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Int. J. P lan t Sci. 164(3 S up p l.):S 1 1 5 -S 1 2 7 . 2 003.

© 2 0 0 3 by T he U niversity o f C hicago. All rig h ts reserved.

1 0 5 8 -5 8 9 3 /2 0 0 3 /1 6 4 0 3 S -0 0 0 9 $ 1 5 .0 0


John S. Sperry 1

D epa rtm e nt o f B iology, U niv e rs ity o f U tah, 257S 1400E, Salt Lake C ity, U tah 8 4 1 1 2 , U.S.A.

Land plants need water to replace the evaporation that occurs while atmospheric CO, is diffusing into
photosynthetic tissue. The water-for-carbon exchange rate is poor, and evolutionary history indicates a pro­
gression of innovations for cheap water transport—beginning in order with capillary suction at cell walls,
stomatal regulation, hydroids, tracheids, secondary xylem, endodermis, and vessels. The radiation of plants
in the Silurian and Devonian occurred when the need for water was at an all-time low because of high CO,
concentration. Transport improvements appeared as water demand increased and CO, dropped to current
values in the Carboniferous and Permian. Stomatal regulation and high-conductivity conduits permitted larger
plants and a transition from poikilohydric to homoiohydric water relations. The evolution of conduits from
hydroids through tracheids to vessels reflects the need to balance resistance to implosion and cavitation versus
maximum hydraulic conductance and minimum conduit investment. Localization of rigidifying lignin away
from the lumen surface and porous wall regions during tracheid evolution, and the origin of pits, acted to
maintain wall strength and permeability while minimizing cavitation. Vessels mark the pinnacle of efficiency,
making vines and dense, stiff woods possible without sacrificing conductivity or cavitation resistance. However,
vessels make cavitation-resistant wood more expensive and may compromise refilling efficiency versus tracheids.
Vascular networks maximize hydraulic conductivity and protection from cavitation at minimum investment
by following Murray’s law and localizing resistances to the periphery. A future challenge is to quantify the
significance of xylem structure in terms of the carbon cost of transpiration and the net carbon profit via gas

Keywords: xylem evolution, ecological wood anatomy, cavitation, plant water relations.

The photosynthetic tissues of terrestrial plants require a wa­ P,) and diffusive conductance of water : CO, (g jg c). So, while
ter supply to avoid drying out while atmospheric CO, is dif­ a Silurian C3 plant at the highest CO, concentration would
fusing to the chloroplasts. The adaptive radiation of plant lose only 22 molecules of water per molecule of CO, at D =
growth form and habitat has necessarily been accompanied by 1.5 kPa, a late Carboniferous plant would have to lose 390
the evolution of specialized water supply systems. This over­ water molecules (Z’/Pa = 0.8, g j g c = 1.6; fig. 1). Although
view focuses on requirements of land plant water transport in plants can control their WUE to some extent by adjustments
an evolutionary context. in leaf temperature and photosynthetic capacity (Lambers et
al. 1998), the physiological range of WUE will be dictated by
The Need for Water Transport atmospheric CO, concentration.
The colonization of land and origin of most major clades
The plant’s need for water parallels the amount of transpi­ by the early Carboniferous (fig. 1, bottom) was probably fa­
ration during gas exchange; other water requirements for cilitated by very high atmospheric CO, concentration at the
growth and photosynthesis pale in comparison. The maximum time. For the same net carbon gain and water-potential regime,
gradient for plant water loss to the atmosphere (D) has re­ a Silurian plant would require a hydraulic conductance (tran­
mained constant during plant evolution (maximum D = spiration rate per water-potential drop) on the order of 17
saturated vapor pressure, e.g., 2.3 kPa at 20°C). In contrast, times lower per unit transpiring area than a late Carboniferous
the maximum available gradient for CO, diffusion (= atmo­ one. Similarly, a given internal storage capacity (= capacitance)
spheric partial pressure) has fluctuated widely from a high of would supply transpired water for 17 times longer under Si­
ca. 0.5 kPa (ca. 5000 ppm) at the origin of land plants down lurian compared to late Carboniferous conditions. High CO,
to ca. 0.03 kPa during late Carboniferous and again during conditions would have favored relatively low hydraulic con­
preindustrial times (fig. 1; Berner and Kothavala 2001). The ductance systems with high capacitance—a fortuitous com­
water use efficiency (WUE) for terrestrial photosynthesis will bination for the origin of nonvascular and early vascular plants
have fluctuated accordingly—over a 17-fold range assuming with necessarily limited transport capacities and inherently
constant ratios of le a f: atmosphere CO, partial pressure (P,/ good capacitance because of the thin and elastic cell walls of
parenchyma tissue.
1 E -m ail sp erry @ b However, even in the best of times, the demand for water
M anuscript received September 2002; revised m anuscript received December was high relative to CO, supply. The evolving water-transport
2002 . system had to be energetically efficient to avoid starving the


