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My favourite food

I have many preferences regarding food, but among the numerous kinds of food, my favourite is pizza.  It tastes really fabulous.  Most

kids, even adults, love to eat pizza.  Pizza originated from Italy and was a basic part of the Italian diet. In fact, the world’s first pizzeria opened

in Naples, Italy in 1738.

Through the centuries, pizzas have revolutionised from just plain dough and tomato sauce into 4-in-1 pizzas.  That means you can

choose four different flavours and only pay for one pizza.  In other words, you don’t have to order four pizzas.  Isn’t that amazing?

I like to have pizzas straight from the oven when they are still soft in the middle and crispy at the sides.  I love to eat the crispy crust

most.  Furthermore, the heavenly aroma always tickles my nostrils whenever it is freshly out from the oven.  It never fails to make me feel

hungry even if I have just had a heavy meal.

When I bite a slice of pizza, I can feel the explosion of flavours in my mouth.  It is cheesy and there are mushrooms, diced vegetables,

tomato sauce with cheese inside.  I would never grow tired of eating pizza.

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