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806. Which of the following statement is the main reason why should negative words be avoided in
constructing multiple choices tests?
a. Might be overlooked c. More difficult to construct option
b. Stems tends to be longer d. Increase the difficulty of the test item

807. Student David was asked to report to the guidance office. Student David and his classmates
at once remark: “What’s wrong?” what does this mean?
a. Guidance counselor are perceived to be “almighty and omniscient”
b. The parents of student Jay must be of the delinquent type
c. Reporting to a Guidance Office is often associated with misbehavior
d. Student Jay is a “problem” student

808. What do you think would be the actions of a teacher who found out and has proven that his
principal is involved in the malversation of funds of their school?
a. Malign him through an anonymous letter
b. Present the charge to a complete authority
c. Ignore what the teacher has discovered about this action of the principal
d. Circulate this issue and let it become a gossip

809. The discriminating index number 15 is 0.44 this means that:

a. Equal number of student got the correct answer
b. More students from the upper group got the item correctly
c. More students from the lower group got the item correctly
d. The test item is very easy

810. What is the main advantage of using table of specification when constructing periodic test?
a. It reduces the scoring time
b. It improves the sampling of content areas
c. It makes test construction earlier
d. It increase the reliability of the test result

811. If a teacher is an advocate of banking concept in Education he or she viewed student as?
a. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher
b. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher
c. Wobble account to be balanced by the teacher
d. All of the above

812. Teacher Myla is a neophyte teacher. One time a mother of one of her students confronted
and maligned her in front of her colleagues. How should conduct Teacher Myla react on this kind of
a. Walk away and ignore the mother
b. Answer back the mother and malign her too
c. Wait until the emotion of the mother subsides and invite her to discuss the concern with the
principal or guidance counselor
d. Allow the mother to keep on maligning her until it’s her turn to do the same

813. Ms. Teodora is always guarded by the principle that she has a foremost responsibility as a
teacher. Given the following which do you think is the main responsibility of Ms. Teodora?
a. Ask the challenging question
b. Guides students in learning process
c. Shares responsibility in counseling
d. Inspires student to interesting lessons

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814. Which of the following would best describe the role of the schools?
a. To educate the citizens
b. To educate the citizens to change the society
c. To fit the citizens into the society
d. All of the above

815. Manual aesthetic activities involving attitudes and feelings are primarily expressive of
emotions and values not thoughts. An example of this motor skill is:
a. Baking a cake with background music
b. Saving a board for the wall of a book cabinet
c. Dancing and playing musical instruments
d. Manipulating a bowling ball to achieve a strike

816. Parents and teachers are considered as authorities and models by children at the early
childhood stage. What does this statement imply?
a. Parent Teacher conference should always be an activity in school
b. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school
c. Teachers and Parents should serve as role models at all times
d. Teachers should demand complete obedience from the learners in school

817. Which of these statements regarding professional’s teachers is the major difference in the
professionalization of teachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential Decree 1006 and in
Republic Act 7836?
a. Assigned at the tertiary level in both private and state colleges and universities
b. Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools
c. Holder of valid professional license and certificate of registration
d. Appointed on full-time basis and on permanent status

818. Social stratification is greatly developed in the classroom. Which of these activities would be
an effective way of avoiding or minimizing this?
a. Encourage higher education aspirations among the less privileged pupils
b. Provide limited experience to children of less privileged classes
c. Assign leadership roles to the children of the upper social class
d. Avail the influence of mass media for children of all classes

819. The freedom constitution which provided the present philosophy of education was the
contribution of the Aquino administration. Which of this statement is NOT consistent with our
education philosophy?
a. Restore Ethical and moral values
b. Appreciate the roles of foreigners on the historical saga of the country
c. Foster nationalism and patriotism
d. Introduce vocational and scientific efficiency

820. In the preamble of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, which of the following
teacher descriptions is included in the Code of Ethics of the Professional Teachers?
a. With satisfactory teaching performance
b. Duly licensed professional
c. Persons of dignity and reputation
d. Passed the Licensure Exams for teacher

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821. Babyhood is often referred to as a “critical period” in the development of personality because:
a. Changes in the personality pattern take place
b. At this time the foundations are laid upon which the adult personality structure we built
c. The brain grows and develops at such an accelerated rate during babyhood
d. At the time the baby is exposed to many hazards both physical and psychological

822. If children are cooperatively engaged with the teacher in a group project the children will
discipline themselves as each member of the group exercises:
a. Special interest
b. Moral compulsion
c. Obedience to the teacher
d. Peer influence

823. Operation “Return to the basic” was launched by the department of education, Culture and
sports not only to upgrade pupil achievement but also to:
a. Emphasize the importance of the 3Rs
b. Develop thinking skills
c. Encourage pupils to study
d. Serve as the basis for learning continuum

824. Which of the following embodies the operation “return to the Basics”?
a. National Secondary Achievement Test
b. New Elementary School Curriculum
c. New Secondary Education Curriculum
d. National Elementary Achievement Test

825. As provider for the education act of 1982, how much are the institutions of learning
encouraged to set higher standards of quality over and above the minimum required for state
a. Formal education
b. Academic freedom
c. Voluntary accreditation
d. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

826. The following is TRUE in the development of understanding in early childhood except:
a. Sensory experiences
b. Abilities to reason & to see relationship
c. Ability to ask questions
d. Ability to explore their environment

827. Values development is integrated in all subjects in the NSEC while values education is:
a. Emphasized in science and technology
b. Offered as a separate subject
c. Emphasize for creativity and productivity
d. Integrated with technology and home economics

