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Case Study: The Making of the Brooklyn Bluebirds

Question.1: In this case there are two basic conflicts: individual and procedural conflicts. The

individual conflict is because of the differences in personalities of two individuals. For example

the difference between the personalities of Mickey and his head coach. While on the other hand

the procedural conflict is because of the move the head coach has made by benching two of his

best players. The entire team including the owner of the team is upset because of this move. The

procedural conflict arises when there is a difference of opinion about how the work should be


Question.2: The conflict is both functional and dysfunctional. With the perspective of

management and the owner of the team, the conflict is a dysfunctional. Dysfunctional because it

is against the organizational goals. The coach has benched 2 of the best players against the

consensus of team and owner. On the other hand with the perspective of coach, this conflict is a

functional because it is resulting in the benching of best players to meet the organizational goals.

Question.3: If I were hired to examine the situation and resolve the conflict then I would first go

with analyzing the causes of conflict after knowing the types of conflict. I want asked all of the

members to play their part and convey their viewpoint. Once, the parent causes are known, I

want to go for the root causes of conflict lying in the organization. After that, I would go for the

negotiation phase in order to take all of the members on board and get their consensus. The next

phase is to adopt a strategy for working such as win-win approach show that all of the parties are

happy with the resolution. It would convey the message to both team players and coach that all

of them are committed to the organizational goals instead of individual benefits.

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