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Think Critically

4. Compare and contrast how B cells and T cells respond to pathogens.

5. Explain how vaccinations can protect you from infectious diseases such as
measles and chicken pox.

Apply Concepts
4. Assume that you scrape your knee. The next day, the scrape has become red,
warm, and painful. Why are these signs that the scrape has become infected?

Think Critically
5. Explain how a fever helps fight pathogens.

Points to Consider
The phagocytes that are part of the body’s second line of defense attack any pathogens
they encounter. They provide a general defense. Some white blood cells attack only
certain pathogens. They provide a specific defense.

1. How do you think specific pathogens can be identified by the body?

2. Why do you think the body needs specific defenses as well as general defenses?

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