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Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

Date: Week 4, Term 3 - 2021

Year Level: 10 Subject: PDHPE

UOW: Let’s Adult/ So Much Fun


4 August 2021

Google Meet link:

Unit: Let’s Adult

Lesson title – Introduction to the Unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Choice Identities & Relationships


Statement of inquiry

Refining ones’ attitudes and behaviours may ensure a safer existence within society.
Inquiry questions

Factual: How can people stay safe on the road?

Conceptual: Why do people make poor choices in social settings?

Debatable: How can young people learn from the mistakes of others to improve their safety?

Before we start:

This is a sensitive topic and to be mindful of what we say and do and how this can impact the
feelings of others. If you are feeling uncomfortable or upset at any point, please speak to
someone about it – either a teacher, family member or close/trustworthy friend.

Task 1 (45 minutes) (Health)–

1- What is Towards Zero?
In your own words, write a paragraph on what “Towards Zero” is all

Toward zero is aiming to underline the human aspect of the

road , this movement encourages all road users to modify the
way they think about road safety. According to statistics, Not
wearing a seatbelt kills 14% of citizens, Alcohol 16%, Fatigue
and the most killing offence on NSW roads is speed killing
according to 44% of the population.

2- Watch the following clip:

· Who remembers the old Kombi ad?
· This ad shows how far we've come in improving road safety, with
the well-known 1994 Kombi ad comparing how the same situation
would play out in 2015. 
· What are the factors that have helped to improve road safety?
Some improvement that has been added to the road is the use
of cones to separate the opposition, therefore decreasing road
crashes if someone is tired like in the video.

3- Complete a think, see, wonder based on “the consequences of crashes”.

4- Attempt the following online driver tests and write your score for each:
Evidence of completion of work – Complete all questions on
this document and upload it on Managebac by 5:30 today. Upload
files as WRD or PDF.

Task 2 (30 minutes)- Unit: So Much Fun! (PE)

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Development Adaptation Fairness and Development


Statement of inquiry

Positive energy output and creative choices may allow for exciting physical activity opportunities.

Inquiry questions

F: What games can we create and play in limited spaces that can be designed ourselves?

C: How can a creative mind and a positive attitude allow for exciting game opportunities?

D: Do we always need to use equipment? What are some strategies to implement to allow us to be

Rules & Expectations:

- Ensure you have adequate space in a safe area to complete your activity
(e.g move tables, chairs etc.)

- Ensure you are wearing appropriate uniform: sports shoes and workout

Week 4

- Complete and follow along with this 30 minute HIIT workout:


1- List 5 things someone could do to increase their physical activity during lockdown?

● Walking around the house, the backyard or in the park

● Doing no equipment workouts
● If someone works sitting down for long periods of time on a desk it will be
good if they get up and sketch every 25 mins for 5 mins this is known as
the pomodoro technique.
● Jogging in the backyard
● Playing basketball or soccer in the park
● Swimming if they have a pool at home.

2- List 3 barriers that prevent people from being physically active during lockdown

● Social distancing rule where people are not allowed to team sports
● The gym is closed and may people can’t purchase gym equipment
● Many after school activities such as swimming lessons are cancelled due
to lockdown.

3- Measure your resting heart rate

My resting heart rate is 68bpm

4- Measure your finishing Heart Rate after the workout.

My finishing heart rate after the workout is 136bpm

5- What is the difference between your starting and finishing heart rate?

It increased by 68 bpm which doubled.

6- Why do you think it changed in this way? Have you noticed any changes over the
past 4 weeks? (Good or bad)

Yes I have noticed that my post workout heart rate depended on the intensity of
the work. For example one first week my post workout heart rate was 116, it
decreased in week 2 to 104 bpm and increased now to 136bpm. I think that the
intensity of the workout changed over the month.

7- How could you get your family involved in more physical activity during lockdown?

I already convinced my dad, who usually doesn’t work out a lot, to walk with me
around our street for 30 mins. Not only is that great for your health but it is a way
to bond and have a good chat.

Evidence of completion of work – Take a picture of your

workout and your work and upload it on Managebac. Upload
pictures as JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF or PDF.

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