828. Which of the following is a mark of a good teacher?

a. Has the habit of preparing for visual aids
b. Has the mastery of the lesson
c. Has the control of the class
d. Has the capability to implement corporal punishment

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829. The main function of a philosophy of education is to:

a. Aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy
b. Define the goals and set the direction for which education is to strive
c. Provide the academic background prerequisite to learning
d. Reconsider existing education goals in the light of society’s needs

830. During the class reunion of teacher, Eric learned that most of his classmates are successful in
their fields. Also, he found out that most of them are wealthy because they have chosen a lucrative
profession. Confronted with this situation, how should teacher Eric react?
a. Hide to those asked his real profession
b. Tell with pride that he is a teacher by profession
c. Leave the event so as to avoid being asked about his profession
d. Answer not their question concerning his profession

831. Teachers being the trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation are under
obligation to:
a. Promote obedience to the laws of the state
b. Promote national pride, cultivate love of country & instill allegiance to the constitution
c. Transmit to learners such heritage and elevate national morality
d. All of the above

832. The principal is very much interested in a quality professional development program of her
teachers. Which of the following should she consider to realize this?
a. Prescribe by top educational teachers
b. Required for renewal of professional license
c. Responsive to identified teachers needs
d. Dependent on the availability of funds

833. Ms. Soriano wants to help in ending Ms. Del Mundo’s act of immorality but doesn’t have to
encourage confronting her. What she did was to write and secretly distribute copies of anonymous
letter to her colleagues. What should have been done instead?
a. Secretly give anonymous letter only to the people concerned
b. If the charge is valid; present such charge under oath before her school head
c. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to prevent her from being involved
d. Talk to the married man with whom Ms. Del Mundo is having an illicit affair

834. The principal ask his good teacher to write modular lesson in Filipino, then he had them
published with his name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case?
a. He burdened the teachers with work not related to teaching
b. He got the merit which was due for his teacher-writer
c. He had the modular lessons published when they worth publishing
d. He wants to exclusive beneficiary of the royalty from the modules

835. Teacher Vincent, a teacher for thirty two years, refuses to attend seminars. He claims that his
thirty two years of teaching is more than all the seminars he is asked to attend. Are his actuation
and thinking in accordance with the code of Ethics for professional teachers?
a. Yes, provided he has an excellent performance rating
b. No, nonattendance to seminars would mean no increase in salary
c. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through CPE
d. Yes, because he taught for thirty two years and may have mastered the traded

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836. Education is a continuous process of experiencing and visiting or reorganizing experiences

according to a Progressivist. What does it mean?
a. Education takes place anytime and anywhere
b. Education goes on throughout life
c. Education happens formally or informally
d. Education begins and ends in school

837. The main contribution of the Arroyo Administration in education is Republic Act No. 9155. This
provision ______.
a. started the national scholarship program
b. renamed the DECS to DepEd
c. conceptualized the K-12 Education Program
d. established the study now-pay later system

838. The main Purpose of compulsory education of the constitution is to:

a. Prepare students to be lawyer
b. Develop students with into responsible thinking citizen
c. Acquaint students with the historical development of the constitution
d. Make student’s constitutional expert

839. Which of the following situations which violate the principle of respect?
a. Teacher B is giving special favor to students to please so that she can get a remarkable result in
the evaluation
b. Teacher A tells her student that what teacher B taught is wrong
c. Teacher B, upon learning what teacher A did, asked the students not to attend her class
d. All of the above

840. Teacher finds teaching in a multicultural classes very challenging. Which among the following
choices will alleviate the difficulty of addressing these challenges?
a. She must embody a curriculum rather than perspective.
b. She must nurture diversity rather than practicing domination and oppression.
c. She must consider stereo typing rather than cultural identities and biased attitudes.
d. She must welcome one sided view rather than the recognition of biases.

841. Ms. Janina is the most admired pre-school teacher in her school. Which among the following
can best explain her being a good teacher?
a. She endorses all the projects of the school for her students
b. She manages to instill control to her students
c. She gives easy exams to her students
d. She adheres to the want of the parents for their children

842. B.F. skinner is a known psychologist and the one who first to describe operant conditioning.
Which of the techniques is an application of operant conditioning?
a. Master learning
b. Process approach
c. Project method
d. Computer assisted instruction

843. Which of the following choices is considered as social force that affects the school and the
a. Nature of knowledge c. Learner’s style
b. Learners’ characteristics d. Changes in gender roles

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844. Which of the following is an expression of child’s interest in his body?

a. Comparing themselves with others
b. Looking at themselves in the mirror
c. Commenting on various parts of the body
d. Looking the picture of adult men and women

845. Motor development is satisfied by a particular child who;

a. Recognize the different sizes of toys given to him
b. Learns how to walk, run, steer and jump
c. Has playmates within the neighborhood & is popular among kids
d. Known how to control his emotions because he could not ride the motor cycle

846. What is the main reason why children with ADHD have limited learning skills?
a. Act on impulse and cannot concentrate
b. Must take stimulants which shorten attention span
c. Are given sedatives which make them listen
d. Are mildly retarded

847. Many concerned parents commonly make the mistake of:

a. Deliberately creating high levels of stress for their child
b. Unintentionally rewarding their children for creating stress
c. Attempting to protect their children from all stress
d. Unintentionally creating high levels of stress for their child

848. Stuttering is commonly caused by:

a. Problem with physical origin
b. Psychological consequence of permissive parenting
c. Side effects of authoritarian parenting
d. Result of fixation caused by conflicts during toilet training

849. How can parents foster initiative and independence in children?

a. Mastering psychomotor skills
b. Encouragement from parents when a child plans carries out a task
c. Identity versus role confusion
d. None of the above

850. Which stage considers teachers, peers and adults outside the home important in shaping
attitude toward oneself?
a. Initiative versus guilt c. Trust versus mistrust
b. Industry versus inferiority d. Integrity versus despair

851. Providing variety of learning activities to students is a characteristic of a teacher who

understands the principle of:
a. proactive teaching as a modem technique of teaching.
b. facilitating learning with emphasis on individual differences.
c. reward as a potential means of increasing the participation.
d. allowing the student to be exposed to various teaching techniques.

