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Muscles of each exercise

Plank: Quadriceps, abdominaux, deltoïdes

Push up: Deltoïdes, abdominaux, pectoraux, triceps
Chaise: Quadriceps, ischio-jambiers, fessiers, mollet
Gainage superman : Mollet, ischio-jambiers, fessiers, lombaires, abdominaux
Gainage sur le côté : Deltoïdes, triceps, lombaires, abdominaux

Nom Fréquence Fréquence cardiaque Nom des Fiche de Videos

cardiaque au repos après chaque exercice muscles entrainment
travaille (training sheet)
Wassim Not sent Not sent Not sent Not correct Sent incomplete. Sent
only warm up
Meryame 93 bpm Plank: 150 bpm Correct Correct Correct
Push-ups: 152 bpm
Chair: 153 bpm
Superman: 153 bpm
Side plank: 154 bpm
Guida 88 bpm Plank: 132 bpm Correct Correct Correct
Push-ups: 136 bpm
Chair: 132 bpm
Superman: 110 bpm
Side plank: 120 bpm
Fouad 84 bpm Plank: 112 bpm Correct Correct Correct
Push-ups: 128 bpm
Chair: 92 bpm
Superman: 124 bpm
Side plank: 144 bpm
Seif 76 bpm Plank: 160 bpm Not sent Sent incomplete Correct
Push-ups: 150 bpm
Chair: 144 bpm
Superman: 148 bpm
Side plank: 152 bpm
Malak Not sent Plank: 108 bpm Sent Sent incomplete Sent 1 set of 3.
Push-ups: 99 bpm Workout incomplete
Chair: 115 bpm
Superman: 113 bpm
Side plank: 106 bpm
Houda 100 bpm Plank: 135 bpm
Push-ups: 140 bpm Sent Correct Correct
Chair: 155 bpm
Superman: 160 bpm
Side plank: 150 bpm
Abdelmalik 92 bpm Plank: 104 bpm Sent Correct Correct
Push-ups: 112 bpm
Chair: 124 bpm
Superman: 116 bpm
Side plank: 116 bpm
Hamza 71 bpm Plank: 86 bpm Sent Correct Correct
Push-ups: 78 bpm
Chair: 74 bpm
Superman: 72 bpm
Side plank: 83 bpm
Ali 80 bpm Plank: 150 bpm Not sent Incomplete Sent 1 set of 3.
Push-ups: 160 bpm Workout incomplete
Chair: 120 bpm
Superman: 130 bpm
Side plank: 150 bpm

Amine K. 69 bpm Plank: 75 bpm Correct Correct Correct

Push-ups: 103 bpm
Chair: 73 bpm
Superman: 80 bpm
Side plank: 80 bpm
Alia 88 bpm Plank: 104 bpm Sent Correct Correct
Push-ups: 144 bpm
Chair: 148 bpm
Superman: 116 bpm
Side plank: 104 bpm
Maya 90 bpm Plank: 120 bpm Not sent Sent incomplete Correct
Push-ups: 122 bpm
Chair: 130 bpm
Superman: 120 bpm
Side plank: 120 bpm
Mariam M. Not sent Plank: 30 bpm Correct Sent Incomplete
Push-ups: 25 bpm
Chair: 20 bpm
Superman: 24 bpm
Side plank: 25 bpm
Nour Smiri 100 bpm Plank: 116 bpm Sent Correct Correct
Push-ups: 132 bpm
Chair: 112 bpm
Superman: 112 bpm
Side plank: 92 bpm
Meliha 67 bpm Plank: 88 bpm Correct Correct Correct
Push-ups: 96 bpm
Chair: 92 bpm
Superman: 99 bpm
Side plank: 84 bpm
Haya 68 bpm Plank: 26 bpm Correct Sent Correct
Push-ups: 25 bpm
Chair: 22 bpm
Superman: 31 bpm
Side plank: 30 bpm
Mohamad 72 bpm Plank: 136 bpm Sent Correct Correct
Push-ups: 133 bpm
Chair: 115 bpm
Superman: 123 bpm
Side plank: 116 bpm
Hala Not sent Not sent Not sent Not sent Not sent

Issam Not sent Not sent Not sent Not sent Workout incomplete
Nour Hamael Not sent Plank: 108 bpm Incomplete Sent Sent 1 set of 3.
Push-ups: 100 bpm Workout incomplete
Chair: 105 bpm
Superman: 104 bpm
Side plank: 108 bpm
Amine Jebali 67 bpm Plank: 73 bpm Not sent Sent incomplete Correct
Push-ups: 92 bpm
Chair: 111 bpm
Superman: 123 bpm
Side plank: 120 bpm

The workouts and the training sheet that have not been sent on time (11h40) will be accepted but considered late

Competence D2. Les méthodes et outils pour apprendre

1. La capacité à rendre le travail dans le temps impartis. Remise des travaux: L'élève envoie
toujours ses travaux dans les temps impartis.
2. Autonomie dans le travail: L'élève s'approprie les consignes en mobilisant ses acquis.

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