cell walls. Vascular investment is minimized by having water

T im e (P e rio d , m ya)
flow through high-conductance tubes of dead cells with min­
N /
1X / imal maintenance cost. The cost of transpiration is reduced to
c °2 \ A 1 X
side effects of flow-induced negative apoplast pressure (“dy­
1 1 - 300 g
1 1 namic water stress”), the construction of the conduit network,
1 '
1 ' and the few layers of living tissue between conduits and soil
' J - that filter the water.
O ■ \l
II 1 / S / . In all probability, the evolution of the cohesion-tension
mechanism was inevitable and straightforward. The basic in­
' 1 / W U E __ / \ / — \
gredients would have been present in the most unspecialized
green algal descendent to become stranded on land. All that
is needed was a hydrophilic cell wall that can act as a wick
-400 -300 -200 -100
T for water movement, and this would have been inherited from
1. cuticle I '8. vessels 10. vestured pits
2. stomata 6. wood 7. endodermis 9. torus-margo the green algae that already have a high-tensile-strength wall
3. hydroids 5. pitted tracheids of cellulose for osmoregulation.
4. banded tracheids
• charophytes
■ liverworts Origin of Water-Conducting Tissue
-hornw orts
■ mosses
• protracheophytes In the absence of high-conductivity transport tissue, capil­
^ •rh y n io p s id s
■ lycopods
lary suction will generate severe dynamic water stress. A pres­
* Lepidodendrales sure drop of 90 MPa rrT1 accompanies a modest transpiration
rate of 5 mmol s^1 rrT2 across parenchyma tissue typical of
• Psilophyton nonvascular plants (tissue conductivity = 5.5 x 10-11 mol s^1
• ferns
Pa 1rrT1; Raven 1984). While this will not seriously stress the
. progymnosperms thin thallus of a liverwort, any path length over 2 cm will
• paleozoic seed ferns (
generate significantly low water potentials (below —2 MPa)
■ Ginkgo at the downstream end. The first land plants, by analogy with
■ cycads
8 9 10 their closest living nonvascular relatives, probably avoided ex­
8 9 lO^netophytes
11 angiosperms cessive dynamic water stress by being small to reduce the pres­
-300 -200 sure drop and having a cuticle (with or without air pores) on
T im e (m y a) their photosynthetic surfaces to keep transpiration from ex­
ceeding their limited transport capacity. Along with spores,
Fig. 1 E vents in lan d p la n t histo ry versus geologic p e rio d a n d m il­
cuticle remnants are among the earliest fossil evidence of land
lions o f years ago (m ya). G ra p h (top) show s atm o sp h e ric C O , c o n ­ plants (fig. 1).
c e n tra tio n (solid line; B erner an d K o th av ala 2 0 0 1 ) an d m oles o f w a te r These early land plants were necessarily “poikilohydric,”
tra n sp ire d p er m oles o f C O , fixed (inverse o f w a te r use efficiency, 1/ equilibrating their water potential with that of highly local
W U E , d ash ed line) a t a v a p o r p ressure deficit o f 1.5 an d a ratio of water sources (Raven 1987) and depending on water-storage
leaf : atm o sp h e ric C O , p a rtia l pressure o f 0.8. T im e line o n low er axis capacitance to extend their period of hydration. The desic­
show s earliest ap p earan ce o f features in the fossil record (w ood = cation tolerance so common in modern bryophytes and ter­
seco n d ary xylem ). Phylogeny a t b o tto m (K enrick an d C rane 19 9 7 b; restrial green algae is undoubtedly an ancestral trait essential
fro m D oyle 1998; J u d d et al. 2 0 02) show s h y p o th etical relatio n sh ip s
for survival on land in the absence of a specialized water-supply
am o n g e x ta n t a n d selected fossil p lan ts. H eavy lines indicate presence
system (Oliver 1996).
in fossil reco rd . V ertical b ars a t rig h t indicate th e lycophyte (L) a n d
eu p h y llo p h y te (E ) clades o f v ascu lar p lan ts. T h e seem ingly ra p id a p ­
The inevitability of capillary suction in nonvascular plants
p earan ce o f m an y lan d p la n t features in th e late Silurian is in p a r t an leads in a few conceptual steps to vascular plants with water
a rtifa c t o f th e lack o f a p p ro p ria te te rre s tria l sedim ents d u rin g th is tim e conduction in dead cell wall skeletons. Dead water conduits
(K enrick an d C ran e 1997 a). P lacem ent o f n u m b ered features (co rre­ efficiently couple the suction generation of an air-water
sp o n d in g to fossil tim e line) on the phylogeny, tim in g o f divergence, meniscus in the nanoscale pores of the cell wall with the
an d fossil d a ta fro m Beck et al. 1982; K enrick an d C ran e 1991; S tew art high hydraulic conductivity of the much wider lumen of the
an d R o th w e ll 1993; C a rlq u ist 1994; Li et al. 1996; K enrick a n d C rane water-filled cell. A low-end xylem conductivity per area is
1997 a, 1 9 9 7 b; D oyle 1998; L igrone e t al. 2 0 0 0 ; W ellm an a n d G ray 4 x 10^3 mol s^1 Pa^1rrT1(fig. 2), fully six orders of magnitude
2 0 0 0 ; Ja n sen et al. 2 0 01; R aven an d E dw ards 20 01. T h e endoderm is
greater than the parenchyma-based water conduction of non­
(7) is n o t p laced o n th e phylogeny because o f am b ig u o u s d istrib u tio n
vascular plants. Higher conductivity per unit area provides
an d hom ology, p articu larly in fossil ta x a w here it can be difficult to
d etect (R aven a n d E d w ard s 20 01).
four advantages: (1) less tissue investment in water transport,
particularly because the dead conduits require no maintenance;
(2) the potential for longer path length and larger plants; (3)
plant. It is difficult to imagine a cheaper process for driving less dynamic water stress; (4) potentially higher CO, diffusion
the transpiration stream than the cohesion-tension mechanism rates—because higher rates of transpiration can be tolerated
at work in vascular plants. The driving force comes free of without excessive stress.
charge courtesy of the automatic coupling between evapora­ At a minimum, the only specializations required for devel­
tion and negative pressure achieved by capillary forces in the opment of a cell-skeleton conduit is the programmed death of

............... — r ” r i r 'T’i'v ...... —..... ... .. 'T11 I .................... r—r 'T-1-r r r — ■

ficially resembles the m odern protoxylem tracheid. It is thought
to be ancestral because it is the only type found in the basal
Gymnosperms mmmmmmmmmmmm
tracheophyte group, the extinct rhyniopsids. The additional
Angiosperms presence of pitted elements (fig. 3D) resembling metaxylem
Tropical Ang trees m —m—mmmmmimmmmmmm characterizes most other tracheophyte groups (Kenrick and
Crane 1991).
Temperate Ang. tre e s ...... .. ..
The lignified secondary walls of tracheary elements provide
Tropical shrubs a significant increase in the compressive strength of the
Tropical lianas «— » wall— from negligible in nonlignified walls to over 40 MPa
(Niklas 1992). The negative pressure required to implode a
Hemiepiphytes mmmmmmmmmmmm
tubular conduit is a function of the wall thickness divided by
,-fcj.....................A..A.4 . .....
10-5 1Q-4 1 0 -3 1 0 -2
the conduit lumen diameter (fig. 4 A), the specific equation
depending on w hat type of stress (e.g., hoop vs. bending) in­
Kl , kg s'1m',MPa'1 duces failure (Young 1989). Assuming implosion by failure of
the double wall dividing an air-filled from a water-filled con­
duit, a conduit w ith an equivalent circle diameter of 20 f i m in
Gymnosperms mmm—mm diameter and lignified wall thickness of 2 f i m can withstand
ca. —3 MPa before imploding (fig. 4 B, dashed line). A ppar­
ently, cavitation occurs before implosion pressures are reached,
based on the rarity of tracheary element collapse. Estimated
Temperate Ang. trees «■ minimum safety factors from implosion (implosion/cavitation
Tropical shrubs

A. B. C. d .
Hemiepiphytes «■■*»
... A....... AiM*......................... ........... i„.

0.1 1 10 100

Ks, Kg s'W M Pa'1

Fig. 2 C o m p ariso n o f leaf-specific (K , , top) a n d w ood-specific (Ks,

b o tto m ) h y d rau lic conductivities in v arious w o o d types (to co n v ert to
te x t un its o f m oles per second per pascal per m eter, m ultiply c o n d u c ­
tivity values by 5 .5 6 x ICT5, from Tyree a n d Z im m erm an n 200 2 ).