852. All of the following shows respect for individual differences except:
a. Give greater attention to gifted learners
b. Treat all learners alike while the classroom
c. Provide for a variety of learning activities
d. Prepare modules for slow learners in class

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853. Students who are disobedient and display negative attitudes towards others are best handled
by teacher who will:
a. Detain him after office hours for him to do what he has been ordered to
b. Avoid giving him orders or if you do and the objects take back the order
c. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude displays
d. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils

854. Which of the following develops critical thinking skills among the students?
a. Asking convergent question
b. Blind obedience to authority
c. A willingness to suspend judgment
d. Asking low level questions

855. A child who always fights with his/her classmates, who has a very short attention span, and
who has frequent tantrums is believed to be suffering from:
a. Mental retardation
b. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
c. Down syndrome
d. Learning disability

856. Planned ignoring, signal interference and proximity control are techniques used in:
a. Operant conditioning
b. Managing surface behavior
c. Managing temper tantrums
d. Life space interviewing

857. The concept that learning to read or write does not happen quickly but is built upon many
small steps that occur over the course of the child’s early childhood.
a. Innate literacy
b. Emergent literacy
c. Functional literacy
d. Academic Literacy

858. Laughing at two year old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in
this stage of the child’s life, the child is:
a. Considering the views of others
b. Distinguishing right from wrong
c. Distinguishing sex differences
d. Socializing

859. The school director emphasizes the necessity of clean and green environment to contribute to
effective teaching and learning. This is an example of:
a. establishing rapport between teachers and pupils
b. providing an atmosphere conductive to learning
c. providing adequate physical facilities
d. utilize educational technology

860. The teachers are facilitators of learning. Which of the following negates this principle?
a. Performs not only classrooms roles but community involvement as well
b. Focus background of the students
c. Familiar with the latest innovations in teaching
d. Uses pro-active discipline method

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861. The nearest to the real thing according to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience is:
a. Watching demo
b. Viewing images
c. Attending Exhibit
d. Hearing and listening

862. Which of the following statements is one of the strength of an autobiography as a technique
for personality appraisal?
a. It can replace data obtain from other data techniques
b. It may be read by unauthorized people
c. It gives complete data about the author
d. It makes possible presentation of intimate experiences

863. The present Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act had its beginning on what period of
Roman history?
a. 295 B.C. - schools were elementary only
b. A.D. 100 - A.D. 175 – the government increased its subsidy for education
c. 132 B.C. - A.D. 100 - Latin literature and grammar were perfected
d. A.D. 274-259 – the government established a monopoly on education

864. During the distribution of the report card, which of the following must be the foremost concern
of teacher?
a. Discuss the projects of the school
b. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students
c. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies of the student
d. Discuss the complaints of other teachers and classmates of the students

865. Teacher Vincent is a new teacher. He realizes that handling his student’s misbehavior is very
demanding aspect of classroom management. In this regard he thought of giving up teaching.
What advice can you give him?
a. Report every student’s misbehavior to the principal
b. Agree with the class on what rules to follow
c. Set the ground rules for the whole class
d. None of the above

866. Which of the following is a result of compressing a file?

a. The file size is smaller
b. The file deleted
c. The three character extension is hidden
d. All file properties

867. Vincent parents do not want their child with ADHD to undergo drug treatment, their better
alternative would be
a. Behavior modification or behavior management
b. Psychotherapy
c. Punishment
d. Progressive inhibition

868. Ripple effect can also be seen in misdemeanor. The teacher should therefore:
a. Reinforce positive behavior
b. Immediately respond to misbehavior
c. Be consistent in classroom management
d. Count 1 to 10 before she gets angry

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869. Metacognition is primarily characterized by:

a. Recalling the past lesson
b. Thinking about their thinking
c. Visualizing in advance
d. Formulating hypothesis

870. A person who is friendly and has a capacity to make people laugh possesses:
a. Interpersonal intelligence
b. Naturalistic intelligence
c. Spatial intelligence
d. Intrapersonal intelligence

871. Which of the following is an example of norm-referenced interpretation?

a. Josh’s test score is higher than 89% of the class.
b. Francis set up his laboratory equipment in 2 minutes.
c. RJ correctly solved five out of ten problems.
d. Bea must spell twenty five words correctly out of thirty words.

