachers c. made posters and videos

5. Write ten names of school rooms and facilities.

a. f.
b. g.
c. h.
d. i.
e. j.
6. Complete the text with was / were.

When I (1)___________________ twelve, I moved to a new school. Only boys studied there;
girls went to a different school. Some people think that it ___________________ a bad
thing to be in a school like this, but I don’t think so. There ___________________ more
sports, like rugby and baseball. With girls, we don’t play those games! We also had a school
uniform. There (4) ___________________ a lot of rules we didn’t like – don’t wear earrings,
don’t bring your iPod to school, don’t use your telephone in the school – just “don’t, don’t,
don’t!” all the time. My sister, Jane, ___________________ in the girl’s school, but she
liked it there.

7. Write the Past Simple of the verbs.

Infinitive Past Simple Infinitive Past Simple

run open
sing drive
write study
stop swim
dance paint

8. Complete the sentences with must or can.

a. In many British schools you wear a school uniform.

b. In most Portuguese schools you wear whatever clothes you want to.
c. Students study music if they want in some schools.
d. You not smoke in schools.
e. You always treat everyone with respect.

9. Complete the text with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise and Michelle Pfeiffer were all victims of bullying, but
they all followed their dreams and (1)____________________ (become) famous actors. They
____________________ (not let) the bully stop their dream. They (3)__________________
(grow) up and (4)____________________ (work) hard to get what they wanted.
10. Write the verbs in the Past Simple.

a. That’s a nice man. Where _______________ (meet / you) him?

b. ________________ (Samantha / study) in her room last night?
c. What restaurants ________________ (try / you) in Las Vegas?
d. We ______________ (be / not) very lucky with the weather.
e. Yesterday I _______________ (ride) my longboard all the way to my house.
f. I’m sad because Richard _______________ (not / want) to teach me.
g. Last year John __________ (drive) to Russia.

11. Change the sentences into the Past Simple.

a. Are you sad?

b. I watch a lot of movies.
c. The actress plays her role very well.
d. I live in Luanda.
e. Do you eat hamburgers?

12. Write a paragraph about your school. Talk about some of the different rooms and
what you study there.

Atingi Atingi parcialmente Não atingi
Ler e interpretar o texto
Escrever com correção
Utilizar o vocabulário
Utilizar o tópico gramatical
Redigir um pequeno texto
Ouvir e entender o texto

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