the protoplast and a com pression-resistant cell wall to avoid

collapse by negative pressure. These innovations were accom­
plished early, w ith unequivocal water-conducting cells present
in the fossil record by 410 million years ago (mya; fig. 1). A
wide range of conduit morphology was present by 390 mya
(fig. 3).
The simplest conduits were thin and smooth-walled micro-
perforate tubes of the now extinct protracheophytes (fig. 3/t;
Aglaopbyton, Horneopbyton ; Kenrick and Crane 1991). These
resemble the hydroids of some mosses and may have a common
Fig. 3 R ange o f w a te r c o n d u it m o rphology in early fossil p lan ts
ancestry (fig. 1; Mishler and Churchill 1984; Kenrick and (top), w ith details o f in terco n d u it w all stru c tu re (below ). Cells are ca.
Crane 1997a; but Ligrone et al. 2000). These fossil tubes do 2 0 - 4 0 ;im in diam eter. A , “ H y d ro id ” type o f c o n d u it typical o f som e
not appear to have been lignified but may have been impreg­ m osses (Ligrone et al. 2 0 0 0 ) b ut also resem bling th a t o f ex tin ct p ro ­
nated w ith lignin-like polyphenols, as are extant hydroids. trach eo p h y tes. M ic ro p o res (arro w ) are derived from p lasm o d esm ata.
M odern hydroids have limited rigidity, as evidenced by their B, B anded thickenings o f an *‘S” -type trach eid o f a rhyn io p sid . M i­
tendency to collapse (Ligrone et al. 2000). While this would cro p o re s evenly d istrib u te d as in A , b u t th e w all is tw o layered an d
limit the pressure for w ater transport, it may allow extension o rn a m e n te d . A decay-resistant a n d presum ably lignified layer (arro w )
in growing tissue, since hydroids otherwise lack the banded faces the lum en an d covers a spongy, possibly less lignified layer (F ried ­
m an an d C o o k 200 0 ). C, B anded thickenings o f a *‘G ” -type trach eid
thickenings th at permit longitudinal extension of protoxylem
o f a basal ex tin ct trach eo p h y te. L arger pores are p resen t th a t are lim ­
tracheary elements.
ited to thin areas o f the w all (arro w ). W all is tw o layered as in B. D ,
True tracheids have been defined as single-celled conduits S calarifo rm -p itted trach eid o f an e x tin ct P silo p h yto n species. Pit c h a m ­
w ith lignified and ornam ented walls, either banded or pitted ber an d m em b ran e (vertical arro w ) is present. T h ick en ed w all rem ains
(Kenrick and Crane 1997a; Doyle 1998). They may have tw o layered, w ith lignified layer facing th e lum en. Pit ap e rtu re consists
evolved once, uniting all tracheophytes (fig. 1, all taxa below o f p e rfo ra tio n s in this layer (h o rizo n tal arro w ). From fig. 5 o f K enrick
the protracheophytes). The banded type (fig. 3B, 3C) super­ an d C ran e (1 9976).

m odesm atal pores and especially pits provide passage, and

their distribution in the low-permeability lignified walls pro­
vides control over where the movement of w ater and solutes
can occur between vascular and nonvascular tissues. Conduit
pitting may have evolved from the aggregation of plasmodes-
m ata in response to greater need for interconduit permeability
and transport between conduits and surrounding parenchyma
(Edwards and Axe 2000).


W ithout some means of regulating transpiration, plant water

loss is at the mercy of D, passively tracking it regardless of
consequences. The advantage of stom ata is m aintaining tran ­
spiration near its optim um (Cowan 1977). Too low a tran ­
spiration rate limits CO , uptake. Too high a transpiration sat­
urates CO, uptake. M ore disastrously, an excessive
transpiration rate leads to crippling effects of dynamic water
stress, particularly as source w ater becomes less available.
Problems include symplastic shrinkage and loss of turgor or
costly production of organic com patible solutes (M organ
1984). Direct inhibition of photosynthesis occurs at low sym-
plast w ater potentials, reducing WUE (Kaiser 1987). Low apo-
plast pressure can reduce hydraulic conductivity— by cavita­
tion in xylem conduits, drying of soil around absorbing organs,
Fig. 4 A , T ransverse section o f tw o ad jacen t co n d u its, o n e air filled
an d one w a te r filled (gray). N eg ativ e pressure pulls in on the w all o f
and by tissue and cell-wall shrinkage in nonvascular tissue.
the w ater-filled co n d u it. T h e im plosion pressure (Piujp) is a function o f Loss of hydraulic conductivity leads to even greater negative
the ratio o f the w all thickness (f) and lum en d iam eter (d). B, C av itatio n pressures in a vicious cycle. Unless transpiration is slowed, this
p ressu re versus ( t l d f o f an g io sp erm stem vessels (circles) and conifer runaw ay loss of conductivity will desiccate the tissue before
stem trach eid s (triangles). T h e P iujp is predicted to be p ro p o rtio n a l to the source w ater is used up (Tyree and Sperry 1988; Sperry et
(t/d)2 for im plosion by b ending of in te rc o n d u it w alls (Y oung 1989). al. 1998). A cuticle by itself can only reduce the range of
W all dim en sio n s o f b o th c o n d u it types scale w ith cav itatio n pressure transpiration rates, keeping the m axim um rate at high D below
to m ain tain a c o n s ta n t safety factor from im plosion (dashed line). T he a nonoptim al extreme. O nly stom atal regulation can optimize
average safety facto r is larger in conifer stem trach eid s (6.8) th an in
transpiration under all conditions.
vessels (1.7). F ro m I la c k e e t al. (2001a).
W ater-conducting tissue and stom atal regulation go hand in
hand. They appear at essentially the same time in the fossil
pressure) range from 1.7 in angiosperm vessels to 6.8 in conifer record and co-occur in the vast m ajority of extant plants (fig.
tracheids (fig. 4 B). The higher num ber for conifers may relate 1). The two features m ust be synergistic— providing the
to the additional role of their tracheids in supporting the tree greatest benefit in coordination. Transport tissue minimizes
(Hacke et al. 2001a). dynamic w ater stress and permits larger plant size but cannot
Propping open tracheary elements was probably the original optimize transpiration rate and avoid uncontrolled loss of hy­
function of lignin and secondary walls in plants (Raven 1987). draulic conductivity. Stomatal regulation can protect tissue
The thickened and presumably lignified walls of early Devo­ conductivity and optimize transpiration rate under variable
nian vascular plants are limited to tracheary elements of a environm ental conditions, but this optim al rate will be im­
protostele— a cylindrical strand in the stem center. This posi­ possibly small in nonvascular plants with a flow path greater
tion does not indicate a role in mechanical support because th an a few centimeters (Raven 1987).
compressive forces from stem bending are greatest at the epi­ Stomata may have evolved once— before water-conducting
dermis. These plants were small and capable of being sup­ tissue in the lineage leading to the tracheophytes (fig. 1; Ken-
ported hydrostatically (Vincent and Jeronim idis 1991; Niklas rick and Crane 1997a; Doyle 1998). Thus, hornw orts have
1994). N or would a central strand of lignified tissue be a direct stom ata but lack conducting cells. The opposite situation oc­
barrier to herbivory, although lignin com ponents may have curs in the dead-end liverwort line where water-conducting
evolved previously as a chemical defense (Raven 1987). cells have arisen independently of moss hydroids and tracheids
Lignin rigidifies the cell wall in part by replacing w ater in but stom ata are absent (Ligrone et al. 2000). Stomata w ithout
the cell wall m atrix and pore space (Donaldson 2001). In so conducting tissue could be advantageous in allowing slight
doing, it reduces the permeability of the walls to w ater— both increases in plant size or growth rate through the optim ization
by reducing wall porosity and because lignin is hydrophobic. of transpiration, but any benefit would have to subtract the
This water-proofing action is not necessary to prevent leakage added cost of stom atal regulation and may not pay in plants
of w ater from the conduits as long as the w ater is under neg­ th at are already small enough to avoid significant dynamic
ative pressure, and it has the disadvantage of increasing resis­ stress and possess desiccation tolerance. This is consistent with
tance to w ater and solute flow across the conduit walls. Plas- the absence of stom ata in all liverworts and the apparent loss

