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Description Level % gain Oil Food Nameplates Upgrade time Level required

1 3% Attack increase 50,000 50,000 0 0:01:40

When attacking a city, increase troop
Tier 1 2 6% Attack increase 75,000 75,000 0 0:02:20
attack by
3 10% Attack increase 112,500 112,500 0 0:03:16
1 3% Land DMG Decrease 75,000 75,000 0 0:06:24
2 6% Land DMG Decrease 112,500 112,500 0 0:08:57
Land damage reduction 3 9% Land DMG Decrease 168,750 168,750 0 0:12:32
4 12% Land DMG Decrease 253,130 253,130 0 0:17:32
5 15% Land DMG Decrease 379,695 379,695 0 0:24:33
1 3% Navy DMG Decrease 75,000 75,000 0 0:06:24
2 6% Navy DMG Decrease 112,500 112,500 0 0:08:57
Tier 2 Navy damage reduction 3 9% Navy DMG Decrease 168,750 168,750 0 0:12:32
4 12% Navy DMG Decrease 253,130 253,130 0 0:17:32
5 15% Navy DMG Decrease 379,695 379,695 0 0:24:33
1 3% Air DMG Decrease 75,000 75,000 0 0:06:24
2 6% Air DMG Decrease 112,500 112,500 0 0:08:57
Air damage reduction 3 9% Air DMG Decrease 168,750 168,750 0 0:12:32
4 12% Air DMG Decrease 253,130 253,130 0 0:17:32
5 15% Air DMG Decrease 379,695 379,695 0 0:24:33
1 5% Training speed 253,130 253,130 2 0:34:23
Training speed of all units accelerates 2 10% Training speed 379,695 379,695 3 0:48:08
3 15% Training speed 569,543 569,543 5 1:07:23
Tier 3 35
1 5% Repair speed 253,130 253,130 2 0:34:23
Increase repair speed of all units
2 10% Repair speed 379,695 379,695 3 0:48:08
3 15% Repair speed 569,543 569,543 5 1:07:23
1 3% Land HP 379,695 379,695 0 1:34:20
2 6% Land HP 569,543 569,543 0 2:12:04
Land HP 3 9% Land HP 854,315 854,315 0 3:04:53
4 12% Land HP 1,281,473 1,281,473 0 4:18:50
5 15% Land HP 1,922,210 1,922,210 0 6:02:22
1 3% Navy HP 379,695 379,695 0 1:34:20
2 6% Navy HP 569,543 569,543 0 2:12:04
Tier 4 Navy HP 3 9% Navy HP 854,315 854,315 0 3:04:53 40
4 12% Navy HP 1,281,473 1,281,473 0 4:18:50
5 15% Navy HP 1,922,210 1,922,210 0 6:02:22
1 3% Air HP 379,695 379,695 0 1:34:20
2 6% Air HP 569,543 569,543 0 2:12:04
Air HP 3 9% Air HP 854,315 854,315 0 3:04:53
4 12% Air HP 1,281,473 1,281,473 0 4:18:50
5 15% Air HP 1,922,210 1,922,210 0 6:02:22
1 5% Wild boss attack 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 8:27:19
Hunter in the wild 2 10% Wild boss attack 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 11:50:15
3 15% Wild boss attack 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 16:34:21
Tier 5 45
1 5% Extra gifts 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 8:27:19
Combat gift 2 10% Extra gifts 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 11:50:15
3 15% Extra gifts 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 16:34:21
Tier 6 Super amass 1 Super amass 4,324,973 4,324,973 20 124:46:58
1 3% Land Attack 4,324,973 4,324,973 0 23:12:05
2 6% Land Attack 6,487,460 6,487,460 0 32:28:55
Land Attack 3 9% Land Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 0 45:28:29
4 12% Land Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 0 63:39:53
5 15% Land Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 0 89:07:50
1 3% Navy Attack 4,324,973 4,324,973 0 23:12:05
2 6% Navy Attack 6,487,460 6,487,460 0 32:28:55
Tier 7 Navy Attack 3 9% Navy Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 0 45:28:29
4 12% Navy Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 0 63:39:53
5 15% Navy Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 0 89:07:50
1 3% Air Attack 4,324,973 4,324,973 0 23:12:05
2 6% Air Attack 6,487,460 6,487,460 0 32:28:55
Air Attack 3 9% Air Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 0 45:28:29
4 12% Air Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 0 63:39:53
5 15% Air Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 0 89:07:50
1 5% Crit rate increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 2 124:46:58
All unit crit increase 2 10% Crit rate increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 3 174:41:46
3 15% Crit rate increase 32,842,767 32,842,767 5 244:34:28
Tier 8 55
1 5% Crit damage increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 2 124:46:58
All unit crit damage 2 10% Crit damage increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 3 174:41:46
3 15% Crit damage increase 32,842,767 32,842,767 5 244:34:28
Tier 9 Open Specialization 1 Next specialization 32,842,767 32,842,767 50 0:01:40 60
Total 379,749,123 379,749,123 130 2108:44:53 88 days.
Description Level % gain Oil Food Nameplates Upgrade time Level required
1 3% Damage increase 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 6% Damage increase 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Tier 1 Damage increase 3 9% Damage increase 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 15% Damage increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 20% Damage increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 3% Land damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 6% Land damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Strong Land 3 9% Land damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 15% Land damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 20% Land damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 3% Navy damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 6% Navy damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Tier 2 Strong Navy 3 9% Navy damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 15% Navy damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 20% Navy damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 3% Air damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 6% Air damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Strong Air 3 9% Air damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 15% Air damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 20% Air damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 5% Increase hero book exp 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
Tier 3 Elite trail 2 10% Increase hero book exp 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 374:20:56
3 15% Increase hero book exp 42,914,549 42,914,549 30 524:05:18
1 3% Land HP 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 136:25:29
