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Determination of Parameters of

Crystal Latticed Surfaces

Composed of Hexagonal
Plane Facets
G.N. Pavlov

Civil Engineering Institute, Gorky 603000, Krasnoflotskaya, 65, USSR

(Received 27th June 1989; revised version received 13th November 1989)

ABSTRACT: This paper offers a generalized view about the networks of system
"B", which allows the construction of geodesic domes from hexagonal plane
panels. The principle behind the method of subdivision, the general scheme of
parameter notation, the table of classification of types of breakdown, and exam-
ple computer drawings are given. It was found that up to the fourth variant of
subdivision all plane faces were symmetrical, but that further subdivisions lead
to the appearance of plane units of asymmetrical form. Examples are presented
tv illustrate the use of "B" type breakdowns in practical architectural

1. Introduction define a triangulation of the face such that each

triangle can be divided into two equal but enan-
The method used by the author for building tiomorphic parts. (The dividing lines define a
polyhedra with plane regular hexagon faces con- triangular edge network of the dual configuration.)
sists of first cutting the sphere along the shorter
perpendicular sides of the Schwarz triangles, (Fig.
I). All these faces are planar hexagons, bounded by
straight sides. The next step of the cutting process
is to draw intersecting planes through three known
adjacent vertices of the first row of faces. The
method then continues until the full cutting of the
whole spherical surface is completed. Depending
on the form of initial spherical Schwarz triangles -
icosahedral, octahedral or tetrahedral -taken for
cutting, at the end of this process there appear faces
in the form of a pentagon, a square, or a
triangle, respectively.
Fig. 1. Cutting of a sphere surface by placing the first row of
The above method of sphere cutting allows each plane regular hexagonal facets along the lines of shorter per-
face to have a circumscribed circle lying on the pendicular sides of Schwarz triangles (DB E). The second and
spherical surface, and the vertices and the centre of consecutive rows will lie concentrically with respect to an
the circumscribed circle of each hexagonal face acute apex of the triangle DBE.

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Crystal Latticed Surfaces


Fig. 2. Calculating schemes of breakdown and representation (c) the marking of parameters for "BI" subsystem
of parameters on the two schemes dual to each other: schemes;
(a) the positioning of standard members within a (d) the marking of breakdown parameters for "B2" subsys-
Schwarz triangle; tem schemes;
(b) the principle scheme of a breakdown with the nodal (e) the numbering of Schwarz triangle sectors within a
points numbering scheme; Mobius triangle.

If the centre is raised up to the sphere surface, ger perpendicular sides of these triangles up to the
then each facet could be represented as an points of their intersection with each other and
assembly of 12 right spherical triangles (Figs. 2,3). with the line DB, the centre ofhexagonal figures of
The geometric solution of this triangulation pro- the second row is found. This method of subdivi-
blem is presented as an algorithm for calculating sion should be continued further so that each sub-
trigonometric parameters for a given kind of grid sequent hexagon consists of 12 right-angled
subdivision. In the process of developing the triangles with identical hypotenuses. This method
algorithm, it was found that the intially assumed results in a sphere with a latticed surface consisting
regularity of cutting is true only up to the fourth fully of right-angled triangles.
variant of the problem; that is, up to the break- If in the scheme of breakdown, the shorter per-
down of the sphere onto 5670 triangular units pendicular sides are identified by a bold line, there
(cells). With any further increase in the number of appears on the sphere a honeycomb-like pattern.
units there begin to appear asymmetrical hex- Since the hypotenuses ofthe right-angled triangles
agons; some facets become strongly stretched and inside the hexagonal figures are identical, all the
some facets even degenerate. vertices of the hexagonal facets are in the same
The author has published the parameters of plane. Therefore, the resultant arbitrary polyhed-
only the first four variants of subdivision [1,2]. ron consists almost completely ofplane hexagonal
2. Calculation Scheme of Network The initial calculation parameter for each
Breakdown variant of the breakdown is arc size 2 located on
the line DE (see Fig. 2). Since the line DE could be
Plane hexagons composed of 12 equal right- subdivided into an arbitrary number of identical
angled triangles are located on the line DE of the arcs, the whole totality of subdivision types is
shorter perpendicular side of the right-angled designated by the word "system" and the mode of
Schwarz triangle (Figs. 2,3). By extending the lon- subdivision is denoted by "B". (The author has

170 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

G.N Pavlov

Fig. 3. Marking the parameters of the seventh variant of

breakdown C"17640-B" and "7008-BO").