of stom atal function or structure in many other bryophytes of desiccation tolerance at the cellular level in vegetative cells,
where they are found only on the sporophyte, which is “par­ although this ancestral trait is retained in seeds, pollen, and
asitic” on the gam etophyte (Kenrick and Crane 1997a). C on­ spores of many vascular plants (Oliver 1996). The few vascular
versely, stom atal control w ould be less necessary in vascular­ plants w ith vegetative desiccation tolerance tend to be less than
ized plants living in environm ents of relatively constant D and a meter in height (Gaff 1981). The cost of desiccation tolerance
soil moisture where transpiration and w ater stress do not fluc­ w ould be unnecessary in truly homoiohydric plants, perhaps
tuate widely. H igher plants grown under such conditions can leading to its disappearance. It is also probably impossible for
lose their ability to regulate transpiration (Schulte and H inck­ vascular tissue to be desiccation tolerant in large plants. Re­
ley 1987). versing xylem cavitation requires pressures w ithin a few kilo-
pascals of atmospheric pressure for extended time periods
The Endodermis and Root Pressure (Yang and Tyree 1992). In taller plants, this would require
root pressure or other active means of elevating xylem pres­
Just as nearly all vascular plants have stom ata, nearly all sure, processes th at may be limited in the rehydrating root
have an endodermis w ith a waterproofing casparian strip of tissue (Sherwin et al. 1998). In addition, the cell and tissue
lignin and suberin (Schreiber 1996; Raven and Edwards 2001), specialization for mechanical and transport needs of large
w hether or not the absorbing organs are true roots or are plants may be incompatible w ith enduring the changes in sym-
limited to stems. An interesting exception is L yco p o d iu m , plast volume, disruption of plasmodesmatal connections, and
where an endodermis is lacking in roots but present in stems; cytoplasmic organization required of desiccation tolerance (Ol­
however, an “endoderm oid layer” in the roots seems to have iver 1996).
the equivalent function (Raven 1984). The earliest appearance
of an endodermis in the fossil record is from the Carboniferous
(Raven 1984), but it likely originated at least as early as the Origin of Basic Structure-Function
split of the tracheophytes into the lycophyte and euphyllophyte Relationships in Xylem
clades (fig. 1).
The selective filter of an endodermis or equivalent layer of Mechanical Considerations
living tissue is probably essential for regulating the ionic com ­
position of xylem sap and excluding pathogens and their toxins Exploiting greater plant size required a shift from hydro­
and other contam inants from the transpiration stream. The static support of stems to support by lignified and thickened
endodermis provides the additional capability of prom oting cell walls (Niklas 1990,1994). The transition from hydrostatic
osmotic “root pressures” that can push sap up the xylem and support to cell-wall support of prim ary grow th was probably
out of any hydathodes or other positive pressure leaks in the first achieved by the evolution of sclerenchyma tissue located
shoot when transpiration is minimal and soil moisture is high peripherally in the stem (Raven 1987; Speck and Vogellehner
(Steudle et al. 1993). M any seedless vascular plants have an 1988). Even in the arborescent lycopsids w ith secondary xylem
endodermis around the xylem of aerial shoots, perhaps to m in­ (e.g., Lepidodendrales; fig. 1), the w ood was of limited extent
imize outw ard leaks of pressure-driven sap into the air spaces near the stem center, and mechanical support was provided by
of the photosynthetic tissue (Zim m erm ann 1983). Root pres­ an expanded cortex and periderm (Gifford and Foster 1989;
sures are know n to refill cavitated conduits (M ilburn and Kenrick and Crane 1997a).
M cLaughlin 1974; Sperry et al. 1987; Sperry and Sullivan At first glance, having a peripheral support tissue system in
1992; Hacke and Sauter 1996). Like extant seedless plants, addition to compressively strong vascular tissue seems wasteful
the earliest vascular plants lacked secondary growth. The in­ duplication. However, the central location of the vascular tis­
ability to replace cavitated conduits by grow th may have made sue in the first vascular plants may have been necessary to
the refilling pow er of root pressure an im portant corollary of protect it from bending stresses th at could disrupt w ater trans­
evolving vascular tissue. p ort by inducing collapse or cavitation. In more com plex stelar
patterns where the vascular tissue is dispersed throughout the
Consequences of Vascular Tissue and axis, the tracheary elements are generally embedded in non­
Stomatal Regulation conducting sclerenchyma fibers as if to buffer the conduits
from mechanical stress (Vincent and Jeronim idis 1991). This
Both of these traits perm it a larger plant size. In term s of pattern extends to angiosperm vessels embedded in supporting
w ater balance, larger size creates the potential for tapping a fibers (fig. 6B).
more stable w ater source via a subterranean absorbing system The mechanical vulnerability of tracheary elements identifies
of rhizoids, stems, and ultimately roots (Raven and Edwards a basic trade-off in their function; the wall strength required
2001). The result is a transition from poikilohydric to hom- to counteract negative pressure and any additional bending
oiohydric w ater relations where plant w ater stress is regulated stress from supporting the plant is likely to reduce permeability
w ithin a limited range com pared to the dryness of air and soil to water. The com bination of support and transport in tra­
surface (Raven 1987). In addition to enabling homoiohydry, cheids of “norm al” secondary xylem ancestral to progymno-
larger size of course perm itted taller shoots for escaping shad­ sperms and seed plants (fig. 1) represents a derived condition
ing by neighboring plants and improving long-distance aerial th at must minimize this trade-off, perhaps via the evolution
dispersal, leading to more diverse and complex shoot of more sophisticated interconduit pitting th at minimized the
architectures. loss of mechanical strength for a given permeability to w ater
The evolution of hom oiohydry was associated w ith the loss (Beck et al. 1982).

