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Name : Nadila Choirunnisa’ Intsani

NIM : 19190037
Class : B
A. Please paraphrase these paragraphs.
1. According to Smith in 2005, it was found in Singapore that every Teacher and Student
is essential for excellence in education. Therefore, every Master and student has been
given extra time and area to develop themselves and for this reason, put together an
excellent training and gain knowledge of the experience.

2. According to Kisper in 2000 Language is an important way of conversation between

humans. However, due to the wide variety of languages, language itself is often a
barrier or source of expertise for some of the world's population. For years, humans
have been expecting a universal language that everyone in the world can speak.
reasons to have an understandable language. If the same language was spoken in all
countries, they could certainly become closer culturally and economically. It can also
create desired wishes among countries
B. Write an essay about current issue related to your major. The essay consists of
introductory, body, concluding paragraph and reference.

Essay Learning Mathematics in the Pandemic Era

At the current pandemic, the state of the learning process is much different from before.
Usually, learning activity is done manually face to face, but now with the pandemic
outbreak, this is changing that process. Previously, students would come to school every
morning wearing a uniform and studying with their peers, but this pandemic outbreak
makes the learning process more involving with internet-based technology. It because the
face-to-face learning process is not done anymore as a government's effort to suppress the
spread of the coronavirus since mid-March 2020. The online learning process, which is
not done by face-to-face learning, makes the school deserted and students cannot play
with their friends.
In this case, the role of parents is more dominant than before. Parents must provide
guidance and learning to their children by supervising and accompanying the learning
activity process. of course, this situation becomes a separate meaning for parents that
educating and teaching children in school is not easy. One of the difficulties experienced
in learning mathematics that does not seem to relate to daily life Misdalina et al. 2009
(Shinta et al. 2020) stated that the monotonous way of presenting mathematics lessons
from the abstract concept to concrete concepts, does not make children happy to learn.