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Crystal Latticed Surfaces

investigated six methods of subdivision, denoted variant; two hexagons in the sixth vaiant; three in
by A,B,C,D,E,F, this method is one of them.) Cor- the seventh; and so on (Fig. 3).
respondingly, icosahedral breakdowns are ref- Asymmetry of faces for other kinds of cuttings
erred to as system "Boo, octahedral as system "BO" develops even earlier.
and tetrahedral as system "BT". Besides this asymmetry of hexagonal faces, one
The schemes of breakdown shown in Fig. 2 cor- other class of hexagonal figures situated on the line
respond to the first four variants of the problem, DB can be observed, which as they approach the
and on close examination of the marking of arcs point B, begin stretching. This happens because
and angles, it can be noted that all hexagonal the uppermost lateral sides of the hexagonal faces
figures are symmetrical. Beginning from the fifth decrease in size.
variant of the problem in icosahedral cuttings, With every subsequent variant of the problem,
there appear asymmetric hexagons according to these lines become smaller and smaller, and
the following numbers: one hexagon in the fifth finally disappear altogether so that the hexagonal

Table 1. Classification of Types of Breakdowns in System "B"


~ ~ i.~
"j :
Br~'lkdownn in 3yste:n " Bl" Breakdown in sYstem. " B2 "
~e Pumber of types of ele~ents § NWDber of type~ of ele~.nts
...o .
0" ~

" ...," g.
e-, o " .,

[-< >, "

35C 18(' :J 2 3 - 2 ,? 2 2 1 - 2
l41~0 72C 6 5 6 - 3 4 ,~
2 4C 4 3 - 3
11 6 540 7 5 1 5
i ~2
3240 1620 10 10 157
5760 2880 15 17 16 3711 8 960 11 11 3 7
9000 15 4500 20 24 23 5 9 16 10 1500 16 17 5 9
12960 18 6l~80 25 31 30 7 11 21 12 2160 21 23 7 11
17 640 21 8820 30 38 37 9 13 26 14 2940 26 29 9 13
22800 23 11400 32 43 43 11 15 30 16 31 35 11 15
28920 26 14460 37150 50 13 17 35 18 36 41 13 17
3576C 29 17880 42 57 57 15 19 40 20 6000 15 19
"3320 32 21660 47161 61 17 21 45 22 7260 46 53 17 21
51600 35 25800 52 I 71 71 19 23 50 24 8640 ® 51 59 19 23

BrenkdlJvms in Subsystem n Bel" Breakdowns in Subsyetem "BO.? "

144 3 72 3 2 3 2 2 2 2'1 f';, 2 1 2
576 6 288 6 5 6 3 4 4 96 \l 4 3 3
1296 9 648 10 10 11 5 7 6 216 ® 7 5 1 5
2304 12 1152 15 i7 16 3 7 11 8 384 f';, 11 11 3 7
3552 1776 17 22 22 5 9 15 10 600 \1 16 17 5 9
5136 17 2568 2; 29 29 7 11 20 12 864 ® 21 23 7 11
70C8 20 3504 27 36 36 9 13 25 14 t:::.
1179 26 29 9 13
9120 23 "560 32 43 43 11 15 30 16 1528 \l 31 35 11 15

Breakdo',ms in Subsystem'" BTl " Breakdowns in Subsystem "BTZ"

72 3 36 3 2 3 2 2 2 12 t:::. 2 1 2

~ 288 6 144 6 5 6 3 4 4 48\1 4 3 2

648 9 32'1 10 10 11 1 5 7 6 108 00 7 5 1 5
1152 12 576 15 17 16 3 7 11 I 8 192 t:::. 11 11 3 7

172 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

G.N Pavlov

figures degenerate into trapezoidal ones. By com- Asterisks mark those types of breakdown from
puterized calculations it was found that in which degeneration of hexagonal figures into
icosahedral breakdowns such degeneration begins trapezoidal ones begins. The classification is given
from the eighth variant ofthe problem, in octahed- by dividing the basic scheme of breakdown into
ral cutting from the fifth variant, and in tetrahedral two dual subsystems distinguished by means of
cutting from the third variant of the problem, adding either 1 or 2 to the main indexes of the
respectively. breakdown schemes. The author uses the follow-
ing designation for each type ofbreakdown: "2880-
3. Classification of Breakdown Types Bl", "864-B02" (read as "2880-faceted icosahedral
Graduation of breakdown types corresponds to breakdown of the first subsystem", "864-faceted
the number ofequal divisions ofthe side DE of the octahedral breakdown of the second subsystem").
Schwarz triangles. General data about all the types The full designation of an other type of subdivision
of breakdown considered are given in Table 1. is: "43320-B" ("21660-B1 " + "7260-B2").



Fig. 4-1. Schemes of several sections of break-

down singled out for the sake of calculation con-
venience: (a) step H-l, (b) step H-2, (c) iterating
section (cycle TC), (d) step TK-I (marking corres-
ponds to the problem with ine cycle TC), (e) final
step K-2, (f) final step K-l.