M in im izin g C avitation increase the resistance to flow through the xylem— by as much
as 30% or more (Schulte and Gibson 1988; Lancashire and
Lignified and thickened walls make large negative pressures
Ennos 2002).
possible in theory, but to achieve them cavitation m ust be
The pit m embrane in extant plants is homologous w ith the
prevented. The m ost basic requirem ent is to exclude air bub­
nonlignified prim ary wall region between banded thickenings
bles that can nucleate cavitation (Oertli 1971). Air bubbles are
of protoxylem (M auseth 1988). In an ontogeny-recapitulates-
unlikely in newly produced conduits given their development
phylogeny argument, Kenrick and Crane (1997a) suggest that
from a dying water-filled cell. Air can be sucked through pores
pitted metaxylem tracheids (fig. 3D) evolved from banded
in the conduit wall to seed cavitation (Zim m erm ann 1983),
“protoxylem -type” tracheids th at are exclusively present in
but given the naturally small pore spaces in cell walls this is
rhyniopsids (fig. 1; fig. 3 B, 3C), w ith the ancestral form per­
not a m ajor difficulty. The air-seeding pressure of nanometer-
sisting as protoxylem.
scale pores in lignified cell walls (1.2-3.3 nm; Berlyn et al.
The structure of interconduit pits presumably represents an
1995) is in excess of 15 M Pa, even considering th at hydro­
optim al compromise between m aintaining strength and resis­
phobic lignin could significantly reduce the capillary force of
tance to air entry of the interconduit wall w ithout unduly
the air-water meniscus by lowering its contact angle w ith the
sacrificing hydraulic conductivity of the pit (fig. 5 A; Carlquist
pore wall (Oertli 1971). However, a highly lignified and hy­
1988). This excellent, but never evaluated, hypothesis presum ­
drophobic lumen surface could potentially trigger cavitation
ably explains the functional significance of the great variety of
directly at the water-wall interface (Pickard 1981).
pit shape, size, m embrane structure, border configuration, ves­
Tracheary elements from early fossil vascular plants and
ture presence, and pit-field pattern in vascular plants.
their closest living relatives appear to have the highest con­
The early stages of pit evolution seem conservative in fa­
centration of lignin adjacent to the cell lumen (fig. 3; Friedman
voring resistance to air entry and strength over conductivity
and Cook 2000), seemingly maximizing the likelihood of cav­
to w ater (fig. 3). N o pits are present in the hydroid type of
itation at a hydrophobic interface. This situation is reversed
conduit (fig. 3A ). W ater m ust move through uniformly dis­
in tracheary elements of higher plants, where lignin concen­
tributed micropores of ca. 100 nm in diameter th at are derived
tration is highest at the middle lamella, dropping to much
from plasmodesmata. The air-seeding pressure through such
lower values at the lumen (Panshin and de Zeeuw 1970; D on­
pores would be about 3 M Pa, assuming a hydrophilic wall
aldson 2001). W hether lignin can destabilize xylem w ater un­
surface (Pickard 1981). The compressively stronger-banded
der negative pressure is unknow n, but if so, the pattern of
tracheids (fig. 3 B, 3C) still retain the decay-resistant ( = lig­
lignification could have im portant functional implications.
nified) layer (Kenrick and Crane 1991; Friedman and Cook
Cavitation can also occur from bubbles formed during
2000) between bands th a t w ould limit both permeability and
freeze-thaw cycles (Hammel 1967). Conduits over 44 ^m di­
also extensibility by com parison w ith extant protoxylem.
ameter limit are predicted to cavitate by freezing for a xylem
Moreover, the presence of hydrophobic lignin in the porous
pressure of —0.5 M Pa (Davis et al. 1999). This applies re­
regions could have seriously reduced capillary forces and air-
gardless of the length of the conduit; tracheids and vessels have
seeding pressures by reducing the adhesion of w ater to the
the same diameter constraint (Pittermann and Sperry 2003).
pore wall. The “G ” -type banded tracheid (fig. 3C) seems an
improvement over the “S” type (fig. 3 B) because of the lo­
M in im izin g Leaks
calization of larger pores (ca. 1500 nm diameter; Kenrick and
Leaks in the transpiration stream mean air entry, not sap Crane 1991) over the thin areas and the alignment of these
exit. Damage to conduits opens up large holes and occurs in zones between adjacent tracheids.
the course of extension grow th by protoxylem rupture. An air- Early pitted tracheids (fig. 3D) have bordered scalariform
w ater interface across even a narrow conduit lumen of 10 ^m pits that begin to resemble m odern pitted tracheids. Impor­
diameter cannot w ithstand more than 30 kPa of suction be­ tantly, the well-defined pit m embrane appears nonlignified (and
fore air enters (Zim m erm ann 1983). A secondary defense hence hydrophilic), which w ould maximize the air-seeding
against such leaks is essential. Therein lies the necessity for the pressure for a given permeability. Circular bordered pits with
multiple-conduit transport netw ork of plants as opposed to a homogeneously thin pit membranes (i.e., no torus) appear in
single-conduit system such as in the m am m alian cardiovascular progymnosperms of the late Devonian (Beck et al. 1982).
system. The w ay these early pits functioned was probably identical
to the capillary-sealing action of m ost extant pits (fig. SB).
Interconduit Pitting Uniformly small m em brane pores, though possessing low hy­
draulic conductivity, are nonlignified and provide an effective
Interconduit pits are the check valves that permit w ater flow capillary barrier to air entry. The air-seeding pressure of these
between conduits but inhibit the leaking of air into the tra n ­ pores can be enough to deflect the m embrane to the pit border
spiration stream (Dixon 1914). There are obvious trade-offs when one is present (fig. SB; Thomas 1972). The border func­
in their functioning because creating areas in the wall th at are tions to support both the wall and the m embrane against the
permeable to w ater flow will also weaken the strength of the bending force between an air-filled com pared w ith water-filled
wall and increase its vulnerability to air entry. Cavitation has conduit. Small or absent borders probably indicates weak and
been linked to air seeding at interconduit pits (Crombie et al. cavitation-prone conduits but high conductivity. W hether air
1985; Cochard et al. 1992; Jarbeau et al. 1995; Sperry et al. seeding occurs by irreversible plastic yielding of the m embrane
1996), meaning they are the w eak link in the protection of the (“creep” ) or through reversible elastic stretching is unknown.
conduit netw ork against air entry. Even so, pits significantly M em brane creep may cause “cavitation fatigue,” where cav-

