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Project Management Maturity Assessment


Purpose: This tool is designed to help facilitate discussion and action planning for improved project management within
your organization. Our hope is that this tool can map out a plan for getting from where your project is now to where it
needs to be to ensure quality programs and to meet the PMD Pro Minimum Standards for Project Management. We
recommend using this tool in an interactive, participatory manner, such as in a workshop setting. The information should
be used for planning purposes.

There are two analyisis tabs in this worksheet, each assessing the maturity of your project phases, and the disciplines by
which you run them. In the score column, rate your team on a scale of 0 (No or Never) to 5 (Yes or Always). Each section
will average up your scores and transfer them to spider diagrams on the Assessment tab.
Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?
1. Project Identification and Design
Informasi pra project
didapatakan based on
Our project designs are informed by written dokumen
assessments or problem analysis, based on primary
and/or secondary data.
5 pendukung/permasalahan
yang di hadapai

sebelum masuk ke project,

apakah selalu di desain
dengan implmentasi proejct
When we design new projects, we check for lessons
learned from similar projects. 5 yajng terdahulu ?

sebelum project dimulai

When designing a new project, we consult with a apakah ada pra kick off
variety of external stakeholders and have this
documented - usually in a logical framework (logframe) 5
and accessible to implementation teams.

Total Score Section 1, Project Identification and Design 5 0

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?
2. Set-Up
dalam implementasi apakah
sudah ada centralisasi
We have a system in our office in which we create a file deliverables yang di sediakan
for each project with standard content that is easily
accessible by project teams and managers.
5 kantor

permbuatan project charter

disetiap project dan di
We product a Project Charter for each project and
distribute it to all stakeholders. 5 distribusikan ke stakeholder

Setiap proyek memiliki

struktur tata kelola yang jelas
yang merinci bagaimana
Each project has a defined governance structure that perubahan dalam ruang
details how changes in scope, time and budget are
5 lingkup, waktu dan anggaran

Total Score Section 2, Set-Up 5 0

Project Management Maturity Assessment

Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?
3. Planning
Apakah perencanaan di awal
Project work plans that are different than the Logframe bebeda dengan pada saat
and the proposal plan exist and are used for executing
the project.
5 awal implementasi

Rencana kerja proyek berisi

Project work plans contain detailed breakdown of
activities. 5 rincian kegiatan.
Jadwal proyek mencerminkan
ketergantungan di antara
Project schedules reflect dependencies among
activities. 5 kegiatan.

Rencana kerja proyek

Project work plans are regularly updated. 5 diperbarui secara berkala.

Total Score Section 3, Planning 5 0

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?
4. Implementation
New team members are oriented to the proposal,
relevant parts of the budget, the work plan and
organizational procedures and all staff receive regular 5
performance assessments and feedback.

Project teams use Issues Logs or equivalent to track

open issues, responsible party and escalation process. 5
Projects have and use documented Communication
Plans. 5
We always have a good idea of where we are with
activity completion vs. the work plan schedule. 5
Project teams understand and use techniques such as
schedule crashing, fast tracking and earned value
Total Score Section 4, Implementation 5 0
Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?
5. Monitoring, Evaluation and Control
Projects have baselines and relevant indicators in the
Logframe and these are tracked throughout the project. 5
Projects engage in regular (monthly or quarterly)
meetings to review and reflect on monitoring data and
discuss implications.
Projects use clear and appropriate change management
processes to ensure that only authorized changes are
Evaluations are well planned and learning is reflected in
future project plans. 5
Monitoring and evaluation information is disseminated
to local stakeholders (partners and beneficiaries). 5
Total Score Section 5, Monitoring, Evaluation and Control 5 0

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?
6. Transition
Projects include an end of project transition plan as part
of initial planning process. 5
End-of-Project Transition plan is updated regularly (as
needed) and communicated to stakeholders. 5
A "lessons learned" exercise is conducted prior to final
transition and the results are documented. 5
Evaluations are conducted and results are shared with
all stakeholders. 5
Administrative financial and contractual closeout
procedures are documented and completed. 5
Total Score Section 6, Transition 5 0
Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?

1. Scope Management

In the past three years, our projects have completed all

activities documented in the detailed work plan (5=90%
of the time, 4=70-90%, 3=50-70%, 2=30-50%, 1=less 5
than 30%).

Scope management tools like Work Breakdown

Structure or equivalent level of detail are required for
all projects.