2 6% Land HP 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 190:59:40
Land HP 3 9% Land HP 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 267:23:32
4 12% Land HP 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 374:20:56
5 15% Land HP 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 524:05:18
1 3% Navy HP 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 136:25:29
2 6% Navy HP 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 190:59:40
Tier 4 Navy HP 3 9% Navy HP 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 267:23:32
4 12% Navy HP 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 374:20:56
5 15% Navy HP 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 524:05:18
1 3% Air HP 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 136:25:29
2 6% Air HP 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 190:59:40
Air HP 3 9% Air HP 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 267:23:32
4 12% Air HP 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 374:20:56
5 15% Air HP 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 524:05:18
1 3% Hero attack and damage all unit 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 374:20:56
Chinyu Kanbi Attack 2 6% Hero attack and damage all unit 42,914,549 42,914,549 70 524:05:18
3 10% Hero attack and damage all unit 60,080,368 60,080,368 100 733:43:25
1 3% Defence capabiity 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 374:20:56
Tier 5 Five Wisdom Kanbi Defence 2 6% Defence capabiity 42,914,549 42,914,549 70 524:05:18
3 10% Defence capabiity 60,080,368 60,080,368 100 733:43:25
1 3% Hero control ability Air force 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 374:20:56
Intellegence 2 6% Hero control ability Air force 42,914,549 42,914,549 70 524:05:18
3 10% Hero control ability Air force 60,080,368 60,080,368 100 733:43:25
Tier 6 Total sortie 1 Can form 3 hero's in 1 unit 60,080,368 60,080,368 300 733:43:25
Land Orange Army +1 1 Land Orange Army +1 84,112,515 84,112,515 500 1027:12:47
Tier 7 Navy Orange Hero +1 1 Navy Orange Hero +1 84,112,515 84,112,515 500 1027:12:47 75
Air Orange Hero +1 1 Air Orange Hero +1 84,112,515 84,112,515 500 1027:12:47
1 3% Land Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 136:25:29
2 6% Land Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 190:59:40
Land Attack 3 9% Land Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 267:23:32
4 12% Land Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 374:20:56
5 15% Land Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 524:05:18
1 3% Navy Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 136:25:29
2 6% Navy Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 190:59:40
Tier 8 Navy Attack 3 9% Navy Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 267:23:32
4 12% Navy Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 374:20:56
5 15% Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 524:05:18
1 3% Air Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 136:25:29
2 6% Air Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 190:59:40
Air Attack 3 9% Air Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 267:23:32
4 12% Air Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 374:20:56
5 15% Air Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 524:05:18
1 3% Army anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Army anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Army anti-aircraft attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Army anti-aircraft attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Army anti-aircraft attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-aircraft missile
6 18% Army anti-aircraft attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Army anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Army anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Army anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Army anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 9 Guided bullet
Tier 9 Guided bullet
6 18% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Navy Army Attack Power Hero 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48 80
4 12% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-ship warhead
6 18% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Air Force Anti-Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Army air force damage? 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Army air force damage? 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Army air force damage? 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Army air force damage? 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Army air force damage? 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Air Defense armour
6 18% Army air force damage? 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Army air force damage? 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Army air force damage? 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Army air force damage? 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Army air force damage? 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Navy damage reduction? 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Navy damage reduction? 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Navy damage reduction? 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Navy damage reduction? 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
stealth 5 15% Navy damage reduction? 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 10
6 18% Navy damage reduction? 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Navy damage reduction? 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Navy damage reduction? 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Navy damage reduction? 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Navy damage reduction? 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Camouflage paint
6 18% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Air Force Navy Damage- {0}%? 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
Total 3,791,322,727 3,791,322,727 7236 27325:17:44 1139 Days

