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GUÍA C ONCE DEL 9 AL 21 DE MAYO 6:30 p.m.

NAME: Carol Tatiana Cárdenas Andrade. 11- 4

1. Lea la lista de los diferentes roles y escriba cómo puede usted mostrar respeto frente a
otros, lea los ejemplos para guiarse.
Student I have to listen to my classmates when they are talking.
Brother / sister I mustn’t take their things without asking.
Mother / father Attending the limits that they establish and complying with them.
Boyfriend/girlfriend Understanding that you have the right to spend time with your
Teacher Concentrating on the subject that he is explaining.
Neighbour Avoiding making noise at inappropriate hours.
Animals Letting them be free in their hábitat.

The secret, Sofia, is to add We are going to put it in the oven

enough baking soda. for 30 minutes and that's it.
Then it will
grow a little.

Will be fast.

Oh no, this
It goes very must not
well. happen.

It looks I think it was a

fantastic! lot.
Hurry up, it's getting
bigger !!

2. Escriba los
diálogos de la
historieta en Inglés.
I told you it was too
much baking soda.

3. Lea los comentarios y escriba H (Happy) para quienes son felices y U (Unhappy) para
quienes no.

My boyfriend is really bad

My brother has a boyfriend and temper. He always nag me
my parents don’t like it. They when he sees me.
aren’t open-minded at all.

My boyfriend is rich, and he’s

generous. He bought me presents.
My girlfriend and I have
an honest relationship. H
We tell each other
4. Escuche el audio enviado por Whatsapp y escriba qué tipo de relación o parentesco hay
entre quien habla y la persona que está describiendo.
I wanted to be in the girl’s football team,
and my boyfriend supportive me at all.
Speaker 1: Sisters Speaker 3: Partner
Speaker 2: Dad and son Speaker 4: Neighbours

5. Lea el texto y conteste las preguntas.

a. What qualities and behaviours can you identify in this relationship?

R//= The qualities to be highlighted can be: humor, independence, honesty and

b. Give an example of good communication between Sam and Theresa.

R//= An example of good communication, when Theresa expressed to Sam how she felt about
the friendship she had with the girl in the play, this is how problems should be solved in a

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