872. A type of error committed in grading the performance of the students by the rater who avoids
both extremes of the scale and tends to rate everyone as revenge
a. Severity error
b. Central tendency error
c. Generosity error
d. Logical error

873. Which of the following test items can be effectively measure higher order of cognitive learning
a. Achievement test
b. Extended essay test
c. Completion test
d. Objective test

874. A student finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child’s history, the
counselor was able to find out the student came from a dysfunctional family, aside from that the
child was abused and neglected. What could have caused the students reading disability?
a. Poor teaching
b. Emotional factors
c. Neurological factors
d. Immunity

875. The best example Operant conditioning among the following is ___?
a. Fostering conductive learning environment
b. Connecting facts and concept
c. Using reinforcement
d. Using manipulative device

876. The failure in the test of independence among Filipino students can be attributed to ____?
a. Lack of skills
b. High degree of dependence to authority
c. Strong family ties
d. All of the above

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877. Which of the following would be the most fitting action for the teacher who is having a
relationship with his/her student?
a. Deny the relationship.
b. Continue the relationship and exercise utmost professional discretion about this.
c. Enjoy the relationship while it last.
d. Defer the relationship until they are already to admit it

878. The following is TRUE in the development of understanding in early childhood, except:
a. Abilities to reason and to see relationship
b. Sensory experiences
c. Ability to explore their environment
d. Ability to ask questions

879. Which of the following are the basic components of curriculum design?
a. Assessment, teaching strategies and textbooks
b. Content, structure and deliver
c. Philosophy, goals and objectives
d. Standards, learning competencies, and evaluation

880. The following are examples of learning centered design except:

a. Child centered design
b. Life situation design
c. Humanistic centered design
d. Experience centered design

881. Which of the following statements about computer viruses are TRUE?
a. Text files are the only files to be corrupted by virus.
b. Files damaged by computer viruses can be cured
c. Files are always permanently damage by viruses
d. Compressed files can never be damaged by viruses

882. A child submitted a poor written report but package with boringly colored paper cover. This
a. Art over academics
b.“porma” over substance
c. Substance over “porma”
d. Art over science

883. Clarence has inherent skills in taking care of plants. It is highly possible that she has ____ ?
a. Intrapersonal intelligence
b. Naturalistic intelligence
c. Spatial intelligence
d. Existential intelligence

884. Mrs. Cruz dreams to organize a seminar with a known poet from another country but she
cannot afford to spend for the transportation of the said poet. Which of the following can she use
so she won’t need to spend much?
a. Distant communication
b. Instant messaging
c. Video conferencing
d. Podcasting

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885. Which is the first step in planning periodic test?

a. Select the type of test to be used
b. Construct a table specification
c. Go back to the instructional objectives
d. Determine the group of whom the test is intended

886. What is meaning of TOS in the parlance of test construction?

a. Table of specifics
b. Table of specification
c. Table of specific test
d. Table of subject

887. Ms. Soriano will be absent for two days because of a national conference. She wants her
student to work on a certain module. What is the fastest way of sending the module to her students
while she is away?
a. Share it to all her students in her live account
b. Email a module to her students
c. Send the module through group instant messaging
d. Message each of the students on a social networking site

888. Teacher Vincent is assigned to handle a multiple grade class. What instructional material
must be used to provide the need of each grade?
a. Differentiated materials to cater to different levels
b. Multisensory materials
c. Colorful, useful and durable materials
d. Materials of high level thinking skills

889. A document published by a school district that identifies rules of behavior that must be
followed by anyone using the school district’s computers, network, or internet connection.
a. Ethical internet use policy
b. Classroom rules
c. Acceptable use policy
d. Fair use

890. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, the highest among the following is:
a. Critical comprehension
b. Critical evaluation
c. Integration
d. Literal comprehension

891. To improve comprehension and retention among the students, the teacher’s best option
would be the use of ____?
a. Six thinking hats
b. SQ3R
c. Contextual Clues
d. Autodidactic Activities

892. What practice(s) will demonstrate the teacher’s genuine concern on the learning of students?
a. Confer progress of students to their parents
b. Guides students to meet their learning goals
c. Validate if learning goals were met
d. All of the above

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893. Which of the following is the most important component of educational reform?
A Allowing the students to participate more in extra-curricular activities
b. Implementing a better curriculum for students
c. Hiring only the excellent teachers
d. Involving parents in the dedication for the children

894. To increase the difficulty of a multiple choice test item, which of the following should be done?
a. Make the options equal in length
b. Make the options homogeneous
c. Make it grammatically correct
d. Make the stem

895. Teacher Anna set 85% accuracy in a test on predicting the kind of weather given 5 different
atmospheric conditions. May obtain a score of 82% can be interpreted as:
a. She is 3% short of the set percentile score
b. She did not meet the set standards by 3%
c. She obtained 82% percentile score

896. Teacher Vilma constructed a matching type test item. In her column of descriptions are
combinations of presidents, current issues, and sports. Which of the following guidelines in
constructing a matching type test items was NOT followed?
a. The descriptions must be homogenous
b. The options must be greater than the descriptions
c. The descriptions must be heterogeneous
d. Arrange the options alphabetically

897. Which of the following does not belong to the group when we talk about projective personality
a. Sentence completion test
b. Word association test
c. Interview
d.Thematic Apperception test

898. Which of the following is the main purpose of administering a pretest and posttest to the
a. Measure the value of the materials used
b. Accustom the students in frequent testing
c. Measure gain in learning
d. Measure the effectiveness of instruction

899. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?

a. The mean, The median and the moderate are equal
b. Most of the scores are low
c. Most of the scores are high
d. The mode is high

900. A teacher puts together the output of her colleagues in one workbook and published it with
her name as the author. Which is unprofessional about the teacher’s behavior?
a. Failing to correct what appears to be unprofessional conduct
b. Giving due credit to others of their work
c. Not giving due credit to others for their work
d. Holding inviolate all confidential information concerning associates

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901. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of the teaching profession?
a. by pointing out the advantages of joining the teaching profession
b. by good grooming to change people’s perception of teacher
c. by continuously improving themselves personally and professionally
d. none of the above