Garage 1 Additional garage 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00

Dock 1 Additional dock 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00 80
Airport 1 Additional Airport 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00
Description Level % gain Oil Food Nameplates Upgrade time Level required
1 5% Increased damage to all units 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 10% Increased damage to all units 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Tier 1 Damage increase 3 15% Increased damage to all units 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 20% Increased damage to all units 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 30% Increased damage to all units 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 10% Land damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 15% Land damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Strong army 3 20% Land damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 25% Land damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 35% Land damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 10% Navy damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 15% Navy damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Tier 2 Navy strong 3 20% Navy damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 25% Navy damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 35% Navy damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 10% Air damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 69:36:17
2 15% Air damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 97:26:47
Air force strong 3 20% Air damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 136:25:29
4 25% Air damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 190:59:40
5 35% Air damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
1 6% Damage reduction for all units 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 267:36:17
Tier 3 Luxury 2 15% Damage reduction for all units 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 374:20:56
3 25% Damage reduction for all units 42,914,549 42,914,549 30 524:05:18
1 5% Land HP 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 136:25:29
2 10% Land HP 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 190:59:40
Army life 3 15% Land HP 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 267:23:32
4 20% Land HP 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 374:20:56
5 30% Land HP 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 524:05:18
1 5% Navy HP 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 136:25:29
2 10% Navy HP 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 190:59:40
Tier 4 Navy Life 3 15% Navy HP 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 267:23:32
4 20% Navy HP 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 374:20:56
5 30% Navy HP 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 524:05:18
1 5% Air HP 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 136:25:29
2 10% Air HP 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 190:59:40
Air Life 3 15% Air HP 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 267:23:32
4 20% Air HP 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 374:20:56
5 30% Air HP 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 524:05:18
1 10% Unit training speed 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 374:20:56
Training speed 2 20% Unit training speed 42,914,549 42,914,549 70 524:05:18
3 30% Unit training speed 60,080,368 60,080,368 100 733:43:25
1 10% All unit attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 374:20:56
Tier 5 Upgrade weapon 2 15% All unit attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 70 524:05:18
3 25% All unit attack 60,080,368 60,080,368 100 733:43:25
1 10% All unit HP 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 374:20:56
Upgraded armor 2 15% All unit HP 42,914,549 42,914,549 70 524:05:18
3 25% All unit HP 60,080,368 60,080,368 100 733:43:25
Damage and damage
reduction + {1}% if there are 2
or more types of soldiers in 1
Tier 6 Encirclement 1 unit, and if there are 3 or more 60,080,368 60,080,368 300 733:43:25
types, additional damage is
done with a certain probability
when attacking 1
Land unit Lv.80 ranked up as
Undefeated Army-Land 1 84,112,515 84,112,515 500 1027:12:47
an elite unit
Navy unit Lv.80 ranked up as
Tier 7 Undefeated Army-Navy 1 84,112,515 84,112,515 500 1027:12:47 75
an elite unit
Air unit Lv.80 ranked up as an
Undefeated Army-Air 1 84,112,515 84,112,515 500 1027:12:47
elite unit
1 5% Land attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 136:25:29
2 10% Land attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 190:59:40
Land Attack 3 15% Land attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 267:23:32
4 20% Land attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 374:20:56
5 25% Land attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 524:05:18
1 5% Navy Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 136:25:29
2 10% Navy Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 190:59:40
Tier 8 Navy Attack 3 15% Navy Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 267:23:32
4 20% Navy Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 374:20:56
5 25% Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 524:05:18
1 5% Air Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 136:25:29
2 10% Air Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 190:59:40
Air Attack 3 15% Air Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 267:23:32
4 20% Air Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 374:20:56
5 25% Air Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 524:05:18
1 5% Land anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 10% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 15% Land anti-aircraft attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 20% Land anti-aircraft attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 25% Land anti-aircraft attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-aircraft bullet
6 30% Land anti-aircraft attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 35% Land anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 40% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 45% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32

