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How well did you participate in your church’s religious activities?

1. Have you participated in masses or worship services either online or offline? YES, I
participated an online Bible study.
a. Type and medium of the Religious activity: Online Bible Study led by Joyce Meyer
b. Date and time of the activity: February 19, 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
c. How did you participate? I participated this Bible study by watching it on YouTube
d. What spiritual nourishment did you get from this activity? Write a reflection about it.
I was so blessed that God gave me the strength to hear His message despite of having so
much school requirements and been depressed for a week. It was amazing that it popped out in
my screen, it was indeed a good timing.
The title was “Calm down and Cheer up,” I thought it for myself first, because being a
Christian I didn’t remind myself about this phrase, I just do things according to my emotion and
feelings. Which is a bad thing, a sin rather.
I was upset with so many things, be it spiritual, physical, and mental, but little did I knew
that I’m just hurting myself more. I don’t have the peace in mind and in spirit, thus, the evil spirit
tries to put himself in my weakest point and easily gets emotionally upset and destroyed.
Bryan Tracey said, “Set peace in mind as your highest goal and then organize your life
around it…” Prelim examination is coming near and I have a lot of requirements to pass, I even
got delayed in other major subjects because of depression, so I got emotionally upset that I might
fail. After hearing this message, I taught about it and made a solution. That is to apply the
message, calm myself first and organize things that needs to be done. I made a list of
requirements, and it really helped me to catch up with other subjects.
In John 14:27 and Isaiah 30:15, I should stop making myself upset and be disturb with
anything, but instead be calm and put my trust in God. The fact that, if we keep on getting
depress and full of self-pity, the more upset we get, the more we say and do wrong things. IT
WILL NEVER SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS. Joyce Meyer said, “If we stay calm, it is a sign to
the devil that he can’t control us and that reminds him that he lost the battle. Being calm is a sign
to God for Him to come and deliver us!” In every circumstances that we are having we should
always let ourselves be calm, be still, and trust God more, for we will see miraculous works to be
done in our lives. Just let God prove Himself to us by patiently waiting on Him.
2. With the spiritual nourishment/ message learned or taken through your Religious
involvement, how will you apply this in order for you to become a blessing for
Before anything else, I need to develop my spiritual self, since it’s been a long time that I
didn’t feed my spiritual self with words of God. So, I’ll start again from the beginning by doing
daily devotion and apply it in my life.
In order for me to become a blessing for others, I should repent first to God with my
unintentional and intentional sins. Be a good example for others by letting myself calm and still
in every problems that I’m encountering or to be experience. For example, in arguments I’m
angry with him/her and plan ways to get him back, why not make myself a decision first. Let
them think that I’m wrong even though I’m correct, better forgive them and adjust. The reason
that, it will make it worst and results to suffering. Forgiveness is how you decide on how to treat
someone. Pray for them and that, God moves in and takes care of the situation.
Another thing that needs to ponder is that I should wait for God’s timing. For example,
temptation in buying things that I want and that is when pressure comes in whether buying it or
to lose the opportunity. But this temptation is part of enemy’s tactics to take action without really
thinking what I’m doing. I should think about it and wait. For God will provide if we patiently
wait. Exodus 14: 9, 10-13.
In order for us to have a calming mind, we should keep on studying the words of God,
keep on helping others, keep on attending church services to develop our spiritual selves, and we
should keep our commitments. Keep our minds out in our problems and have a fellowship with
God. Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalms 25:4, Psalms 33: 20-21, vr. 37:34.

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