902. To reach out to clientele who cannot be in the classroom for one reason or another, which of
the following was established?
a. Special education (SPED)
b. Informal education
c. Alternative learning delivery system
d. Pre-school education

903. In the context of multiple intelligences, which one is the weakness of the paper-pencil test?
a. It puts non-linguistically intelligent pupils at a disadvantage
b. It requires paper and printing and is so expensive
c. It utilizes so much time
d. It lacks reliability

904. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely X, Y and Z, no pupil chose Z as an
answer. This implies that option Z is ________.
a. An effective distracter
b. A plausible distracter
c. A vague distracter
d. An ineffective distracter

905. The Thematic Appreciation Test is an example of a (an) __________.

a. Self-report technique
b. Projective technique
c. Interest inventory
d. Socio-metric technique

906. The following are features of the Restructure Basic Education Curriculum, except:
a. Increased time for tasks to gain mastery of competencies
b. Interdisciplinary modes of teaching
c. Greater emphasis on content, less on the learning process
d. Stronger integration of competencies and values, across the learning area

907. The free public elementary and secondary education in the country is in the line with the
government effort to address educational problems of _______.
a. access and equity
b. relevance and quality
c. effectiveness and efficiency
d. productivity

908. The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management as a task that a
teacher should undertake ______.
a. on the very first day of school
b. every day at the start of the session
c. every homeroom day
d. as soon as the students have adjusted on their schedule

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909. Teacher Honey uses direct instruction strategy. Which will she do first?
a. Independent practice
b. Guided student practice
c. Review the previous day’s work
d. Presenting and structuring

910. Teacher Janice observes cleanliness and order in her classroom to create a conductive
atmosphere for learning. On which theory is her practice based?
a. Behaviorism
b. Psychoanalysis
c. Gestalt psychology
d. Humanistic psychology

911. Which activity is meant for kinesthetically intelligent pupils?

a. Independent study
b. Individualized study
c. Pantomime
d. Cooperative learning

912. With which will the existentialist agree? The school is a place where individuals _____.
a. Listen and accept what the teacher say
b. Can meet to pursue dialogue and discussion about their lives and choices
c. Can observe by using their senses to the maximum
d. Can reflect on ideas

913. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working
with and relating to people?
a. Writing articles on working and relating to people
b. Organizing a community project
c. Home visitation
d. Conducting mock election

914. Which physical arrangement of chairs contributes to effective classroom management?

a. Sticks to the traditional chair arrangement in the classroom
b. Distinguishes teacher from students
c. Makes it easier to clean the room
d. Enhances classroom interaction

915. Each teacher said to be a trustee of cultural and educational heritage of the nation and under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such obligation?
a. Use of the latest instructional technology
b. Study of the life of Filipino heroes
c. Use of interactive teaching strategies
d. Observing continuing professional education

916. Under which type of guidance service does the concern of schools to put students into their
most appropriate courses fall?
a. Individual inventory service
b. Research service
c. Placement service
d. Information service

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917. Conducting follow up studies of graduates and drop outs is a guidance service that falls
a. Placement services
b. Research service
c. Individual inventory services
d. Counseling service

918. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?

a. Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge
b. An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score
c. An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score
d. Portfolio assessment is dynamic assessment

919. Which program was adopted to provide universal access to basic education to eradicate
a. Values educational framework
b. Education for all
c. “Paaralan sa bawat barangay”
d. Science and Education Development Plan

920. Which schools are subject to supervision, regulation and control by the state?
a. Public, Private sectarian and Non-sectarian
b. Sectarian and non-sectarian school
c. Private school
d. Public schools

921. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18,
15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. What is the characteristic of the score distribution?
a. Bimodal
b. Trimodal
c. Skewed to the right
d. No discernable pattern

922. What do the school campus expressions “promdi” and “barriotic” indicate?
a. The powerlessness of the poor
b. The power of the rich
c. Low literacy rate of the country
d. The prevalence of ethnocentrism

923. Why is babyhood referred to as a “critical period” in personality development?

a. The foundation is laid upon in which the adult personality structure will be built
b. The baby is exposed to many physical and psychological hazards
c. The brain grows and develops as such accelerated rate during babyhood
d. Changes in the personality pattern take place

924. Billy, a grade 1 pupil is asked, “Why do you pray every day?” Billy answers. “Mommy said so.”
Based on Kohlberg’s theory, in which moral development stage is Billy’s response?
a. Pre-Conventional level
b. Conventional level
c. Between conventional and post conventional levels
d. Post-Conventional level

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925. If you plan to develop a lesson on using s-verb with the third person singular as subject
deductively, what is the first step in your lesson development outline?
a. Give sentences using s-verb form
b. Ask the students about s-verb form and third person singular as subject
c. State the rule on subject-verb agreement for third person as subject
d. Conduct appropriate sentence drill

926. For lesson clarity and effective retention, which one should a teacher observes, according to
Bruner’s theory?
a. Start at the concrete level and end there
b. Begin teaching at the concrete level but go beyond it by reaching the abstract
c. End teaching with verbal symbol
d. Use purely verbal symbols in teaching

927. The criterion of success in Teacher Edna’s objective is that “the pupils must be able to spell
90% of the words correctly.” Linda and other 24 students in the class spelled only 40 out of 50
words correctly while the rest scored 45 and above. This means that Teacher Edna ________.
a. Did not attain her lesson objective because of the pupil’s lack of attention
b. Attained her lesson objective because of the pupil’s lack of attention
c. Attained her lesson objective
d. Failed to attain her lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concerned

928. Which is true when the standard deviation is big?

a. Scores are concentrated
b. Scores are not extremes
c. Scores are spread apart
d. The bell curve shape is steep

929. Theft of school equipment like TV, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is
becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
a. Deprivation of Filipino schools
b. Inability of school to hire security guards
c. Prevalence of poverty in the community
d. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership

930. What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners?

a. Creativity in work
b. Ability to direct themselves
c. Doing things on their own initiative
d. Dependence on others for direction

931. The main purpose of compulsory study of the constitution is to ________.

a. Make constitutional experts of the students
b. Develop students into responsible, thinking citizens
c. Prepare students for law-making
d. Acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution

932. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity.
What does this imply?
a. Every child is a potential genius.
b. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.
c. Some pupils are admitted not capable of learning.
d. Every pupil has his its own native ability and his learning is limited to this native ability.

