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I. Learning Objectives I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Define what is matter. 1. Identify the differences between a solid, a liquid, and
a gas.
2. Identify and describe the three states of matter;
solid, liquid, and gas. 2. Understand how one state of matter can change to
3. Classify objects and materials according to the three
states of matter. 3. Identify and list examples of the different process of
the changes of state of matter.

II. Subject Matter II. Subject Matter

Topic: Matter (States of Matter) Topic: Matter (States of Matter)

Context: Definition of Matter and Three States of Context: The differences of three states of Matter, How
Matter Changes of One State of Matter that Change into
Another, and The different process for the different
Materials: picture, real object, laptop changes of state of matter.

References: K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide , page 17 Materials:picture, laptop

of 203, Learning Materials and equipment technical
specifications may be accessed at References: K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide August 2016, Page 48 of 203, Learning Materials and
equipment technical specifications may be accessed at ,,

III. Learning Procedure III. Learning Procedure

Engage Engage

Give some clue to students about the lesson. Give some clue to students about the lesson.

Let the students watch, and dance while singing. Let the students watch, and dance while singing.

Explore Explore

Ask the students questions like: Ask the students like:

1. What did you see inside our classroom? 1. What did you see or observe when you put a water
inside the refrigerator?
2. What about inside the jar or a container?
2. What did you observe when you buy and eat an ice
3. What did you observe inside a ballon? cream?

3. How about when you boil a water?

Explain Explain

Present a real object that represents the three state of Present a video about the States of Matter and changes
matter and ask them their observation. of state.

Explain to students what is matter and the three states

of it. Give example for each state or phase.
Explain the differences of the three states of matter,
• Matter is anything that ccupies space and has weight how one form of matter can change into another and
or mass. the different process for the different changes of state
of matter.
• Three States of Matter

1. Solids- have definite shapes that occupy definite

spaces. Solids can be held and seen. Example: Stone,
and ball

2. Liquid- takes the shape of its container but its volume

does not change. Example: Water and softdrinks.

3. Gas- takes shape of its container, fills its container

and the particles far apart. Example: Air and oxygen.

• Matter can change states. Solids can become liquids,

and liquids can change to solids. Liquids can become
gases, and gases can become liquids. This happen
because of heat. Heat is either added to or removed
from matter to cause state changes.

• Changes of State of Matter:

1. Melting- the process by which a substance changes

from the solid phase to the liquid phase. Example:
melting ice cream

2. Freezing- the process by which a substance changes

from the liquid phase to the solid phase. Example: ice

3. Evaporation- the process by which a substance

changes from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase.
Example: Everytime we boil water

4. Condensation- the process by which a substance

changes from the gaseous phase to the liquid phase.
Example: Rain

5. Sublimation- the transition of the solid phase to the

gaseous phase without passing the intermediate liquid
phase. Example: Dry ice

6. Deposition- the phase transition in which gas

transforms into solid without passing through the liquid
phase. Example: Snow

States example of each Changes of State of Matter.

Elaborate Elaborate

Group the students into 2 and give them the following Group the students into 2 and give them the following
task to do with an allotted time. task to do with an allotted time.

List some objects for each phase or state of matter. Group 1: List an objects for each changes of state
matter(freezing, melting, evaporation).

Group 2: List an objects for each changes of state

matter(condensation, sublimation).

Evaluate Evaluate

Give students an activity with an alloted time. Give students an activity with an alloted time.
Write S if the object is solid, L if it is liquid and G if it is 1. What is the change of state from a solid to a liquid?
2. What is the change of state from a liquid to a solid?

3. What is the change of state from a liquid to a gas?

4. What is vaporization that takes place below and at

1. the surface of a liquid?

5. What is it called when water vapor changes into

liquid droplets?





IV. Assignment IV. Assignment

Let the students copy their assignment. 1.Indentify something in your body that is a solid,
something that is a liquid, and something that is a gas.
Cut out 3 pictures for each phase of matter. Paste it on
your notebook 2.How could you make one state of matter change to
another? Give two examples.

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