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Student Assessment
Task One: Questions
Assessment Cover Sheet
This document must be signed by the student for each assessment completed. Submission of Assessments
will not be accepted for marking/review without a completed and signed Assessment Cover Sheet.

Qualification Title CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Unit Code CHCLEG003
Unit Title Manage legal and ethical compliance
Student Name Ajibola Akintola
Student ID 1064600

Student Email

Assessor Name Muhammad Aamer

Campus ☒ Brisbane ☐ Sydney ☐ Perth
Due Date Week 6
Submission Date
Assessment Task Task One – Questions

Student Agreement:
By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I understand the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed
in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures. In particular:
• The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s material represented in my
• I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of
assistance used in my assessment work.
• I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission
guidelines. I am aware that if I do not follow the required guidelines, this could result in my
assessments being returned not assessed by my trainer/assessor.
• I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the
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• I will not allow other students to access or copy in whole or any part of my assessment work.
• I understand that if I am dissatisfied with the way I have been assessed or with my result, I have the
right to appeal as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and

Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the material I submit for assessment is
entirely my own and meets all of the college’s assessment requirements.

Student Signature Ajibola Akintola

Date 23/2/2021

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 2

Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
 This is a written assessment. All questions must be answered for this assessment.
 This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory
performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in
the prior attempt at the assessment.
 The written assessment may be re-attempted on one further occasion (maximum of three attempts).
 This is an open book assessment.
 Respond to all questions in the spaces provided.
 You must answer all questions correctly for this assessment to be completed satisfactorily. Ask your
assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.

Required Resources
 You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry practices.

 You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by
handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated time.
 Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover
sheet will not be accepted.

When and where will this assessment take place?

 Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
 Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if applicable.

What if the assessment is not suitable?

 If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor
may be able to provide you with an alternative method. Discuss this with your assessor.

What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?

 If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory, your assessor will provide you with feedback.
You may need to resubmit some or all the questions. Your assessor will explain the details for your
 In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three attempts.
 If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your
assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more information.

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 3

Question 1 Describe two pieces of information or advice that local, state/territory or
commonwealth government departments can provide on compliance.
Answer 1. They can provide an online access to frequently asked questions about
legislation and bills to the public through the state government’s website.
2. The local, state/territory or commonwealth government departments can
also provide information through government complaint investigation
schemes and ombudsman services (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 2 Describe two ways an industry association can provide information and advice on
Answer 1. An industry association can provide information and advice on compliance on
training and community services educational programs. (Aspire learning
resources, 2017)
2. They can also provide information and advice on compliance on public
relations or advertising activities to promote the service services. (Aspire
learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 3 Describe how plain English documentation explaining legislation can assist
organisations to understand compliance requirements.
Answer Legislations can sometimes be difficult to understand as terminologies used might not
be understood by every reader. A plain english documentation is focused on
communication. It can be used to best communicate an information to organisations
or readers for better understanding. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 4

Question 4 Describe two functions and operating procedures of two regulatory authorities relevant
to the health and community services sector.
Answer 1. Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: They protect and enhance the
safety a d quality of life of people receiving the Australian Government
funded aged care.
Function and Operating Procedures:
A. The commission is responsible for resolving complaints filed by workers, clients
and members about services being provided.
B. They also conduct home care investigations (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

2. Work Health and Safety: The WHS commission in each states regulates and
enforces work health and safety in their jurisdiction
Functions and Operating procedures
A. They provide information and advise on WHS training and assessment
B. They also provide information on reporting workplace incidents. (Aspire
learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 5 Explain why it is important for managers and other employees to have a clear
understanding of their legal responsibilities and liabilities.
Answer It is important for manager and employees to understand their legal responsibilities
and liabilities because if the legal requirements are not met or the standards are
breached, both the manager and employees will be held liable for non-compliance.
(Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 6 Explain how the law applies to children in the workplace.

Answer Managers and employees are to report any case involving children in the workplace
to the relevant child protection authority in each state or territory. Cases involving
child abuse including what type of abuse should be reported to the relevant child
protection in the state. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 7 Identify and describe two pieces of legislation relating to discrimination in the

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 5

Answer 1. The Age Discrimination Act 2004
This legislation protects people who are discriminated due to their age. It
states that regardless of age, everyone has the same right to equality before
the law. The legislation is important in regards to Australia’s ageing
population. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

2. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975

This legislation protects workers of different race, colour, descent and
national or ethnic origin.
(Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 8 Describe and provide an example of the law relating to dignity of risk in the workplace.

Answer The law relating to dignity of risk in workplace allows a person the right to make their
own choices and the liberty of taking risk.
For Example: A client with lung disease decides he wants a cigarette. It is a worker’s
job to explain the consequences and effects of smoking to the client but not deny him
his request. The client is then allowed the final decision. (Aspire learning resources,

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 9 Describe the law relating to duty of care in the workplace.

