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Drinking Water Quality Analysis of Bashundhara

Residential Area

Environment Science-107

Submitted to
Name : Tajuddin Sikder(MTJ)

Department of Environmental Science

North South University

Submitted by
Name : Ataul Karim Ashik

Id : 1612251030

Sec : 35

North South University

Date of submission 9th June, 2016

The aim of the study was to assess the drinking water quality analysis of Bashundhara
Residential Area. A total of five samples are Mum water, NSU drinking water, NSU tap water,
Distilled water and waste water were collected from different outlets in North South University.
The result of the total five samples are: Mum has no color, smell and turbid. It has 7.57 ph, 8.77
ppm dissolve oxygen (Do), 220 ms/cm Electrical conductivity (EC), 110mg/L=ppm Total
dissolve solid (TDS), 0.4% Nacl. NSU drinking water has no color, smell and turbid. It has 7.74
ph, 8.82 ppm dissolve oxygen (Do), 116 ms/cm Electrical conductivity (EC), 58mg/L=ppm Total
dissolve solid (TDS), 0.2% Nacl. NSU tap water has no color, smell and turbid. It has 7.50 ph,
8.00 ppm dissolve oxygen (Do), 241 ms/cm Electrical conductivity (EC), 120mg/L=ppm Total
dissolve solid (TDS), 0.5% Nacl. Distilled water has no color, smell and turbid. It has 7.12 ph,
8.53 ppm dissolve oxygen (Do), 4.20 ms/cm Electrical conductivity (EC), 2.10mg/L=ppm Total
dissolve solid (TDS), 0.0% Nacl. The last is NSU waste water. It has slightly colored, bad smell
and turbid. It also has 4.52 ph, 1.5 ppm dissolve oxygen (Do), 1694 ms/cm Electrical
conductivity (EC), 855mg/L=ppm Total dissolve solid (TDS), 3.4% Nacl. No trace of Arsenic
was found in the measured samples. In that water, mum and distilled water is the good water. It
can drink and not harmful. Then, NSU drinking water and tap water is good and also drinkable.
In last, NSU waste water is very bad for our health. It cannot drink. Because, it is acidic and it
has only 1.5 mg dissolve oxygen. Also, it has high electrical conductivity and total dissolve solid
which is 1694ms/cm and 855mg/L=ppm. So, we can say that in all kind of water, mum is best
water and distilled water also.

Mum Water NSU Tap Water NSU drinking Water Distilled Water Wastewater
Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have water
to survive. Water is also essential for the healthy growth of farm crops and farm stock and is
used in the manufacture of many products.  It is most important that the water which people
drink and use for other purposes is clean water. This means that the water must be free of germs
and chemicals and be clearing (not cloudy). Water that is safe for drinking is called potable
water. Disease-causing germs and chemicals can find their way into water supplies. When this
happens the water becomes polluted or contaminated and when people drink it or come in
contact with it in other ways they can become very sick. Water that is not safe to drink is said to
be non-potable. Throughout history there have been many occasions when hundreds of
thousands of people have died because disease-causing germs have been spread through a
community by a polluted water supply. If there was no water there would be no life on earth.
With two thirds of the earth's surface covered by water and the human body consisting of 75
percent of it, it is evidently clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on
earth. Water circulates through the land just as it does through the human body, transporting,
dissolving, and replenishing nutrients and organic matter, while carrying away waste material.
Further in the body, it regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular
secretions. An average adult body contains 42 liters of water and with just a small loss of 2.7
liters he or she can suffer from dehydration, displaying symptoms of irritability, fatigue,
nervousness, dizziness, weakness, headaches and consequently reach a state of pathology. Dr F.
Batmanghelidj, in his book 'your body's many cries for water', gives a wonderful essay on water
and its vital role in the health of a water 'starved' society. He writes: "Since the 'water' we drink
provides for cell function and its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water intake
affects the efficiency of cell a result chronic dehydration causes symptoms that
equal disease..."
Water quality is determined by physical, chemical and microbiological properties of water.
These water quality characteristics throughout the world are characterized with wide variability.
Therefore the quality of natural water sources used for different purposes should be established
in terms of the specific water-quality parameters that most affect the possible use of water. That
is why the aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of water quality characteristics -
Physical, Chemical, Microbiological, and Biological characteristics. Physical Characteristics of
Water Physical characteristics of water (temperature, color, taste, odor and etc.) are determined
by senses of touch, sight, smell and taste. For example temperature by touch, color, floating
debris, turbidity and suspended solids by sight, and taste and odor by smell. Chemical
Characteristics of Water The chemical characteristics of natural
water are a reflection of the soils and rocks with which the water
has been in contact. In addition, agricultural and urban runoff and
municipal and industrial treated wastewater impact the water
quality. Microbial and chemical transformations also affect the
chemical characteristics of water. Microbiological
Characteristics The principal groups of microorganisms in
natural water include protests, plants and animals. Some of the physical and biological
characteristics of organisms important for water quality. Biological characteristics In a typical
aquatic ecosystem plant and animal materials are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. These elements are building blocks for carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, phospholipids and nucleic acid.

