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blood family: This concept of blood family is constituted by all the members of said family who
share the same genetics or Traits in common.

correlation family: It is a reciprocal relationship that is maintained between individuals from the
same sector, be it community, neighborhood or even Society

co-residence family: related to that family group to which we do not belong but that for various
reasons may influence our belonging to that nucleus

affinity family: kinship by affinity is one that occurs through marital ties or through a marital union
in fact

blood: union

Correlation: collectivity

Affinity: bond

D survey
E comparative chart


Affinity Kinship
is the family
relationship that
exists between Kinship by
those people affinity is one exist among similares
who have that occurs those who have kinship, marital,
marital ties or through marital marital or union marriage
AFFINITY through a de ties or through a ties
facto marital marriage
union. This bond
ceases due to
the dissolution
of the marriage
or the de facto
marital union
Consanguinity is
the blood This concept of
relationship blood family is
between two constituted by relationship Consanguinity
BLOOD people: blood all the members constituted blood family
relatives are of said family
those who share who share the
blood because same genetics
they have a or Traits in
common common.
The correlation It is a reciprocal
is called a relationship that It is not found
reciprocal or is maintained exist between that of
corresponding between two or more literature gives
CORRELATION link that exists individuals from people, and us a broader
between two or the same sector, neigborhood or concept
more people be it even society
or even Society
Households are is related to are mafe up two
part of non- that family or more family, nucleus,
family group to which unrelated no kinship
CORRESIDENC households and we do not members, relationship
E are made up of belong but that nucleus as a
two or more for various representative
unrelated reasons may
members, many influence our
of them have a belonging to
person in charge that nucleus
of the nucleus
as a


Relationship: Correspondence or connection between two or more things

Marital: Of the marriage or related to it.
Common: That it belongs to all the people or things in question or is manifested in all of them.
Homes: Habitual domicile of a person and in which he develops his private or family life.
Paternity: Legal relationship between the father and his son that generates a series of reciprocal
rights and duties

Maternity: State or circumstance of the woman who has been a mother.

Coexistence: Circumstance of people or things coexisting at the same time
Polygamist: Polygamy is the family regime that allows an individual to be married to several
individuals at the same time.

Consanguineous : That he is a natural relative of another because he is descended from the

same ancestors.

Union : Join or join action

Community : A community is a group of human beings who have certain elements in common,
such as language, customs, values, tasks, worldview, age, geographical location, social status or

H conclusions
the family is the foundation of society and the place where people first b learn the values that
guide them throughout their lives.

We can also conclude that family, regardless of what type of family we belong to, is the most
important thing we have. because it is who we live with, we share incredible experiences,
experiences and moments, so we must value and take care of our family.
I In our team, three of us belong to the same family group that is nuclear that is made up of father,
mother, brothers and the other partner belongs to the single-parent family, which is when one of
the two parents takes charge of the responsibility and the family union


-Banking, Financial Services and Insurance.

-Sales. Commercial.

-Hospitality: Chefs, Waiters, Receptionists.

-IT: Application development, software testing (QA) and systems administration.

-Production, Manufacturing and materials.

-Accounting and Finance.

-Customer service, call centers and languages. Call centers and multi-language support continue to
be an important source of employment.

Families in Australia are very wealthy, most of them already have their own companies and
multinationals because from a very young age they learn to become independent and it is very
easy for them to progress because their families offer them many more opportunities.

Many young people begin their working lives in the experience of the bars and all the nightlife that
is very touristy and more diverse, others study and their income may be taking care of children, or
serving as guides on the beaches or holiday camps. young people with the highest income support
their families' businesses


Computer technology specialists.

Design Engineers.




'Marketing' workers.

HR specialists

Qualified operators.


Business Administration applications

Industrial engineering



Business Administration

Financial administration

Systems Engineering Computing


Social Communication and journalism

Advertising and marketing

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