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Nucleic acids

1. The diagram below shows the structure of a small section of DNA. What is
represented by the shapes in the diagram?C

2. During the process of replication, which bond(s) in the diagram of DNA below
is/are broken? B A. 3 B. 4,5 C. 1,2,6,7 D. 1,7,4,5

3. What is the arrangement of sub-units in a DNA nucleotide?C

A. Sugar – base – phosphate B. Sugar – phosphate – base
C. Phosphate – sugar – base D. Sugar – phosphate – base – base – phosphate – sugar
4. What type of bond is labelled X?A
A. Covalent bond B. Hydrogen bond
C. Peptide bond D. Semi-conservative

5. The diagram below represents a DNA nucleotide. What could the part labelled X
A. Ribose B. Uracil C. Guanine
D. Phosphate

6. What is the arrangement of nucleotides in a single DNA strand?A

S = sugar, P = phosphate group, B = organic base

7. Which group of three molecules makes up one RNA nucleotide?A

A. Phosphate, ribose, uracil B. Phosphorus, ribose, adenine
C. Uracil, deoxyribose, phosphorus D. Guanosine, deoxyribose, phosphate
8. What is the function of helicase?D
A. It forms bonds between DNA nucleotides. B. It adds new nucleotides to the
DNA helix. C. It forms the DNA helix. D. It separates DNA strands.

9. What is true about eukaryotic DNA?C

A. It contains the complementary base pair adenine-uracil. B. It is naked.
C. The majority consists of repetitive sequences. D. The majority codes for genes.
10. Between which bases are hydrogen bonds formed in DNA?C
A. C and U B. T and G C. A and T D. U and A

11. What fact is correct about eukaryotic DNA?D

A. The bases in an organism are in equal proportions
B. The sequence of bases in a molecule of DNA are constant
C. The ratio of adenine to guanine is the same as the ratio of adenine to thymine
D. The ratio of adenine to thymine is the same as the ratio of guanine to cytosine
12. To which parts of the deoxyribose molecule do phosphates bind in DNA?D
A. I and V B. III and IV C. II and III D. III and V

13. A biochemist isolated and purified molecules needed for DNA replication. When
some DNA was added replication occurred, but the DNA molecules formed were
defective. Each consisted of a normal DNA strand paired with segments of DNA a
few hundred nucleotides long. Which of the following had been left out of the
mixture? A
A. DNA ligase B. Helicase C. Nucleotides D. DNA polymerase
14. What are the chromosomes of fungi made of?B
B. DNA and protein
C. DNA and RNA
D. DNA, RNA and protein
15. What is the function of helicase in DNA replication?B
I. Breaking hydrogen bonds between complementary bases
II. Forming hydrogen bonds between complementary bases
III. Unwinding the double helix
A. I only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. III only
17. In the experiments performed by Meselson and Stahl, E. coli were grown for
many generations in 15N then for one generation in 14N. What results for the DNA of
the last generation showed that replication was semi-conservative?C
A. Both strands containing only 15N
B. Both strands containing only 14N
C. One strand containing only 15N and one stand containing only 14N
D. Both strands containing a mixture of 15N and 14N in equal amounts
18. If 15 % of a sample of DNA is thymine, what percentage of the DNA is guanine?
A. 15 % B. 30 % C. 35 % D. It cannot be determined from the
information given.
19. What is a similarity between DNA and RNA?A
A. Both are polymers of nucleotides.
B. Both are composed of antiparallel strands.
C. Both contain adenine, cytosine and thymine.
D. Both contain ribose sugar.
20. What enables bacteria to produce human growth hormone?D
A. DNA replication is semi-conservative.
B. The polymerase chain reaction can be used.
C. They need the hormone for growth.
D. The genetic code is universal.

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