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that cause harm to human
health, other living organisms, and the environment. Pollution can be in the form of chemical
substances, or energy such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants can be naturally occurring
substances or energies, but are considered contaminants when in excess of natural levels. Water
is one of the prime necessities of life. With increasing number of people depend on this resource;
water has become a scarce commodity. Pollution makes even the limited available water unfit for
use. Water is said to be polluted when there is any physical, biological or chemical change in
water quality that adversely affects living organisms or makes water unsuitable for use. Sources
of water pollution are mainly factories, power plants, coal mines and oil wells situated either
close to water source or away from sources. They discharge pollutants directly or indirectly into
the water sources like river, lakes, water streams etc.

The impact of water pollution on aquatic life and land life can be devastating. Effects of
water pollution can include:
•Spread of disease: Drinking polluted water can cause cholera or typhoid infections, along with
•Affects body organs: The consumption of highly contaminated water can cause injury to the
heart and kidneys.
•Harms the food chain: Toxins within water can harm aquatic organisms, thus breaking a link
in the food chain.
•Causes algae in water: Urea, animal manure and vegetable peelings are food for algae. Algae
grow according to how much waste is in a water source. Bacteria feed off the algae, decreasing
the amount of oxygen in the water. The decreased oxygen causes harm to other organisms living
in the water.
•Flooding: The erosion of soil into waterways causes flooding, especially with heavy rainfall.
•Harms animals: Birds that get into oil-contaminated water die from exposure to cold water and
air due to feather damage. Other animals are affected when they eat dead fish in contaminated
The effects of water pollution are not always immediate. They are not always seen at the point of
contamination. They are sometimes never known by the person responsible for the pollution.
However, water pollution has a huge impact on our lives. With knowledge, consideration and
preparation, water pollution can be decreased. It doesn’t take much effort, just a little thought.
Sources of water pollution may be divided into two categories.
(i) Point-source pollution, in which contaminants are discharged from a discrete location.
Sewage outfalls and oil spills are examples of point-source pollution.
(ii) Non-point-source or diffuse pollution, referring to all of the other discharges that deliver
contaminants to water bodies. Acid rain and unconfined runoff from agricultural or urban areas
falls under this category.


I. To determine the water quality of Bashundhara Residential Area.

II. Comparative analysis of every water source


The standard value of water parameters are given below:


1. Temperature 20 -30

2. PH 6.5-8.5

3. Dissolve Oxygen 4-8 PPM

4. BOD 0 PPM

5. NITRAITE 0.1-0.5 PPM






11.DOC 200 PPM


13.COD 0 PPM

pH is a measure of the amount of free hydrogen ions in water. Specifically, pH is the negative
logarithm of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions.
PH = -log[H+]
For example, at pH 2, [H+] = 10-2 or .01
at pH 10 [H+] = 10-10 or .0000000001
at pH 4 [H+] = 10-4 or .0001
Because pH is measured on a logarithmic scale, an increase of one unit indicates an increase of
ten times the amount of hydrogen ions. A pH of 7 is considered to be neutral. Acidity increases
as pH values decrease, and alkalinity increases as pH values increase. Most natural waters are
buffered by a carbon-dioxide-bicarbonate system, since the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
serves as a source of carbonic acid.
H2CO2 = HCO3 + H+ , pK ~ 7.5
This reaction tends to keep pH of most waters around 7 - 7.5, unless large amounts of acid or
base are added to the water. Most streams draining through forest are slightly acidic (6.8 to 6.5)
due to organic acids produced by the decaying of organic matter. In waters with high algal
concentrations, pH varies diurnally, reaching values as high as 10 during the day when algae are
using carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. pH drops during the night when the algae respire and
produce carbon dioxide. The pH of water affects the solubility of many toxic and nutritive
chemicals; therefore, the availability of these substances to aquatic organisms is affected. As
acidity increases, most metals become more water soluble and more toxic. Toxicity of cyanides
and sulfides also increases with a decrease in pH (increase in acidity). Ammonia, however,
becomes more toxic with only a slight increase in pH. Alkalinity is the capacity to neutralize
acids, and the alkalinity of natural water is derived principally from the salts of weak acids.
Hydroxide carbonates, and bicarbonates are the dominant source of natural alkalinity. Reactions
of carbon dioxide with calcium or magnesium carbonate in the soil create considerable amounts
of bicarbonates in the soil. Organic acids such as humid acid also form salts that increase
alkalinity. Alkalinity itself has little public health significance, although highly alkaline waters
are unpalatable and can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Dissolved Oxygen
Fish and other aquatic animals depend on dissolved oxygen (the oxygen present in water) to live.
The amount of dissolved oxygen in streams is dependent on the water temperature, the quantity
of sediment in the stream, the amount of oxygen taken out of the system by respiring and
decaying organisms, and the amount of oxygen put back into the system by photosynthesizing
plants, stream flow, and aeration. Dissolved oxygen is measured in milligrams per liter (mg/l) or
parts per million (ppm). The temperature of stream water influences the amount of dissolved
oxygen present; less oxygen dissolves in warm water than cold water. For this reason, there is
cause for concern for streams with warm water.

Electrical Conductivity (EC) and Dissolved Solids

Conductivity is the ability of a substance to conduct electricity. The conductivity of water is a
more-or-less linear function of the concentration of dissolved ions. Conductivity itself is not a
human or aquatic health concern, but because it is easily measured, it can serve as an indicator of
other water quality problems. If the conductivity of a stream suddenly increases, it indicates that
there is a source of dissolved ions in the vicinity. Therefore, conductivity measurements can be
used as a quick way to locate potential water quality problems. Conductivity is measured in
terms of conductivity per unit length, and meters typically use the unit microsiemens/cm. All
natural waters contain some dissolved solids due to the dissolution and weathering of rock and
soil. Dissolved solids are determined by evaporating a known volume of water and weighing the
residue. Some but not the entire dissolved solids act as conductors and contribute to conductance.
Waters with high total dissolved solids (TDS) are unpalatable and potentially unhealthy. Water
treatment plants use flocculants to aggregate suspended and dissolved solids into particles large
enough to settle out of the water column in settling tanks. A flocculent is a chemical that uses
double-layer kinetics to attract charged particles.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

The total amount of substances dissolved in water is referred to as the total dissolved solids
(TDS) content of water. Waters high in TDS often contain objectionable levels of dissolved salts
such as sodium chloride. Thus, high TDS may indicate the presence of other water quality
problems. The recommended drinking water standard of 500 mg/L for TDS exists because high
quality waters generally have lower TDS levels.

Sample 1: Mum has 7.57 ph. It has also 8.77 Do, 220ms/cm Ec, 110mgh/l=ppm TDS,
Sample 2: NSU drinking water has 7.74 ph. It has also 8.82 Do, 116ms/cm Ec, 58mgh/l=ppm
TDS, 0.2%NACL.

Sample 3: NSU tap water has 7.50 ph. It has also 8.00 Do, 241ms/cm Ec, 120mgh/l=ppm
TDS, 0.5%NACL.

Sample 4: Distilled water has 7.12 ph. It has also 8.53 Do, 4.20ms/cm Ec, 2.10mgh/l=ppm
TDS, 0.5%NACL.

Sample 5: Waste water has 4.52 ph which is highly acidic. It has also 1.5 Do, 1694ms/cm Ec,
855mgh/l=ppm TDS, 3.4 %NACL.

Dissolve Oxygen Meter ph Meter EC/TDS Meter

Color: Color in water is primarily a concern of water quality for aesthetic reason. Colored water
gives the appearance of being unfit to drink, even though the water may be perfectly safe for
public use. On the other hand, color can indicate the presence of organic substances, such as
algae or humid compounds. More recently, color has been used as a quantitative assessment of
the presence of potentially hazardous or toxic organic materials in water.
Taste and Odor: Taste and odor are human perceptions of water quality. Human perception of
taste includes sour (hydrochloric acid), salty (sodium chloride), sweet (sucrose) and bitter
(caffeine). Relatively simple compounds produce sour and salty tastes. However sweet and bitter
tastes are produced by more complex organic compounds. Human detect many more tips of odor
than tastes. Organic materials discharged directly to water, such as falling leaves, runoff, etc., are
sources of tastes and odor-producing compounds released during biodegradation.