Tier 9
Anti-aircraft bullet

10 50% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39

1 5% Navy anti tank attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 10% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 15% Navy anti tank attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 20% Navy anti tank attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
Guided bullet 5 25% Navy anti tank attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 9
6 30% Navy anti tank attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 35% Navy anti tank attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 40% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 45% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 50% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 5% Air anti-ship attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 10% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 15% Air anti-ship attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48 80
4 20% Air anti-ship attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 25% Air anti-ship attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-ship warhead
6 30% Air anti-ship attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 35% Air anti-ship attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 40% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 45% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 50% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 5% Land - Air damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 10% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 15% Land - Air damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 20% Land - Air damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 25% Land - Air damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
defense armor
6 30% Land - Air damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 35% Land - Air damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 40% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 45% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 50% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 5% Navy - land damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 10% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 15% Navy - land damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 20% Navy - land damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 25% Navy - land damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 10 Stealth
6 30% Navy - land damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 35% Navy - land damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 40% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 45% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 50% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 5% Air - navy damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 10% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 15% Air - navy damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 20% Air - navy damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 25% Air - navy damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Camouflage paint
6 30% Air - navy damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 35% Air - navy damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 40% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 45% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 50% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
Total 3,791,322,727 3,791,322,727 7236 27325:17:44 1139 Days

Garage 1 Additional garage 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00