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933. The principle of individual differences requires teachers to _____.

a. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
b. prepare modules for slow learners in class
c. give greater attention to gifted learners
d. provide for a variety of learning activities

934. Which assumption underlines the teacher’s use of performance objectives?

a. Performance objectives assure the learner of learning
b. Learning is defined as a change in the learner’s observable performance
c. The success of learners is based on teacher performance
d. Not every form of learning is observable

935. Which is/are sign/s of the student with Attention Deficit Disorder?
a. Impatient while waiting for his/her turn during games
b. Completes work before shifting to another
c. Excessively quiet
d. Cares for his/her personal things

936. You observe that pupils answer even when not called, shouts “MA’AM” to get your attention,
and laughs when someone commits mistakes. What should you do?
a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance counselor
b. Set the rules for the class to observe
c. Involve the whole class in setting rules of conduct for the whole class
d. Make a report to the parents about their children’s misbehavior

937. Which seating arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning?
a. Flexible to suit varied activities
b. Fixed arrangement to maximize instructional time
c. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning styles
d. A combination of fixed and flexible arrangement

938. Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to your students to ask questions?
a. Eye to eye contact
b. An encouraging hand gesture
c. Radiant face
d. Knitted eyebrows when a question is raised

939. Teacher Lenny demonstrated to the class how to focus the microscope, after which the
students were asked to practice. Which teacher prompting is least intrusive? Teacher Lenny ____.
a. Held the hand of a student and with her hand holding the student’s hand adjusted the mirror
b. Pointed to the mirror and made an adjusting gesture with her hand
c. Adjusted the mirror
d. Reminded the class to first adjust the mirror

940. Which educational trend is occurring in all modern societies as a result of knowledge
explosion and rapid social, technological and economic changes?
a. Nuclear education
b. International education
c. Lifelong learning
d. Team teaching

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941. With the advent of multi-media resources and computers, which is the most favorable result of
the optimal use of educational media technology?
a. Interactive learning
b. Increase learning
c. Speed learning
d. More interesting learning

942. Which refers to the Filipino trait of practicing conflicting values in different venues and with
different social groups?
a. “Kanya-kanya” mentality
b. Procrastination
c. Existential intelligence
d. Crab mentality

943. Which of these can measure awareness of values?

a. Projective techniques
b. Rating scales
c. Moral dilemmas
d. Sociogram

944. Which test determines whether students accept responsibility for their own behavior or pass
on responsibility for their own behavior to other people?
a. Locus-of-control tests
b. Sentence-completion tests
c. Thematic tests
d. Stylistic tests

945. Which process enhances the comparability of grades?

a. Giving more Higher Order thinking skills
b. Constructing departmentalized exam for each subject area
c. Determining the level of difficulty of the test
d. Using a table of specification

946. Under which type of guidance service does the concern of school to put students into their
most appropriate courses fall?
a. Information service
b. Placement service
c. Individual inventory services
d. Research services

947. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologists is to _______.
a. make the learning task easy for the learner
b. dictate what to learn upon the learner
c. fill the minds of the learner with information
d. help the learner connect what they know with new information from the teacher

948. Which questioning technique would be appropriate for inductive lessons?

a. Involve students actively in the questioning process
b. Expect participation only among the more motivated students
c. Use questions requiring only memory responses
d. As a teacher, you ask no questions

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949. Which statement is true in a bell-shaped curve?

a. There are more high scores than low scores
b. Most scores are high
c. The scores are normally distributed
d. The bell curve shape is steep.

950. Can an insane person be blamed for killing a stranger?

a. Yes, because an insane person possesses a little degree of voluntariness
b. Yes, because an insane person is not totally ignorant
c. No, because of his ignorance and lack of voluntariness
d. No, because the one killed is a stranger, not in any way related to him

951. A political boss builds a school in a distant barrio in order to get the votes for an unworthy and
corrupt candidate. Is the action of the political boss moral?
a. No, the candidate is undeserving
b. No, his move was not meant for good effect
c. Yes, the votes were exchange for the school built
d. Yes, it was his duty to strategies for his candidate to win

952. The teacher’s first task in the selection of media in teaching is to determine the:
a. Choice of the teacher
b. Availability of the media
c. Technique to be used
d. Choice of the students

953. Which is the true foundation of the social order?

a. Strong political leadership
b. The reciprocation of rights and duties
c. Equitable distribution of wealth
d. Obedient citizen

954. All the examinees obtained scores below the mean. A graphic representation of the score
distribution will be:
a. Perfect normal curve
b. Negatively skewed
c. Positively skewed
d. Leptokurtic

955. In a normal distribution curve, a T-score of 70 is:

a. Two SDs above the mean
b. Two SDs below the mean
c. One SD below the mean
d. One SD above the mean

