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Part I.
5 Model Problems Answered step by step

Part II.
Practice Problems

Part III.
Solutions fully worked out

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Model Problem 1 )

1) What is the equation of a line with a slope of 3 that goes through the point (2,8) ?

Step 1) substitute slope into equation y =mx + b

y = 3x + b

Step 2) substitute (2,8) into equation 8 = 3(2) +b

Step 3) solve for b 2=b

Step 4) Insert B into equation y = 3x + 2

Model problem 2 )

What is an equation for the line that passes through the coordinates (4,5) and (8, 3)?

53 2 1
 
1) Calculate Slope
4  8 4 2
2) Plug it into the slope intercept formula: y=  x +b

3) Plug the x and y given in the question into the slope intercept formula

5   (4)  b
4) Solve for b

5   (4)  b
5  2b
2 +2
5) Rewrite equation in slope intercept form

y   x7
Model Problem 3)
Write the equation of a line that is parallel to y = 2x + 3 and passes through the points (6,2).

Step 1) plug slope the slope intercept formula:

y = mx + b
y = 2x + b

2) Plug the x and y given in the question into the slope intercept formula

2 = 2(6) + b

3) Solve for b

2  12  b
12  12
10  b

5) Rewrite equation with only slope and y-intercept

y = 2x – 10
Model Problem 4)

Write the equation of a line that is perpendicular to y = ½x – 6 and passes

through the point (6,4) ?

Step 1) find the negative reciprocal of the slope

Slope =
Negative reciprocal —2
2) Plug the x and y given in the question into slope intercept formula

4= -2(6) + b

3) Solve for b

4  12  b
12  12
16  b

4) Rewrite equation in slope intercept form y = -2x + 16

Model Problem 5)

Write the equation of the perpendicular bisector that goes through the line
segment with end points of
A (2,1) and B (6, -3)

Step 1) Find the slope of the line

segment using the points given
1  3 1  3 4
   1
26 4 4
Step 2) Find the slope of a line that
is perpendicular to the original line
1 1
segment. 1     1
1 1
Step 3) Find the midpoint of the  2  6 1  3   8 1  3 
original two points  ,  , 
 2 2   2 2 
 2 
 4,    4, 1
 2 
Step 4) Use the midpoint and new y = mx + b
slope to solve for the y-intercept y  1x  b
1  1 4   b
1  4  b
4  4
5  b

Step 5) Write the equation using y  x 5

new slope and y-intercept
Mixed Review on Linear Equations

1) What is the equation of a line with a slope of 3 that goes through the point (2,8)? (see Model
Problem 1 if you’re stuck)

2) What is the equation of a line through the point (1,3) that has a slope of -2?

3) What is the equation of a line through the point (-2, 3) that has a slope of 4?

4) What is the equation of a line through the point (1,3) that has a slope of -2?

5) What is an equation for the line that passes through the coordinates (4,5) and (8, 3)? (see
Model Problem 2 if you’re stuck)

6) What is an equation for the line that passes through the coordinates (-1,2) and (7,6) ?
7) Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (1,1) and (3,5)?

8) Write the equation of a line that is parallel to y = 2x + 3 and passes through the points (6,2).(See
Model Problem 3 if you’re stuck)

9) Find the equation of line parallel to y = 2x +7 and that goes through the point (4 , 12) ?

10)Find the equation of a line parallel to y =4x + 12 that goes through the point (1,9) ?

11) Write the equation of a line that is perpendicular to y = ½x – 6 that passes through
the point (6,4) ? (See Model Problem 4 if you’re stuck)

12) Write the equation of a line that is perpendicular to y =  x – 3 that passes through the point
(6,7) ?
13) Write the equation of a line that is perpendicular to y = -2x + 4 that passes through the
point (8 , 8 ) .

14)Write the equation of the perpendicular bisector that goes through the line segment with
end points of A (2,1) and B (6, -3) (See Model Problem 5 if you’re stuck)

15) Write the equation of the perpendicular bisector that goes through the line segment with
end points of A (-1, -2) and B (-2, -8)

16) Write the equation of the perpendicular bisector that goes through the line segment with
end points of A (-1, 1) and B (7,5)
Answer Key

1) y = 3x + 2
2) y = - 2x + 5
3) y = 4x + 11
4) y = -2x + 5
5) y =  x+7
6) y = x + 2.5
7) y = 2x -1
8) y = 2x -10
9) y = 2x +4
10) y = 4x + 5
11) y = -2x + 16
12) y = x+3
13) y = x + 4
14) y = x -5
15) y =   5.25
16) y = x – 6
4 91
17) y =  x 
5 100

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