International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990 173

Crystal Latticed Surfaces

Fig. 4-2. Computer drawings of the first six variants of breakdown.

174 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

G.N. Pavlov

Fig. 3 illustrates the marking of the dihedral the succession of their solution.
angles of the arcs for breakdown. By analysing By employing these schemes it is possible to
such schemes of cutting it was found that the pro- write an algorithm for calculating any variant of
cess of calculating the parameters may be per- the problem. Furthermore, these very schemes are
formed by means of marking out two initial steps the basis of an algorithm for calculating any
-mark them as H-I and H-2 ofthe typically repeat- variant of the problem. Furthermore, these very
ing cycle TC , and four final steps - K-I , K-2, and schemes are the basis of an algorithm for
TK-I , TK-2. In Fig. 4 little circles mark out the numerically calculating the nodal point co-
triangles solvable in every -§'tep, and figures show ordinates.

Fig. S. Assembly of layered domes

Fig. 6. Model of a dome assembled from circular overlapping

panels. Type of breakdown "4500-BI".

International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990 175

Crystal Latticed Surfa ces

4. Architectural Design of Domes and ahedral breakdown "2880-Bl" and octahedral

Shells breakdown "2568-BOl " respectively. The first
model is composed of five full Mobius triangles,
The network breakdowns con sidered here are and the second has 4 octahedral Mobius triangles.
optimal for constructing shells assembled from Fig. 9 illustrates an example obtained by project-
typically plane panel units. They were found to be ing a dome with a circular base ring, the line of
very useful for constructing a form oflayered shell which is on the level of the Mobius triangle
as well, see for example Figs. 6 and 7, which can be (broken line). The size of incomplete units, joining
assembled by laying the edges of flat plates over the base ring, is defined according to the values of
each other and bolting them (or riveting) together. the nodal point coordinates.
The construction of the structure is begun from the Two variants of the dome where the panels are
edge beams (Fig. 6), and proceeds upwards tier by butt joined can be seen in Fig. 10. In the first
tier. An interesting sculptured (fish-seale-like) sur- variant the framework of the dome is on the inner
face is thus produced (Fig. 6). side, and it is constructed from volumetric units
The author has designed and built several made of fibre concrete. In the second variant, the
layered domes in the cities of Gorky and Baku. dome framework is on the outside, and it is
They have been constructed of different materials: assembled by means ofjoints attached to the high
e.g., aluminium, waterproof plywood and fib- points of the spherical convex volumetric units.
reglass plastic plates. The method of their design is The coordinates of the joints are calculated
demonstrated by the examples of their erection according to the data of the breakdown "960-B2",
and modelling. and the dimensions of the hexagonal fibre-
Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate the models of two domes concrete units by the breakdown "2880-B1".
designed by using a subdivision based on icos-

Fig. 7. Model of a dome based on breakdown "2880-BI".

176 International Journal of Spa ce Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990

G.N. Pavlov

Fig. 8. Model of a dome based on breakdown "2568-BOl".

Fig. 9-1. Assemhly scheme of a dome hased on breakdown "14460-B \"0.

International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 177

Crystal Latticed Surfaces

',>-----,---- ---'--, /III .., • n

l' .
\1 UI"5R _
3 1'1'+1
5 t
5, 30
21 1
6· 18
B I".,.
12 6·
IUI4' 14. Is

Fig. 9-2. General view of a model.

Fig. 11 illustrates the erection scheme and the a model of a latticed dome with cells in the shape
general view of the dome designed using the grid- of triangles based on the octahedral 2568-facet
type "4500-B1". This is the fifth variant of the breakdown. Of special interest is the ornamental
breakdown where for the first time there appears pattern at the zenith of the dome. This pattern is
an asymmetrical unit, namely N5. not a product of artificial construction, but is a
As has been mentioned above, besides asym- direct result of employing the breakdown of the
metrical units in many-cellular aggregations, there "B" type. The ornamental pattern has threefold
appear degenerate units as well. These resulting rotational symmetry in tetrahedral breakdowns,
irregularities are evident in Fig. 13. and fivefold rotational symmetry in icosahedral
Fig. 14 illustrates a dome developed using the subdivisions. It is obvious that this regularity can
octahedral breakdown "2568-BO 1". The stretched be used in the design as an additional aesthetic
out hexagonal panels and the degenerate quad- element.
ragular units can be clearly seen. Fig. 15 illustrates The number of element types in "B" systems is

178 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

C.N Pavlov

Fig. 10-1. Model of a dome based on breakdown "2880- BI".

Fig. 10-2. Model of a dome constructed from fibre-concrete

members based on breakdown "2880-BI" and "960-B2".

