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Activity Name: Group Members:

Blindfolded Robot Wars Huda Amjad & Dalia Agha

Instructions on how the activity / challenge runs:

For this blindfolded activity, an area of about 10m by 10m on grass with cones around
the border will be marked. 25 paper balls (crushed up paper) will be randomly spread
out across the area.

5 teams with 2 people in each team. One is the Robot and the other is the Director.
The Robot is blind folded and is in the zone, the Director is sighted (not blind folded)
and stands just outside the zone. All the blindfolded Robots will be in the zone.

To score points the Director (non-blindfolded person) directs the Robot to the balls of
paper (walking only, no running). They pick these up and then are directed to throw
them at the other Robots. If they hit, then the pair gets a point.

Each game lasts 5 minutes. The pair with the most points wins.

If anyone steps outside the zone, they have to do ten pushups on the spot.

Important Rules and Safety Measures:

1. Each team will have one of their players attempting the Blindfolded Robot Wars
course while the other directs them.

2. Do not step outside the zone. If the Robot steps out of the zone they have to do
ten push 10 ups on the spot.
3. Players are allowed to hold up to 3 paper balls at a time.

4. Players can only use one hand to throw and pick the paper balls for the first
half of the game, after 2.5 minutes have passed they are allowed to use 2

5. The directors are not allowed to step in the zone, if they do they are not
allowed to talk to their partner for 10 seconds.

6. If the players hit each other hard with the paper ball, then they are frozen on
the spot and are not allowed to move for 20 seconds.

Equipment List Needed:

❏ A4 Papers (25 to be exact)

❏ Cones
❏ Blindfolds
❏ Stopwatch
❏ Measuring Tape
❏ A good sense of hearing

Progressions and Regressions (ways to increase/decrease difficulty):


❏ The players are blind folded.

❏ They have 5 minutes to score as many points as they can.
❏ If the Robots step out of the zone, they have to do 10 pushups on the spot.
❏ If the directors step into the zone then they are not allowed to talk to their robot for 10
❏ If the players hit each other hard with the paper ball, then they are frozen on the spot
and are not allowed to move for 20 seconds.


❏ Half way through the game the players are allowed to use 2 hands to throw and pick.
❏ The directors are allowed to direct the robots with their voices.
❏ The players are allowed to hold upto 3 balls at a time if they wish to.

Venue and Equipment Booking Request Form

ACTIVITY: Blindfolded Robot Wars

GROUP Huda Amjad and Dalia Agha

DATES Tuesday, 23rd March


PREFERENCE Soccer field at School (Next

LOCATION 1 : to the teachers car park)

PREFERENCE Soccer field at School (Next

LOCATION 2: to the parents car park)

❏ Cones
❏ Blindfolds
❏ Stopwatch

● 2021. Blindfolds and Blindfold Goggles with FREE
SHIPPING in the UK.. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 14 March 2021].
● Microsoft Paint

● 2021. Free Online Sign Up Forms. [online]

Available at: <> [Accessed 14 March 2021].

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