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Instructions: Please answer the following questions. Please type your answers.

1. Identify and explain the historical significance of the following:

● Manifest Destiny (2 marks)
○ Manifest Destiny was a belief that was widely held that the future of
American settlers was to enlarge and move across the continent to
disperse their beliefs and their institutions.

● Monroe Doctrine (2 marks)

○ The Monroe Doctrine is an important part of U.S. foreign policy. The
policy was administered in 1823. It warned that the United States
would not permit European countries to interfere with independent
governments in the Americas.

● Teller Amendment (2 marks)

○ It limited the United States military's presence in Cuba. According to a
passage, 'the U.S. could not annex Cuba but only leave control of the
island to its people.' In short, the U.S. would assist Cuba to obtain
independence and then remove all its troops from the country.

● Platt Amendment (2 marks).

○ The amendment summarized the role of the United States in Cuba
and the Caribbean, restricting Cuba's right to make agreements with
other nations and prohibiting Cuba in the conduct of foreign policy and
commercial relations.

● U.S.S Maine (2 marks)

○ The U.S.S Maine was a battleship that came to protect American
lives and interests.

2. In what year did the Spanish-American War break out? (2 marks)

● 1898
3. What were the immediate causes of the Spanish-American War? (3 marks)
● The explosion of the U.S.S Maine.
● Yellow Journalism.

4. Why was there increasing support from Americans for the war with Spain? (4 marks)
● Due to yellow journalism, large amounts of propaganda were fed to the public
making them believe that the events were caused by Spain. Which is why they kept
on demanding U.S go to war with Spain.

5. How did this war advance the US imperialist motives? (6 marks)

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