Turbidity: Turbidity is a measure of the light-transmitting properties of water and is comprised

of suspended and colloidal material. It is important for health and aesthetic reasons.

Results are given below:
Location Color Smell Turbidity Ph DO EC TDS NACL
6.5-8.5 4.5- ≤250ms/cm ≤100 0.0-
8.5mg mg/l=ppm 0.7%
Mum No color No Not 7.57 8.77 220 110 0.4%
water smell turbid

NSU No color No Not 7.74 8.82 116 58 0.2%

drinking smell turbid

NSU tap No color No Not 7.50 8.00 241 120 0.5%

water smell turbid

Distilled No color No Not 7.12 8.53 4.20 2.10 0.0%

water smell turbid

Waste Slightly Bad Turbid 4.52 1.5 1694 855 3.4%

water colored smell


BOD = (8.5-3.2) *300/10

= 150.3 ppm

Mum Water: At first we collect Mum water. Then we are going to lab for the test of mum
water. Mum water has no color. We can also see that it has no smell and not turbid. At the lab
test, we are going to first ph test. When we are ph testing, the result is 7.57. We know that ph
standard value is 6.5-8.5. Then, we are going to dissolve oxygen test. When we are DO testing,
the result is 8.77 mg. We know that DO standard value is 4.5-8.5 mg. After that we are going to
EC TEST. When we are EC testing, we see the result is 220 ms/cm. We also know that EC
standard value is ≤250 ms/cm. Moreover, we are tested Total Dissolve Solid (TDS). When we
are testing TDS we can see that the value is 110 mg/L=ppm. We know that the standard value of
TDS is ≤100 mg/L=ppm. At last, we are tested NACL which is 0.4%. We are also known that
the standard value of NACL is 0.0-0.7%.

NSU Drinking Water: At first we collect NSU drinking water. Then we are going to lab for
the test of NSU drinking water. NSU drinking ware has no color. We can also see that it has no
smell and not turbid. At the lab test, we are going to first ph test. When we are ph testing, the
result is 7.74. We know that ph standard value is 6.5-8.5. Then, we are going to dissolve oxygen
test. When we are DO testing, the result is 8.82 mg. We know that DO standard value is 4.5-8.5
mg. After that we are going to EC TEST. When we are EC testing, we see the result is 116
ms/cm. We also know that EC standard value is ≤250 ms/cm. Moreover, we are tested Total
Dissolve Solid (TDS). When we are testing TDS we can see that the value is 58 mg/L=ppm. We
know that the standard value of TDS is ≤100 mg/L=ppm. At last, we are tested NACL which is
0.2%. We are also known that the standard value of NACL is 0.0-0.7%.

NSU Tap Water: At first we collect NSU tap water. Then we are going to lab for the test of
NSU tap water. NSU tap water has no color. We can also see that it has no smell and not turbid
At the lab test, we are going to first ph test. When we are ph testing, the result is 7.50. We know
that ph standard value is 6.5-8.5. Then, we are going to dissolve oxygen test. When we are DO
testing, the result is 8.00 mg. We know that DO standard value is 4.5-8.5 mg. After that we are
going to EC TEST. When we are EC testing, we see the result is 241 ms/cm. We also know that
EC standard value is ≤250 ms/cm. Moreover, we are tested Total Dissolve Solid (TDS). When
we are testing TDS we can see that the value is 120 mg/L=ppm. We know that the standard value
of TDS is ≤100 mg/L=ppm. At last, we are tested NACL which is 0.5%. We are also known that
the standard value of NACL is 0.0-0.7%.

Distilled Water: At first we were collect distilled water. Then we are going to lab for the test of
distilled water. Distilled water has no color. We can also see that it has no smell and not turbid
At the lab test, we are going to first ph test. When we are ph testing, the result is 7.12. We know
that ph standard value is 6.5-8.5. Then, we are going to dissolve oxygen test. When we are DO
testing, the result is 8.53 mg. We know that DO standard value is 4.5-8.5 mg. After that we are
going to EC TEST. When we are EC testing, we see the result is 4.20 ms/cm. We also know that
EC standard value is ≤250 ms/cm. Moreover, we are tested Total Dissolve Solid (TDS). When
we are testing TDS we can see that the value is 2.10 mg/L=ppm. We know that the standard
value of TDS is ≤100 mg/L=ppm. At last, we are tested NACL which is 0.0%. We are also
known that the standard value of NACL is 0.0-0.7%.