Dock 1 Additional dock 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00 80
Airport 1 Additional Airport 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00
Description Level % gain Oil Food Nameplates Upgrade time Level required
1 5% Troop loading 50,000 50,000 0 0:05:00
Tier 1 Development 2 10% Troop loading 75,000 75,000 0 0:07:00
3 15% Troop loading 112,500 112,500 0 0:09:48
1 3% Land DMG Decrease 75,000 75,000 0 0:19:12
2 6% Land DMG Decrease 112,500 112,500 0 0:26:52
Land damage reduction 3 9% Land DMG Decrease 168,750 168,750 0 0:37:36
4 12% Land DMG Decrease 253,130 253,130 0 0:52:38
5 15% Land DMG Decrease 379,695 379,695 0 1:13:41
1 3% Navy DMG Decrease 75,000 75,000 0 0:19:12
2 6% Navy DMG Decrease 112,500 112,500 0 0:26:52
Tier 2 Navy damage reduction 3 9% Navy DMG Decrease 168,750 168,750 0 0:37:36
4 12% Navy DMG Decrease 253,130 253,130 0 0:52:38
5 15% Navy DMG Decrease 379,695 379,695 0 1:13:41
1 3% Air DMG Decrease 75,000 75,000 0 0:19:12
2 6% Air DMG Decrease 112,500 112,500 0 0:26:52
Air damage reduction 3 9% Air DMG Decrease 168,750 168,750 0 0:37:36
4 12% Air DMG Decrease 253,130 253,130 0 0:52:38
5 15% Air DMG Decrease 379,695 379,695 0 1:13:41
1 5% March acceleration 253,130 253,130 2 1:43:09
March acceleration 2 10% March acceleration 379,695 379,695 3 2:24:24
3 15% March acceleration 569,543 569,543 5 3:22:09
Tier 3 35
1 5% Reduction of loss 253,130 253,130 2 1:43:09
Resource protection 2 10% Reduction of loss 379,695 379,695 3 2:24:24
3 15% Reduction of loss 569,543 569,543 5 3:22:09
1 3% Land HP 379,695 379,695 0 4:43:00
2 6% Land HP 569,543 569,543 0 6:36:12
Land HP 3 9% Land HP 854,315 854,315 0 9:14:40
4 12% Land HP 1,281,473 1,281,473 0 12:56:32
5 15% Land HP 1,922,210 1,922,210 0 18:07:08
1 3% Navy HP 379,695 379,695 0 4:43:00
2 6% Navy HP 569,543 569,543 0 6:36:12
Tier 4 Navy HP 3 9% Navy HP 854,315 854,315 0 9:14:40 40
4 12% Navy HP 1,281,473 1,281,473 0 12:56:32
5 15% Navy HP 1,922,210 1,922,210 0 18:07:08
1 3% Air HP 379,695 379,695 0 4:43:00
2 6% Air HP 569,543 569,543 0 6:36:12
Air HP 3 9% Air HP 854,315 854,315 0 9:14:40
4 12% Air HP 1,281,473 1,281,473 0 12:56:32
5 15% Air HP 1,922,210 1,922,210 0 18:07:08
1 lvl 1 Gold mine facility 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 18:07:08
Produce gold mine 2 lvl 2 Gold mine facility 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 25:21:59
3 lvl 3 Gold mine facility 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 35:30:46
1 lvl 1 Oil facility 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 18:07:08
Tier 5 Oil field 2 lvl 2 Oil facility 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 25:21:59 45
3 lvl 3 Oil facility 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 35:30:46
1 lvl 1 Barn facility 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 18:07:08
Barn 2 lvl 2 Barn facility 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 25:21:59
3 lvl 3 Barn facility 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 35:30:46
1 3% Collection speed 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 18:07:08
Gold collection speed 2 6% Collection speed 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 25:21:59
3 10% Collection speed 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 35:30:46
1 3% Collection speed 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 18:07:08
Tier 6 Oil collection speed 2 6% Collection speed 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 25:21:59 50
3 10% Collection speed 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 35:30:46
1 3% Collection speed 1,281,473 1,281,473 2 18:07:08
Food collection speed 2 6% Collection speed 1,922,210 1,922,210 3 25:21:59
3 10% Collection speed 2,883,315 2,883,315 5 35:30:46
1 3% Land Attack 4,324,973 4,324,973 0 69:36:17
2 6% Land Attack 6,487,460 6,487,460 0 97:26:47
Land Attack 3 9% Land Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 0 136:25:29
4 12% Land Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 0 190:59:40
5 15% Land Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 0 267:23:32
1 3% Navy Attack 4,324,973 4,324,973 0 69:36:17
2 6% Navy Attack 6,487,460 6,487,460 0 97:26:47
Tier 7 Navy Attack 3 9% Navy Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 0 136:25:29 55
4 12% Navy Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 0 190:59:40
5 15% Navy Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 0 267:23:32
1 3% Air Attack 4,324,973 4,324,973 0 69:36:17
2 6% Air Attack 6,487,460 6,487,460 0 97:26:47
Air Attack 3 9% Air Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 0 136:25:29
4 12% Air Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 0 190:59:40
5 15% Air Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 0 267:23:32
Tier 8 Collection speed 1 10% Collection speed 32,842,767 32,842,767 733:43:25 55
Tier 9 Open Specialization 1 Next specialization 32,842,767 32,842,767 50 0:05:00 60
Total 293,945,449 293,945,449 130 3674:06:43 153 days
Description Level % gain Oil Food Gears Upgrade time Level required
1 3% Map build speed 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 6% Map build speed 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Tier 1 March acceleration 3 9% Map build speed 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 12% Map build speed 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 15% Map build speed 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
1 5% Land damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 10% Land damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Strong land 3 15% Land damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 20% Land damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 25% Land damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
1 5% Navy damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 10% Navy damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Tier 2 Strong navy 3 15% Navy damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 20% Navy damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 25% Navy damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
1 5% Air damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 10% Air damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Strong air 3 15% Air damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 20% Air damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 25% Air damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
