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Name: Grade & Section:

Subject: Mathematics 6 Teacher: Score

Lesson: Quarter 3 Week 1 LAS 1
Activity Title: Solid Figures
Learning Target: Visualize and describe the different solid figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
cylinder, cone, and sphere using various concrete and pictorial
Reference(s): SLM Mathematics 6, MELC (M6GE-IIIa-28)
LAS Writer:

A solid figure or spatial figure is three – dimensional. It has length, width and
A net is a pattern that can be used to form solid figures. It is a 2-dimensional shape that
can be folded to form a 3-dimensional figure.
Below are examples of solid figures with their net and description.
Cube = has six equal square faces Cylinder = shows a net with two circular bases which a

Rectangular prism = has six

rectangular faces

Cone = has a rectangular lateral face and a

Triangular prism = the two bases are curved surface.
triangles and three rectangular lateral

Sphere = A round solid figure with every point on its su

Square pyramid = the base is a square and
it has four triangular faces.

Directions: Match Column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer
1) The base is a polygon and its faces are
triangles. a. rectangular prism
2) A solid figure composed of two b. cone
triangular bases and three c. pyramid
rectangular sides. d. cylinder
3) A spatial figure having a circular e. triangular prism
base and one vertex.
4) A solid figure with 2 parallel
congruent faces called bases and the
other faces are parallelograms.
5) A spatial figure with 2 circular This space
bases, no edge, and no vertex. is for the
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Lesson: Quarter 3 Week 1 LAS 2
Activity Title: Demonstrate understanding of solid figures Learning
Target: Differentiate solid figures from plane figures. Reference(s):
21st Century Mathematics 6, MELC (M6GE-IIIa-28)
LAS Writer:

A Plane figure is flat and has only two dimensions- the length and width. It possesses
an area but the volume of this figure is zero. The unit of measure is in square units like cm2, m2,
Examples of plane figures:

Triangle Square Rhombus Rectangle Parallelogram Circle

A Solid figure is a 3-dimensional figure that have length, width, and height.
These are the objects in the real world. They have surface area with units of measure like the
plane figures, and volume with units of measure in cubic units like cm3, m3 and inch3.
Examples of solid figures:

Cube Rectangular prism Pyramid Sphere Cylinder

Directions: Sort-out the figures/objects inside the box under their corresponding
columns. Write the name of the plane and solid figure.

Pentagon 5 peso coin Face of a card Billiard Triangle Rack

Tiles Floor Globe Trapezoid Diamond ring Oblong

Plain Figure Solid figure

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Lesson: Quarter 3 Week 1 LAS 3
Activity Title: Solid figures
Learning Target: Identifies the faces of solid figures. Reference(s):
21st Century Mathletes 6, MELC (M6GE-IIIa-30)
LAS Writer:

A solid figure can be defined by the number and combination of its parts. These parts
are the face, edge, and vertex.
The face is the flat surface of a solid figure. The edge is the place where two faces meet.
The vertex is a point where two or more edges meet.

The figure above shows the different parts of a solid figure. In the case of the cube, it
has six faces; three of which can be seen, one at the base on which the cube rests, one on its left
side and one at the back part. It has 12 edges and 8 vertices (plural for vertex). vertex

The cone has 1 face, 1 edge, and 1 vertex
Direction: Identify the number of faces found on the following figures:
Solid figure Number of edges Number of Vertices Number of faces

1. Rectangular prism 12 8

2. Triangular prism 9 6

3. Square pyramid 8 5

4. Triangular Pyramid 6 4

5. Cylinder 2 0

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