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Basic Interview Questions on DFT.


What is the significance of scan-compression/EDT during ATPG?To decrease the TDV and

What is the reason for increase in pattern count for compressed mode?Because the chain
lenght is small,more number of chains exist.More number of control bits toidentify faults in

The actual compression achieved will be less than the specified compression
factor.Why?Because of extra cycles(initialization cycles) in EDT.

Deciding factors of scan design? Number of channels on tester, memory available on
channel and number of scan pins.

Scan length, Scan chains, hierarchical scan concept?

How scan chains are handled from a 3
party IP in the chip?By using "add subchain command"

Use of LOCKUP latch?a) When two clock domains exist , b) When one domain with different
edges trigger the flops,c) When clock skew is more than half cycle of hold time.

Difference between LOS and LOC?Look for the basic differences in the guide.Other
difference is that in LOS,there is a chance of testing unrequired functional paths because of
last shift is done when SE=1.

Scan considerations required for At-speed test?a) OCC that supports and generate 2 pulses
for capture cycle. b) Free running functional clocks.

What are advantages of LOS and disadvantages when compared to LOC?

How do you avoid limitations of LOS?a) Consider SE as clock, b) Pipeline scan enable.

How do we manage chain balancing and what is the requirement?

Timing issues specific to scan chain clock domain mixing?Hold issues.Use lockup latch to
avoid them.Clock skew to be decreased.

How to avoid hold issues when scan chain is stitched from +ve edge to –ve edge flop?

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