1 Log in daily to receive a refueling gift email 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
Tax revenue strengthening 2 Log in daily to receive a refueling gift email 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 262:02:39
3 Log in daily to receive a refueling gift email 42,914,549 42,914,549 30 366:51:42
Tier 3
1 Free gold? 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
Free tax 2 Free gold? 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 262:02:39
3 Free gold? 42,914,549 42,914,549 30 366:51:42
1 3% Land HP increase 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 133:41:46
2 6% Land HP increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 187:10:28
Land life 3 9% Land HP increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 187:10:28
4 12% Land HP increase 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 262:02:39
5 15% Land HP increase 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 366:51:42 65
1 3% Navy HP increase 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 133:41:46
2 6% Navy HP increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 187:10:28
Tier 4 Navy life 3 9% Navy HP increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 187:10:28
4 12% Navy HP increase 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 262:02:39
5 15% Navy HP increase 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 366:51:42
1 3% Air HP increase 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 133:41:46
2 6% Air HP increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 187:10:28
Air life 3 9% Air HP increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 187:10:28
4 12% Air HP increase 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 262:02:39
5 15% Air HP increase 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 366:51:42
1 5% Damage to all friendly troops reduced when joining a gathering force 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 262:02:39
2 10% Damage to all friendly troops reduced when joining a gathering force 42,914,549 42,914,549 60 366:51:42
Tier 5 Strengthen useless reduction 3 15% Damage to all friendly troops reduced when joining a gathering force 60,080,368 60,080,368 70 513:36:23
4 20% Damage to all friendly troops reduced when joining a gathering force 84,112,515 84,112,515 80 719:02:56
5 25% Damage to all friendly troops reduced when joining a gathering force 14,596,785 14,596,785 100 187:10:28
1 5% joining a gathering force 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
bullets Strengthening
2 10% joining a gathering force 60,080,368 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
conscien 70
3 15% joining a gathering force 84,112,515 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
1 5% Avoid all friendly forces when joining a gathering force 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
Tier 6 Evasion 2 10% Avoid all friendly forces when joining a gathering force 60,080,368 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
3 15% Avoid all friendly forces when joining a gathering force 84,112,515 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
1 5% Increases damage to all friendly troops when joining a gathering force 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
Bad use 2 10% Increases damage to all friendly troops when joining a gathering force 60,080,368 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
3 15% Increases damage to all friendly troops when joining a gathering force 84,112,515 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
1 7% Attacking all friendly troops when joining a gathering force 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
Attack strengthening 2 15% Attacking all friendly troops when joining a gathering force 60,080,368 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
3 24% Attacking all friendly troops when joining a gathering force 84,112,515 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
Tier 7 75
1 7% joining a gathering force 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
Strengthen the mind 2 15% joining a gathering force 60,080,368 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
3 24% joining a gathering force 84,112,515 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
1 3% Land attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 95:29:50
2 6% Land attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 133:41:46
Land Attack 3 9% Land attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 187:10:28
4 12% Land attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 262:02:39
5 15% Land attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
1 3% Navy Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 95:29:50
2 6% Navy Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 133:41:46
Tier 8 Navy Attack 3 9% Navy Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 187:10:28
4 12% Navy Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 262:02:39
5 15% Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
1 3% Air Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 95:29:50
2 6% Air Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 133:41:46
Air Attack 3 9% Air Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 187:10:28
4 12% Air Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 262:02:39
5 15% Air Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
1 3% Land anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Land anti-aircraft attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Land anti-aircraft attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Land anti-aircraft attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-aircraft bullet
6 18% Land anti-aircraft attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Land anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Navy anti tank attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Navy anti tank attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Navy anti tank attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
Guided bullet 5 15% Navy anti tank attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 9
6 18% Navy anti tank attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Navy anti tank attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37

