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Narrator: Mango once boasted that he was very strong

Mango: “Just watch me,” (to the bamboo) he said (to the audience). “I can stand the
strongest gale. I’m not afraid of the storm. Ho, ho, Bamboo,” (to bamboo) he laughed (to
bamboo) “you cannot do that. You are so frail and week. And besides, I bow down to no one.
(to bamboo)

Bamboo: Bamboo replied (to audience). “What you say is true. But there are some things that
you cannot do. I can sing to the breeze. I can whisper to the woods. I can grow anywhere and
am useful to man.” (to mango)

Mango: “Oh, that’s nothing” (to bamboo) said mango (to audience)

Narrator: And Mango went on boasting. (Mango pantomimes boasting).

Mango: And

Bamboo: Then they called on Wind to be judge.

Bamboo: Give us a test, (to wind) said Bamboo. (to audience)

Mango: “Let Wind find out who is stronger,” (the wind) said Mango. (to audience)

Wind: Wind chuckled at this and began whipping and whistling . He shrieked and he howled.
He blew a terrific gale.

Mango: At first mango stood still, confident of his strength. (to audience. Wind howls but
Mango stands still) But finally, the roots gave way, and he fell to the ground with a loud crash.
(All lines to the audience. Mango acts out what is said. After the crash, he falls to the ground.)

Bamboo: Bamboo protest and whined. ( to the audience with sound effects ) but he bent and
swayed in the direction of the Wind. (to the audience, as he acts out what he says)

Wind: The stronger the gale. (sound effects)

Bamboo: The lower he bent, almost touching the ground. (Acts out)

Wind: When at last the Wind stopped , Bamboo was standing still, although badly shaken.
The once proud Mango lay shamefully down. ( All freeze for four counts) (curtain call)

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