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Tips to make your child Interview-ready for

Interviews are the means to judge the personality, behavior, and communication of the
individual. Whether you are applying for the job or seeking admission to an institution, an
interview plays a vital role to seize your way into it. The admission is open for the best CBSE
schools in Faridabad, making it a crucial time for parents to prepare their children for admission

What is the purpose of the interview?

 To judge the personality traits like behavior, ethics, communication, and commitment of
the student.
 To understand the approach needed to guide the student in academics and extra-curricular
 To explore the other side of students that are not mentioned in the academic report and
 To brief parents about the offerings of the school and the ideologies the institute believes.
 To resolve the queries of parents by allowing them to ask questions. Interviews are the
cornerstone of the top CBSE schools in Haryana.
Important Tips to prepare your child for the interview

#1. Make your child comfortable

Students are very fragile in their approach to adapt to something new. The interview process can
easily make them nervous and anxious. The parent should create a comfortable environment
around their child to resolve this issue. Conducting demo sessions at home, asking other
applicants about the process are some of the suggestions to make your child comfortable.

#2. Keep your child’s foundation strong

Generally, interviews are conducted to know the other aspects of a student apart from the
academics but still, you must ensure that your child has all the basics clear of the previous class.
The basic formulae and concepts should be ready on the tips. The student should sound confident
when he or she shares information about their parent’s name, profession, address, etc.

#3. Work on your child’s dressing skills

Dress your child aptly, not only at the time of admission but always. Teach your child to apply a
little bit of oil to set his hair and comb properly. Make your child wear the least and easy-going
accessories. Don’t pack your child, let him be in comfortable, airy clothes. The phrase, ”First
impression is the last impression” is true for dressing skills, so be actively involved in it.

#4. Encourage your child to interact

Most of the children hesitate to put their views in front of others, this shyness acts as a hurdle in
the interview process. Every school in Faridabad prefers students with good communication
skills. Always motivate your child to be upfront in putting his thoughts in front of people. Some
methods to improve your child’s interaction abilities are
 Widen their social interaction
 Ask them to speak in English at home
 Try to incorporate reading skills in them
 Engage them on phone calls for ordering something from restaurants, grocery stores, etc.

#5. Teach about Manners & Etiquettes

Guide your child to greet others, to self introduce, and teach him basic etiquette. The moment a
student greets and introduces himself with confidence and integrity, half the battle is won. Work
on his communication skills so that he can express himself and divulge his needs and even
understand the questions being asked in the process.

#6. Research
The sign of active parenting is thorough research. If you want your child to crack the interview,
make sure to research the questions being asked in the interview by interacting with parents
whose child has gone through the interview process. Research provides you the opportunity to be
proactive before the interview and fills your child with utmost confidence. To get your child
admitted to a cbse affiliated school in Faridabad, you must focus on research.

#7. Handling Tantrums effectively

Children are attached to their parents more than anything in this world. Parents provide all the
warmth of love to their children. However, this sometimes makes your kid a little irksome and
adamant. Here, you need to be a bit stern and make them understand to behave properly while
outside. Handle it with tricks and compassion while outside and brief them why they are off the
beam and why they should not act like this outside.

#8. Generate Curiosity

Schools also assess the observation skills and awareness of the child. They can engage the child
with a task for that instant. You should teach him skills to understand the surroundings, develop
questioning skills in them. Parents should be duty-bound to be patient and answer all of their
questions. The child automatically becomes confident and well aware in this way. He will
understand many things which help in developing his brain. The more active the child will be,
the more will be the chances to get admitted to the best CBSE school in Haryana.

The school admission in Faridabad 2021 is the best chance for the parents to seize a place in the
best schools of Faridabad, the preparation points for the interviews will help students to leave an
impeccable mark over the administration. Students are the future leaders, they should be
prepared for every challenge and these abovementioned tips will surely help them for the future.

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