Draft Project Proposal Community Service

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(Online and Community Based)

A. Executive Summary

Title: Providing Nutritious, Cheap, Different, and Delicious Recipes in the Barangay with the
Use of Common Ingredients
Brief Project Description:
Filipinos all know that adobo, sinigang, and sautéed sardines in tomato sauce is some of
the Filipino’s common dishes in most of its families’ recipes. Although the taste of it, is truly
delicious but some seek other flavor but have few budgets and can only afford the same
ingredients. The project targets that the Filipino families will have more vast knowledge in
cooking and also to share knowledge on recipes that is not common but, uses common
ingredients, nutritious, and cheap.
Partner Organization/Agency: Office of the Barangay of Rizal, Pilar Bataan
Budgetary Requirement: 3000.00 php
Source of Fund: Donations
Locality/Municipality on where the project/activity will be implemented:
Rizal, Barangay of Pilar, Municipality of Pilar

B. Introduction/Rationale (Project Background)

Filipinos all know that adobo, sinigang, and sautéed sardines in tomato sauce is some of the
Filipino’s most common dishes in its families’ recipes. Although the taste of it, is truly delicious but
some seek other flavor but have few budgets and can only afford the same ingredients. In plates of any
individuals if you serve dish as same as usual everyday no matter how delicious is the dish the
individual will only feel bored having to eat the same dish every time. Also, in many Filipino
households especially the poor ones. Most of them tends to always eat the same dish again and again.
Because it is the only food that they can afford. That is why this project will provide recipes that is
cheap, nutritious, and even delicious.
C. Project Objectives
The project targets the Filipino families, they will have more vast knowledge in cooking and
also to share knowledge on recipes that is not common but, uses common ingredients, nutritious, and
cheap. To let families, choose from wide variety of recipes that is listed on the project. So that the
Filipino families will eat variety of dishes and avoid repetition of dishes. It also targets the health of the
Filipino families living in the barangay of Rizal. And it also helps the families to save money on buying
the ingredients.
D. Expected Project Outcome
The project expects that the Filipino families living in Barangay Rizal will have vast knowledge
among recipes and will have knowledge some skills in cooking. It also expects not just skills in cooking
but also skills on saving money and choosing the right ingredients to make the dish more delicious and

Providing Nutritious, Cheap, Different, and Delicious Recipes in the Barangay with the Use of Common Ingredients 1
E. Possible Risks/Problems and Countermeasures
There might be risk on distributing the recipes in the families’ homes. Because of the current
pandemic it should have extra care on distributing the recipes and to obey the health protocol issued
by the government. Also, the budget because printing lots of paper is expensive and it is hard to
produce funds like that. So, the project will find or ask for donation in an individual or an organization
that wants to help creating this project.

Submitted by:

Jester M. Macalinao


CWTS Cluster D

Providing Nutritious, Cheap, Different, and Delicious Recipes in the Barangay with the Use of Common Ingredients 2

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