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Lynndee Kirk and Ajla Mehic

Mrs. Beatty

Math 1030


In completing this finance project in which we examined two people in their course of life, and

their journey buying houses together and managing finances. We implied the knowledge that we

have learned during module 6 - Finance, and in learning these formulas, it has helped us greatly

in easing us along this learning process. The finance practice work online was helpful for us to

practice our skills, as it included the formulas for calculating compound interest, annuities and

payout annuities, and the loan formula. All of the word problems were situations that one might

have when they grow older, especially those in relation to calculating house loans and credit card

loans, which we learned a lot about in this unit. These are all formulas relating to aspects of

finance that are very useful in today’s society, especially when it comes to learning how to

manage your money as you get older. The quiz was beneficial as it allowed us to practice our

newfound skills after completing the practice work, and it reinforced what we had learned. I like

the in class activity because it turned it into a real life-like scenario with two ordinary people

trying to navigate their finances and their lives and having to make real decisions. I also enjoyed

this entire unit as finance is something that is guaranteed that you will be dealing with almost

every day in the future, and it is extremely applicable to real life situations. From this project, we

have concluded that the information we have learned in this module can help us significantly in

the future when we’re planning on purchasing a house. It can help us make decisions on

purchases to see which one will be more financially beneficial in the future. Knowledge of

financial formulas can help a person make life impacting decisions in several ways. These
formulas can help individuals determine the amount of money that will be made or the amount

that will be lost, and which path will guarantee more financial stability in the future. By knowing

this information, we can make better financial decisions in the future, which is why these

financial formulas hold so much importance.

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