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Name : Muchamad Zidane Zovanka

NPM : 0620104020
Assignment-01 (Read Modul 1from page 1-4!)
Watch video #1 (page 3 in Modul 1) then answer these questions!

1. What is the name of the young entrepreneur?

2.How old did he start his business?

3.What are the names of his companies?

4.What is his current position?

5.Why did he start his business

6.What lessons did he learn from running his business?

7.What was the motivation that kept him going?

8.What did his friend/franchisee think of him?

9.What was the biggest obstacle in running his business?

10.How did he overcome his obstacle?

Watch video #2 (page 4 in Modul 1) then answer these questions!

1.What is the name of the young entrepreneur?

2.How old was she when she started her business?

3.What is her company about?

4.What is his current position?

5.Why did she start her business?

6.What lessons did she learn from running his business?

7.What was the motivation that kept her going?

8.What did her mentor think of her?

9.What were the obstacles in running her business?

10.How did she overcome her obstacles?

Answer video 1

1. Jack Bruno

2. Eight years old

3. Jack Stand

4. CEO

5. He watns a Lego Star Wars Death Star, but it cost $400

6. What the business entailed and all the revenue expenses profit and tips and there was a great
learning experience

7. He started reaching out to other kids so that they could operate my stands and market places

8. Jack really nice he’s really professional he. He likes things done and he knows the way to get
theme done so he’s very good at what he does.

9. At first he was really shy

10. After my first year at my stands, my dad and the farmer’s market manager really helped me
to understand what the business entailed

Answer video 2

1. Ricky Lee

2. 13 year old

3. Aquaponik

4. Entrepreneurship

5. She’s aspiring to be a marine biologist and in the passion for aquaponics grabbed.

6. she's a hard worker

7. she has big dreams

8.The fact at the moment is a hurdle in the way in what she wants accomplish she’s got big
dreams i don’t this it’s necessarily dreams i think it is reachable targets so we will work with her
in guiding and mentoring her now to get there and trying to see if we can get the capital fir to be
able to do that.
9. She facing while running farm is electricity. Electricity is really expensive so she trying to get
over a gate off the grid by using solar and then also water what is very and expensive so she
trying to recirculate and pull through the water another challenge is temperature the fishes
optimum temperature is around about 27 to 28 degrees

10. Electricity is really expensive so she trying to get over a gate off the grid by using solar. and
then also water what is very and expensive so she trying to recirculate. and pull through the
water another challenge is temperature the fishes optimum temperature is around about 27 to 28

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