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■Step 2: Make a recording of the instructor's script (red text)

and save the audio

*What you are going to record is the abridged version, so it is shorter than the
regular script. It has a reading time of about 5-8 minutes.

〔Links you will need to use〕

 ・The abridged version of the material is
                   (→ID/PW: NCsapu00)
 ・Click here for the recording site.
  *Click here for a sample recording.

〔Steps for Recording, saving, and uploading〕

①Press the record button (the Red button) to make

your recording. When the recording is complete,
press the Stop button to save it.


※When saving, be sure to add your name and NC ID.
Example: Alice, ID:1100333 -> Alice 1100333
② Go to Google Drive ( and click
"New". Find your recording and upload it to Drive.
③Get the sharing link. Click right-click on the file and
select "Anyone with the link" and copy the link.

This is a very important point.

Be sure to select "Anyone with the link" to allow other people to have
access to your recording, as shown in the image below.
Please note that submitted recordings that are “Restricted” will not be

The provided link will be used right after this, so it would be useful to
copy and paste it in a memo or notepad.

Thank you for your time!

Now let's move on to the last step, the quiz.

Please close this document and go back to the email.

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