We use a documented process to make any changes in

Scope. 5

We have documented tolerances for changes allowed

by project managers without higher approval. 5

Changes to scope are documented and communicated

to all stakeholders when they are approved. 5
Total Score Section 1, Scope Management 5 0

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?

2. Time Management

In the past three years, our projects completed all

outputs on time (5=90% of the time, 4=70-90%, 3=50-
70%, 1=less than 30%).

Project schedules are updated regularly and accessible

by all members of the project team. 5

We include inputs from all appropriate stakeholders

when determining the amount of time an activity
should take.

Changes to schedules are communicated to all

stakeholders. 5

Projects have determined the critical path and regularly

monitor the activities on the path. 5
Total Score Section 2, Time Management 5 0
Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?

3. Resource Management

We determine the required skills for a project and

evaluate project team and partners to make sure all
skills are available.

Projects have an activity-based budget. 5

We have a good idea of where each project is between

budget and actual spending. 5

Projects have a procurement plan and it is updated

regularly. 5

Cost estimates are developed with input from all

appropriate stakeholders. 5
Total Score Section 3, Resource Management 5 0

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?

4. Risk Management

Projects have a detailed risk register that is quantified

for probability and impact. 5

Assumptions from the Logframe are included in the Risk

Register. 5

Project risk registers are developed with broad

participation of all stakeholders. 5

Mitigation plans are created for all risks with high

impact/probability and are included in the project

Risk registers are regularly updated and reviewed at

project team and governance meetings. 5
Total Score Section 4, Risk Management 5 0
Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?

5. Project Justification Management

Needs analysis is clearly documented and has input

from all stakeholders. 5

Projects have documented intervention logic that links

activities, outputs and outcomes. 5

Intervention logic (such as Logframes) is reviewed and

updated regularly as needed. 5

Stakeholders are consulted prior to each Decision Gate

event to confirm that project justification is still valid. 5

Systems are used to track the project's progress

towards achieving the results that justified the project
at the outset.
Total Score Section 5, Project Justification Management 5 0

Baseline Current
Score Score
0 - never 0 - never If we are not carrying out this task at an
Project Management Task 5 - always 5 - always acceptable level of quality, why not? What do we need to do to improve?

6. Stakeholder Management

RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted And

Informed) charts or their equivalent are used to
document who is responsible, accountable, consulted 5
and informed on each major activity category.

There is a documented complaint mechanism for all

stakeholders to express their issues. 5

There is a documented conflict resolution procedure

with escalation procedures. 5

The process used to initiate, approve and communicate

project changes is documented. 5

A documented procedure exists for stakeholder signoff

on project results. 5
Total Score Section 6, Stakeholder Management 5 0
Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Project Phase Competencies
Level Level Project Phase Maturity Index

Project Identification and Design 5 0 Project Identification and Design

Set-Up 5 0 4

Transition 3 Set-Up

Planning 5 0 2

Implementation 5 0 0

Monitoring, Evaluation and Control 5 0

Monitoring, Evaluation and Control Planning

Transition 5 0

Overall Project Phase Maturity 5.0 0.0 Implementation

Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Project Discipline Competencies
Level Level Project Discipline Maturity Index

Scope Management 5 0 Scope Management

Time Management 5 0 5

Stakeholder Management Time Management
Resource Management 5 0 2

Risk Management 5 0 0

Project Justification Management 5 0

Project Justification Management Resource Management

Stakeholder Management 5 0

Risk Management
Overall Project Discipline Maturity 5.0 0.0
Project Management Maturity Assessment

Baseline Current
Project Phase Competencies
Level Level Project Phase Maturity Index

Project Identification and Design 15 0 100%

Set-Up 15 0 Project Phase Maturity 83% 0%

Planning 20 0 Project Discipline Maturity 100% 0%

Implementation 25 0 80%Project Management Maturity 0.9 0.0

Monitoring, Evaluation and Control 25 0

Transition 25 0
Project Phase Maturity 83% 0% 60%

Baseline Current
Project Discipline Competencies
Level Level 50%
Scope Management 25 0
Time Management 25 0
Resource Management 25 0 30%

Risk Management 25 0
Project Justification Management 25 0
Stakeholder Management 25 0 10%

Project Discipline Maturity 100% 0%

Project Management Maturity 92% 0% Project Phase Maturity Project Discipline Maturity Project Management Maturity
No Question Actual Real Notes
1 SOP dalam Pra Project
2 SOP Pelaksanaan Project
Dokumentasi Pra Project
Contract dan Dokumen Pendukung lainnnya
Dokumen Project Charter

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