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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of Popular Power for University Education

National Experimental University of Greater Caracas (UNEXCA)
Curricular Unit: Accounting
Section: 20112



Teacher: Judith Chaurio Estudents:

Yllen Briceño C.I N°: 28.149.109

David Guacare C.I N°:28.126.766

Caracas, July 2020

Page 1: 1st. Memo
Page 2: 2nd. Memo
Page 3: Informal letter
Page 4: Informal letter Related to my area of study: Public Accounting
To: Hidrocapital
Froom: Balconcito Community Council 5
Subject: Solve water shortage
Date: 9 of July 2020

- Good morning gentlemen. Hidro-capital, I am writing to you on behalf of the community in

general to reestablish water service since we have been (20) days without supplying the precious
liquid, with nothing more to add, we hope to have a prompt solution.

Chief Communal Council

Fernando Ochoa
To: Alcaldía de Caracas
Froom: Comunidad Parroquia Altagracia
Subject: Reparación Fachada Edificio Principal de la Comunidad
Date: 27 August 2018

-Sirs, Mayor of Caracas, I make this request to request the repair of the facade of the main building
of the community where you lived, and approval of the budget for the purchase of materials for this
activity, with nothing more to add I hope a prompt response in order to avoid the greatest
deterioration of the same.

Community Representative
David Guacare
Caracas, Venezuela 11 of February 2007

Hello John

How are you doing in Peru ?, I learned from social networks that your company
has had remarkable growth in the last 2 months. I am writing this to tell you
that I am going to Peru in about a month, for the summer / vacation season.

How about? I really want us to see each other and to be able to party like in
the old days and with all the boys. I really want to know Peru and its culture.

I hope I can travel. I wait your answer.


Caracas,Venezuela 09 November 2011

To: Public Accounting Students

Asunto: Special statement Professor Jhonatan

Gentlemen, students of public accounting I write to you today to report the

advance of the end of term 5 corresponding to journey 3 of Public Accounting,
for this reason I have been forced to modify some parameters of the 2 For this
reason and for the aforementioned, I have decided to make a questionnaire so
that what the student was able to understand, analyze and identify in this term
can be observed, with nothing more to add luck to everyone.

Sincerely, Professor Jhonatan Trejo

Addressed to: All students of the PNF Public Accounting

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