the aspiration of torus against the pit aperture. The aspiration

A. 16
is driven by capillary forces at the margo pores. Ultimately,
air seeding occurs when the torus edge is pulled through the
pit aperture (fig. 5B; Sperry and Tyree 1990). Although much
of the membrane is taken up by the nonconducting torus, the
surrounding margo can have relatively large pores. Given that
conductance through short circular pores scales w ith their di­
am eter to the third power (Vogel 1994), a margo w ith fewer
large pores could have equal or greater total conductivity than
a capillary sealing pit w ith more small pores. Larger margo
pores do not directly compromise air seeding, which is pre­
vented by the aspirated torus. A greater pit conductivity per
air-seed pressure may explain the persistence of torus-m argo
pits in many extant conifers, G in k g o , and E phedra (Bauch et
al. 1972) and its convergent evolution in certain angiosperms
(Wheeler 1983; Dute 1987; Dute et al. 1990, 1996). This pu­
tative advantage of torus-m argo pits would not necessarily
apply to the full range of air-seed pressures.
A potential disadvantage of the torus-m argo pit is th at it
may not be as reusable as capillary-sealing pits. Air drying of
softwoods causes irreversible pit aspiration— a bane to pre­
servative infusion in the tim ber industry. A permanently as­
pirated torus blocks w ater flow even if the gas in the cavitated
tracheid is dissolved. Conifers do exhibit some refilling of cav­
capillary-seal torus-margo vestured itated xylem under natural conditions (Sperry and Sullivan
1992; Sperry 1993; Sperry et al. 1994), but the mechanism is
Fig. 5 A, Trade-off between the hydraulic conductivity of a pit not obviously linked to root or stem pressures, which are rare
versus its air-seeding pressure. The higher the air-seed pressure, the to absent (Kramer and Kozlowski 1979). It is not clear how
more xeric the habitat. Pits vulnerable to air seeding will have higher the natural refilling allows deaspiration of the torus or whether
conductivity per pit area than pits resistant to air seeding because the conifers exhibit substantial cavitation fatigue.
structure needed to prevent air entry will also decrease conductivity A final wrinkle on pit function occurs in vestured pits. These
to water flow. No single pit type is likely to have a superior conductivity
are convergent in some gnetophytes and angiosperms (Carl­
over the entire air-seed range. For example, one pit type may be optimal
for low air-seed pressures (e.g., /), a second at intermediate pressures
quist 1994), w ith multiple origins in the latter (Jansen et al.
(e.g., 2), and a third at higher pressures (3). B, Three types of valve 2001). Lignified and compressively strong vestures extend
action in interconduit pits. Shaded area is the pit border formed by from the pit cham ber wall to brace the pit m embrane (fig. SB).
the lignified secondary wall. The nonlignified pit membrane spans the This minimizes air seeding by preventing or minimizing
pit chamber, which opens to each conduit lumen through an aperture. membrane distortion (Zweypfennig 1978). The air-seeding
Position I shows the membrane during water conduction when con­ pressure will be a function of the same pore diameter that
duits on either side are water filled. Position 2 shows the membrane determines the flow resistance— not a larger pore diameter re­
acting to prevent air entry from the left-hand conduit to a water-filled sulting from membrane stretch or rupture. This should permit
conduit on the right. The bubble at the membrane indicates air seeding a greater air-seeding pressure for the same m embrane con­
of cavitation. Capillary sealing pits minimize air entry by having nar­
ductivity versus a regular pit, and cavitation fatigue would be
row pores in their pit membranes with high air-seeding pressure
(Crombie et al. 1985; Sperry and Tyree 1988). Membranes probably prevented. The benefit of vestures would be compromised by
aspirate prior to air seeding, and membranes are distorted. Torus- their added flow resistance and may only apply to a limited
margo pits have a central thickened torus (thick bar in membrane) range of air-seeding pressures.
surrounded by a very porous margo. The air seal is formed by the
aspiration of the torus over the pit aperture. Air seeding probably Conduit Size: Tracheids versus Vessels
occurs when the torus edge is pulled through the aperture (Sperry and
Tyree 1990). Vestured pits support the membrane by lignified struts The single-celled tracheid is the only type of xylem conduit
from the pit chamber wall. There is no distortion of the membrane in the fossil record for the first 140 million years of vascular
prior to air seeding, which occurs through membrane pores (Zwey-
evolution (fig. 1). W ithin the first 40 million years, by the end
pfennig 1978).
of the Devonian, tracheid diameter had already increased to
its m odern m ean m axim um of ca. 80 fxm (Niklas 1985). During
itation renders a conduit more susceptible to subsequent cav­ the same time period, the total tracheid area per ground-tissue
itation (Hacke et al. 20016). area increased in association w ith more com plex stelar anat­
Variations on the ancestral mode of pit function presumably omy (Niklas 1984; Roth-Nebelsick et al. 2000). Increased vas­
evolved to maximize the pit hydraulic conductivity for a given cularization was associated w ith the evolution of leaves (Niklas
air-seeding pressure and wall strength (fig. 5 A ). Circular bor­ 1984, 1997) and higher stom atal densities (Beerling et al.
dered pits w ith a torus-m argo configuration appear definitively 2001). At the same time, CO , concentration was plunging
in Jurassic conifers (fig. 1; Beck et al. 1982). Sealing requires along w ith the physiological range of WUE (fig. 1; Beerling et

al. 2001). The increasingly poor exchange rate of w ater for

A. o
CO , during this period w ould make any reduction in the cost
of transpiration especially adaptive.
In terms of reducing cost, the increase in tracheid diameter
would be more effective than increasing tracheid number.
W hile both strategies reduce dynamic w ater stress, only the
former decreases conduit investment. This is because increas­
ing tracheid diameter causes a fourth-pow er increase in lumen
conductivity, providing much greater flow capacity per conduit
(Zimmermann 1983).
The apparent limit on tracheid diameter of near 80 fi m may
be that greater conduit diameter is only advantageous if ac­
com panied by increased conduit length. The fourth pow er in­
crease in lumen conductivity with diameter is associated with
only a linear increase in surface area available for pits (Calkin
et al. 1986). Pit flow resistance becomes limiting unless the pit
area can increase via greater conduit length. The pit limitation
is most restrictive for circular-bordered pitting and is less so
for scalariform pitting (Schulte and Gibson 1988). W ider tra ­
cheids are in fact longer— up to a maximum of 10 mm
(Schweingruber 1990). Further increases in length and diam ­
eter in tracheids may be impossible because of limits to m ax­
imum cell volume (Lancashire and Ennos 2002).


