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Final Examination in GE1

(Mathematics in the Modern World)

G O O D L U C K!

I – Modified True or False: Write True if the statement is true; if false, change/replace the
underlined word or group of words to make it true.
_______________ 1. The Box-and-Whisker Plot is also called box plot and often used to provide
a visual summary of a set of data.
_______________ 2. In mathematical language, noun could be equal sign or
inequality symbols.
_______________ 3. Mathematics is a study of patterns but does not allow one to observe,
hypothesize, discover, and create.
_______________ 4. Z-score for a given data value x is the number of standard deviations that x
is above or below the mean of the data.
_______________5. Product of two odd numbers results to cubed number

II – Multiple Choice: Select the letter that corresponds to your best answer/choice. Write your
solution/s at the back of your answer sheet (if necessary).
_______________ 1. What comes next in the given pattern? „w 5a x 10b y 15c z‟ a) 15d
b) 20d c) 20z d) all of these e) none of these
_______________ 2. In finding the weighted mean, we divide the weighted sum by the a) total
number of values added b) weight given for all values c) relative
frequency d) none of these e) all of these
_______________ 3. If 8 is divided by 9, the result is a a) terminating decimal b) non-
terminating repeating c) non-terminating non-repeating decimal
d) none of these
_______________ 4. Referred mathematics as “the Queen of the Sciences.” a) Albert Einstein
b) Galileo Galilei c) Leonardo of Pisa d) all of these e) none of these
_______________ 5. If the first five Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, then the seventh
Fibonacci number is a) 8 b) 12 c) 13 d) none of these
_______________ 6. It is a science that involves reasoning, a set of tools or a
collection of skills, a study of patterns for predictive purpose.
a) Tautology b) Mathematics c) Quantification d) none of these
_______________ 7. If a real number is greater than 3, then its square is
a) equal to 9 b) less than 9 c) greater than 9 d) none of these
e) all of these
_______________ 8. Relative frequency can be expressed in a) percentage form b) decimal
form c) both a and b d) none of these
_______________ 9. Measure how the variables are scattered or dispersed. a) standard deviation
b) range c) variance d) all of these e) none of these
_______________10. It is the process of reaching a conclusion by applying general
assumptions, procedures, or principles a) Polya‟s strategy b) inductive
reasoning c) a & b are correct d) none of these

III Problem Solving: Read the instructions carefully and answer correctly. Write your solution/s
on your answer sheet.

A. Suppose the following data appears in the series: 18 20 24 15 14 20 17

Find the a) mean b) median c) mode d) variance
Describe the result of each. (3pts each)

B. List the first 5 Fibonacci numbers with the corresponding solution. (10pts)

C. If you have a wooden board that is 0.75 meters wide, how long should you cut it such
that the Golden Ratio is observed? Use 1.618 as the value of the Golden Ratio. (5pts)

D. If a real number is less than 5, then its square is ___________. Compute. (2pts)
E. What is Fib(30)? ____________ compute. (2pts)

F. Can you find equal sets below? Why? Please identify if there are. (2pts)

A = { a, b, c, d } B = { d, e, a, c }
C = { d, b, a, c } D = { a, a, d, e, c, e }

G. Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure always produces the
number five.
Procedure: Pick a number. Add four to the number and multiply the sum by three.
Subtract seven and then decrease this difference by the triple of the original number.
Give at least two examples. (3pts)

H. If 20 people greet each other at a meeting by shaking hands with one another, how
many handshakes will take place? Compute using the appropriate formula. (4pts)

I. Consider the following frequency distribution table showing the ages of employees
and the number of employees per age bracket:
x (Ages) f (Number of Employees)
20 - 25 8
26 - 31 12
32 - 37 14
38 - 43 10
44 - 49 6
50 - 55 5
Solve for the mean, median, standard deviation and describe the result of each.

IV Essay. Which of the topics in the modules did you enjoy most or was not clearly understood
or slightly understood? Why?

Prepared by: L.E.Tenedero

CBA Faculty


Chair, Marketing Management, Dept. Chair, Business Economics Dept.


Chair, Coop Management Dept.



Dean, CBA
1st Semester SY 2020-2021

NAME ____________________ Course/Year:________ Class Schedule:_______

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