Waste Water: At first we were collect waste water. Then we are going to lab for the test of
waste water. Waste water has bad smell and it is turbid. We can see it is also slight colored. At
the lab test, we are going to first ph test. When we are ph testing, the result is 4.52. We know that
ph standard value is 6.5-8.5. Then, we are going to dissolve oxygen test. When we are DO
testing, the result is 1.5 mg. We know that DO standard value is 4.5-8.5 mg. After that we are
going to EC TEST. When we are EC testing, we see the result is 1694 ms/cm. We also know that
EC standard value is ≤250 ms/cm. Moreover, we are tested Total Dissolve Solid (TDS). When
we are testing TDS we can see that the value is 855 mg/L=ppm. We know that the standard value
of TDS is ≤100 mg/L=ppm. At last, we are tested NACL which is 3.4%. We are also known that
the standard value of NACL is 0.0-0.7%.

Comparative Analysis
At comparative analysis, we see that Mum water has no color, no smell and not turbid. In other
hand, waste water has slight colored, bad smell and also has turbid. It is very bad for our health.
Others NSU drinking water has no color, no smell and not turbid. Similarly, NSU tap water and
distilled water has no color, no smell and not turbid. Secondly, ph of mum water value is 7.57
which is standard value is 6.5-8.5. On the other hand, ph of waste water is 4.52 which are highly
acidic. Beside, NSU drinking
water has 7.74 ph and NSU tap
water has 7.50 ph. On the other
hand, ph of distilled water is 7.12
which is neutral. Thirdly, DO of
mum water is 8.77 mg which
standard value is 4.5-8.5 mg.
Beside, DO of waste water is 1.5
which is very bad. Beside NSU
drinking water has 8.82 mg DO.
Similarly, NSU tap water has
8.00 Do and distilled water has
8.53 mg DO. Fourthly, mum
water has 220 ms/cm EC which standard value is ≤250 ms/cm. On the other hand waste water
has 1694 ms/cm EC which is very harmful for our health. Similarly, NSU drinking water has 116
ms/cm EC and NSU tap water has 241 ms/cm EC. Beside EC of Distilled water has 4.20 ms/cm
which is very low. Fifthly, TDS of mum water has 110 mg/l=ppm which standard value is ≤100
mg/l=ppm. On the other hand, waste water has 855 mg/l=ppm which is very toxic. Beside NSU
drinking water has 58 mg/l=ppm TDS and NSU tap water has 120 mg/l=ppm of TDS. Similarly,
distilled water has only 2.10 mg/l=ppm TDS which is very low. At last, Nacl of mum water is
0.4% which standard value is 0.0-0.7%. on the other hand, waste water has 3.4% Nacl which is
very high. Beside, NSU drinking water has 0.2% Nacl and NSU tap water has 0.5% Nacl. Lastly,
distilled water has only 0.0% Nacl. From this result, we can see that mum, Nsu drinking water
and distilled water is good for health and it is drinkable but Nsu tap water is harmful for our
health. At last waste water is very harmful for our health. It is highly toxic and it is not drinkable.
So, we can try to avoid waste water. It has many toxic. When we can drink waste water, we are
dying. Mum water is good. So, it can drink. It has PH, DO, EC, TDS standard value. It is not
harmful. NSU drinking water is also drinkable. It has also PH, DO, TDS, EC standard value.
NSU tap water good ph but do is high. So, it can avoid as far as possible. At last, distilled water
is very good because it has good PH, DO, TDS, NACL and EC. So, it is very fresh water. It is

To conclude, we can say that mum water is good because it has no color, no smell and not turbid.
It has also good standard value of ph, dissolve oxygen, electric conductivity, total dissolve solid
and Nacl. Beside Nsu drinking water is also same. However, Nsu tap water TDS and EC is high.
Also, distilled water is very good for others. It has standard value of ph, dissolve oxygen, electric
conductivity, total dissolve solid and Nacl. It is most pure water. From all this water except
waste water is very bad and highly toxic for pour health. It has bas smell, slight color and also
turbid. It has no standard value of ph, dissolve oxygen, electric conductivity, total dissolve solid
and Nacl. So, it is avoidable.

If we want to help keep our water clean, there are many things we can do to help:

 Conserve water by turning off the tap

 Be careful about what you throw down your sink or toilet.

 Use environment friendly household products,

 Take great care not to overuse pesticides

 Fertilizer, pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources.

 Don't throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans.



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