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Definition of Physical Change: Physical change is a process in which the substance experiences
change in its physical properties like shape, size, colour, volume, appearance, state (i.e. solid,
liquid, gas), etc., that, without making any change in their molecular composition. These changes
are volatile in; that can be reversed using simple physical methods. The same element or
compound exists prior, or after change, i.e. original characteristics of the object remain
unchanged. For example, melting of wax, boiling of water, dissolving of sugar in water,
chopping wood, crumpling of paper, etc.

Definition of Chemical Change: Chemical Change is defined as the process in which the atoms
of one or more substances are rearranged or combined to form a new substance. When a
substance undergoes chemical change, the chemical properties of the substance changes and it is
transformed into a different substance with different chemical composition. Evolution of energy,
the formation of bubbles, change in odour, change in temperature are some signs of chemical
change. Chemical change is a chemical reaction and because of the formation of the new
product; once the chemical change takes place, it cannot be reversed. For example, adding
vinegar to baking soda, bleaching a stain, fermenting of grapes, etc.

Table 1: Comparison Chart


Meaning Physical change refers to a change Chemical Change is a process in which the
in which the molecules are substance transforms into a new substance,
rearranged but their internal having different chemical composition.
composition remains same.

Example Tearing of paper, melting/freezing Burning of wood/trees/paper, rusting of iron,

of water, cutting of trees, etc. setting of curd, etc.

Nature Reversible Irreversible

Original matter Can be recovered Cannot be recovered

Involves Change in physical properties of the Change in chemical properties and composition
substance, i.e. shape, size, color etc. of the substance.

Product Formation No new product is formed. New product is formed.

Energy Absorption and evolution of energy Absorption and evolution of energy take place,
do not take place. during reaction.


Use the pictures above and what you know about physical and chemical changes, to group the
reactions into Physical Changes and Chemical Changes. Record your data in the chart below.

Physical Change Chemical Change

Ice Melting Frying Eggs
Glass Breaking Lighting a Match
Slicing Bread Rusty Nails
Cracking Eggs Toast
Roasting Marshmallows

Task 2: Physical and Chemical Changes 

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

In chemistry, it is important to distinguish between physical and chemical changes. Chemical

changes produce a new substance. During a chemical change, particles collide and reform in
different ways. Chemical changes include any chemical reactions and these always produce new
substances. What happens in a chemical change is the particles heat up and reform in different

Physical changes happen when a substance changes state or form.

Key Differences Between Physical Change and Chemical Change

The points given below discusses significant differences between physical change and chemical

1. A change in which the molecules are rearranged, but their internal composition remains
same is called Physical Change. A process in which the substance transforms into a new
substance, having a different chemical composition, it is known as Chemical Change.
2. Some common examples of physical change vaporization, condensation,
freezing/melting/boiling of water. On the contrary, the examples of chemical change are
combustion, metabolism, cooking of egg, etc.
3. Physical change is a temporary; they are easily reversible. As against this, the chemical
change is permanent in nature, i.e. they cannot be reversed, even by reversing conditions.
4. In the physical change, only the form of the substance is changed, but no new product is
formed. On the other hand, when there is a chemical reaction, a completely different
product is formed, whose properties are completely different from that of the reacting

5. In a physical change, the original matter can be recovered, by simple physical methods.
As opposed, in chemical change the original matter no longer exist, and so it cannot be
6. In the physical change, change in the physical attributes of the substance is observed,
such as shape, size, appearance, texture, odour, density and so on. Conversely, chemical
change involves the change in chemical properties of the substance, i.e. change in its
chemical nature.
7. In the physical change, no or very little amount of energy is absorbed or given out as
heat, light or sound energy. Unlike chemical change, wherein enormous energy is
absorbed or given out as heat, light or sound energy

Task 3

Click in the linoit link:

and write a paragraph about the difference between a chemical and a physical change. You need
to select a sticky note and then post your work. It is important that you enter your name here.
Give example of each.

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