Guided bullet
Tier 9

9 27% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32

10 30% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Air anti-ship attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Air anti-ship attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48 80
4 12% Air anti-ship attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Air anti-ship attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-ship warhead
6 18% Air anti-ship attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Air anti-ship attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Land - Air damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Land - Air damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Land - Air damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Land - Air damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
defense armor
6 18% Land - Air damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Land - Air damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Navy - land damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Navy - land damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Navy - land damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Navy - land damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 10 Stealth
6 18% Navy - land damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Navy - land damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Air - navy damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Air - navy damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Air - navy damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Air - navy damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Camouflage paint
6 18% Air - navy damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Air - navy damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
Total 4,341,317,918 4,341,317,918 7046 25796:38:59 1075 Days

Garage 1 Additional garage 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00

Dock 1 Additional dock 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00 80
Airport 1 Additional Airport 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00
Description Level % gain Oil Food Gears Upgrade time Level required
1 5% Map build speed 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 10% Map build speed 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Tier 1 Construction 3 15% Map build speed 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 20% Map build speed 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 25% Map build speed 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
1 5% Land damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 10% Land damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Army Strength 3 15% Land damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 20% Land damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 25% Land damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
1 5% Navy damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 10% Navy damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Tier 2 Navy Strength 3 15% Navy damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 20% Navy damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 25% Navy damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
1 5% Air damage reduction 4,324,973 4,324,973 2 48:23:23
2 10% Air damage reduction 6,487,460 6,487,460 3 68:12:44
Air Strength 3 15% Air damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 4 95:29:50
4 20% Air damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 5 133:41:46
5 25% Air damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
Can build reinforced facilities in 3 map vacant
1 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
lots, increasing friendly abilities within range
It is possible to build Lv.1 strengthening
2 facilities in the vacant land of 3 maps, the 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 262:02:39
Strengthening facality
friendly ability within the range increases
It is possible to build Lv.2 strengthening
3 facilities in the vacant land of 3 maps, 42,914,549 42,914,549 30 366:51:42
increasing friendly ability within range
Tier 3 Weak facilities can be built in the vacant lot of
1 the map, enemy ability within range is 21,895,178 21,895,178 10 187:10:28
Lv.1 weak facilities can be constructed in the
Weak facality 2 vacant land of 3 maps, the enemy's ability 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 262:02:39
within the range is reduced
Lv.2 weak facilities can be constructed in
3 vacant land of map, enemy enemy ability 42,914,549 42,914,549 30 366:51:42
within range is reduced
1 3% Land HP increase 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 133:41:46 65
2 6% Land HP increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 187:10:28
Land life 3 9% Land HP increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 187:10:28
4 12% Land HP increase 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 262:02:39
5 15% Land HP increase 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 366:51:42
1 3% Navy HP increase 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 133:41:46
2 6% Navy HP increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 187:10:28
Tier 4 Navy life 3 9% Navy HP increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 187:10:28
4 12% Navy HP increase 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 262:02:39
5 15% Navy HP increase 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 366:51:42
1 3% Air HP increase 9,731,190 9,731,190 10 133:41:46
2 6% Air HP increase 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 187:10:28
Air life 3 9% Air HP increase 21,895,178 21,895,178 30 187:10:28
4 12% Air HP increase 30,653,249 30,653,249 40 262:02:39
5 15% Air HP increase 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 366:51:42
1 Earn additional resource rewards when gathering reaches 130,653,249
hour 9,731,190 50 262:02:39
2 Earn additional resource rewards when gathering reaches 142,914,549
hour 14,596,785 60 366:51:42
Master of collection
Tier 5 3 Earn additional resource rewards when gathering reaches 160,080,368
hour 21,895,178 70 513:36:23
4 Earn additional resource rewards when gathering reaches 184,112,515
hour 30,653,249 80 719:02:56