Being multiple celled, vessels can reach much greater m ax­

conifer angiosperm
imum diameters (500 fi m) and lengths (>10 m) than tracheids
(Zimmermann 1983). Vessel diameters are not as constrained
by a maximum cell volume as tracheids. W hile wide vessel Fig. 6 A, Xylem pressure causing a 50% loss of hydraulic con­
ductivity by cavitation versus wood density for the same angiosperm
elements are in fact short, as expected for a volume limit, short
(circles) and conifer (triangles) stem woods shown in fig. 4B. Solid line
elements do not mean short vessels because there is no known
indicates curve predicted from the (thi)2 relationship in fig. 4B. Dotted
limit on the num ber of elements in a vessel (Lancashire and lines suggest a boundary line below which woods cannot exist because
Ennos 2002). of conduit implosion. Conifers achieve a given cavitation resistance
The advantage of vessels is clear; greater diameter and length with roughly 50% of the wood density of angiosperms. From Hacke
perm it greater potential hydraulic conductivity per conduit et al. (2001a). B, Sample wood cross sections of a conifer versus an
area than the largest of tracheids. Vessels increase the m axi­ angiosperm. Fibers in angiosperms allow for much higher maximum
mum hydraulic conductivity per w ood area by tw o orders of wood density in hardwoods versus softwoods. Flowever, the density
magnitude over tracheids. On a conductivity per leaf area b a­ of the fiber matrix seems to parallel the implosion requirement of the
sis, the improvement is a factor of 1.5 orders of magnitude vessels, giving the relationship in A. Images from Panshin and de
(fig. 2). This reduces the cost of transpiration, increasing the Zeeuw (1970).
profit margin of the carbon-for-w ater exchange.
The greater efficiency of vessels is manifest not just in higher
conductivities per leaf or w ood area com pared w ith tracheids. make vines possible by packing a given conductivity in a
In many species, conductivities on this basis are equal or even smaller stem area. The 100-fold greater xylem conductivity
lower in vessel versus tracheid-based w oods (fig. 2). The ad­ per w ood area of lianas versus gymnosperms (fig. 2) means
vantage of vessels is in m aintaining these conductivities with th at a tracheid-based “vine” stem w ould have to be 10 times
less total conduit area. thicker than a vessel-based one to achieve the same stem con­
In free-standing trees, vessels make fibers and storage p a­ ductivity, i.e., as thick as a free-standing tree!
renchyma in the secondary xylem possible w ithout sacrificing Given the advantages of vessels, it is not surprising th at they
hydraulic conductivity on a w ood-area basis. Fibers allow have probably evolved independently in five different plant
much higher w ood densities to be achieved in vessel-bearing groups (fig. 1; Baas and W heeler 1996). The earliest fossil
versus tracheid-bearing w ood (fig. 6), hence, the hardw ood vessel element is from vinelike species of Gigantopteridales
versus softwood terminology. The mechanical advantage of from the late Permian. The foram inate perforation plates of
increased density is a higher flexural stiffness— less deform a­ these vessels are very similar to those in modern gnetophytes
tion by bending for a given load (Vogel 1988). G reater flexural and are thought to have evolved from tracheids with circular-
stiffness may lead to more architectural options; the spreading bordered pits (Li et al. 1996). In contrast, the earliest definitive
“decurrent” crowns of hardw oods versus the “excurrent” angiosperm vessels do not appear until the mid-Cretaceous.
crowns of softwoods (Zimmermann and Brown 1977) may Scalariform perforation plates may indicate th at angiosperm
reflect the greater stiffness possible in hardw oods. Vessels also vessels evolved from tracheids with scalariform pitting, as seen

in the presumably ancestral vesselless angiosperms (Baas and

A. tracheids
Wheeler 1996; Feild et al. 2002).
The origin of a new grade of xylem conduit in conjunction
with an all-time low in CO , concentration and WUE during
the late Carboniferous and early Permian is suggestive of cause
and effect. Although vessels would be advantageous even in B. vessel with scalariform plates
the absence of C O , fluctuation, the heightened requirem ent for
cost-effective w ater transport would presumably accelerate
their evolution. Developmentally and physiologically, the shift
from a cambium producing tracheids to one producing vessel
^ ^ ^ 'V
elements plus fibers may be simple, requiring shifts in auxin C. vessel with simple plates
and giberellin levels during differentiation (Aloni et al. 2000).
A second drop in CO , during the Cretaceous (fig. 1) has
been linked to the rise and diversification of the angiosperms
(Robinson 1994; McElwain et al. 2004), but vessel-based xy­
lem per se may not be directly responsible since it was already
present in the Permian Gigantopterids. Reproductive innova­ Fig. 7 A, File of four embolized tracheids when {1) fully embolized
tions likely played a m ajor role in angiosperm radiation (Cre- at negative water potential and (2 ) partially embolized and refilling at
pet and Friis 1987). water potentials near or above atmospheric. B, Vessel of four vessel
elements with scalariform perforation plates under conditions 1 and
2. C, Vessel of four vessel elements with simple perforation plates under
Advantages o f Tracheids and Small Conduits G enerally
the same two conditions (see Sperry 1986).
The fact that many widespread and dom inant plants lack
vessels (fig. 1) and th at angiosperms appear to have reverted An im portant advantage of tracheid-based conifer trees is
back to a vesselless condition at least once (Young 1981; Baas th a t they can achieve a greater cavitation resistance (not con­
and W heeler 1996; Feild et al. 2002) indicates that the ad ­ ductivity) at lower investment in wall material than vessel-
vantages of vessels are not universal. Similarly, although m ax­ bearing w ood (Hacke et al. 2001a). For the same cavitation
imum vessel lengths and diameters are much greater than tra ­ resistance, conifer stem xylem is roughly 50% lighter than that
cheids, vessels with lengths and especially diameters within the of angiosperms (fig. 6A). Greater cavitation resistance requires
tracheid range are com mon, and tracheids operate side by side stronger implosion-resistant conduits with more wall material
with vessels in some woods (Carlquist 1988). Even in an axis per unit volume (fig. 4) and, hence, denser wood. This rela­
with very long and wide vessels, m ost vessels are narrow and tionship holds even in angiosperm w ood where fibers are pre­
short— often less than 1 or 2 cm long (Zimmermann and Jeje sent. The density of the fiber m atrix is related to the cavitation
1981). resistance of the vessel netw ork, perhaps to mechanically buf­
There are m any tracheid myths. N um erous authors have fer vessels from bending stresses as hypothesized for the pri­
stated that tracheids are superior in terms of resisting cavita­ mary axes of seedless vascular plants (Vincent and Jeronimidis
tion by w ater stress (Judd et al. 2002; McElwain et al. 2004). 1991). The presence of fibers, however, shifts the density versus
This is incorrect; there is no difference between the cavitation cavitation resistance relationship in angiosperms to a much
pressure of conifers as a group com pared to angiosperms (fig. higher density range.
4). It is also often implied th at wider conduits are necessarily Although conifers cannot exploit the advantages of denser
more vulnerable to w ater stress-induced cavitation than nar­ w ood for increased flexural stiffness, they can tolerate stressful
row ones (Mauseth 1998), aside from identity as tracheids or conditions more economically. As the redwoods prove, lower
vessels. However, there are num erous examples of wide con­ densities of softwoods do n ot limit height growth. M aximum
duits th at are equally if not more resistant to cavitation by buckling heights depend on the elastic m odulus of w ood di­
w ater stress than narrow conduits (Pockman and Sperry 2000). vided by density— a ratio th at is approxim ately constant across
Pit function determines cavitation resistance, not lumen di­ woods (M cM ahon 1973). Although the tracheid-based system
ameter. It is also tem pting to say that in situations where freez­ is less hydraulically efficient than a vessel-based one (fig. 2),
ing is common during the growing season, the generally nar­ when stress tolerance is more im portant than high gas-
row tracheid w ould be superior (Feild et al. 2002). However, exchange rates, the greater economy of cavitation resistance
narrow vessels are as immune to freezing-induced cavitation in tracheid-based woods may be beneficial. It w ould be very
as narrow tracheids (Davis et al. 1999) and yet can be more interesting to learn if this advantage extends to the vesselless
hydraulically efficient by being longer. angiosperms because, together with potentially greater ease of
N arrow and short tracheid-like conduits may have an ad­ cavitation reversal, it might have played a role in the reversion
vantage in being more readily refilled once cavitated because to the vesselless condition.
the gas emboli will have a smaller volume and a larger surface-
to-volume ratio (fig. 7; Ewers 1985). Although the torus-margo
Vessel Perforation Plates
pit structure may prevent some modes of refilling in conifer
tracheids, conifers do refill as noted above, and tracheids of W ithin angiosperm vessels, the long-held notion th at sca­
seedless vascular plants and vesselless angiosperms have cap­ lariform perforation plates are ancestral to simple perforation
illary-sealing pits. plates, representing the vestiges of hydrolyzed scalariform p it­