Answer The law relating to duty of care in a workplace could also relate to Negligence. It is
every worker’s responsibility to provide the accurate standard of service to all people
receiving care whilst taking into account their medical, ethical, social and religious
Once the law is breached, a worker could be charged with Negligence. (Aspire
learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 10 Explain how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies to the delivery of
community services.
Answer The universal declaration of human rights is an international document that sets a
standard in basic rights and fundamental freedoms. All human beings are entitled to
this declaration. These rights include the right to life, liberty, free speech, privacy,
social and cultural rights. In the delivery of community service, clients are entitled. All
workers are to allow the clients their rights during service delivery. (Aspire learning
resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 6

Question 11 Explain what is meant by a ‘human rights framework’ in the workplace.

Answer Human rights framework refers to the legislation, regulations, monitoring and
reporting systems that are set aside to achieve substantive equality in a workplace.
(Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 12 Describe the law relating to informed consent in the workplace.

Answer This law is part of the ethical and legal compliance. A consent in a workplace must be
given voluntarily, it must be informed which means they must be aware of the risks
involved, and it must be specific and align with the activity involved. (Aspire learning
resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 13 Describe two workplace instances that require mandatory reporting.

Answer 1. When a client shows a change in their behaviour or mood or show signs that
may indicate abuse e.g. Sexual assault.
2. When a person with support needs discloses that they’re being assaulted,
abused or harmed by another person. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 14 Describe two Australian Privacy Principles required when recording or reporting
sensitive information.
Answer 1. Anonymity and Pseudonymity
Requires organisations to give individuals the option of not identifying
themselves, or of using a pseudonym.

2. Use or disclosure of personal information

This outlines the circumstances in which an organisation may use or disclose
personal information that it holds.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 15 Identify and describe one right and one responsibility of workers in the community

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 7

services sector.
Answer Employee Rights
1. Rights to a safe workplace:
All employees have the rights to a save workplace. A workplace that is free
from danger, harm, discrimination and abuse. (Aspire learning resources,
Employee Responsibility
1. To Comply with duty of care and follow instructions:
All employees in a community service sector have the responsibility to
comply with duty of care and follow instructions carefully to enable them
deliver a service of standard to their clients. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 16 Describe how industrial relations legislation and requirements apply to community
service organisations.
Answer Industrial relations legislations and requirements covers the community service
organisations workers in areas such as minimum wages, pay equity, employment
standards, leave entitlements, hours of work, and protect all the workers from
discrimination and unfair dismissal. In areas where a community service employee
gets paid below the standard rate, this legislation covers them.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 17 Describe the law relating to work health and safety in the workplace.

Answer The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth)

This is a law that is set aside to ensure the workplace is a safe and healthy area. The
legislation states that all employers must take all the necessary steps to protect the
health and safety of employees at work and also, workers have a duty of care to
themselves and others. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 18 Describe one example of specific statutory reporting requirements relating to an area
of the community services sector.
Answer Reporting requirements varies between community service sectors and states.
For example:
Child services have a mandatory reporting system for abuse or neglect of a child. Each
states reporting system varies with specific requirements for who, where, and what
type of abuse must be reported.
In Queensland, a report can be made via a phone call to a regional intake service or
Child safety after hours service centre. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 8

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 19 Explain the specific requirements in the area of community services work relating to
public liability insurance.
Answer The public liability insurance protects community service organisations and workers
against the financial risk of being liable to third party for death or injury, loss or
damage of property resulting from their own negligence.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 20 Describe two key practices that are prohibited by law in the workplace.

Answer 1. Seclusion
Seclusion is an act of isolation. It is prohibited in a workplace to isolate a
person under the age of 18 in which they are unable to leave.

An adult can be isolated only for a short-term period in response to a critical

incident to minimise risks. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

2. Aversion
Aversion is prohibited in a workplace which means a person of need should
not be treated in a way that makes them uncomfortable or unpleasant.
(Aspire learning resources, 2017)
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 21 Describe two main consequences of non-compliance.

Answer 1. When the care by a service provider isn’t up to standard or goes against the
laws that has been put in place for that particular sector, such company will
be sanctioned and dealt with. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)
2. Once an issue has been noticed with a service delivery, a Notice of non-
compliance will be issued to the company to fix the issue over a set period of
time. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 22 Provide two individual rights that should be protected in a code of conduct.

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 9

Answer 1. Right of individuals to life, liberty, and security.
2. Right of individuals to be treated with respect.
3. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 23 Explain the purpose of a code of practice.