5 Earn additional resource rewards when gathering reaches 114,596,785
hour 42,914,549 100 187:10:28
1 High-level mining facility construction possible 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
Luxury Facility-Gold 2 Lv. 4 gold mining facilities can be built on the gold mine on the60,080,368
map 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
3 Lv. 5 gold mining facilities can be built on the gold mine on the
map 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
1 High-level oil refinery can be constructed 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
Tier 6 Luxury Facility-Oil 2 Lv.4 refinery facilities can be constructed on the oil field on the
map 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
3 Lv.5 refinery facilities can be constructed on the oil field on the
map 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
1 High-level barn facility construction possible 42,914,549 42,914,549 100 366:51:42
Luxury Facility-Food 2 Lv.4 barn facilities can be constructed in the fields of the map
60,080,368 60,080,368 120 513:36:23
3 Lv.5 barn facilities can be built in the fields of the map 84,112,515 84,112,515 150 719:02:56
Allows construction of high-level reinforced
1 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
Luxury facility-strong
Allows construction of high-level reinforced
2 60,080,368 60,080,368 200 513:36:23
Tier 7 75
Allows construction of high-level weakness
1 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
Luxury facilities-weak
Allows construction of high-level weakness
2 60,080,368 60,080,368 200 513:36:23
1 3% Land attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 95:29:50
2 6% Land attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 133:41:46
Land Attack 3 9% Land attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 187:10:28
4 12% Land attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 262:02:39
5 15% Land attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
1 3% Navy Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 95:29:50
2 6% Navy Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 133:41:46
Tier 8 Navy Attack 3 9% Navy Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 187:10:28
4 12% Navy Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 262:02:39
5 15% Navy Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
1 3% Air Attack 9,731,190 9,731,190 50 95:29:50
2 6% Air Attack 14,596,785 14,596,785 70 133:41:46
Air Attack 3 9% Air Attack 21,895,178 21,895,178 100 187:10:28
4 12% Air Attack 30,653,249 30,653,249 120 262:02:39
5 15% Air Attack 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 366:51:42
1 3% Land anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Land anti-aircraft attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Land anti-aircraft attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Land anti-aircraft attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-aircraft bullet
6 18% Land anti-aircraft attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Land anti-aircraft attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Land anti-aircraft attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Navy anti tank attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Navy anti tank attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Navy anti tank attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
Guided bullet 5 15% Navy anti tank attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 9
6 18% Navy anti tank attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Navy anti tank attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Navy anti tank attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Air anti-ship attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Air anti-ship attack power 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48 80
4 12% Air anti-ship attack power 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Air anti-ship attack power 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Anti-ship warhead
6 18% Air anti-ship attack power 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Air anti-ship attack power 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Air anti-ship attack power 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Land - Air damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Land - Air damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Land - Air damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Land - Air damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
defense armor
6 18% Land - Air damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Land - Air damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Land - Air damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Navy - land damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Navy - land damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Navy - land damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Navy - land damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Tier 10 Stealth
6 18% Navy - land damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Navy - land damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Navy - land damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
1 3% Air - navy damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 20 72:00:00
2 6% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 20 75:36:00
3 9% Air - navy damage reduction 60,080,368 60,080,368 20 79:22:48
4 12% Air - navy damage reduction 9,731,190 9,731,190 20 83:20:56
5 15% Air - navy damage reduction 14,596,785 14,596,785 20 87:30:58
Camouflage paint
6 18% Air - navy damage reduction 21,895,178 21,895,178 50 92:53:30
7 21% Air - navy damage reduction 30,653,249 30,653,249 50 96:29:10
8 24% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 101:18:37
9 27% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 50 106:22:32
10 30% Air - navy damage reduction 42,914,549 42,914,549 150 111:41:39
Total 4,173,092,888 4,060,526,373 7006 24358:33:07 1015 Days

Garage 1 Additional garage 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00

Dock 1 Additional dock 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00 80
Airport 1 Additional Airport 25,000,000 25,000,000 15FF Gold 24:00:00

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