ting between tracheids (Bailey and Tupper 1918), is supported ancestral dichotom ous branching may have been associated
by recent phylogenies. However, the persistence of scalariform w ith the ability to vary conductivity relative to transpiring
plates in many lineages and the proposed reappearance of these area, in th at dom inant branches w ould require a proportion­
plates in yet other lineages suggests an adaptive function of ally greater conductivity th an laterals.
this intermediate morphology (Baas and W heeler 1996). This An im portant optim ization criterion at the netw ork level is
advantage must balance the added flow resistance of scalari­ to maximize the hydraulic conductance to all transpiring sur­
form plates, w hich is 2 % -2 0 % of vessel element flow resis­ faces while keeping the overall conduit investment at a mini­
tance versus 2 % - 5 % for simple plates (Schulte and Castle mum. M urray’s law is a good general test of this criterion,
1993; Ellerby and Ennos 1998). predicting th at maximum hydraulic conductivity per netw ork
Scalariform perforation plates may couple the advantages volume will be achieved by keeping the sum of all conduit
of vessels w ith the refilling capability of smaller conduits (fig. radii raised to the third pow er constant across branch ranks
7; Sperry 1986). W hen the xylem pressure in an embolized (M urray 1926; Sherman 1981). It holds in angiosperm xylem
vessel w ith scalariform plates rises to near atmospheric pres­ under situations w here xylem conduits are not functioning
sure, w ater is wicked across the narrow perforations, dividing directly in mechanical support (Canny 1993; M cCulloh et al.
up previously continuous gas space into smaller bubbles— one 2003). Moreover, these plants tend to produce fewer wider
to each vessel element. These smaller packages may dissolve conduits at the stem base and more narrow er conduits distally,
more rapidly than fewer, larger bubbles in refilling vessels w ith a configuration th at maximizes the M urray law optim um ver­
simple perforation plates. This possible advantage of scalari­ sus a system w ith equal num bers of conduits at each level and
form perforation plates w ould apply to any plant that depends th at also localizes major flow resistance to the periphery
on refilling— regardless of w hether this cavitation was caused (M cCulloh et al. 2003).
by freezing or w ater stress. It is a more universal advantage
th an the putative role of scalariform plates in minimizing Conclusion
freezing-induced cavitation (Zim m erm ann 1983) and may ex­
plain the presence of this plate type in both tropical and tem ­
Xylem structure has been regarded as a conservative trait,
perate climates (Baas and W heeler 1996).
tending to track phylogenetic lineages, and by implication,
having w eak or neutral adaptive significance (Carlquist 1988).
The Conduit Network
W hile this may be true of some traits, it is clear th at many
basic features—conducting tissue itself, conduit type, pitting
An essentially universal pattern among extant plants is that
type, and perforation plate type, to reiterate a few exam ­
the major flow resistances are localized to highly branched
ples— are subject to convergence and reversal. These patterns
dow nstream ends of the flow path (Tyree and Ewers 1991).
imply a strong adaptive significance, the nature of w hich pre­
This is associated w ith a gradual narrowing of conduit di­
sumably maximizes the difference between carbon uptake dur­
ameters moving downstream in the shoot (Zimmermann
ing transpiration and carbon expenditure on supplying the
1978). This pattern has at least four im portant advantages:
transpiration stream.
(1) it minimizes differences in w ater supply to leaves through­
A central challenge to interpreting the adaptive significance
out the canopy and maintains similar dynamic w ater stress
of w ater-transport traits is to be able to better predict the
and gas-exchange capacity (Zim m erm ann 1983); (2) it mini­
optim al carbon-for-w ater exchange. It exists; it is context de­
mizes the increase in total flow resistance w ith increasing tree
pendent w ith multiple optima depending on circumstances, but
height, an im portant adaptation in the com petition for light
it is difficult to specify (Cowan 1977; Givnish 1986). One
(Becker et al. 2000; Enquist et al. 2000); (3) it allows for the
barrier is the elusive cost of transpiration. This depends in part
hydraulic dominance of leaders versus lateral branches—the
on quantitative structure-function relationships in the xylem.
hydraulic expression of apical dominance (Ewers and Z im ­
Although some of the relevant trade-offs have been identified
m erm ann 1984a, 1984fc); and (4) it limits hydraulic failure to
here— between safety from cavitation, hydraulic conductivi­
m inor branches. Hydraulically “subservient” branches cavitate
ty, conduit investment, mechanical support, and cavitation
first under stress, effectively reducing the load on more valu­
repair— the often speculative understanding of each trade­
able portions of the system (Tyree and Sperry 1988). Localizing
off becomes useless w hen all must be integrated in a single­
short conduits to the ends of the flow path prevents cavitation
functioning system to estimate the cost-benefit margin. M ore
from spreading into major transport arteries w here longer con­
pieces of the puzzle will fall into place as structure-function
duits maximize conductivity (Comstock and Sperry 2000). The
trade-offs are quantified in extant plants and incorporated in
system operates like an electrical circuit netw ork w ith designed
integrative analyses of the carbon-for-w ater exchange.
failure points— hydraulic fuses—th at limit the consequences of
an overload (Sperry et al. 2002).
Network-level adaptations have been observed in seedless Acknowledgments
vascular plants and fossil plants, indicating an early origin.
P silotum n u d u m exhibits a decline in tracheid diameter and M y research on xylem structure and function was supported
branch hydraulic conductivity w ith more distal branch rank by the N ational Science Foundation (IBN-0112213) during
(Schulte et al. 1987). The fossil P silo p h yto n d a w so n ii exhibits preparation of this manuscript. I th an k R. M onson and D.
low conductivity branch junctions that could have been im­ Ackerly for the opportunity to provide this review and tw o
portant in localizing cavitation to peripheral branches (Niklas anonym ous reviewers and J. A. Doyle for their helpful
and Banks 1985). The evolution of apical dominance from suggestions.

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