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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5

Learning Competency
Reads and writes decimal numbers through ten thousandths (M5NS-IIa102.2)

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. reads decimal numbers through ten thousandths

B. writes decimal numbers through ten thousandths
C. appreciate the significant of knowing how to read and write decimal numbers.
II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Decimals
B. Reference: CG, Vibal Smart class module, smart wizards,
C. Materials: Laptop, projector, cellphones

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
2. Setting up the classroom
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation
Choose which apple you like based on their weight. And why.


.340 .250

C. Lesson Proper

1. Activity
Find the match of the following locket below.

9/10000 47/10000 25/10000

. . .47000 .0047 .00025 .0025

2. Analysis
How you find your answers?
Is there any difference in the whole numbers?
How the numbers being arrange?
Is the arrangement of decimal numbers, same with the whole numbers?
What is the difference in finding place value of decimal numbers to the whole
In what particular situation you use decimal points?
How are we going to read decimals?
How many ways in writing decimal numbers?
3. Abstraction
Let’s plot and read it.
Plot and read the following decimals

ones decimal tenths hundredths thousandths Ten Fractions Percentage








Ways to read decimals:

a. Read it digits off… example: one point zero, three, zero, eight.
b. Read off the numbers to the right of the decimal point along with the
rightmost place value you use … Example: 3 and nine thousand sixty-
two ten thousandths.

4. Application
Let’s apply it.

1. Mother give you 8 pesos and 2913 cents how are you going to write it
in decimal form?
2. You got an apple that weighs 9874 grams how are you going to write
it in decimal points.

IV. Evaluation

Read the following decimal numbers according to your choice. Write your answer on the space
provided after.

1. 2.1234___________________________________________________________________
2. 3.1256 ___________________________________________________________________
3. 2.5543 ___________________________________________________________________
4. 1.6782___________________________________________________________________
5. 1.2345___________________________________________________________________

V. Agreement
Study addition and subtraction of decimals

Prepared by:

Roed Jhon S. Revilla

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