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Percenta No. of
Objectives CODE Item Placement
ge Items

relate triangles to quadrilaterals 25% 5 1-5

relate one quadrilateral to another (M4GE-IIId-

25% 5 6-10
quadrilateral 18.2)

Determining missing term/s in a 5) 25% 5 11-15
sequence of numbers

Finding the missing number/s in an (M4AL-IIIe-

equation involving properties of 13) 25% 5 16=20

Total 100 20 1 – 20

Name :____________________________________________________ Grade and Section:_________

I. Answer the following questions. Write a check (✓) if your answer is yes, and cross (✖) if it is no,
Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

___ 1. Is any 3-sided polygon a triangle?

___ 2. Is any 4-sided polygon a quadrilateral?
___ 3. Can a quadrilateral be divided into 2 triangles?
___ 4. Do all triangles have 3 equal sides and 3 angles?
___ 5. Do all quadrilaterals have 4 sides and 4 angles?

II. Write the letter of the correct answers on a sheet of paper.

_____6. What is the truth about squares and rectangles?
I. All angles are congruent
II. All angles are congruent
III. Adjacent sides have common vertex
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II, and III
_____7. Which statement proves that a quadrilateral is a rhombus?
A. There is no line of symmetry.
B. All four sides are congruent.
C. The diagonals bisect each other.
D. The diagonals are perpendicular.
_____8. Which statement about quadrilateral is true?
A. All rectangles are always squares.
B. All trapezoids are always rhombuses.
C. All rectangles are always rhombuses.
D. All rectangles are always parallelogram.
_____9. All quadrilaterals are parallelogram.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Sometimes
_____10. Look at the figure. Rectangle RACE is a special kind of parallelogram because?
A. Its diagonals are congruent in length.
B. All of its angles are 90 degrees in measure.
C. It has all the properties of a parallelogram.
D. All of the above

II. A. Determine the missing term/s in the given number sequence.

_____11.) 38, 46, ___, 62, ___, 78

A. 54, 72 B. 54, 70 C. 50, 72 D. 50, 74
_____ 12.) 15, 30, ___, 60, ___
A. 45, 75 B. 40, 70 C. 15, 70 D. 15, 60
______13.) 91, 85, ___, 73, ___, 61
A. 79, 67 B. 78, 63 C. 77, 66 D. 76, 69
_____14.) 34, 39, ___, ___, 54, 59
A. 49, 44 B. 45, 49 C. 44, 49 D. 40, 55
_____15.) 78, ___, 72, 69, ___, 63
A. 77, 65 B. 76, 64 C. 75, 66 D. 74, 65
B. Find the missing number/s in the given equation. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
_____16.) ( 29 + ___ ) + ( 12 + 9 ) = ( ___ + 12 ) + ( 8 + 29 )
A. 8, 9 B. 9, 29 C. 10, 9 D. 11, 12
_____17.) 5 ( 3 + 4 ) = ( ___ x 3 ) + ( 5 x ___ )
A. 4, 3 B. 5, 4 C. 6, 3 D. 15, 20
_____18.) ( 17 + 6 ) + 8 = 17 + ( ___ + ___ )
A. 3, 8 B. 4, 17 C. 5, 17 D. 6, 8
_____19.) 6 + 5 = ___ + 6
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
_____20.) 829 x ___ = 829
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7


I. II.
1. ✓
2. ✓ 11.B 14. C
3. ✓ 12.A 15. C
4. X 13.A
5. ✓
6. A.
7. B. 16.A 19. B
8. D 17.B 20. A
9. A. 18.D
10. D.

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