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Worksheet : Congruency P1 and P2 (2018 - 05)

Q1) The points P, Q, Rand S lie on the circumference of

a circle. PQRS is a trapezium with PQ parallel to SR.
T is the point on SR such that Q ^
PT = 66°, , QT^ R =35°
and TQR^ =79°.

(i) Find PT^ S , giving a reason for your answer. [2]

(ii) Find PT^ Q [1].
(iii) Complete the statements below to show that
triangle PQT^ is congruent to triangle RTQ.

1. Angle PTQ =Angle ..............................

2. Angle PQT =Angle ..............................

3. ................................................................

Triangle PQT is congruent to triangle RTQ.

Congruency condition ................................... [3]

Answer Q6 (c) 4024/21/M/J/18 (i) 66°alternate (ii) 79° (iii) RQT, RTQ , QT is common , AAS

Q2) These two triangles are congruent. The lengths are in centimetres, correct to the
nearest 0.1cm. Find p and q [2]

Answer 4024/12/M/J/15
Q10) p= 3.8 q= 77°

Q3) These two quadrilaterals are congruent. The lengths are in millimetres. Find the values of
𝓍, 𝓎 and z. [3]
Answer 4024/12/O/N/15 Q13
𝓍 = 45 𝓎 = 20 z= 115
Q4) (a) In triangle ABC, D is the point on BC such that AD bisects B ^
AC and
E is the point on AB such that AE = AC. (i) Show that triangles AED and ACD are
congruent. [3]

(ii) Given that A ^ D

= 𝓍 ,E ^
DB = 𝓎 ,
ACB = z° , find 𝓍 in terms of 𝓎 and z. [2]
(b)In triangle PQR ,QS bisects P ^ R and RS
bisects P ^ Q , P ^ R = 42 and P ^ Q = 54 . Find
reflex angle Q ^SR. [2]

Answer 4024/21/O/N/13 Q7)(a)(i) angle EAD = angle DAC (AD is angle bisector) AD
common , AE = AC (given ) SAS (ii) (𝓍 =) z– y (b)228

Q5) A circle centre P and a circle centre Q intersect at R and S.

(i) Show that triangle PRQ is congruent to triangle PSQ. [3]
(ii) RS and PQ intersect at T.
(a) State the name of the special quadrilateral PRQS. [1]
(b) Find PT^ R [1]

4024/22/O/N/13 Q4) (i) PR = PS (radius) , RQ = QS

PQ = PQ (common side ) , SSS
(ii) Kite (iii) 90°

Q6) These two triangles are congruent.

The lengths are in centimetres. Find m and n. [2]

Answer 4024/11/M/J/12 Q8) m= 9 n = 11

Q7) ABCD is a square. AP= BQ= CR= DS.

(a) Giving reasons, show that triangles PAS and QBP are
congruent. [3]
Answer 4024/22/O/N/12 Q10(a) PA = BQ (Given) , AS = PB
A = ^B = 90° (square) SSS
(as ABCD is a square), ^

Q8) The diagram shows two circles, both with

centre O.
CD is a diameter of the small circle and AB is a
diameter of the large circle.
Using congruent triangles, show that BD= AC.
State your reasons clearly. [3]

Answer 4024/11/M/J/10 Q11) In triangle AOC

and BOD, CO = OD (radius )or AO = OB (radius) and AÔC= BÔD (vertically opposite angles )
hence by SAS triangle AOC is congruent to triangle BOD, hence AC = BD

Q9) (a) In the diagram, ABC is an equilateral triangle.

The points P, Q and R lie on AB, BC and CA respectively, such that
(i) Show that triangles APR, BQP and CRQ are congruent [3]
(ii) It is given that AB= 5 cm and PQ= 4 cm .
area of triangle PQR
(a)Find [1]
area of triangle ABC
areaof triangle APR
(b)Find [1]
area of triangle ABC
Answer 4024/21/O/N/11 Q7) (a)(i)AP = BQ = RC (given) , PB = QC = RA (equilateral triangle ) ^
^ = 60° (equilateral triangle ) , SAS (ii) (a)16/25 (b)3/ 25
= ^B = C

Q10) In Diagram I, ABCD is a square. P and Q are the

midpoints of AD and AB respectively.
(a) Show that triangles APB and BQC are congruent. [3]

Answer 4024/22/O/N/11 Q9 (a) A= B( = 90) (square) , AP

=BQ (P and Q are the midpoints of same length) , AB = BC
(square) SAS

Q11) In the diagram, LM̂ Q = QM̂ N = MN̂ P = PN̂ L.

(a) Show that triangles LMQ and LNP are congruent.
(b) Show that MP̂ N= MQ̂ N. [1]
(c) The straight lines MQ and NP intersect at R.
State the name of the special quadrilateral LPRQ.[1]
Answer 4024/01/M/J/09 Q19)
(a) LM= LN (isosceles triangle) , ^L (common angle)
and L ^M Q = L^
NP (given), AAS
(b) P ^
RM = Q ^RM (vertically opposite angles) and P
M Q = P^ N Q (given)
(c) Kite

Q12) ABCD is a rectangle. Points P, Q, R and S lie on AB, BC, CD and DA respectively such that
AP= CR and QC= SA.
(a) Giving reasons, show that
(i) PB= RD, [1]
(ii) triangle PBQ is congruent to triangle RDS,
(iii) RPˆQ= PRˆS. [3]
(b) State the special name of the quadrilateral PQRS. [1]
Answer 4024/02/O/N/09 Q2) (a)(i) AB – AP = CD – CR (ii) PB = RD and BQ = DS ^B = ^
D = 90° SAS

(iii) angle BPQ = angle DRS , angle RPB = PRD (alt angles) hence RPB – QPB = PRD – SRD
(b) Parallelogram

Q13) The diagram shows a circle, centre

C, of radius 5 cm, and a circle, centre A, of
radius 3 cm.
The circles intersect at X and Y. B is a
point such that AB= 5 cm and BC= 3 cm.
(a) Show that triangles ABC and CYA are
(b) Show that the areas of the
quadrilaterals ABCX and AYCX are equal.
(c) State the name of the special
quadrilateral AYCX. [1]

Answer 4024/01/M/J/07 Q19) (a) AY= BC( =3) , CY= AB(=5) AC SSS (b) Area AYC= area ABC
(Add ACX) AYCX= ABCX (c)Kite

Q14) The diagram shows a rectangle ABCD.

Triangles ABX and BCY are equilateral.
(a) Find angle XBY. [1]
(b) Show that triangles AXD and BXY are congruent. [3]
(c) Show that angle DXY = 60°. [2]
(d) Show that triangle DXY is equilateral. [2]
Answer 4024/02/O/N/06 (a)150 (b) AD = BC = BY , AX
= BX , angle XAD = XBY = 150 , SAS (c)angle AXD = BXY ,
convincingly show DXY = 60 = AXB
(d) DX = XY correctly conclude triangle DXY is equilateral
Q5) (b) Three trapezia, each congruent to PQRS, are
placed together as shown.
Show that KDF is an equilateral triangle. [1]
(c) Given also that BC= 1 m, AB= 4 m and DC= 5 m, find

(i) the length of GB, [1]

(ii) the ratio Area ∆KDF: Area ∆HGB, [2]

(iii) the shaded area as a fraction of the area of ∆KDF.[1]

Answer 4024/01/M/J/05 Q25 (b) D =F =K(= 60) Or DC

+CF =FE +EK = KA +AD (c) (i) 3 (m) (ii) 4:1 (iii) 3:4

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