Answer The purpose of a code of practise is to provide workers with a standard of practise for
their specific role in a workplace. It provides guidance on a range of matters which
includes duty of care, hazard identification, risk assessment process and risk control.
(Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 24 Describe how complaints could be managed internally by a community services

Answer When an issue occurs and a complaint is being filed to the manager of facilitators of
the affected location, a board meeting is being organised within the case manager,
service facilitators, team leaders and other officials who are involved in the case to
discuss and resolve the issue. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 25 Identify and describe two practice standards relating to the community services sector.

Answer 1. Aged Care Quality Standards

Consumer dignity and choice
This states that all clients should be treated with dignity and respect and also
should be allowed to maintain their identity, make choices about their care
and services, and live a life of their choosing.

2. National Standards for Mental Health Services

Clients are entitled to quality care and services when they need them and also
from people who have the knowledge and experience, capable and caring.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 26 Explain the importance of understanding practitioner–client boundaries in community

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 10

services work.
Answer - Practitioner and client boundaries are very important in community service
work. It helps with better communication and relationship between a
practitioner and a client. It also reduces misunderstanding between them and
also helps with achieving higher productivity in providing service.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 27 Explain how policies and procedures are used to manage compliance and ethical
practice in internal work practices.
Answer - They are used to manage risk of danger and duty of care in a workplace
- They are also used as a guide for workers to follow and abide to, also for
workers to know their role and what needs to be done for a safe and smooth
working environment.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 28 Identify two elements that could be in a policy format and two elements that could be
in a procedure format.
Answer Policy format
1. A title: Capturing the content of the policy
2. A policy statement: A brief statement of the purpose of the policy
Procedure Format
1. Report writing procedures
This is a procedure format for report writing. It is set aside to assist workers with
the standard format for report writing. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

2. Evacuation procedures
This procedure can be found on the notice board or areas where the workers can easily
access it. They are evacuation procedures set aside in case of an emergency e.g. Fire
emergency. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 29 Describe a policy framework that relates to the community services sector.

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 11

Answer 1. Aged Care Quality Standards
Consumer dignity and choice
This states that all clients should be treated with dignity and respect and also
should be allowed to maintain their identity, make choices about their care
and services, and live a life of their choosing.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 30 Explain why community services organisations are required to develop and implement
plans, policies, codes of conduct and incorporate certain workplace practices.
Answer Community service organisations set aside these policies and procedures to ensure
service standard and legislation that set the requirement for compliance are met.
(Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 31 Describe two ways community services organisation should safeguard confidential
information and records of service users.
Answer 1. A community service organisation should ensure their workers never discuss
a service user in public, with friends and family, or with another service user.
2. Community Service organisation should ensure information that is no longer
needed are disposed off properly or returned to their place of origin. (Aspire
learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 32 Describe two ways that community service workers could clarify their level of authority.

Answer 1. A community service worker can clarify their level of author from their
supervisor or senior management officer
2. Through an organisation flow chart. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 33 Describe two techniques for monitoring legal and ethical compliance in the workplace.

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 12

Answer 1. By assigning an employee to take on the responsibilities of work and health
safety officer at the location. It could be a team leader or an employee with
2. By ensuring the maintenance of the organisation’s vehicle and also making
sure they are road worthy and insured. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 34 Explain the purpose of monitoring inspections.

Answer Monitoring inspections are done to ensure an organisation and its employees are
abiding to the accreditation standards, and legal and ethical compliance
requirements. They are usually less formal. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 35 Explain the need for community services organisation to apply for licences and
associated certifications.
Answer It is important for a community service organisation to apply for licenses and
certifications because it shows they have met the approved set of quality standard in
the way they deliver their services. It also shows that they’re a registered and
approved service provider. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 36 Describe what an organisation must to do to be accredited.

Answer For an organisation to be accredited, they have to show evidence that their services
meet the minimum standards for the accreditation level required for their sector.
These stages include
1. Internal review by the organisation
2. External review conducted by the relevant reviewers
3. Feedback
4. Taking action (Aspire learning resources, 2017)
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 37 Explain why community service workers should undergo continuing professional
education (CPE).

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 13

Answer It is important for community service workers to undergo continuing professional
education (CPE) to maintain their knowledge and skills in their various fields and stay
updated with other information that could be of help to attain a vast understanding
of their respective industry. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 38 Describe two methods of receiving updated information on compliance

Answer 1. News: News articles whether printed, online or electronic subscriptions is a
great way of receiving or staying updated with legislative and regulatory
changes. (Aspire learning resources, 2017)

2. Social Media: engagements on social media provides one with access to real
time updates, notifications and articles published by various government
departments, regulatory agencies, and industry groups. (Aspire learning
resources, 2017)
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Assessor Name Muhammad Aamer

Assessor Signature

Student Name Ajibola Akintola

Student Signature

CHCLEG003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 14

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