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Superior science academy

Fawara chok jaranwala

Class 10 Total marks 40

Student name ………. Subject……….

1 The skull contains……. Bones 22 13 12 23

2 The mature bone cells are called Osteocytes Osteoclast Osteoblast All

3 Vertebral column protects the Brain Ribs and spinal Forelimbs Hindlimbs

4 The fibrous cartilage is Flexible Strong Less flexible None

5 Skull bone joints is the example of Fixed joint Slightly Hinge joints Ball and socket
movable joints joint
6 When the muscle is stimulated by the nerve impulse, it Thick Thin Long Soft
becomes … during contraction

7 Tendons and the ligaments are the band of connective Actin Collagen Cellulose Pectin
tissues made with

8 During evolution, the lower jaw in the mammals Outer ear Inner ear Middle ear All
modified and incorporated with four other bone into

9 Andreas Vesalius is famous for the studies of Morphological Anatomical Parasitological histological

Short questions 12*2=24

1) Differentiate between hyaline and elastic cartilage?
2) Define the skeleton?
3) What do you know about the endoskeleton?
4) What is the role of skeleton?
5) What is meant by chondrocytes explain shortly?
6) Differentiate between compact and spongy bone?
7) What is the role of tendon and ligament?
8) How would you explain appendicular skeleton?
9) Differentiate between flexion and extensions?
10) What is meant by axial skeleton?
11) Differentiate between fixed and slightly movable joints?
12) Differentiate between bone and cartilage?
13) What do you know about Andreas Vesalius?

Long questions 4+3=7

1) Write a note on muscle and movement?
2) What are the types of joints? Discuss comprehensively?

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