956. Which one stifles student’s initiative?

a. “Bahala na” c. Rationalism
b. “Utang na loob” d. Extreme authoritarianism

957. The following are trends in marking and reporting system, EXCEPT:
a. Supplementing subject grades with checklist on traits
b. Conducting parent-teacher conferences as often as needed
c. Raising the passing grade from 70 to 80
d. Indicating strong points as well as those needing improvement

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958. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set of scores?
a. Histogram
b. Scatter gram
c. Scatter plot
d. Frequency polygon

959. Which is an example of a perfect duty?

a. Paying the worker the wages agreed upon
b. Donating an amount for a noble project
c. Giving alms to the needy
d. Supporting a poor but deserving student to school

960. In what way can instructional aides enhance learning?

a. Entertain student
b. Hold students in the classroom
c. Reinforce learning
d. Take the place of the teacher

961. The study on types of reading exercises gives practice in:

a. All sorts of study methods
b. Reading skills needed in other project
c. Recognizing the precise meaning of words
d. Picking out the man ideas

962. How students learn may be more important than what they learn. From this principle, which of
the following is particularly important?
a. Knowing how to solve a problem
b. Solving a problem within time allotted
c. Getting the right answer to a word problem
d. Determining the given

963. Which illustrates vicarious punishment?

a. We feel so bad to a classmate who is punished for being tardy so we convince him go to school
on time
b. Out of comparison, we volunteer to get punished in place of a friend
c. We charge to experience our being punished
d. See someone get punished for habitual tardiness. In effect, we are less likely to be tardy

964. Teacher Marissa wants to review and check on the lesson of the previous day? Which one
will be most reliable?
a. Having students correct each other’s work
b. Having students identify difficult homework problems
c. Explicitly reviewing the task relevant information for the day’s lesson
d. Sampling the understanding of a few students

965. To promote effective practice, which guideline should you bear in mind? Practice should be
a. difficult for students to learn a lesson
b. arranged to allow students to receive feedback
c. done in an evaluative atmosphere
d. take place over a long period of time

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966. Which is one role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years?
a. Separates reality from fantasy
b. Develops the upper and lower limbs
c. Develop competitive spirit
d. Increase imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range

967. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
a. Use a microscope properly
b. Distinguish war from aggression
c. Appreciate Milton’s Paradise Lost
d. Become aware of the pollutants around us

968. By what name is indirect instruction or Socratic methods also known?

a. Questioning method
b. Morrison method
c. Indirect method
d. Mastery learning

969. Which does not belong to the group of alternative learning systems?
a. Multi-age grouping
b. Multi-grade grouping
c. Non-graded grouping
d. Graded education

970. Student Ben was asked to report to the Guidance Office. Student Ben and his classmates at
once remarked. “What’s wrong?” What does this imply?
a. Reporting to a Guidance Office is often associated with misbehavior
b. Student Ben is a “problem” student
c. Guidance counselors are perceived to be “almighty and omniscient”
d. The parents of Students Ben must be of the delinquent type

971. A teacher combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for
interdisciplinary teaching. Which strategy/method did he use?
a. Unit method
b. Thematic instruction
c. Problem entered learning
d. Reading-writing method

972. Which is a major advantage of curriculum-based assessment?

a. It tends to focus on anecdotal information on student’s progress
b. It is based on a norm referenced measurement model
c. It is informal in nature
d. It connects testing with teaching

973. A School Division Superintendent was enthusiastically lecturing on the Accreditation Program
for Public Elementary Schools (APPES), its benefits and demands. Thinking of its many demands,
most of the school heads were not very happy about it and the older ones were whispering “we
have every reason to retire soon.” What does this tell about the change process?
a. People resist change for no reason
b. People tend to resist change
c. Resistance to change is insurmountable
d. Leadership can affect the desired change in persons despite opposition from the persons

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974. I want to engage my students in small group discussion. Which topic lends itself to a lively
a. The meaning of the law of supply and demand
b. Rules on subject-verb agreement
c. The law of inertia
d. The exclusion of Pluto as a planet

975. In which of the following would programmed learning to be most likely to be found?
a. In a class divided into small groups
b. Independent study
c. In dyadic groups
d. In a class where teacher tries to individualized instruction

976. A master teacher, the resource speaker in an in-service training, presented the situated
learning theory and encouraged her colleagues to apply the same in class. Which did she not
encourage her colleagues to do?
a. Apprenticeship
b. Learning as it normally occurs
c. Authentic problem solving
d. Decontextualized teaching

977. Which is the ultimate aim of classroom management?

a. To set up condition that brings about effective teaching and learning
b. To secure conformity to rules with ease
c. To make children realize that they cannot do everything they want
d. To remove the physical condition in the room

978. Under which teaching strategy does a school division’s practice of assigning a Girl Scout to
serve as Superintendent of the Day or Mayor of the Day for leadership training fall?
a. Panel discussion
b. Symposium
c. Simulation
d. Dramatization

979. The grades make valid indicators of students’ achievements. Which process should be
a. Explaining the meaning of marks and grades
b. Defining the course objective as intended learning outcomes
c. Adopting letter grades such as A, B, C and D
d. Giving objective type of tests

980. Who are not covered by the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
a. All full time or part time public and private school teacher and administrator
b. Teachers of academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal institution
c. Teacher in the tertiary level
d. Teacher in all educational institutions at all levels

981. Which of the UNESCO’s four pillars of education is most related to peace education?
a. Learning to do
b. Learning to know
c. Learning to live together
d. Learning to be