International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 179

Crystal Latticed Surfaces

~-1~ __-- - - ----

-J: I I'
\~ ( 1)

'I ~\I
Fig. 11-1. Facade and assembly
scheme of a dome shed
(breakdown "45()()-BI").


180 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

G.N Pavlov

comparatively small, and this is why these break- joining (with a single bolt) all tubes meeting at one
downs are ideal for constructing lattice shells. Fig. point. The posts connecting the two layers are
16 gives an example of such a lattice dome. From metal tubular distance bars. Cables are used for
the compositional point of view the dome is the inclined members. This dome served as a large
formed of five Mobius triangles with the three scale test model to evaluate total stability of the
lower levels deleted in order to reduce the camber structure and to improve the method of erection. It
height of the dome. The dome is double-layered. was shown in practice that the erection of domes
The lower layer is in the shape of a triangular grid, with small spans and simplified nodal construc-
the upper consists of hexagonal cells. tions is quite efficient. A number oflatticed domes
The members of the dome are aluminium tubes with membrane cladding designed by the author
with flattened ends , and the dome is assembled by (1973-1975) are still in use.

Fig. 11-2. General view of a dome shed.

Fig. 12. A dome in the shape of a quarter of a sphere. Open- air concert stage. (Breakdown type "2880-BI").

International Journal of Spac e Stru ctures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 181
Crystal Latticed Surfaces

Fig.B-t. Model ofa shell based on the 12th variant of break-down ·'51600-B".

Fig. 13-2. Compositional employment of a shell in the design of an exhibition pavilion.

Fig. 14. A dome for a storehouse based on breakdown type "2568-BOI"',

182 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos, 3&41990

G.N. Pavlov

Fig. 15. Model of reticular dome based on breakdown type


Fig . 16. A reticular dome based

on breakdown "5760-B".

. .

/ \

_ 0
, \
/ \

International Journal of Space Stru ctures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990

Crystal Latticed Surfaces

Fig. 17. A double-layered dome with pyramidal units based on breakdown "360-B".

Fig. 18. A double-layered dome with pyramidal units based on breakdown "360-B".

Fig. 19. Model of the dome designed on a meridian-and-ring variant of the "B" system breakdown.

184 International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&41990

G.N. Pavlov

Figs. 17 and 18 illustrate the erection of double- 5. Conclusions

layered domes designed by setting trihedral
pyramids on triangular large-cell networks. In the The method of sphere cutting called mode "B"
sleeping pavilion project (Fig. 17), a single allows many-faceted surfaces to be obtained, con-
pyramid was set on each triangular cell, while in sisting almost completely of plane hexagons. The
the case of the "RUBY" dome (Fig. 18), there were resulting regularity means that in the first four
four pyramids per triangular cell. In both cases the variants ofthe subdivision, all facets are symmetri-
dome was assembled from large-scale units ofonly cal. Beginning from the fifth variant there appear
two types. asymmetrical facets, and the facets located on the
Breakdowns of the "B" system may also be hypotenuse of Schwarz triangles became stretched. In
employed in projecting shells for meridian-and- many-cell grids (with the number offacets exceed-
ring type domes. Fig. 19 gives an example of pro- ing 20,000) they even degenerate into
jecting a spherical dome based on the parameters quadrangles.
of the "B" system breakdown. It is worth noting Network breakdowns of the "B" system possess
that the line DE of the Schwarz triangle may be a great aesthetical expressiveness for the following
considered as a equatorial line and the vertiallines reasons: they possess a clear ordering of the hex-
of the network as meridional ones. Several rows of agonal surface; regularity in the violation of the
the hexagonal units located on line DEform a sec- original symmetry of facets; and regularities in the
tion of a spherical vault. By using only a certain formation of ornamental grids on the surface of
number of meridional sections it is possible to polyhedra.
design domes with any desired camber height. The criterion for optimum breakdown of the "B"
system is that there be a minimum number of hex-
agonal plane facet types, so that this kind of sub-
division is ideally used in constructing shells
assembled from plane panels. Experience has
shown, however, that grids of the "B" system can
also be employed for projecting lattice shells with a
triangular network, since the number of joint and
member types are comparatively small.


1. Pavlov, G. Dome-like buildings of small span for erec-

tion in towns (in Russian). In Trudy Gor'kovskogo
inzehenemo-stroitel'nogo instituta, 6, 1975,50-53.
2. Pavlov, G., Gogoleva, N. Golov, G. Decorative crystal
structures as a landscaping object (in Russian). In Izves-
Fig. 20. General view of an erected dome. tija vuzov, Stroitel'stvo i Arkhitektura 4, 1980,62-64.

International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 5 Nos. 3&4 1990 185

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