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Observer name: Juan Esteban Zea Tirado
School name: Colegio Parroquial San Judas Tadeo
Observation date: 24-09-2020 Observation start time: 24-09-2020
Length of the observation: 6 Hours Observation end time: 24-09-2020
Teacher’s name: Laura Torres Acevedo Grade: 9°
Number of students: 35 Average student’s age: 13-14-15
Use of materials: In this aspect the teacher used a video to introduce
-Does the teacher incorporate her to her students and they can clearly and easily
various instructional supports carry out the proposed activity. In all that was
(e.g., video, slides, posters, observed in the respective class, there was an
flashcards, etc.) in the class? effective resource for learning which was the
-Were those resources effective teamwork that was applied at that time.
for learning?
-Does the teacher use creative
and effective resources during the
wholes class: to introduce the
class, to explain the topics, during
the practice and production
Activities and strategies The teacher used only one strategy for time and so
implementation: on: video projection containing elements to develop
-Does the teacher engage in a the activity clearly, safely and quickly. As for their
variety of organizational and attitude, it transmits good energy to their students
preparation activities aimed at and motivates them to continue learning the second
maximizing time available for language.
instruction and facilitating student
-Does he/she use motivating,
creative and affective activities?
-Does he/she use appropriate
strategies according to the
students’ knowledge, their
attitudes and the specific
Students’ learning: It is one of the most important components in all this
-Does the teacher involve all the analysis that I am performing, since the teacher has
students in the activities? all the effective and constructive measures to carry
-Does he/she respond out the accompaniment to her students, providing
appropriately to student questions clarity to those who at the time presented doubts
and comments? during the class. In addition, the teacher, not in
addition to the time being reduced to develop the
-Does he/she recognize and
class, makes extra accompaniments to those who may
respond effectively to changes in
find it a little difficult to learn from that area. When
student attentiveness?
explaining the topic, he does so diaphanously and
-Does he/she provide individual
simply, leaving activities that students can carry out
and constructive feedback?
and at the same time being useful for the construction
-Does the teacher provide clear of learning as such.
modeling and demonstration to all
-Does he/she produce meaningful
and challenging learning
-Does he/she ensure that the
students understood the
instructions, the topic, the
activities and were able to
produce in English using the
acquired knowledge?
Pedagogical skills: At the moment the virtual mode time is not the most
-Does the teacher use class time effective and long. I could say then that time is not
effectively? the teacher's greatest ally to publicize what she
-Does he/she own the perhaps loves so much. Of course, you strive and do
pedagogical skills needed to direct your best to get your students to acquire skills from
teaching and learning processes? the teaching-learning process.
-Does he/she encourage the
development of other skills such
as critical thinking, analysis,
research, and so on?


Use of language and The teacher, with this item, satisfactorily fulfills the
instructions: question, since she addresses her students in a clear
and simple way, in order that all the young people
-Does the teacher communicate who are pursuing this degree, which is ninth, can
clearly and effectively to the level understand the terms, concepts and words in order to
of the students? improve their communication later. The level that
-Does he/she explain important young people have in this degree, is an A1, there are
ideas simply and clearly? lacks that the teacher is trying to strengthen through
-Does he/she manage the foreign speaking, listening and reading, using applications to
and the native language in the improve this.
-Does he/she select examples and
illustrations clearly related to
course content and student
-Does he/she make course
content relevant by using
authentic and real-world
applications? -Does he/she
explain new or difficult terms and
concepts clearly and in multiple
Human attitudes: She is a teacher who uses equitable and inclusive
language, trying to build trust in her students with the
-Does he/she treat class members
utmost respect. There is a certain way of
equitably and respectfully?
manifestation close to students of this degree, not
-Does he/she express love,
exceeding the limits of this, being responsible for
smiling, comprehension,
everything that falls within their role as a teacher.
responsibility regarding his/her
-Does he/she admit error and
insufficient knowledge?
Personality: The teacher generates confidence in her students and
in a certain way, for this type of audience, which is
-Does he/she use humor
very jovial, she shows enthusiasm without going over
constructively? the limit of the talk. In all that she manifests, does
-Does the teacher demonstrate and says, it is denoted that she loves her work as a
enthusiasm for the subject teacher and teaches these teenagers for life.
-Does he/she create a trustworthy

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