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982. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to students’
a. high degree of independence
b. ambiance
c. unpreparedness for schooling
d. high degree of dependence on authority

983. Where do you make the correction of your notes while using the overhead projector?
a. On the slide
b. On the overhead projector
c. On the projector wall
d. On the screen

984. Authority comes from God and is meant to:

a. Help those given the authority to do their task
b. Distinguish those with authority from those without
c. Be lorded over others
d. Make the subjects of authority recognize their superiors

985. A person, who has had painful experiences at the dentist’s office, may become fearful at the
mere sight of the dentist’s office building. Which theory can explain this?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Generalization
c. Operant conditioning
d. Attribution theory

986. One strength of an autobiography as a technique for personality appraisal is that ______.
a. It may be read by unauthorized people
b. It can replace data obtained from other data-gathering technique
c. It makes possible the presentation of intimate experiences
d. It gives complete data about the author

987. All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen, except:
a. Sex differences in IQ become more evident
b. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking
c. They shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability
d. They show abstract thinking and judgment

988. The environment in order to facilitate learning must be interactive. Which of the following best
typifies this kind of environment?
a. The child listens to a lecture on fossils given by the teacher
b. The child goes out and discovers for himself some rock or fossil
c. The child summarize the section on fossils in his science textbook
d. The child copies a list of facts concerning fossils on the blackboard

989. Social development means the acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with:
a. Stereotyped behavior
b. Social expectation
c. Social insight
d. Universal norms

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990. When an adolescent combines ability to use deductive and inductive reasoning in
constructing realistic rules that he can respect and live by, how does he perceive his environment?
a. He views the world from his own perspective
b. He sees the world and himself through the eyes of other people
c. He interprets events form a limited views
d. He sees events apart from himself and other people

991. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who:
a. Is open to suggestions
b. Encourage pupils to ask questions
c. Prescribes what pupils should do
d. Ask open ended questions

992. The Constitutional provision on language has the following aim, except:
a. To make Filipino the sole medium of instruction
b. To make the regional dialect as auxiliary media of instructions in regional school
c. To maintain English as a second language
d. To make Filipino the national Language and medium of instruction and communication

993. The tendency to emphasize so much on school beautification to the detriment of pupils’
performance illustrates the:
a. Filipino’s lack of seriousness
b. Filipino’s love for “porma”
c. Filipino’s lack of reflection
d. Filipino’s sense of humor

994. In order to avoid disgrace, a pregnant, unmarried woman takes drugs to induce abortion. Is
she morally justified to do that?
a. Yes, it can save her and child from disgrace when he grows up
b. No, the act of inducing abortion is bad in itself
c. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his parents
d. No, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much due to
the absence of a father

995. In which way does heredity affect the development of the learner?
a. By placing limits beyond which the learner cannot develop
b. By providing equal potential to all
c. By compensating for what environment fails to develop
d. By blocking the influence of environment

996. A child refuse to obey orders or displays negativism as a development trait. How may you
best handle him?
a. Detain him after office hours for him do to what he has been ordered to do
b. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude display
c. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils
d. Avoid giving him orders if you do and he objects take back the order

997. If a resilient child with superior intelligence is reared in a poor environment the probable
outcome would be:
a. No change in IQ because environment deprivation has nothing to do with intelligence
b. Mental retardation since he is culturally deprived
c. Slight change in IQ although he can overcome frustration and obstacle
d. Great change in IQ because he is culturally deprived

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998. Section 5, Article XIV, of the Constitution states that academic freedom shall be enjoyed in:
a. Public assemblies
b. All institution of higher learning
c. State colleges and universities
d. All levels of learning

999. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience
should follow learning in her teaching, she therefore exerts effort in:
a. Encouraging learners to memorize factual knowledge
b. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories and principles
c. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills
d. Requiring learners full mastery of the lesson

1000. As a parent and at the same time a teacher, which of the following will you do to show your
cooperation to a PTA project in your school to be financed with the proceeds of the sales of the
school canteen where food prices are little bit higher?
a. Bring food for you and your children, but always make it a point to buy in the school canteen.
b. Buy all your food in the school canteen but request for a discount.
c. Bring food enough for you and your children but do not eat in the canteen.
d. Buy all your food from the school canteen even if you cannot afford to do every day.

1001. How can you help a habitual borrower of money get rid of his habit?
a. Let him do something for you in return for the money you lent him
b. Direct him to others
c. Do not lend him anymore
d. Ask for a collateral for the cash he is loaning

1002. Periodic checks on student seatwork with a smile and pat on the shoulder effectively
reinforce good study habit is an example of:
a. Discrimination reinforcement
b. Variable-ratio schedule
c. Continuous reinforcement
d. Fixed interval and variable-interval schedule

1003. A person strives to work at a given task because of a need. Which of the following situations
can make a person strive to meet his needs?
a. Minimize the unpleasant consequences of student involvement
b. Utilize your own opinion as teacher in making final decisions in the classroom
c. Use unfamiliar materials as examples in order to initially arouse their curiosity
d. Ask pupils to submit test questions or reactions which you can select topics

1004. Which is not a characteristic of a democratic discipline?

a. Child has opportunity to expense his/her opinion
b. Child’s given punishment is related to the misdeed
c. Child understands the meaning of rules
d. Child obeys blindly

1005. Which of the following reasons of measuring student achievement is not valid?
a. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of the learning process.
b. To certify that students have attained a level of competence in a subject area.
c. To discourage students from cheating during test and getting high scores.
d. To motivate students to learn and master the materials they think will be covered by the
achievement test.

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