Body Paragraph
Teachers of exact subjects, more specifically learning mathematics, certainly experience
considerable obstacles among teachers of other subjects. Coupled with students'
perceptions of mathematics which are considered difficult, complicated, and also boring.
This will make students less active during mathematics learning in particular. During the
previous face-to-face learning, many students had difficulty receiving mathematics
learning material. Participants will be increasingly inactive during mathematics learning.
From what was seen, it was felt during face-to-face learning that experienced many
obstacles and problems, especially when the learning was carried out remotely or online.
However, of course, as a great teacher, an innovative teacher, a creative teacher will be
able to change the notion that mathematics is difficult, complicated, boring, too many
numbers, too many formulas, etc., and change students who are initially inactive to
become more active. in mathematics learning.
According to Leli Sugiarti in the Mathematics Olympiad Webinar (OPTIKA 20) with the
theme "The Role of Technology in the Development of Learning and Teaching Skills to
achieve Higher Level Thinking", there are four skills that an educator or a teacher should
have (Romlan, 2020). First, a teacher must have a patient nature as well as a persistent
nature. These two traits are very important to face all the traits, characters, and
personalities of students. Because basically, students have a high curiosity which might
push students to act out of bounds or off-track. Second, understand and follow the
increasingly rapid development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology).
Teachers must be able to respond to these developments to design a virtual learning
process, in particular, to make students more active. For example, at times like this,
students will be more active via the internet and also their social media, so the teacher
must also be able to keep up with and also respond to this. Third, teachers must have
creative and innovative thinking so that they can find something new in learning
mathematics. Fourth, teachers must be able to manage the virtual world. The news that is
spreading in cyberspace today, of course, is very much and as a teacher, you must be able
to filter out which news is true and which is just a hoax. Teachers must also be able to
take advantage of social media as a learning tool.
With a teacher mastering these skills who can apply them in learning, the teacher can be
said to be a successful teacher in the learning process. With the four skills that are applied
in learning, we will get a student who has moral character, has skills in technology, can
also manage information, has skills in learning, is active in learning, creative and
innovative thinking skills, and learners or students can compete in the global era or
A mathematics teacher must pay attention to the methods and styles of delivery that are
used. Especially in learning that is done remotely or online. Because as we know before,
mathematics is a science that can be called an abstract science. This is done so that a
learning process can run well and the learning objectives can be maximized. In distance
learning or online, teachers are required to avoid floating math learning, because it can
result in learning taking place without a good pattern which leads to inefficient learning.
In substantiating abstract concepts in mathematics learning, teachers can implement
technology in making multimedia-based materials. These teaching materials can be
arranged with text or videos that are interesting, concise, clear, and also contain
explanations, sample questions, and discussions, as well as practice questions consisting
of easy, medium, and difficult practice questions.
Attendance or online attendance checks must also be done in various ways. This is
intended so that the atmosphere of learning varies at each meeting so that students or
students do not feel bored. In an online learning period like today, attendance or checking
the attendance of students is very important. This is because the presentation will be
evidence of the presence of students in every lesson. In addition, this presence is also a
form of a teacher's effort in inviting students to be active in learning mathematics in
Interactive learning is learning that aims to realizing fun learning which will cause the
learning objectives to be achieved. This learning, of course, is very important to be
realized by a teacher. Steps that can be taken to achieve interactive learning, namely, first,
doing motivation at the beginning of learning. This will later become a benchmark for the
success of a lesson. Some experts state that the initial or first minutes in the learning
process are a valuable time for further learning hours. The motivation that is right, good,
and hits students, will make students feel happy, calm, and relaxed, usually, this condition
is referred to as an alpha zone condition which means it is the brightest stage in the
creative process of a person's brain. Therefore, it is very unfortunate if starting from the
beginning of learning a teacher does not motivate students, which will result in the
unpreparedness of students in the following learning to the next stage.
Second, avoid using a long period when delivering material or information, because this
will result in a feeling of boredom in each student. With the emergence of this feeling of
saturation, later it will be able to eliminate the concentration of students in learning.
Third, a teacher always tries to give appreciation and reward in the form of words to each
student who has responded well in the learning discussion process. This will result in a
growing enthusiasm for learning for each student. Fourth, even though the learning
process is not carried out face to face, at least we still have to respect the existence of
students by mentioning the names of students who are less visible in the chat room. That
way students will feel cared for and also feel valued by their existence. Fifth, provide
clear instructions or information, inspire readers to respond, and do not use short
sentences that seem stiff. It would be better when commenting on students' responses that
it is always followed by humorous sentences, jokes, and so on so that it seems like face-
to-face learning is usually in class. Sixth, give a break of about 5-10 minutes for students
to calm down in the middle of learning, but still emphasize the discipline of time as
arranged at the beginning of the lesson.
During a pandemic like this time, the curriculum used is simpler than before. So that this
becomes an important part for teachers to as much as possible be able to provide material
that is very meaningful to students. One way to achieve this is by using a realistic
mathematics approach or commonly known as Realistic Mathematics Education (RME).
RME is a learning theory that has been developed specifically for learning mathematics.
According to Suryanto and Sugiman (Kusumawati, 2012), RME is an approach that has
the following characteristics:
1) Using contextual problems, namely mathematics is seen as a daily human activity, so
solving life problems faced or experienced by students (realistic contextual problems for
students) is a very important part.
2) Using a model, namely learning mathematics means working with mathematical tools
of horizontal mathematical results.
3) Using students' results and constructs, that is, students are allowed to find
mathematical concepts, under the guidance of the teacher.
4) Learning focused on students.
5) There is an interaction between students and teachers, namely learning activities
including solving realistic contextual problems, organizing mathematical experiences, and
discussing the results of solving these problems.
Learning mathematics using a realistic mathematics approach or Realistic Mathematic
Education (RME), can provide opportunities for students to always be active in
interpreting mathematical knowledge. The problem-solving process starts with
connecting to problems that can be imagined by students. After that, students are given
the freedom or discretion to be able to determine the problem-solving strategy
independently. After students are given this freedom, slowly, the teacher guides the
students to solve these problems mathematically.

In mathematics learning, especially when learning occurs remotely, many ways can be
done to make learning feel meaningful. Distance learning as it is today will be done at
home where it will be a challenge for teachers and parents alike. Moreover, the
assumption that mathematics is considered abstract learning and less attractive to
students. With a realistic mathematics approach, it can be an alternative in learning
mathematics. By using this approach, it can provide opportunities for students to always
be active in learning mathematics. Because this realistic mathematical approach has
characteristics that can facilitate students in learning mathematics, such as the use of
contextual problems, the use of learning models, the use of construction results from
students themselves, focused learning on students, and also the interactions that occur
between students and students. also teachers in dealing with contextual problems.


Herliandry, L. D., Nurhasanah, N., Suban, M. E., & Kuswanto, H. (2020). Pembelajaran
pada masa pandemi covid-19. JTP-Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 22(1), 65-70.

Handayani, S. D., & Irawan, A. (2020). Pembelajaran matematika di masa pandemic

covid-19 berdasarkan pendekatan matematika realistik. Jurnal Math Educator
Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan
Matematika, 6(2), 179-189.
Riajanto, M. L. E. J. (2021). Pembelajaran Era Pandemi COVID-19 Berkarakteristik
Realistic Mathematics Education Pada Ketercapaian Kemampuan Pemahaman Geometris
Siswa Kelas VII. JPMI (Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif), 4(2), 489-496.

Fadillah, F. A. Learning Mathematics During The COVID-19 Pandemi was Based on

Realistic Mathematics Approach

Kusumawati, K. (2012). Penerapan Realistic Mathematic Education Sebagai Upaya

Meningkatkan Keaktifan Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Pada Siswa Kelas 1 Sd
Negeri 2 Dibal Kec. Ngemplak Kab. Boyolali Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 (Doctoral
dissertation, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta).

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